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发表于 2011-7-24 20:20:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选: W- n0 y6 H5 m9 f9 B1 E
从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项$ a) f6 @9 \6 ]! [2 X4 w
1. —Is this the motel you mentioned?
7 H% S( h. X" ~0 B—___________           ___.# q! J9 e- }, e4 ?7 A
A. It looks comfortable        ! t- ?0 ^' \6 z. T5 i% A# q( k
B. Yes, it’s as quiet as we expected9 g# e2 _( k' R
C. You’re so considerate      8 e: K7 ?) i9 ~5 E- y0 a- S
D. No, the price’s reasonable 5 W. J4 e' z9 ^6 X. p5 I) i0 o8 n
资料:B& ]5 Q; C" U, v( g1 D) k7 k' c7 c
2 V' r7 u+ z/ |4 K1 H! m& C
2 .- Listen, I’ve really got to run. We'll have to get together again sometime. ! m5 R$ ^3 S' z% g7 ~2 @% {- d
- _________________________________.) _, U" D- f, m; ]( S* h3 Y2 k
A. Yes, it’s great fun. $ o9 ~7 O7 T/ {, s# T
B. Oh, it’s a pity for you.
4 I: g% `; l, w) `. A; v5 z( y+ U; {. RC. OK, when shall we get together again?5 ?$ U$ L% h6 J& a) k
D. Ok, see you.
- [! |. Z' z# O% ~7 `# h资料:C
3 l* S" ~5 c& h* C1 e, M# X1 `1 g$ `* D8 d$ \! Z
3. - Mrs. Johnson, I come to say good-bye. This party was very good.
; H5 h: f! C% N: D# }* f- _________________________________.
* z' w3 Y# p8 V8 ]A. I’m happy you enjoyed it.
& y) S% L) e/ Z! u5 y& C) HB. Do you really like it?
/ X) L5 h% d  J& ^/ U  \7 bC. Have a pleasant journey. I will miss you
' S/ ]2 G- y( ^, V6 S3 {& H+ WD. Why not stay here a little longer?
. ?8 L; H) ~/ Z+ Q3 U% K2 r资料:A
3 s, B. X9 w3 {; d& z8 v9 A, Z1 H- W/ ], _# [9 u* c4 p' S
4.—What’s the problem, Harry? $ y6 @! ]! Z+ M! N1 i6 l7 ]
—________      ________.
* G) Y7 m2 C& ?/ `A. No problem                        
5 t9 d. b' p1 l% D& u! yB. No trouble at all5 [* a- B% M4 {8 R3 Q2 b
C. Thank you for asking me about it     ! m+ c/ |" D- E' n; `; R7 E
D. I can’t remember where I left my glasses
4 j& t6 v) _6 p7 D资料:D
8 K1 z9 m! a* ^2 v8 d
4 j  H( k( O) x4 K' ?5. - Hello, everybody¬¬, _________ a friend of mine.
9 ]  y+ I" _! t5 H/ }  C& W8 v4 d9 l- Glad to meet you. I’m Sam. + Y; ?5 ]! h5 b$ Y6 x
A. He is Jack                        
2 j2 ^9 u7 S8 N$ I6 C3 [$ s( PB. She is Sue% T+ l9 l5 e2 m
C. This is Jack                                ( D( i% o3 a/ G5 \" i
D. You must have met each other before4 u7 Y1 @4 T% L$ J6 x
资料:C" V( y4 e1 ]( ]8 b, e

9 d! A( A+ O% J% M6. - I'm leaving for Europe on business next Saturday. ! u- P) d4 a9 p4 a& c: t6 ]
-_________________________________." k5 n$ K8 s2 z! |) t
A. I’ll miss you.                        
/ k( I  l0 z$ C8 ?B. I hate Europe.6 D4 Q  s9 J' J6 U( A; O
C. You are so lucky.                
9 r6 v8 Z; x1 e: Y: R0 L& u* @( x3 SD. Have a good trip." |! I, U5 {6 Y+ {
资料:D2 M2 ]4 I, h7 R1 W3 }5 Q

8 j  X8 K- ^& a4 Y' I2 @+ x' E3 Y7. - Would you mind my opening this window? It's getting stuffy in here. - W$ k# g  F) y& g( n, j
- _________________________________.
, s' J4 ^  j. B+ b. f: B9 GA. I don’t like it.                         6 N0 S1 v; F6 S" N
B. Not at all, go ahead.
8 I& x* m3 `/ L5 C+ x1 NC. Yes, please.                         3 `$ g2 m* e; T2 F8 A) X
D. Sure, please.5 x2 I! ^' c" n) u& X3 E- r4 `
) z' d- [5 I( W5 U! d5 T7 J- S# l- c. y8 U9 h& a: O
8. They are _________ students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations.
* g9 t9 Y2 U. c1 \  P( EA. so diligent) l1 Y! q  h1 a1 n2 y0 X! e
B. such diligent! m. \/ e1 W8 C, J) {' i
C. so much diligent4 b# s" C3 t- N# {) [4 ]! c
D. such very diligent
" B9 u7 ]9 J' e# J' F; O' T, j# ?资料:B
( v" k( h5 L! }' R/ ^6 y3 b
1 J, {& Y" i2 D# f/ R, q9.—Are you sure about that?
( ~$ O( L6 q9 Q1 ]9 q—______    ________.
1 w: G3 w. x* w2 n" ~& qA. You needn’t worry about that        5 ?; E9 K8 R' F/ z
B. I like the idea, D1 V5 \& t# q& M3 @. Y' \" a( e
C. Oh, no. I’m afraid of that            
& g/ H1 U4 P0 c6 J  ED. Oh, yes. I’m absolutely positive
) X+ f- f2 H# g) o2 }* S- Y$ j& s  m3 f资料:D# B# v6 u3 M0 _8 v5 k) K

) B' k' d" }6 f+ y10. - Can you turn down the radio , please? I’m preparing the final exams.
: l, `- h8 c  f4 k6 v( V-  _________________________________.( }1 L  z7 [( t' m4 c) |
A. Oh, I know.
* o- U) D0 _' L' p- f) k2 nB. Please forgive me.7 h' E2 ~8 Y. g: s
C. Sorry, I’ll keep it down next time.
. y8 `3 u# W* F6 E. i1 E  \; QD. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was so loud.6 A8 e6 q( y9 I% k
资料:D5 b) W" @% Y7 n1 f' W. O1 [; o
   , `7 e$ O, V% f( b& e
11. More and more people in China now __________ to work regularly.
* ~- X. T0 ^8 |5 IA. drive
0 l, U4 N9 n( O' ]4 m$ fB. drives& O% q4 p9 z% L; ]. m6 x+ y, c
C. drove
! q0 {  I  U/ }- \D. have driven
& o' d- q. c6 w  ~/ t1 o8 I! r资料:A$ W- A, B+ X+ x0 k% O2 x* o/ l

0 L& l: x5 J2 S+ q' A; V12. In the fifties last century, many new cities __________ in the desert.
" B' n, @9 C# n$ LA. bring up" o$ n$ q& v: ^- |  z
B. make up3 Z0 s* {) c) F1 h5 y
C. grew up8 B4 S. ^# Z, G2 ]+ h- ^. j2 {8 c' Y
D. build up
( \, F* K' j& l- r/ W资料:C" i* e/ R- Z6 H: g! X; O4 U4 z

2 J1 [& V4 t8 b; G0 ]13. If the man ____ succeed, he must work as hard as he can. / `. d% _+ T  `* t! j+ _+ g. h
A. has
) M% Y# K9 s. ?7 a2 i8 B  x+ UB. is to
5 f. E! _1 v" K- i9 |C. is going to8 X( D2 U6 r3 L4 L, D& F
D. should
5 W5 H- q( ?4 {: H8 R: r& A) J5 S资料:B
5 g5 G3 S; p1 m5 \- Y: m' z. O9 F3 W
14. The beef I ate at the restaurant yesterday is delicious. I'd like to have it again even if it costs _________. * J. g' |: b% F6 d! n
A. as twice much& d( p/ ^" E$ X6 {5 c2 J1 F( F
B. much as twice
$ K, m. M" ~( J) `9 E& ?C. as much as
+ x8 Z% [* r8 n, nD. twice as much' @6 t1 ]" U2 U! J3 Z3 ]2 R
资料:D# D/ x0 q; S+ R' B: d, v7 b3 L
& W& r- @: V) f, N5 D6 o
15. We have our house ________ every week by a cleaner.
& P% E$ e; y  l, KA. clean        
: k  }9 a. f; QB. to clean         
7 m! O/ q' U; @2 c, t5 mC. cleaned
+ U# h0 S6 S' s( `/ B) fD.cleaning% N- h, A% ^4 `3 M! S" Z  Q% r
资料:C% ]1 v# g1 H: E1 r3 F
$ {# n' Q6 R$ Y
二、 阅读理解6 X9 _4 A9 V2 ^$ K
- R9 }# ~6 @/ z1 T! KPassage A* c, K0 F# F+ ^+ q7 M: p
Paul Tibbets is a good-natured old man with thick white hair who speaks thoughtfully. The lively 85-year-old was the pilot and commander of the bomber who dropped the first-ever atom bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. He is a controversial (争议的) figure in world history but most Americans regard him as a hero. Tibbets never tires of recalling the operation that was to shape the rest of his life. More than 140,000 people were killed in the atomic explosion and tens of thousands of others died from the after-effects of radiation (辐射). “I didn’t realize at the time what effect dropping the atom bomb would have. Our aim was to do everything to beat the Japanese. They were our enemies and we were at war. We wanted to see an end to the killing so that our soldiers could come home,” said Tibbets. Although Tibbets was following orders he has been forced to confront the moral impact of the bombing. His name became known throughout the world along with that of the plane used to drop the atom bomb. From that day on he is “the man who dropped the atom bomb”. “After the war I met President Truman,” said Tibbets. “He told me I had done my duty and that if anyone criticized me for dropping the bomb I should send that person to see him because he gave me the order to do so.” The retired general has been around the world a lot since then but has never gone back to Japan.
4 A% z* q/ q3 U/ o/ t
' X3 n8 z3 i0 V8 T4 v) I16.   What’s Paul Tibbets well-known for?
9 W3 ]" C. H% n# v   A. He is famous for his good appearance.
- B) I  i9 |, c. f   B. He is famous for his long life. 4 A- `' _. a, r' f, a+ H, Z
   C. He is known for an excellent pilot.
- X. b, p+ U) {$ l   D. He is known as the commander who dropped the first atom bomb in Japan.
. ~% o/ b3 m) z  ?8 H资料为D
: h5 g9 [2 F/ G3 S7 x+ @; U0 O" x! y
" s; K* }, |; G' K17.   Paul Tibbets is a person __________.
8 {8 o" E# G* y   A. who is regarded as a hero by all the people ) a/ e2 [1 o8 y' Q" \3 q
   B. who is regarded as a hero by most Americans
5 A0 V2 x6 b" m; _! T* z) [3 H- q   C. who knows well about Japanese cities 9 `2 p! |, V: Y
   D. who knows well about world history
, v" a# F' x3 L* q) k资料为B# j, ?; V6 {+ u. H
: a  o: p# j8 C
0 q& ?) N$ j% B% [$ \' p
18.   According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? * ?& P, L1 f( I( k9 I, m* a
   A. Tibbets tires of recalling the operation.
# q3 a% @' h4 p2 e7 w* W: K. H$ P   B. This operation affected the rest of Tibbet’s life greatly.
' C( v  t, i3 |( I   C. Fourteen thousand people died from the after -effects of radiation.
* w0 K9 ^1 H! J! y; @   D. Only tens of thousands of people were killed by the atomic. 1 k/ k* a; c: H& L( d6 k* p  `0 P
2 Y. Y4 \8 m! H4 Y+ n; d% P 7 g* Q5 N3 D4 ]' z2 L& }
19.   From the passage, we probably can know that __________. 3 J$ a& c) [* F
   A. Tibbets clearly knew the effect about dropping the atom bomb at first ( P1 y5 B7 D7 j
   B. Soldiers were eager to end the war as quickly as possible 6 \+ U& i6 E# X9 P& j6 n6 t- }( G
   C. Tibbets’ name is well-known throughout the world with that plane " D5 Z# I0 Q! i4 }# D+ s
   D. Tibbets needn’t face the moral complaint of bombing & f4 ~4 H% Z% p) Z# W. `: S, s4 c
$ B; `2 B  ~7 b! N# [8 m  q  x8 l! X2 P9 P! J
20.   The author’s description about Paul Tibbets is __________.
, j+ q! n& h, |( b" i: F' }3 L   A. glad 7 C4 l* Z  o9 h' t- \9 _. c
   B. sad # c9 c" l. W, ]) q0 O' m
   C. objective
) X5 k5 [& [, H' V3 K* }   D. subjective : `( B* W2 g/ _
资料为C  P* p4 I* V+ R. o3 B; f

" R  U1 M8 i. D" F1 hPassage B, P' w& g5 b( Q* k- Q
An Extraordinary Change of Direction, o4 l" s3 Y% ]
Molly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when she decided to sail round the world to raise money for charity.
; o& o. ~& m- gAs a child she had trained as a ballet dancer, but at 15 she had grown too tall for classical ballet, so she became a member of a pop dance team. . q: ~' g3 Y# N$ a) \2 C
She got married, and after she had children she retired from show business to bring them up. They grew up, and when they were 18 they left home.
! u2 V7 \% D. y4 h; T$ `She says, “When I decided to do the round-the-world race, my husband thought I was bored because the children had left home. He was also worried because I had never sailed before. I was not bored, but I had met some people who told me about the race. They had taken part in it, but they had only done one section, say, from New Zealand to Australia. I wanted to do the whole ten-month journey.” * G) N6 d! X+ \3 `
Before Molly left she did a lot of training, but it hadn’t prepared her for the worst weather which they experienced. She tells one story. “One night the sea was very rough and it was very cold. I had gone downstairs when a huge wave smashed into the boat and injured two men on the deck. One of the men couldn’t move because he had broken his leg. They were taken to hospital by helicopter. That was the worst time.”+ F. U/ \+ j4 O3 \( s6 J) k, \
By the end of October last year, she had raised more than £50,000 for charity. # Q% S: }: N4 |8 }& f) H3 X
She says, “Sometimes I ask myself, what did I do? How did I do it? But then I think, it’s the same as being a dancer. Before I left on the trip, I had trained hard. I had got very fit and had prepared myself completely. Then on the trip I was simply a good team member.”
1 z# O0 ?+ I8 J$ s* b
$ \6 C& F# V3 ]1 r& J4 y1 h- Z3 C21. What does the word “extraordinary” mean in the title? 7 G1 |8 C( g6 b% V8 j2 m
A. Very ordinary. ) v% p# i6 w; x& N$ D
B. Very unusual and surprising. 2 B, `: v+ {2 d7 N" }0 S
C. Not special.
0 v% _# [" b# E8 v2 f- FD. Extreme.
& ^% C+ z1 O: D) U; d22. The sentence “ …my husband thought I was bored …” in Para. 4 meant that my husband thought I felt_________.
& @! w7 v) W; y9 s, T' t4 Y4 gA. dissatisfied because I had nothing better to do at home" s% G* B$ }& C$ C
B. annoyed because I had to wait long for my children to come back home 8 H$ G0 c2 b9 u" n" w
C. happy because I could do something I was interested in instead of taking care of children  $ e' y+ [+ G) l
D. sad because all the children left me when they grew up " t) o5 N: e: ?4 A9 ?2 ]2 i) k9 ^
23. The word “section” in Para. 4 most probably means here _________.  7 x2 |9 k3 p7 Y4 d
A. group of people
$ f# B4 o7 D4 h2 [) IB. part of the training
  g) L8 |7 x+ L5 ?6 EC. part of the route of sail & [: u$ O9 z" e4 {
D. part of the job 1 Z" e8 p6 @* W. `! W
24. Which of the following is nearest (closest) in meaning to “rough” in the sentence “One night the sea was very rough …” in Para. 5?
' `# @" X+ m  ?% U& K/ dA. Not exact.
% O" n! B! W. J8 ]B. Difficult.
6 D: y) A' p) T9 {/ ^  hC. Not smooth because of huge waves. % n+ E. f; I1 P0 f) L& }) ^7 K( U
D. Pleasant.
! G" W# C; W, G/ O25. The last paragraph suggests that _________.
$ m, o4 C; C+ S- f% B' BA. the qualities she needed for the trip were the same as those for a dancer 3 {0 P5 A$ J2 W
B. many years of dancing had already prepared her for the sail completely, so she needn’t do anything before the journey , S$ M4 t, y. {9 Z
C. she should be kind to other team members during the trip
# Z+ @( ]1 |2 u5 ~8 k* m. C3 kD. she should not forget dancing during the trip * N7 P4 T' l2 K7 D

8 o% v9 n0 k$ ?7 L7 G8 j0 ]% \! @资料与分析:( [' X! D' C# i
21. B   22. A   23. C  24. C  25. A
# ^" q3 L& c, w. b3 R8 l三、 完型填空
) J6 i; G7 J. E阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。# y8 D+ ^, q5 d; k8 D, ]3 Q4 n
Books are an important source__ 26__ we can get education. You may read every day and may__ 27__ a lot of books. But have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I reading?” It is a good thing to often ask yourself__ 28__ question. For reading,__29__ doing anything else, it is important to have a clear purpose.__ 30__ you have learned in reading, the better the result. The second question__ 31__ you should often ask yourself is, “Why am I reading this book?” or “Why am I reading it at the present time__ 32__ at any other?” You can’t say you are reading a book just because it happens to be at hand. You should not only be serious in your reading,__33__ choose to read good books or those you need. It is always necessary__ 34__ on a few subjects that you have been studying or that interest you. If several subjects seem to be equally (同等的) important and__35__ , you should take them in order. “One thing at a time” is a good rule for all activities. (181)
+ V. ^( U$ M, A* c; y. n* }
1 ~" W7 [# u$ J* ~+ |1 @' A26.  
4 J' q/ [5 `) H" }% N   A. that 7 u# ?& K- R* S1 i) p6 f
   B. from that . e$ [0 l& {* T- E7 M0 C! z
   C. which - {. Q; V, T( J0 v2 c8 y
   D. from which
7 Z. k4 b: V) Q2 b! R6 F/ }  ) }: |+ w( D8 I" `
资料 D
% ^  `3 Y# X& [7 V( P0 |: R / C2 e- ]9 ^7 l& ^& R
5 g5 Z1 |/ j3 ]6 W7 _" Y5 e# G+ K   A. read 9 E2 t9 |- d) z
   B. readed . x( e) D& m9 ?) x
   C. will read
$ x+ g. e2 \# v   D. have read
' l* w5 r/ P9 |0 I6 M" @, I0 q资料 D 6 j: p" Y2 \9 Q$ U& u
0 ^' n8 V7 `. h, R/ y
28.  7 M9 K0 Z: g6 I  M  v
   A. such a
; [. r6 D: u: X( {1 X   B. a such ' N, ?! A: ]4 \  Q
   C. so a
* L. e" N0 c5 v/ F1 l  s   D. a so
5 @( J1 U# W: e& z资料 A
7 S/ I- H* r+ i8 y
$ Y+ K4 R1 h" R( K0 A! J8 K7 @29.  ! t9 a% u+ m4 @+ }! d& |. ~. e* {
   A. like
; _4 p% t: Y- o* `   B. for 9 i. r  L+ Y5 H! R4 k. D
   C. as ) g7 m6 J0 X/ F9 A! f' ]
   D. from
8 \* j$ x7 X* b资料 A
( C$ l) O/ l- p: s* j1 t
7 Q7 q% S: Y3 ]  L' I5 }& S1 h30.  
* e* F6 C7 ^9 b4 M- d   A. More + I1 ~; Y) x. @! @& c
   B. Much 1 z' P! O1 ]( d0 \
   C. The more 1 \  j% o0 q" L. v/ a1 N- }4 B) b
   D. The much % l" B: ^- u2 {& O2 ]4 X; t
资料 C
5 K6 F* Z  B( g7 b+ A% a" ?! B- a$ I
( v' E, c# K5 }1 U6 k# l   A. how
& U8 |* M) M- y3 o  p7 Z3 Q   B.  /   y* D" F/ k" K+ [( M% y: t0 t
   C. when
7 \/ E$ D1 y5 X, l/ j" c' C6 j0 Q   D. who ! W# J7 ^, g" o: P# l. n
资料 B
) C# [6 K& V6 W3 d3 v: b* K0 m - ?2 g* J( j7 M% f% @, K: S. u) {
- A4 H7 @6 ^% A2 {0 ]) E7 D4 c   A. and ) f" ?. R7 A& s' t: e& y
   B. rather than
( ?; W; d7 W% N6 A5 J   C. had better
8 M4 C! h3 B  m& X. d   D. would rather 9 i2 N& V8 @( B6 V, T
资料 B$ F; }9 k; T/ {. a
, s; K( t- t5 Q. B0 m, e; g
33.  5 l$ t. L& U, Y4 d6 ?$ R$ E
   A. but
+ ^9 B4 F- Z1 p   B. and
) n! c# l( y9 v6 X; A9 E   C. so
: A% P3 O( l$ H2 |. u; `   D. too ; q+ Z+ s1 r' g: z; D; L/ r( ]
资料 A
8 d# L& f7 g1 b8 e) x
* N2 c; m8 j) b' \2 s1 p' A3 i" V34.   H8 k, Y: m) J+ A( {1 l% r" e
   A. concentrate ( o; E0 H1 [, c7 ?6 E+ L
   B. concentrating
: \5 M6 n" x2 I# B   C. to concentrate
3 l* u4 M9 ?8 @   D. concentrated
( a, G0 ]; h/ J. }资料 C ! ^& H8 B( O% @9 j! a2 P. r
) [( ]0 a' B* i
+ \, R8 C. c" H, n. Q" r5 i; k" p   A. interests
1 O- Q. v% i* X7 ?, b6 l* ~   B. interest ! F4 z. X8 O1 Z! u: e& [4 t" N
   C. interesting ' D# r( x, z4 l0 [3 U
   D. interested   N( ^! E5 x2 k
资料 C
* y& l6 j) f0 Z4 U* | & a- |8 Q  f& i! }7 J
四、英译汉- c  M8 b: X& _! R- `: R. T
36.Did you have to wear uniform when you were a child?5 ~4 w' j! o1 ?2 u
你小时候非得穿校服吗?$ R5 ]# S( Q/ V2 H4 \
37. I thought it was awful that the company only cared about money./ ?3 S; ?$ w  |5 |
我觉得那家公司只在乎钱,太过分了。 8 w4 v. e, t( T% e/ R  o0 p4 l* \2 o
38. I want to do the whole ten-month journey.
; f7 v# E$ W: F& {8 `) @我想完成整个十个月的全程航行。
" l4 {6 T" ]4 L2 w/ X39.I remember telling her about the meeting.# o: i# g# f* F
我记得我将有关会议的事情告诉他了。 : @4 A5 u2 Z% r3 e& k5 ], U
40. My teacher told me to English people as much as I can to practice my English." O, h( C' @8 L5 L3 Z1 r9 G
我的老师要我为了练习英语,要尽量多和英国人交谈。- Q( n- a7 v* \

/ I+ S) a! V) t五、写作
$ U0 J  b1 ^& q/ `' Z- ?' a- u2 uDirections: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage on the topic My TV University Life . You should write at least 80 words and could base your writing by using the hints given below.% J: A) G8 R. `% v0 Y: K
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