一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1. Output is the language that a learner in his/her speaking or writing.
; Q. |' |0 S5 v% P8 J: A2 `' g* X& pA. produces
" m. P$ i% l3 p+ ~B. produce
7 l) [- I j e* d2 E3 |8 `& d$ l# {C. product
0 p2 g' I( z; S- ~9 ~; zD. products' l- M8 H! K1 P3 V, i
满分:3 分" k# n8 i% X! e7 J; Q
2. When learners are trying to build up _____about the target language on the basis of limited language knowledge and skills, they make errors.
' y# e. ^- X- J7 r2 |A. hypothesis
5 u4 u# J$ h2 ]5 EB. thinking
) t1 X5 A. `4 n! _5 e5 Z. pC. beliefs5 F! k* C: O1 i
D. believes
5 m" s" ^ M4 S 满分:3 分. V/ m1 b1 r* D* w7 t! M1 Z& u3 a
3. To enable students also refers to facilitate students’ ______ development and social abilities. A teacher’s work involves students who are the future of the society., N& W: n+ v. H
A. personality
3 u. K& L3 v" U- R$ d$ fB. personal+ s( m" W4 r( ]# D! n, o
C. person’s. r3 t. p2 E: |( D7 B* {$ z. F
D. person
H; ^( T y9 L& [0 Z8 } 满分:3 分
/ D- T& f2 K2 e. [ w4. ______ can be dictation or taking detailed note or trying to understand all detailed information.# q: C! V$ n" q r/ h
A. Extensive reading
* ^" O6 y& G+ ^* e. Q! k( N2 m N! DB. Intensive listening. n7 n4 ~$ n7 ~. L0 I* C
C. Extensive listening) v& N3 A+ j7 {% E4 ^
D. Intensive reading
+ @# r$ l! z4 D 满分:3 分
/ u' Z3 R9 I5 Q- ]& e5. Output is the language that a learner _____ in his/her speaking or writing.
8 H$ J- V R' [9 w0 ?A. produces
- @! c. N3 p0 BB. produce
' J: j$ W! Z2 `) Y- fC. product
. y' c. ]. f, `/ c$ S- `" M6 ID. products/ N3 F7 l6 W+ D* ?0 L! W5 d
满分:3 分6 v5 T8 p& W% y" N; N% W
6. Interaction is a process by which more than two people ______over the language use or material.+ e. G5 X5 Z$ k2 b
A. communication
! w! u" L! d& x& |8 J3 j9 m0 `$ M- MB. communicates! i" S6 m) ]6 w$ u+ `- f/ k6 I
C. communicate; O& H+ n/ O7 l
D. communicating9 C4 I. L) Y" T
满分:3 分! E8 l9 d: g7 q/ |& o
7. Structural speaking activities are designed to practice _____ in oral production.
1 z& I' Y9 M! |: f8 _% w: U1 [- ZA. words
1 U7 W( S+ E1 v9 h0 t7 U1 uB. sounds
6 Q; Q3 J @, r2 l: g( k1 d! ]) A. WC. pronunciation5 i; P# U& ]+ z+ z
D. grammar
/ h; V5 L+ A* x. o 满分:3 分( r, A- ^! `/ n t
8. Reading to get main ideas from a passage with no attempt to understand details is the reading skill of _____
% k% u, p: r7 h) r" |3 fA. scanning- P( j/ Q6 ^8 x z
B. skimming$ ~3 X( l5 P4 r' C- Z, S+ o
C. finding topic sentence4 I& M D4 y' G' v) ^% q" c: s
D. summarizing. R/ L9 y# p% K- P! \
满分:3 分
6 z* J+ r* a4 v9. Vocabulary sense is achieved through ______ in reading and using.
7 {, @9 u# y' F0 LA. Intensive reading% ` i& t, U$ Z: L
B. Vocabulary knowledge
3 f* |# o7 {1 X1 f2 {3 lC. contextual acquisition
# K) Y+ X) s3 a/ HD. Extensive learning
1 V, g. {) g) I# t9 {3 I 满分:3 分: H4 u0 k. o9 [' {# N
10. According to Krashen , although comprehensible input is necessary for acquisition to take place, it is not sufficient, as learners also need to be disposed to ‘let in’ the input they comprehend.
# k# }* i' Q+ `# Z3 C( q+ pA. affectively
* J: m7 s7 w2 l- j% R% vB. effectively
" R, ?" Q* a' b$ m6 O% H6 aC. affective4 N/ c B: t' h0 Y' A( t5 A+ O1 F
D. effective x n! F# B; W) p
满分:3 分 + b! b# |1 ]5 Y: z& H
& B6 q7 T$ Q M, l7 K; m! }6 K: @4 g! \
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1. According to the Silent Way, learning is promoted through _____
- c) R% `9 r3 C" ?A. self-discovery# y! J; K' s4 k4 B
B. relating thinking/ O- h" [1 q1 g, h z; k
C. experiencing by using physical objects: {' B' D" c7 r. w- P( V4 p9 B
D. problem solving
% T$ D& Y" d: \5 l" i4 [( ~* k+ m 满分:3 分, Z# T9 r6 @8 U
2. The syllabus of the Communicative Language Teaching is , centering round situations and topics and organized in communicative activities or tasks.( [0 b# Z- C+ z+ [ `
A. useless
4 x+ E$ _: J! m! `B. instruction# l1 J8 n5 m9 I# ]
C. functional* S4 C) D: ]4 D5 m7 l
D. notional
X) ]* c( x5 }7 t, [; D7 P; [ 满分:3 分. p+ L/ \. u" Y4 { d$ o) {! V
3. Efficient reading requires many skills In order to help our students to be efficient readers. Teachers need to develop their reading skills as follows: .
2 \' ?- M( _1 }) d0 B$ KA. Skimming; Scanning; Finding topic sentence
' g( p9 s3 z, L9 e: _B. Working out supportive details or examples; Predicting what is to come next
$ d, j' `+ T0 _- mC. Guessing meaning from context; Understanding implied ideas; Outlining to find important information; O4 i1 s& c+ E; ^. J' w
D. Summarizing information; Using a graphic organizer to organize information
4 O" P. l9 O0 o9 R 满分:3 分# B7 ?2 k# p' V# F" z. C4 C
4. The reasons why learners encounter difficulties in reading English text could be _____.5 D G# P- J- d1 ~4 f9 e3 [& ]! m
A. linguistic level
) f$ Z8 I9 _: V2 R& |B. discourse structure
; w S0 Z1 q+ v& uC. background information
{5 G' C' Z0 [. a# Q, QD. reading habit and EQ
& ]( Y6 C0 ~% k3 {" m% M" P8 z* `2 T 满分:3 分
. b9 V* a7 w# E8 U0 V/ X0 `5. For both native speakers and non-native speaker, fluency includes _____
+ I" O! ^: v+ ^2 uA. accuracy& l( G1 K8 N' x& R7 ]8 M5 A
B. fluency9 B+ Q" S K! _, \
C. appropriacy
6 C1 q, G4 C+ M( T; Q- pD. aesthetics.! n( Y; }% v$ V5 V2 m5 f$ ]
满分:3 分
, C/ ^$ ^# V$ k3 `8 ~/ X6. The suggestions for vocabulary teaching are _____ .* }- J0 @$ u% X
A. Teaching vocabulary in context; Careful use of Chinese equivalents9 g6 F ]& @# \& {, A( V% r6 _. R
B. Using reading to extend vocabulary; Encouraging using English
9 g' U4 Y. b( o3 i' nC. Focusing more on knowledge of the vocabulary& j5 \, C. x4 N! w/ z5 c' C9 }% ?6 x
D. Making use of “unplanned” vocabulary teaching; Developing efficient learning strategies& [; b2 c0 j: U
满分:3 分
9 z* M$ Y4 ]: } J+ `0 ?! i7. The following _____ are the features of the native input.4 _8 D! V: Z4 K3 o6 X
A. mother talk
' ]6 f* `9 g E) }B. up to date W, r% o& o; F) ?# A8 E1 k8 _/ X
C. not for classroom use
8 B7 v& v; O, [D. interlanguage talk
4 x, N+ L N' o( l" @ 满分:3 分
% C& @+ o6 j* C: d/ a) i8. Richards (1971) provides ( )reasons why learners make mistakes.! d7 `4 V1 q$ M" X( \; |" y2 ^3 ]
A. interference errors$ v. j) q, O( @) N$ M# o e! K- v
B. intralingual errors
) i: {* m) L4 }- B/ q' [C. developmental errors
6 K0 F3 V! J. _' hD. linguistic errors* C* d, E+ M/ N$ G/ _
满分:3 分/ I; Q# d, p: V
9. The objectives of the Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching Method are _____.
$ s9 d, {$ V' l: pA. accuracy5 g3 ^8 J9 l1 ]
B. automatic control of the language
3 Y# o, j' V" u5 D$ ~. ZC. reading and writing comes before oral work' \9 r5 X, ^& h* g( ]' A& k. g- |
D. oral work comes before reading and writing( r' [) y' r+ i+ I6 N/ y9 {' x
满分:3 分
, [5 x1 E( d0 {# {, C% g10. The following _____ contain closed syllables.4 Q/ V' `/ i- `9 A5 ~ _
A. latter# X W: e4 H5 `* e* ~: P' p
B. hoe% k1 x F' C, {- I7 }$ ]3 m
C. sister
( _8 g) t( e1 S: p$ XD. later" f7 n2 \1 Z, B
满分:3 分 * A+ \4 ^& q( Q8 Y: D/ c A
5 p2 E4 L0 U; r: E8 e
三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1. To be correct in grammar and vocabulary is of utmost importance when you write.8 @: Q% f8 C7 \( k( N T; l: o
A. 错误
; B8 {+ I5 I& m, D# D+ ]- O& l- rB. 正确
2 P& |9 u) h; d+ E 满分:2 分8 U2 b. ?6 v( x* p) b# ]3 h. y
2. L1 vocabulary and L2 vocabulary share a lot in common.
/ m' O" ^# r- b. q! C* cA. 错误
% o W, J) r( r; g; h# ?! fB. 正确 C. `5 N; }* ]1 D
满分:2 分9 y3 Q8 e8 k+ G# R* O" K0 [
3. A teacher should facilitate students’ personality development and social abilities to enable students./ y# P% N8 v% L* L8 X- E' c' C
A. 错误- Q7 w6 d0 s2 f7 A. Y2 h
B. 正确
0 A0 g- z1 K4 A" o4 y. L) D0 t 满分:2 分
+ Z6 q5 L* C W; O/ I6 R- O, @4. Teachers should build up learners’ awareness of genre writing.
. }, b k, C5 E" I+ s1 d- ^ S* g# }A. 错误
0 T. R9 o: L6 q! oB. 正确
$ p* N! w, u( y" Y* G0 T$ C 满分:2 分+ \! l0 u; r J4 M3 |' {- g$ p' ?2 x
5. Grammar can guarantee accuracy in speaking and writing the language.$ [$ y/ K7 D; r9 S' P. x
A. 错误
. |7 `. W" V: N4 M# ?1 eB. 正确
" ~4 k( u! G. p; f. H 满分:2 分# J$ z( S+ N" [& J
6. Learning vocabulary by using Chinese equivalents cannot be a problem because it does not hinder English thinking and mastering vocabulary contextual and affective meanings.1 q! v# I6 ^' I
A. 错误
4 \4 _; [3 `* z9 bB. 正确
' J; x( ]/ W& r3 e' c% c9 r 满分:2 分. ~+ \5 S2 m5 [& n; I' T
7. Making errors is a conspicuous part of language learning.
& F9 g7 v Z1 c" r* K7 P! H# FA. 错误* Y. @2 v0 n6 z2 A9 E5 m
B. 正确) j) m4 r, l: S
满分:2 分
/ [; ~. U. A; o9 o# R9 ~" @8. The activities in the Suggestopedia class are listening, reading, acting out the material in a dramatic manner etc. with background music." l& G3 ^, {; S. W, x) }9 ~6 b
A. 错误9 Z' C* P, a1 O/ @9 M( l. m; Y
B. 正确
- h( U' N, _. a+ e3 V5 R3 B `# q: T 满分:2 分6 L" S- \/ V5 n- H7 t, _
9. Verb tense, word order, punctuation, capitalization are called Linguistic taxonomy of errors.
* ^, j- ] q: O* l* X& F, tA. 错误
: g+ F5 `, w. Q8 C; ^B. 正确
6 \: u7 S+ C6 ?3 o/ {7 i4 J 满分:2 分9 f1 Z: M! \+ @1 T3 A
10. The top-down approach to reading gives a sense of perspective and makes use of all that the reader brings to the text: prior knowledge, common sense, etc, which have sometimes been undervalued in the reading class.
7 W6 z# f! c- U; \2 P' o- mA. 错误& ^ h- u5 a' D: B3 d8 y2 a
B. 正确+ M5 F. _2 s/ A: B9 B* {
满分:2 分, k* k, j- N: m
11. Top-down and bottom-up processes can be the means used to improve listening ability.
* p% @4 {* h k. Q, e( {: H- mA. 错误
, J8 p. q8 }& }1 KB. 正确- ^" j6 `! I. i4 M# }4 K4 ~/ G H
满分:2 分6 P, k3 S/ z1 E2 b f
12. A good language teacher should possess four basic qualities: .a good language user, an effective language analyst, a skillful means employer and an enabler. p: C9 v! y: r: g9 ]9 t% G0 j9 E
A. 错误. L$ h/ k& A) h; ?
B. 正确) P2 m+ U* g2 s% f$ [- D1 I2 U
满分:2 分2 t' d2 E9 v/ p; Z& i6 E9 C/ Y! }5 O
13. According to the Community Language Learning, the teacher is a judge rather than a knower or a supporter.
0 b0 i( d) u* U, [6 pA. 错误8 P1 o ^8 k! z* [- l# S9 H
B. 正确 [$ N7 _) F+ }' x7 o& H
满分:2 分4 g5 f- F L, b5 r
14. Voiceless sounds are the ones produced when the vocal sounds do not vibrate.* a& a$ c" o0 x
A. 错误
- Y5 a7 ~) E. p2 y! V( M) NB. 正确3 a0 _/ Y$ e5 m6 h! ^* ]* B
满分:2 分& v1 T/ s I+ t2 G3 R* g# O
15. According to the Audiolingual Method, the native language is used in classroom instruction in presenting and explaining the target language and comparing the similarities and differences between the native language and the target language.
" E% H5 q! C: ~, ^. [6 K+ p. TA. 错误4 V) D( v- Y% T; S- R! {) a
B. 正确. {9 j$ @# \+ `) a/ Z
满分:2 分# s8 B" {7 U1 f6 n8 S
16. Extensive learning is to study words systematically.
$ j6 D2 z0 Q# p7 P/ o$ B3 SA. 错误# |- \- A) H' V
B. 正确
/ x5 Z9 N- k# `( \- r9 \ 满分:2 分$ s0 b# H; c' E3 a. f L5 k' B
17. Reading to locate a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage is scanning.
& B+ C, k5 k, QA. 错误" ~, l7 s( f3 t2 i
B. 正确& z, _$ y& V8 k: F* i2 j
满分:2 分
, J# F2 b) L1 |8 k E: U% `18. The bottom-up processing of reading can be used as a corrective to ‘tunnel vision’ (seeing things only from our own limited point of view).
7 X$ G& U ?* [# c% yA. 错误. V' N, D6 u- L+ l! [3 q
B. 正确$ q0 N, j$ N! z% f+ A& E( T
满分:2 分0 o$ e3 }8 F) n7 M7 U
19. If the teacher employs the Direct Method, speaking and listening are excluded in teaching.% W% J0 i* w' ^- |
A. 错误
% P1 T& i# P0 J- W( d+ N2 @; Y- WB. 正确
- g' u6 [$ O6 w+ x" z9 R' N4 d 满分:2 分
" y7 ~# o+ G- ?20. Writing is only about language expression.
+ t5 i% m6 G- O9 v) d' IA. 错误
( b& y: C1 Y+ w! Q/ MB. 正确4 K+ ]2 D, \% S
满分:2 分
{; e/ {2 Q' O- B2 ~5 M8 v& j
! E% w& X8 [- A' `3 v' `' ` |