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( j# }) P3 Q$ x9 tI. Vocabulary and Structure. }& H: w+ b7 e. `0 n! X
1. I glanced _____ my watch and was surprised to see that it was nearly midnight.
- d0 A  @3 ^$ t" h2 b. V  `A. in                        B. into                        C. at                                        D. to
5 G7 ^  F* e1 h& M2. They lit a fire to keep wild animals _____ the grounds.' q! P- j# }5 G4 i+ P, c5 Q
A. out                        B. away                        C. up                                D. off" G6 B$ i$ P1 `$ Z' P' V% v7 v. W
3. He’ll get ______ if you keep bugging him./ {( ~, O+ D7 m1 x( }6 K
        A. annoyed                B. pleasant                C. powerful                        D. benefit+ v/ v# r% @$ N, H+ J
4. When I used the word, I never meant to be _____.
# x& q: H; l2 V: K5 w/ \A. offensive                B. worried                C. frightened                        D. threatened
6 [. s6 ~) U8 J! g' ]" N5. Please turn all the lights ______ as you leave the classroom; we can’t afford to waste power.5 L# w+ c, s+ x4 I) f) [
        A. down                        B. at                                C. off                                D. on2 ?4 g0 ]: s8 N1 ~- M
6. I have no ______ with people who are always talking about of their troubles.
) {4 O) e6 q/ b! x. g! p9 W' e. R, y        A. patient                        B. patience                C. chance                                D. energy1 |) c4 o6 j, y4 f+ r" L
7. Now the ______ between the rich and the poor countries has become even wider.
! N8 V1 }$ g! s' ^; }% K/ z6 i+ q* L        A. bridge                        B. gap                        C. difference                        D. comparison
* E9 Z: Z+ I4 O8. The teacher had uncommon insight _____ children’s feelings.) e. D* R' x3 Z, g; K  o
A. in                        B. to                                C. for                                D. into
% e& a9 d; ?/ c5 H  P  j9. Following the national news we have the ____ news and weather.
& f% Q9 C) v1 N0 c+ m8 s7 QA. literal                        B. legal                        C. logical                                D. local; `! s( ^9 I3 g4 v3 S6 i* \0 e
10. Jane has been under a lot of _____ since her mother’s illness.2 S- p7 J) c+ \1 a4 o2 c+ Z
A. press                        B. strength                C. force                                D. pressure( k% R& V# y% P7 H, C) ^
11. The little chair ______ when my uncle sat down on it.1 h4 o0 u1 n: E" |1 {5 Z
        A. ruined                        B. squeezed                C. extended                        D. collapsed: I" a% N$ T( t; g. e. ?, R
12. He finds it hard to _____ his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes.
0 e6 O" J2 e. ]A. drive                        B. see                        C. focus                                D. attend) O9 b* O* g/ K# T
13. When I punished his behavior, he _____ by bursting into tears.
- e# ?2 u* G* tA. reacted                B. acted                        C. reaction                        D. action
- ?+ j! j/ W6 {7 i) {6 l$ `14. Look ______! There’s a car coming.
5 N: w) d; O7 \+ i# m6 ~7 X        A. away                        B. out                        C. into                                D. at0 d5 q& Z+ e/ n, |' Q
15. The country is covered with a _____ of roads.  D% }7 Z1 v' x9 ~
A. group                        B. crowd                        C. team                                D. network
( `8 R# q' J- X9 u16. She left ______ great haste in order to catch the train.5 z7 _' w6 P" J: h" O5 f
        A. to                        B. on                        C. in                                        D. for
  k5 T' _$ q- E3 T+ M6 _( g# H* q17. European dress has been _____ by people in many parts of the world.
8 N. U8 f+ p( f* h$ q8 aA. adapted                B. adopted                C. adjusted                        D. accounted
" ?: |& N  ^  A% ]4 I$ z18. The disease is spreading, and all the children under five are ______ risk.5 N. G3 a) }$ G0 B
        A. in                        B. at                                C. to                                        D. on
% g7 I, s% Q9 f19. Rom admits that watching TV sometimes distracts him ______ his homework.3 R$ D/ f6 t5 U# k4 \
        A. out                        B. off                        C. from                                D. in+ _* s  N# ]/ P0 P" [
20. This picture will _____ to you some idea of the beauty of the country.
& d; y# _4 I: [5 l% m# fA. convey                B. spread                        C. express                        D. survey" n; j" N# l; p( ^: K2 u) L
21. The climbers tried to find a new ______ to the top of the mountain.; ?& u4 B. J4 }$ W4 o; h/ n
        A. round                        B. rage                        C. clue                                D. route7 g* i4 ?* N( u7 {# f4 G# h$ t
22. He is the best basketball player in the school, but no one has ever heard him _____ about it.; R; ^8 C& Z5 T  d. M' W1 a
A. coast                        B. roast                        C. ghost                                D. boast
. O1 @6 ~) k# y& ?6 G% `23. The boy had strong _____ to know what was in the letter sent to his father.2 W, u, W6 B$ L+ L$ p( j1 z
        A. envy                        B. curiosity                C. tear                                D. greed1 @0 G* b& G2 i" N' V  q' }( I
24. It’s painful to mistake kindness ______ love., c4 s+ D" V5 x6 S; e2 W
        A. for                        B. with                        C. from                                D. to
3 A3 w: e' f, j' B! h& J8 L0 K8 }) M% }25. Some people say that the detailed organizational life of ants should be attributed to their_____.0 Q) z9 N0 Y* o. P& J
A. distinct                B. subject                        C. instinct                        D. feature4 n( w( X6 W2 H# l4 _3 O! p- V
26. The work needs some _____ help; we cannot finish the task alone in such a short period of time.! B. t  c: ~/ T9 g; R- ?8 |' G* ~
A. addicted                B. add                        C. additional                        D. addition
! P& w  o" y& I* b3 L& y27. Why didn’t you ask for help, ______ trying to do it on your own?
5 n1 B9 Z/ k9 a        A. other than                B. rather than                C. more than                        D. less than! i7 V% Y8 L- }% j$ V; i
28. The film Titanic created great _____ among the audience. This love story moved many people into tears.
' o# {: o9 K$ g2 `; d. o2 i5 iA. enthusiasm                B. humor                        C. movement                        D. expression
3 i: I$ e. a( ^* W9 X29. The company has _____ in most European capitals.9 H5 {2 _9 I' j- S
A. represent                B. present                C. representatives                D. absent
0 N+ f' F) e, B& |30. Have you any _____ plans about how to deal with these difficulties?
/ `8 L; p3 C, w5 B! ~A. concrete                B. abstract                C. context                        D. complex
1 }3 h6 o" s3 ?' F% q: H& G: d31. A ______ studies the mind and feelings and their relation to behavior.
* H7 C5 k$ ~3 t) N5 X5 y2 b        A. physist                B. musician                C. athlete                                D. psychologist
) t8 p& D3 a: p$ W) P4 n. s32. The freezing weather is responsible ______ the breaks in the concrete.
4 _& ]9 L+ h5 C. X1 z, j! g) d+ m" |        A. for                        B. to                                C. at                                        D. in! Y; c7 M& _- X, l3 U
33. When a country _____ a tariff, foreign exporters have greater difficulty in selling their products.. S0 j' C: ~7 H# d3 ^  D- {
A. purpose                B. proposes                C. dispose                        D. imposes
& \& p6 n8 E% _# H+ [34. The value of the work function for a particular material is different depending upon the process of ______.
% z0 Y# d* B9 X5 s7 E        A. mission                B. emission                C. commission                D. omission
* i1 U! g( w1 v( a8 J$ d35. After World War Ⅱ there was a rapid _____ in death rate in much of the developing world.) n3 n9 W( Y8 l0 e; d
A. refuse                        B. confine                C. decline                        D. degrade
" D; x* e  n& \1 h3 h$ N* A36. Each bit of information in scientific research can be thought of as the answer ______ a yes/no question.
* B! Z  Z+ f2 e# ?& n5 O( s        A. as                        B. in                                C. to                                        D. from- \8 j( f) U( s1 b- \) Y: x
37. The animals that are most suited to the environment will be those that will ______.
% T- F# `) Y, L+ y        A. survive                B. save                        C. die                                D. derive
# p- v: V! u) a$ \; S38. Railroad tunnels, however, _____ the construction engineer with some unique problems.% s9 g/ X; H  H1 a$ [
A. comfort                B. meet                        C. confront                        D. have
9 g( I$ [! b3 H39. Job suitability may also need to be regularly monitored in order to _____ worker health and ability.6 ^3 g& [1 l& U3 h; N7 V
A. assure                        B. sure                        C. reassure                        D. insure0 `2 Y. T7 @/ a! m8 h% p+ H
40. Walter thinks that British people are not good ______ managing their homes and lives.5 G; B% U* E8 |' I& C/ S
        A. in                         B. at                                C. to                                        D. on, q: k0 |- @+ M7 L# D' f
41. Don’t be taken ______ by his pleasing behavior; he’s completely cruel.8 \) _8 h1 p3 E( W; V. y& k4 s  z
        A. at                                B. back                        C. in                                        D. after/ G- a- H  R. o: z
42. The general manager’s letter, which gave his credit, ______ his promotion+ J( R% q! n9 [8 B# ~
        A. ensured                B. assured                C. reassured                        D. sure
; a. S# I; C4 ?, O' h# r43. I’m afraid you have to account ______ your being away from class yesterday.+ [% z) q1 R; e3 D6 @
        A. to                        B. of                        C. at                                        D. for4 L- Q* q2 u) \3 y! K
44. Look through your old clothes and see if you have anything to give ______.: G3 o9 E6 b/ H& U% U
        A. up                        B. in                                C. away                                D. out
) ~3 `1 V* L. ]& y& H- V9 [45. John was going to ______ Mary by telling his friends how much weight she had gained.) |* @3 M; C8 v2 R: T# C
        A. embarrass                B. intimidate                C. excite                                D. reward
/ V6 E" f: O' d% W7 b6 R% g* k46. Actors have a higher ______ than they used to.% B$ i7 g5 J+ m, }
        A. statue                        B. statute                        C. status                                D. stature
1 E- _+ s" i6 w. [47. The students were asked to give a ______ on communication through body language.; |" U/ R+ z( Q# n2 O2 |
        A. preparation                B. perspective                C. presentation                D. protection
: g" ]1 z- r. J. Q48. The age of the students in our on-line school ______ from 20 to 40.2 h' X3 g! N& t! ]# j/ @: y3 B/ R
        A. ranges                        B. rage                        C. shifts                                D. keep
7 C6 I/ {- A2 t+ P, H1 u5 l49. If you ______ your article, we’ll print your article in our magazine.2 j6 U# R$ K: h& r
        A. praise                        B. polish                        C. punish                                D. polite
. V$ U' @: u- H: G. u2 U3 F4 T50. I thought it ______ that the young couple should have ended up in divorce. They seemed to be deep in love.
% s3 V. }4 z; l" {4 R$ u7 u        A. old                        B. hard                        C. odd                                D. good" F) [5 a2 y" e! \. T( S
51. The spread of city areas has _____ wild animals. Many different types are facing extinction.
1 l7 q+ w3 I8 yA. danger                        B. dangerously        C. dangerous                        D. endangered7 `; @' \% p: @! ]' |# @; t6 v( `
52. I longed to have the opportunity of participating _____ the activities.7 T. R& `1 I+ b/ F
A. for                        B. in                                C. to                                 D. on! d- M: I% }, `6 ~! c4 x% T
53. He expressed his ______ at not being able to talk openly.# @$ ?, e7 I# Q& H, l
        A. expression                B. frustration                C. excitement                        D. happiness& c. N. o% o" O
54. An _____ experience has such a strong effect or influence on you that you cannot forget it.
9 l8 d+ l" w3 \! x6 ~; ~        A. forgetted                B. forgetable                C. forgetting                        D. unforgetable$ |. o$ g, B% R8 ~; v
55. His efforts to improve the school have been very _____.. p  A1 z- U% P# J" N
        A. effective                B. affective                C. efficient                        D. reflective6 x: n: p/ h: d( d
56. She _____ being pleased about what happened yesterday at her birthday party; she is very angry.
6 I! s7 {) L- O0 R$ b2 v, w7 B                A. is far                        B. is far away                C. is far from                        D. is far away from 2 k4 y, U" K' ]% r  _9 I
57. The teacher has to give at least ten minutes to each student _____.  F7 S* r, [4 i* L1 s* V. R/ P3 d  h
                A. individually        B. specially                C. distinctly                        D. occasionally* q/ B  Y; a$ A2 w4 i
58. It’s _____ that there are no schools or hospitals for these people. ' I7 U; I" l" M6 T$ X( r
                A. disgust                B. disgusted                C. disgusting                        D. disgustable, M' F4 o7 q) T' P6 g
59. They’ve won a few matches this season but they lack _____. # F3 v4 ?$ y- f3 t8 U* e: F
                A. resistance                B. consistency                C. assistance                        D. dissidence
( \8 ?  y$ u( H" B60. I hoped to _____ the idea that a community is more than just a bunch of people living in one place. - p% r% Y2 ~/ l8 c5 c- K
                A. get across                B. get into                C. run cross                        D. run into : L) ?% {* n$ i" \
61. He had inside _____ as to what was going on in his homeland.
+ l% M3 I; O. c+ H1 d* c( F                A. conformation        B. transformation        C. information                        D. reformation7 L# B6 R7 @' ^6 q
62. The desks and seats can be adjusted _____ the height of any child.               
, N8 U6 r6 X* w1 CA. at                                B. in                                C. into                                D. to% |* c0 C: P; \8 _+ D
63. As I grew to know his better, I discovered that my first _____ of him had been wrong.2 o0 T/ |6 o" R% S: _  c" {  s
                A. expression                B. depression                C. pressure                        D. impression! i% j$ ?  x- @, }% ~& |( E
64. John has a(n) _____ habit of tapping his fingers on the desk, and he may never become aware of it. / [* t) i/ ^; O1 `, |
                A. conscious                B. unconscious        C. continuous                        D. conscientious4 }* n3 Q7 m+ ?/ O0 z$ U5 ?
65. The Broadcasting Museum also offers Saturday workshops to children so that they can be acquainted _____ the world of radio. ; ^) Y4 B7 |, n* p4 E$ Q
                A. with                        B. to                                C. in                                 D. at
( \5 q/ R- M+ c0 ^66. His _____ by the kind old man changed his whole life. * r8 K& R- H5 y* d: z
                A. adoption                B. adaption                C. adopt                                D. adept8 ?  i; a1 C- c$ t5 e0 h
67. Cold blooded animals such as snakes will try their best to get fat prior _____ winter so as to hibernate. % r9 ^) ~. {+ O3 d# k( ]( b
                A. than                        B. in                                C. to                                        D. at
1 q/ i4 Z% {! g& P  r68. After father went away, nothing _____ me from my sense of loss., o2 C; s! I  h$ }( I' W- D
                A. constracted                B. abstracted                C. attracted                        D. distracted
, o7 W# L2 w- @" U% ]' c69. The plans should be drawn as _____ as possible, showing all the measurements. - A( ^% v0 J! B" O: J
                A. specially                B. generally                C. accurately                        D. accidentally8 C! l) p& s9 E
70. Parents enjoy boasting _____their children’s achievements.
5 [; v  \! [; ]4 G( V( V; n                A. to                        B. of                        C. in                                        D. with
" k  ]1 N% _, L8 Y) s  U71. He is responsibe for the _____ of the atomic bomb(原子弹).+ \  Q& o6 `6 X% G2 G
                A. discovery                B. invention                C. event                                D. establishment
; G- r' l" {+ |8 r8 N. D72. We had better take advantage _____ the warmer weather by going for a walk this afternoon.
2 @! b( X. f; E# _                A. of                        B. with                        C. on                                D. to
' H9 }2 l) [, I) n73. The bad news would deal a _____ blow to his fading chances of success.                 " E0 O& U2 l& ~
A. fate                        B. facial                        C.fatal                                D. financial
9 w7 V  \2 g% `3 `" M8 U* L) ?74. What struck me _____ interesting is how much we judge other people by the clothes they wear.5 u1 Y3 A+ B+ n- d7 ?* C- a. ]
                A. to                        B. in                                C. with                                D. as  Y0 y2 N% t8 ~7 _. \. C! W
75. As a group of fans we have decided that we cannot just _____ and wait for others to decide our club’s fate. 0 n+ J0 Y. r8 Q+ O( w5 M
                A. sit down                B. sit in                        C. sit on                                D. sit back
2 z* a! E- g3 \% A76. Could you _____ the first point please? I don’t understand it completely.
9 t! [$ i5 v/ d; \: D                A. clear                        B. clean                        C. clarify                                D. clarity8 Q5 d/ U; R6 {4 q: }) m' C
77. It’s a simple dish to prepare, consisting mainly _____ rice and vegetables. ; r+ q: @2 g! J
                A. of                        B. in                                C. with                                D. by
& J4 |2 Y( }+ R8 R# H9 G: d0 z4 ^78. His attitude to work mainly depends on the ______ from the work. 5 D& j) @& m8 `9 j$ u6 e
A. offer                        B. award                        C. reward                                D. reflection* M" q5 ?5 r2 Q0 c/ ^
79. Little ______ that he would fulfill his task so rapidly.
! t9 ]7 \8 O5 C! y8 n, j' }4 PA. did we expect  B. we expected         C. do we expect                D. we expect
7 T1 D9 t; K4 u/ ~6 E7 H80. Whether I’ll go or stay ___ upon the news we get about Mother’s health. ! c& f  l7 C( R8 |& g0 \
                A. depends                B. depending                C. dependent                        D. depend
$ W2 e/ b( W( v* Z. U: f5 |2 e81. They ___ laughter at the sight of us.
) \% A* l' @& V  U                A. ran into                B. burst into                C. burst out                        D. went into# i) j  t. i7 E6 }
82. The persons that have the greatest influence _____  children are their teachers.( `0 S/ h. o  K" A1 y. k: p% ]
A.in                                B.on                                C.for                                D.to
) C! T; ?# Z$ F83. I used to smoke _____ but I gave it up three years ago.
2 o3 a6 I; Z! cA.seriously                B.heavily                        C.badly                                D.severely, ^$ l0 o1 v9 x. ^( C, e7 \  \! ~
84. Police have _____ for the public to come forward with any information which might help them in their inquiries.; ^; e+ b" r: [% w
A. urged                        B.informed                C.called                                D.told
: v. D' Z! H9 \; K! ^85. _____ his great wealth, he always remained a man of simple tastes. $ b/ E- a1 {# y9 k& W3 l
           A.Except for                B.With regard to        C.Although                        D.Despite
/ S8 }0 H0 K6 P6 `86. He is very much ______ to the cause of language teaching.
8 G- B7 T# o1 |A. communicated        B. committed                 C. consistent                        D. committing
  r  F2 X+ a8 v# o; ~4 }87. I loved you _____ I saw you.
4 [8 i& ?: n0 L# m7 a7 LA. at the instant         B. the instant          C. in the instant            D. the instance
9 }1 p( t, X$ f9 k1 q. G$ ~" h2 r88. The failure of the project forces us to conclude that we had _____ his ability. * q: t5 Y2 E, K! D
A. overestimated        B. estimated                 C. underestimated            D. promoted6 O  K4 L# ]. L1 B( M4 @7 y
89. We forgave his bad temper because we knew that his son’s illness had put him under great _____.
+ F! N2 A6 Q) o4 P                 A. triumph                B. excitement            C. crisis                          D. stress$ }: V  H+ t/ K# K/ G
90. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to, ______ the color of  his skin.
6 S1 y0 n  L1 H& EA. regardless of          B. in the light of         C. by virtue of                   D. with the exception of- S% ]) s& ?- A5 _+ O# V
91. Hardly had he finished his speech ______ the audience started cheering.
) @/ B/ k4 K7 z: s- d           A. than                         B. and                         C. then                                 D. when
' j; X: d# N* I5 c0 }, K/ I2 @7 M3 J! _92. ________, John knows what is right and what is wrong.
) u9 L  ?- K1 F. c" i; M           A. Child as he is                                        B. A child as he is
' P2 A  N5 C7 j7 R: ]           C. As he is a child                                        D. As child as he is. D! x' u' H7 j' ?6 @* {
93. Wherever the official went he had a number of his household servants to attend _______ him.
3 R1 L3 k; f2 ?3 a; X; ~4 S7 |A. at                         B. for                         C. on                                 D. to
2 O$ E, l3 H9 U( o$ O: `" y94. The boy had a ________ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus.
$ t/ u" Y; I8 _% t; AA. close                        B. good                        C. narrow                                D. short
# Y& [. M  u) Q$ b95. Jack looked down _______ Tom for his poor manners.8 g9 `; S# z8 S" q
A. to                         B. at                         C. on                                 D. in) p2 b% ~. u8 [
96. Some people can’t tell red _______ green, as there is a fault in their eyes.
% V8 ^& `' K% V& x8 Y# R/ eA. by                        B. on                        C. from                                D. over
: E0 ~' Z2 [) T9 {6 i97. He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit ______ reach.
+ W) r* w. [- g5 s! O& `           A. near                        B. inside                        C. within                                D. at
3 A6 [# t$ Y7 E/ k98. I covered 5 miles today, I never guessed that I could walk _______ far.
/ J1 T4 _8 d% t* J8 |           A. that                         B. this                         C. such                                D. as
$ ?2 J! \) V* k* ?99. The sun gives _______ light and heat to the earth.
1 d& Z2 ?7 ?1 |) K           A. out                        B. off                        C. away                                D. over; [) G( \# t8 P1 k0 s- ?2 H
100. Will you look _________ my article to find out whether I’ve made any mistakes?
' z4 X2 c1 S1 ~7 h7 r' Z3 d          A. after                        B. through                C. up                                 D. into
$ B% H3 n/ h( ?1 L, U4 v101. ________ it is you’ve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to.
. r$ g5 ?3 P$ Y& D3 G           A. That                         B. Because                 C. Whatever                        D. However
/ c5 s0 _/ y. }# x) t9 F102. I have never been to Rome but that’s the city _________.5 c7 B; I8 J/ G6 O
A. where I most like to visit                        B. I’d most like to visit
! V0 N! ]* U  C' Z  ^1 WC. which I like to visit most                         D. what I’d like most to visit.9 o  t3 J# o. a: a( Y% O5 r1 @5 ^
103.I don’t know the man you mention, but of course I know _________ him.% ]  Y1 b, B9 m: U5 B2 o1 P
A. as                        B. by                        C. of                                 D. for5 k: l! v! K+ R0 _0 @& j
104. She thought I was talking about her daughter,____, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.
5 H6 |2 B0 M9 W. yA. whom                 B. where                 C. which                         D. while
' w, S; i5 v5 L5 k105. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _______. 3 X' a- l; L, d7 Q" O3 X
A. breaks                 B. has broken         C. were broken                 D. had been broken$ Q( T; i$ ?! l& Y' z. w9 l5 @
106. --There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. 9 H7 K& z; N+ u. q4 a- P) L
   --It _____ a comfortable journey.
! c) K& z7 R' {$ l3 u3 M9 V4 b! \( S) ]A. can’t be                                                 B. shouldn’t be        
* }" X3 M/ z3 M% P, x! oC. mustn’t have been                                 D. couldn’t have been
& \+ [; i5 {6 u# |$ `- Z, F; _9 l107. They were all very tired, but ______ of them would stop to take a rest . $ [& Z& C0 F8 a$ u# N; }7 F7 F
A. any                         B. some                         C. none                                 D. neither$ Z% B: W: Q- j0 b9 D
108. Can you believe that in _____a rich country there should be _____ many poor people? 6 |5 k2 ]9 H  z2 l  z% ^
A. such; such                 B. such; so                 C. so; so                                 D. so; such
) @5 b) T; v! i& v: e) l109. As she _____ the newspaper, Granny______ asleep. * A! b8 C4 R% y% }* c8 }
A. read; was falling                                 B. was reading; fell
6 b' ]: u& |* L7 Y* w, {C. was reading; was falling                         D. read; fell
, |& P8 n0 C: _' Q. K. R% F& y110. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ______great it is. ! E5 w' R5 t9 N! _1 T! Y, q. y8 `
A. what                         B. how                         C. however                         D. whatever
3 V  t4 ]0 _: _8 K  c- ]111. --How do you like the necklace? . N+ {  c( E; \- {2 _
--Oh , perfect ! It’s the ______thing I’m after.
, n  v( U" D$ E# CA. exact                         B. right                         C. just                                 D. very
& r0 {8 _' G) q112. The captain _____ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather. + B8 `' a0 X! n) ^# v7 W2 H
A. made                         B. said                         C. put                                 D. passed
5 v+ L5 S4 A# Q% x6 l5 Q. ]113. You’d better______ electricity; it would be dangerous. ' G% K' e' B: n! K
A. look out                 B. take care of         C. watch out for                D. care about: H  A5 \' z$ p
114. As the wood is wet, it won’t ______.
* m4 r$ Y: N+ q0 ~" y  y, U) d         A. be caught fire         B. catch fire                 C. on fire                         D. put on fire1 i* @7 a* Y7 q0 H0 A5 e+ u( ^8 L
115. If a fire______, please break the glass to sound the fire alarm. . L' o* R$ X  `6 L
A. breaks out                 B. finds out                 C. makes                         D. discovers  ^/ F6 C3 m: b" ?2 n& u- n* @
116. She didn’t feel well but she is all right ______.: f( |5 K8 @# B" ~/ ]7 [
A. in future                 B. in that case         C. at the m ost                 D. at present! _; e3 S9 w( p$ D1 z. M# f4 ^6 n2 H
117. When I attended a meeting in Beijing I ______my old teacher’s house. " A3 }9 O8 w. P
A. called on                 B. called at                 C. visited at                         D. visited on
) O5 W0 X7 c' ~. I2 j& o5 k. W118. I don’t know the restaurant, but it’s ______to be quite a good one.
' p* I; D  n, I1 F  pA. said                         B. told                         C. spoken                         D. talked4 ~: `7 u6 W! Z1 |
119. Here’s m y card; let’s keep in______. & |3 N, a7 ]+ P; D  I  c
A. touch                         B. relation                C. connection                 D. friendship
" {& E; H2 L' v: e9 J  z, A120. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please______?
% H4 o7 C$ r9 T, BA. turn it on                 B. turn it down         C. turn it up                         D. turn it off
9 q- b+ h' M% \1 _5 A8 w121. Alice trusts you; only you can ______her to give up the foolish idea.
# N9 N+ z3 V8 }9 r: hA. suggest                 B. attract                 C. tempt                                 D. persuade( }6 q% P9 _9 }. y
122. Her brother_____ to leave her in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his order.
- X% e/ v5 D5 x' H8 L0 JA. declared                 B. threatened                 C. warned                         D. exclaimed
% h4 L& u1 N/ H0 R- t3 w123. In the botanic garden we can find a( n)______ of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers .
3 F" B/ {2 c' z$ fA. species                 B. group                 C. amount                         D. variety
( d% @- @  @* O, `124. Her son, to whom she was so______, went abroad ten years ago. 0 [$ x+ E- r* r
A. loved                         B. cared                         C. devoted                        D. affected
* `  y6 H0 M, h" p3 t; U125. We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the economy out of _____.
8 X. V: O) V/ o% I          A. retreat               B. rejection                C. recession                     D. restriction
& n9 n( m2 n+ A& ~+ u126. In order to get rid of her sorrow, Bush _____ heavily _____ alcohol.
  R2 l, i# v' i. m5 \3 i9 p& ^/ x          A. depart... from                                         B. classified... into  , h+ h  t: E0 J+ ^9 ]8 V; Z5 Z
C. relied... on                                   D. hesitated... in7 Y. _' J) \. O; @
127. Children’s _____ for acquiring language is remarkable for a number of reasons.5 @7 Y- E$ Y) \0 F
        A. responsibility         B. capacity                C. curiosity                    D. ability
# l0 m( A+ k9 `7 _$ }0 E: M128. Our journey was slow because the train stopped _____  at different villages.
9 o* V7 y+ H. ]1 t& M! N; d          A. eventually           B. gradually                 C. continuously                  D. continually
; n" c( M  \! Q2 G- H  @7 p129. They claim that _____ 1,000 factories closed down during the economic crisis.
9 H! o6 U; P' Q/ }           A. sufficiently          B. properly                C. appropriately                  D. approximately
' o+ ?# \4 g' J130. Having completed its _____  to the moon, the space shuttle is now ready for another trip. # o" V* q1 [* B; L" Y! g+ Z
           A. venture            B. mission                C. duty                             D. responsibility7 e0 b" w6 l! K) X% }- s9 l4 F
131. I want to buy a new tie to _____  this brown suit.* ~8 p9 a8 s( k& ~6 B
           A. go into            B. go after                C. go with                    D. go by
: q5 F5 h: H, Z  X. o# `132. What you have done is _____  the doctor’s orders.
& d6 U( Z! Q6 y           A. attached to           B. responsible to         C. resistant to                 D. contrary to' l6 F2 i2 {' @/ P9 \7 V
133. It is much easier to talk bout social change than to_____.
$ g  C5 n+ t( J7 A: w5 T           A. bring it on                                   B. bring it out
7 S0 j1 q4 }6 [6 n           C. bring it up                                    D. bring it about
" U4 ^5 P3 |/ z! T: y( ~134. A well-written composition _____ good choice of words and clear organization among other things.
. l' l6 U' Q1 q2 G. f           A. calls on            B. calls for                C. calls up                    D. calls off
! k4 T% M; I! d( H. J4 J" u135. All the students in this class passed the English exam with the _____ of Li Yang. % G; a4 M( P7 p; C8 R5 f: J
           A. criminal             B. victim             C. guilt                           D. exception% p; ?0 Q5 W5 y1 u: ^  K6 v
136. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, while the behavior of an animal depends mainly on ______  .
8 c; @( j2 V$ M4 ]) B0 x" g         A. span                  B. instinct            C. ignorance                    D. violence0 G& U7 x" q, t
137. I’m very sorry to have _____ you with so many questions on such an occasion.   
2 e* z7 \- p  y' m! f; {& CA. handled                   B. transported           C. omitted                    D. offended  J; |8 M# C8 _  f6 m% R. T5 I
138. Once out of the earth’s gravity, the astronaut is _____ by the problem of weightlessness.  , `2 O( z5 Y  b$ Z/ ?4 p
A. effected              B. intended            C. injured                           D. affected   
7 \& [" _- U( g' n139. I hate people who _____ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.   / \! k  c- f( E' t% G' h
A. confront             B. dominate            C. reveal                        D. bet& R8 C- a  [! f& t8 n
140. I am unable to attend because of a ____ appointment.  
" G8 r! k9 E% |, eA. automatic           B. previous           C. unexpected                   D. eternal
. U) T7 d/ t0 ~2 @! `) M141. The couple are going to have their wedding photos  ____ in the store. * L1 |. e/ g+ E5 ?
        A. enlarged                 B. enlarge                   C. to enlarge                  D. enlarging
. r/ p) n5 _2 R2 h0 z142. I want to see not a serious program but a funny one. I enjoy laughing ____ crying.  0 N% Z) t: q: D; a8 ]6 v
           A. as if                     B. in front of            C. rather than                    D. other than& r  ^. ]' ]: V5 z9 G
143. To our surprise, the president recently seems to ____ criticism.! Z, I, y! w* D) A* B6 y: G/ x
           A. pull into                                           B. be out of control  
# w2 _$ F2 c& W          C. have mercy on                              D. be immune to - b0 l% g7 f* v/ F+ q5 N
144. The female doctor is ____ of doing much better work. 1 m* Z1 d# t* s7 b( a
A. able                    B. capable            C. attached                    D. slight
" G. \0 o1 [! \, G( \145. Some people criticize family doctors for ___ too many medicines for minor illness.
) T- T8 c& Q/ v9 IA. prescribing         B. ordering             C. advising                    D. delivering
* `; O+ z! v. U" m146. You’ve the ___ of working hard and being successful or of not working hard and being unsuccessful.  9 `  g+ Z4 M/ \# V& x; o
A. selection           B. choice             C. alternative                    D. option
1 d3 ~  v9 D+ [" q: n$ B* i  N147. The teacher doesn’t permit ___ in class.9 O4 h, u1 o: T2 y3 O
A. smoke                    B. to smoke           C. smoking                   D. to have a smoke
1 S+ S0 z* T% F/ A/ `0 v148. Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply ___.
! v4 {" L  M) K/ x1 b0 ^           A. declined            B. lessened             C. descended                    D. slipped+ T' K( [0 J; V3 n6 C
149. In general, the amount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth the total ___ living expenses.
2 s1 Z5 c: v! I2 [' H    A. acceptable            B. available            C. advisable                    D. applicable3 B7 v3 ^* t0 E0 z" q7 T8 k5 T
150. Putting in a new window will ___ cutting away part of the roof.                  
( O$ {2 Y) T5 j! {6 |3 p; s! @( JA. contain             B. comprise                C.  include                    D. involve
5 N- v8 H! G$ x7 I$ P& s1 G4 m7 Z  B7 e; e' o7 Q
Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension ; }$ }7 P9 n8 |( }7 _  U
Passage 1
7 a  s$ b7 @4 KIf you’ve been joining in chat room conversations, or exchanging e-mails with net pals, you have become one of the millions who write in a special, short form of English.
) V2 z, R0 e* Y5 J7 E+ cThroughout the world, every night children and their elders are “talking” online—many of them are talking at the same time.$ {8 l3 w' G1 `+ I( c# M
It’s fast: it allows you to talk to six people at once. It’s convenient: you can use three or four words per exchange. It takes cleverness, concentration and quick fingers.
8 y# M7 V, ~7 `0 V$ k7 N. bAnd it requires very simple langauge. There’s neither time nor spce for explanations. Why waste precious key-strokes telling six friends you have to leave for a moment to take care of your little brother when BRB(=be right back) will do?: ^3 W, m* P5 C4 k
Want to enter a conversation? Just type PMFJI (=pardon me for jumping in).
# i; t$ d3 \% ?* {& u/ ^  LInterested in whom you’re talking to? Type A/S/L, the common request to know your pal’s age, sex and location. You may get 15/M/NY as a reply from your pal.! e" u* M! j( T) g$ b1 X3 l0 a: N
If something makes you laugh, say you’re OTF (=on the floor), or LOL (=laughing out loud), or join the two into ROTEL (=rolling on the floor laughing).
5 |2 K% s- y3 z: s0 ~  r! eAnd when it’s time to get back to work or go to bed, you type GTG (=got to go) or TTYL (=talk to you later).
9 z( u8 y; h' a, j( O- H! E) IPeople want to write as fast as possible, and they want to get their ideas across as quickly as they can. Capital letters are left in the dust, except when expressing feelings, as it takes more time to hold down the “Shift” key and usd capitals. Punctuation is going, too.- [# P) f1 L, K/ q9 p& \
1. When people are online, they talk by ____-.5 {, ]  i; d/ o9 V. d* X
        A. speaking lanugages other than English; d3 J& k6 a0 p9 C) K8 C
        B. exchanging e-mails with people they don’t know
( I0 J9 w" b: ]$ H+ B        C. using technoogy their elders don’t use
+ s' o" w: A; j1 @7 z. {        D. using an especially short form of English3 `) h) j  R, g/ E
2. According to the passage, the Internet allows many people in the world to _____." e9 R6 H/ ~: W4 P8 d, O% ~2 B) R% h
        A. talk at the same time with one another
5 `7 M$ f- G. X: r3 X# \        B. discover their friends and relatives
' A3 Q& A8 b9 K        C. create a language that is simple and new
* u; z, ]  s5 ^. c7 ^        D. find out things that can make them laugh0 b' L2 I6 |& C( G* s' S: [
3. What does the sentence “There’s neither time nor space for explanations” mean?
  i0 a, h8 H9 ^- R        A. People should use words to express themselves in a proprer way.
7 l9 H; u9 @! B- N" t" Z/ ^        B. People should know what time it is when they are talking.
% x5 `+ e6 }: u( K+ Q; C: E4 b        C. People online have to express themselves in a simple way.
/ t1 t( ^4 y& a3 Z" s        D. People should communicate with each other in a funny way.
$ z$ G; Y) j/ `8 W" u$ j4. If you get 19/M/HK as an answer to you're A/S/L question, it means_____.
1 e. d$ n% R: a+ i        A. the person who is talking to you is 19 from Hong Kong and he is tall
- l% N2 Q- w. F* @- p& }        B. you are talking to a boy who is 19 years old and he lives in Hong Kong
1 `( x' w1 m; {6 r( w. ^6 d        C. you are talking to 19 boys from Hong Kong at the same time; d- w( }) J7 O
        D. the boy from Hong Kong has been online for 19 minutes.7 a5 I' e6 t: r* {5 y6 q. P3 m+ H9 a
5. Which of the following is a way to save time online?
0 K* n3 l7 |& O2 S/ R        A. Not using capital letters or punctuation marks.
1 O. Q8 H8 {6 e; C" M" I, P        B. Not letting dust form on your keyboard.$ t" h, L5 v( j9 X, d
        C. Using the “Shift” key when sending e-mails.- q+ z8 H' d0 M' }9 M8 n
        D. Coming up with ideas as quickly as possible.- {8 s0 U* [9 {* w* W6 r6 m  x

5 H# ?! o9 m: k; t  M. v2 UPassage 23 U5 j# T2 h: w8 ]
Many doctors are now trained in techniques to lessen tension and stress. Here health professionals reveal their favorite methods.9 v( h5 U2 d) I6 U" z8 l
Comfort with food. When diet expert Judith Wurtman is stressed out, she does what a lot of people do this time of year: she reaches for food. But in her case, it’s a healthy rice cake or two. “My research suggests that carbohydrates (碳水化合物) raise levels of a brain chemical, which has a calming effect on the entire body,” says the MIT research scientist. “So signs of stress—such as anger, tension, and inability to focus—are eased.”0 ~+ M* S9 r8 J( w
Run from your problems. Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper, who popularized aerobics (有氧运动) through his 1968 book by that name, handles his own stress with a daily after-work run. He knows that physical activity reduces anxiety and depression. “Aerobic exercise is the best way to dissipate stress,” says Cooper.) M5 {9 U) [3 p/ j4 e. A
Look to the light side. On his way to the hospital where his father was to have surgery, Joel Goodman shared a hotel bus with the anxious relatives of several patients. The driver began telling his stressed-out passengers a few jokes. “Then he did some magic tricks that had my mother and me laughing.” Goodman says. “In that five-minute ride he taught us that humor can lessen our stress.”
" Y# R8 M6 b- R1 V6 S* w" |1 R# RThe surgery was successful, and Goodman was so moved by his experience that he researched laughter’s power. “A good laugh relaxes muscles, reduces blood pressure, restrains stress-related hormones and enhances the immune system (免疫系统),” he says. ! x% a1 Z; b# `# c7 A
Go green. Coffee, loaded with hidden sources of caffeine, stimulates (刺激) the nervous system and can make you feel stressed more easily. That’s why Arizona doctor Andrew Weil, author of the best seller Spontaneous Healing, does not take caffeine. “When I want gentle energy, I drink green tea. It contains a caffeine-like element”, Weil says. It also contains compounds that, some studies suggest, have anti-cancer effects.! v' c! L) {* B& u
1. The following are ways to free you from stress EXCEPT _____.) u  I. l8 ^$ D+ W7 z5 u6 L
A. looking at things in a more relaxed way0 @6 A7 Z$ \. H1 C3 K
B. getting a lot of sleep during the day
* U. D5 {; \. @' J8 c' j8 ?C. eating some food with carbohydrates" l9 o% _2 w# e9 l
D. doing some aerobic exercise
. \, l6 y' h6 B6 B" M9 q' |2. Eating or drinking the following can be helpful in freeing you from stress EXCEPT _____.
! ?5 h( q( R2 \+ {6 G- `  vA. drink green tea                B. eat some bread! U+ c  X$ v+ }- @$ u: ~4 J
C. eat some rice cake             D. drink a lot of coffee
( `- R- C0 X! A: C3. A good laugh is very helpful EXCEPT to _____.0 U5 @+ B! N. u" \; W4 J) u
A. reduce blood pressure             B. restrain stress-related hormones+ K- p3 D- _; W( x: Z2 y7 q" `  B
C. enhance the immune system        D. take a holiday  G; A6 Q4 l: Z9 {5 X' O
4. What is the meaning of the word “dissipate” in the part “Run from Your Problems”?
9 d' s, q; H5 k5 a0 f# y  PA. Lessen.         B. Depress.        C. Disturb.        D. Level.' Q0 b4 x  S: g+ |- _8 B
5. Which of the following group of people can have a happier life, according to the passage?! E6 k4 r: e! R
A. Those who are continuously eating something.3 g* N+ y' J% I, V/ u3 W0 \
B. Those who are always engaged in working.
5 G3 |# I/ x5 pC. Those who use right methods to reduce tension.
7 X: N- N( a2 ^7 _: m$ P5 j' {D. Those who study medicine or psychology.
- u7 T6 Q9 W  h: \' I4 p. J* e" A! L1 w
Passage 3
- G& _( D8 S3 H1 X% s* I& b+ E) D: q        In my opinion, there is only one legitimate(合法的) handgun sport and that is aim practice. It is practiced at objects which are properly monitored and usually quite safe. Only certain handguns are true “sporting weapons”, seen as such by the sport’s lovers.
4 G  K& ~. h' |! u4 G8 [8 x        On the other hand, shooting at tin cans and other small objects in one’s backyard is not and should not be considered a serious sport. When uncontrolled, it can be a very dangerous practice.8 B4 g" p" {* y3 }( H
        Some opponents(反对者) of handgun control have stated that we are out to stop all hunting and that controlling the handgun would severely affect hunting. That is simply untrue. Handgun control would in no way limit the freedom of the true hunter. Few if any hunters consider the handgun an effective hunting weapon./ M+ v$ E' |5 j( ]0 G' s
        There are a few hunters who do hunt with handguns, but most states place restrictions(限制) on the type of guns that can be used in hunting, the reason being that killing of game should be done in as humane(人道的) a way as possible. Some small handguns are more likely to wound the animal rather than kill it at once. Only long gun, rifles and shotguns are effective arms for hunting.9 `) V; Q+ B0 o/ ~/ f$ w
        People must understand that handguns and hunters are separate matters. Because most of the hunters use a rifle or a shotgun, there is no reason why their search for game and sport should be affected by handgun control. Mixing the anti-hunting matter with the handgun matter confuses the killing of animals with the killing of people.
; n6 z9 y( [  v3 v4 U( [+ M1. In the writer’s opinion, people should use handguns only when ______.
' Q1 x' l: |+ Q7 T8 @: W4 F. E9 k! B; q        A. hunters shoot at animals                               
) L% w, `1 A; F" ?  k, f! A* ^7 pB. they aim at a criminal+ Q1 p7 V* s# N3 k) L
        C. objects are under control                                . q" K& k2 H& ^! P8 W0 o
D. objects are only small tin cans in the backyard! o1 j' X% _( b; q- ^. F0 w  V
2. Most stats limit the type of guns used for hunting because ______.' E( K% Z; N. `$ Z# l$ S! Y
        A. they want to control the use of guns/ e. m5 a9 C- J8 v4 k, d
        B. some guns are not effective
5 A$ [; h/ x4 d# K6 f        C. animals are very strong
1 [1 @. }/ }" A) G        D. hunters should take a humane approach toward animals
& l( [; V! I9 Q9 e. v9 j3. According to the writer, hunting is not affected by handgun control because ______.
, g$ O7 c& s+ u* O$ U! f% t        A. hunters can use knives rather than guns to hunt animals! I3 q) b3 @8 e7 v. L
        B. state government encourages hunters to use other guns
0 N. B1 B, e6 F9 }/ n$ L        C. nobody cares what weapons are used to kill animals
- g' k( U; b) y7 q4 d) s( A        D. most hunters use rifles rather than handguns
% v9 B5 z7 `) w' d( s* }4. This passage mainly talks about ______.( i) n  o$ X- \
        A. the relation between hunting and handgun control
2 }2 P3 J7 L1 p( \% w4 d* E        B. the importance of aim practice
; _: f* k7 M5 u  R7 F        C. how handgun control affects hunting7 O: m% ]% G6 U* [- N
        D. different types of guns used in hunting
7 N7 Y& Z# u4 J9 ?8 s  D) b" X5. It can be understood that ______.# J- u9 ?. t; H, w+ Z! n) \- R
        A. handgun control greatly affects hunting+ n+ E( T2 _- u) F$ h2 ^* e
        B. most hunter use rifles to hunt because of handgun control
; b$ n/ A5 w5 p6 b: Q# E/ Q  q        C. handgun control and hunting are separate matters9 n; {+ E( d5 s1 u3 s& B. P
        D. shotguns are better in hunting because they can save animals’ lives
$ f3 \) ]) j! q$ D. g: O2 Z+ Z
' r7 r8 }1 f: u* JPassage 4; y# I; ~; c+ Z/ B$ p: d
        “ Yes, I’ll be ready at nine in the morning. Goodbye, dear, and thanks again.” It had not been an easy telephone call for Mrs. Robinson to make. Her daughter had been very kind, of course, and had immediately agreed to pick her up and drive her to the station, but Mrs. Robinson hated to admit that she needed help. Since her husband had died ten years before, she had prided herself on her independence. She had continued to live in their little house, alone.
" f; Q3 o3 k% m        On this evening, however, whe was standing at ther living-room window, staring out at the SOLD notice in the small front garden. Her feelings were mixed. Of course, she was sad at the thought of leaving the house, as it was full of so many memories. But at the same time she was looking forward to spending her last years near the sea, back in the little seaside town where she had been born. With the money from the sale of the house, she had bought a little flat there. She turned from the living room window, and looked round at the room. One or two pieces of furniture remained, covered with sheets. All her pictures had been taken from the walls. There was a small fish tank, with two goldfish in it. When asked why, her husband used to say: “It’s nice to have something alive in the room.” Since he had passed away, she had always kept some goldfish, and always had “something alive in the room.”: u# F9 g' R5 |( J8 J  \: R& t5 w
        The next morning, as her train was pulling out of the station, Mrs. Robinson called to her daughter, “Kate, you won’t forget to collect the goldfish, will you? The children will love them. It’s…”! }( Q) I. |6 Y- H: M& T
        “I know,” Kate interrupted gently. “It’s nice to have something alive in the room.” But in the little house, the two goldfish had stopped their circling. They were floating on the water, in the room with empty walls.
0 Y7 t/ J5 v1 {% f( v/ h1. What kind of person was Mrs. Robinson, according to the passage?
& ]4 h3 K" _* }! u  R+ I( R        A. She liked to be alone." G# a" c  H! n& ?: w' u  G, y+ @0 y! [7 N
        B. She did not have a lot of pride.
$ N0 w. j* Q% G8 b/ Y. i, N- [& o        C. She did not like asking people for help.
1 V4 ?/ F# W. D8 _+ P        D. She wanted to live without her husband.+ z  ]' C+ x9 C0 L6 D: F! f
2. On her last night in the house, Mrs. Robinson was feeling _____.
8 w( l, x9 _  V2 }" l( x- @        A. a bit sad but not totally unhappy
6 t) J8 O/ w+ y6 m- S( c1 H        B. very happy but unable to help herself+ {/ p5 P; c# y
        C. proud of what she had done but sad
6 [1 v& w8 E4 Z- h) {        D. in poor spirits because of her husband$ C/ A* @; S( E$ i5 Y' h1 r
3. Mrs. Robinson was going to _____.* K' ^. C4 `9 F, T; k6 @" V
        A. take a trip on the sea                                        B. live with her daughter
( K2 f! T0 R; h* B- |3 Z        C. meet her husband                                        D. live where she was born
4 I' @! T4 y2 ^" J% ?3 n. @4. Mrs. Robinson was _____ to return to her hometown.! s) c% b7 P& G- {
        C. unwilling                        B. eager                        C. regretful                        D. thankful
) N* u1 ]# J  e5. Why did the little house mean a lot to Mrs. Robinson?8 t# [( z& R* K4 e
        A. Because it was built many years ago.) Z$ B8 X3 B9 ~$ G1 X! q
        B. Because an important part of her life was spent there.
4 B; A/ |- `( h' D; |% ~# Y, F        C. Because it was a very good place to keep pets.2 ]! `1 ?, q8 s% O, H  ?( B
        D. Because she had many living things there.  `" B4 J; o7 c/ k8 j
7 j4 Q4 g& G) d
Passage 5
- X  r  v( c( v        Of all the family members, grandparents are probably the least valued. They are just the people who have always been around. They make a fuss over (对……关怀备至) the children in the family, show off to their friends the achievements of this child or that child, and show countless pictures of new babies. Grandfathers can fix anything, and grandmothers always have homemade biscuit around.3 ~5 s  {+ F4 X+ h' J% }/ K
        When you are small, it’s fun to stay with your grandparents because they always let you do things you can’t do at home, and, of course, they buy you things. They are always able to baby-sit (临时照看婴儿) because they don’t go out much and actually prefer to see their grandchildren. They are usually good for a small loan now and then that doesn’t need to be paid back because they turn it into a gift. You respectfully listen to their advice but don’t follow it because they are old and don’t understand how things are in his day and age. You thank them politely for what they do for you, and then don’t call or visit them until you need something else. And, of course, you never tell them how dear they are to you because they know how you feel about them anyway. Then all of a sudden, they are no longer there to do the things that only grandparents can do, and you find yourself wishing that you had told them what they meant to you as people and not just as grandparents., d7 X. [1 N% p8 s  L. z+ G! O
1. What is the position of grandparents in the family according to the writer?
- t7 w, I9 E! z( W' J" v% ~A. They are the most important people among family members.
$ ^5 c# S# x) J& PB. They are the least important people among family members.
! h+ x- A1 i; x1 K0 v3 t, BC. They are the ones at whom their children or grandchildren usually laugh./ Z/ H0 n* o" @+ s2 x0 j
D. They are the ones whom their children or grandchildren respect most.: t# ?$ D$ b; P, q5 e+ O
2. Grandparents usually do many things except _______.
9 s* y  r( N' F* ]  e5 ]" s        A. look after their grandchildren; O, [! ~; W9 A3 f; o9 V0 b
        B. buy their grandchildren things
2 j$ T8 K& ^( y! e2 X6 L- v2 s3 Y9 g  j        C. let their grandchildren do things they can’t do at home
, t! G) i2 f2 S. R7 e/ P        D. tell their grandchildren how dear they are to them
1 o3 b6 n$ l; w1 U3. Why don’t children need to pay back the loan from their grandparents?
0 R7 m/ q7 m3 S4 A2 V( L        A. Grandparents turn the loan into a gift.
1 r. r" I+ L6 T- h9 Y/ }, {        B. Their parents pay back the loan for them.* o* I5 l+ [. [% g  b
        C. Their grandparents die before they have enough money to pay it back.% \, L1 K1 m! Z8 {/ g# S
        D. Their grandparents will forget the loan.
- }& Y! q8 U. H6 Z9 ~" Q4. Children don’t take their grandparents’ advice because ______.. ]7 L2 }8 t) [# o7 m7 b# F' I
        A. their advice is not of any help in the present situation
' c3 I4 `8 A0 M: Z: }        B. they don’t like the advice itself8 o4 N, n% p& e  {& B: c
        C. following their advice will make them act like old people5 C/ A' _3 ]# B  a% m5 ^8 _* B! L
        D. they want to make decisions of their own5 R/ a( y  _# [  f9 x' H
5. How do children feel after their grandparents die?, _( d- o" @! W$ g
        A. They feel sorry that grandparents are the least valued in the family.
# k( G- |  y& M, d+ M; O        B. They miss them very much because no one does the things that only grandparents do., P* O: p4 x% Y* K: w+ b
        C. They regret they didn’t express their true feelings to them.2 o7 @' _/ w5 U$ t  X
        D. They wish they had visited and called them more often.+ Z3 l  X: G  k  r, G0 k
: C/ p; N3 j1 S. }+ |5 C* H
Passage 6& H3 a' d/ t$ o* C) V
        How often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets." Z5 J7 H# ]1 T  e* p- q
        Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, e is fed, looked after and loved whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.; z: k. n. p8 o/ G2 M
        When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breads the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.
8 l. b& F+ J. K3 d* I" I' m1. People can experience happiness if they ______.
. N8 ~5 N% H3 s; J6 c        A. always think of the past and regret it
( ~$ c& C7 F1 k! Z4 O- j& O( w# x$ O        B. value the present/ E% \5 g; Q& r% m
        C. are no longer young# }8 C% L+ c7 F% V$ D. o
        D. become old and have much experience9 ^% r3 a) }1 m" ?  F
2. When people were young, they used to ______.+ ?( u( }; K, ]. _  v2 p1 q
        A. be in charge of many business; e" t6 ^( t+ G
        B. have few things to think about and take on
- U3 J- G  Z$ M: j        C. look after their younger sisters and brothers
' J7 c6 g, l  G( w0 N4 I  M        D. face a lot of difficulties
0 S) s  G0 v2 M, {4 q5 E0 b3 F3. The pains of children lie in the fact that ______.: I" Z% n: [  B9 e' a
        A. no one helps them make right decisions
! V  m; Q/ J2 j. q7 L$ f* C        B. they are often beaten by their parents" P3 t/ y! p2 T) Z* m5 f
        C. they can not be accepted and praised by others
/ R# R9 ~1 M  ~: |8 P        D. they are not allowed to do what they like to do
3 m. R( ?: A9 H. ?. k4. Children are usually happy because ______.* ?  \! M: Y% B$ w
        A. old people lose interest in them1 s/ A. ]$ v# h2 q4 j, j' e
        B. they are free to do wrong
) M* `7 W# S5 ~: H7 I, C, i6 I        C. they are familiar with everything going on around them
6 T5 _- ?* D/ \        D. things are new to them
, s5 q6 Z! R4 F9 S' @: n5. Which of the following is NOT needed for a young man to be happy?5 b5 R$ A# T, D" H" G, x
        A. Hard work                                B. Being free from troubles0 \2 d% o: e7 @8 s
        C. Wealth                                        D. Health( u7 J8 T6 h/ o5 l3 Y" v# Z
8 E! Y. W5 k$ C
Passage 7
4 C4 [- U# b( u# z        “Congratulations, Mr. Jones, it’s a girl.”1 I. @5 Z0 k/ [) F1 _5 l" g: v* F
        Fatherhoook is going to have a different meaning and bring forth a different response from every man who hears these words. Some feel pride when they receive the news, while others worry, wondering whether they will be good fathers. Althought there are some men who like children and may have had considerable experience with them, others do not particularly care for children and spend little time with them. Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time. For other couples, pregnancy was an accident that both husband and wife have accepted willingly or unwillingly.4 M: q" l! _1 C' Z
        Whatever the response to the birth of a child, it is clear that the change from the role of husband to that of father is a difficult task. Yet, unluckily, few attempts have been made to educate fathers in this process. Although numerous books have been written about American mothers, only recently has literature focused on the role of a father.
0 F7 d7 @1 F6 E, E        It is argued by some writers that the change to the father’s role, although difficult, is not nearly as gret as the change the wife must make to the mother’s role. The mother’s role seems to require a complete change in daily routine and adjustment, and the father’s role is less demanding and immediate. However, even though we mentioned the fact that growing numbers of women are working outside the home, the father is still thought by many as breadwinner in the household.. p2 I8 U% G5 T" A
1. According to the author, how do men feel after they become fathers?, j, k; J! I' z9 M7 z
        A. They feel like they need some more experience.
* I" F" y) A4 |; T% m# }$ y$ M: ]9 g        B. They have a feeling that they must do a lot of planning.7 C; W) i5 H1 b; f8 I+ q
        C. Some men feel proud and others uneasy., D1 X) Z  W2 M( g( d$ w5 Z
        D. They have a feeling of not caring about things." {% m- W+ O- d* |2 `) a# e
2. Which of the following is stated in the passage?
6 d- R. m2 F3 m        A. Some parents have a child accidentally and they are not prepared.% x6 h2 l* G+ Q; q3 q
        B. Young couples do not want to have children at all these days.
( |- |& _) d) F8 m0 c$ U        C. Working couples turn to their parents to take care of their children.
4 P9 V$ }0 T0 i        D. Many parents look forward to having a grl as their first baby.. {( N$ g( T5 F0 l" X, z! X
3. In the third paragraph, the author _____.
0 }9 ]/ K( E, \7 C1 `7 |        A. thinks fathers should take their responsiblities in raising children
) y( r9 n1 `, @9 O6 g        B. criticized writers for writing so much about being a mother  R" Y" ^+ F, l) C$ Y% u6 p/ ]
        C. supports the idea that a father sould also run the home well
: I0 d7 v; u6 P, Y        D. complains that husands cannot get much help being a father' Q! H5 F; x% l# ]: j& p, V, _# b
4. The change of the mother’s role requires that the wife _____.  F, ~1 e2 h! t0 ]
        A. just do whatever she likes to do in her life* g, z/ ?# y$ m: R" g+ G; U3 y
        B. change completely to deal with the new situation
, t# G0 T+ w9 N8 F$ _1 f8 ]        C. work only within her own home if she can* L  {$ q6 t$ Y# P+ Q
        D. help her husband with his trade or business6 d9 k* D  q! u5 k0 E0 w0 I
5. Some writers argue that with respect to the change of roles, fathers, compared with mothers, _____.
2 `3 B3 n0 t& j! t/ w        A. have to bear more burdens
1 U3 T; k/ ~$ ]/ R/ n/ j. {: H        B. make a more difficult adjustment
& W5 H8 @+ m! y        C. have an easier job to do) I# F* }! d0 y; L- D: ]4 P2 u  I2 L
        D. shoulder many burdens5 w1 J3 s; K7 k+ n) r* v

! b  I5 x& p9 B. O- k( R# T4 N6 B# JPassage 8
' m3 {6 n: e, }- F  O        This is not the world we know. This world is controlled by computers. Men and women can be seen, but they are following orders given to them by machines. The machines were designed by mad scientists, but at some point even the mad scientists were taken over by their super-inventions (超级发明).
. \( R& }( ^  ?- v! S: ~- v        Does this sound familiar? You have probably read something like it in magazines or books, or seen it in a film. Why is it so popular? One of the reasons is that it reflects the fears of many people; fear of the unknown, fear of what is not understood or, at least, fear of something that is not completely understood." j) _; r; I7 t
        The fact is that every day it seems that computers take control f another area of our lives. Some factory jobs are now done by robots and the robots are controlled by computers. Our bank accounts are managed by computers. At the airport, our tickets are sold by a computer. Certainly, many of these operations are made more efficient by computers, but our admiration is sometimes mixed with unsafe feelings. And this lack of safety is caused by the fact that we do not know how computers do these things, and we really don’t know what they might do next.
3 i9 @, ~+ N4 R& v! J, w        But we can find out how computers work, and once we understand them, we can use computers instead of worrying about being used by them. Today, there is a new generation of computer wizards (奇才) who know exactly how computers get things done. These young men and women, usually university students, are happy to sit for hours, sometimes for days, designing programs, not eating, not sleeping, but discovering what can be done by these wonderful slaves which they learned to control. These computer wizards have learned to use the computer and search for new tasks for their machines.# q3 j- f- H* i; P
1. We can know that the scientists who designed the machines ______4 P6 q1 x: N5 f/ U
        A. are careless in their daily life
( U- Z9 X9 r6 [/ t        B. are unkind and cruel  V' W9 m( ~5 g) }! t: O
        C. are out of their mind       
+ B8 n" K2 ~. `8 p) t; A        D. have great abilities7 b& d2 F. D) i. M
2. The reason why many people are afraid of computers is that ______.. K9 z8 G0 ~" o4 P9 Z2 |
        A. they don’t know anything about computers; u) [+ ]4 R% O8 d( M
        B. they haven’t really understood computers- f; @8 D: T  g1 ~2 i* [
        C. there are so many computer games
. V# L  x" a4 j. ^' ]  `/ Z        D. computers are often down
& o1 H* E- Y4 E+ Y3. The author mentions computer wizards in order to point out that ______.
6 f6 u. Q/ R) I; E# i/ @8 q        A. computers can be controlled by man
4 u/ v1 V- [; P" V        B. there should be more people devoted to computers
, n+ `6 r  l& l6 D# B3 o9 T        C. only young people are interested in computers. h6 V' O" U  b& v
        D. more time and energy is required to control computers% y- i8 c7 d% @5 t6 c3 H6 }
4. This passage is probably written to suggest that ______.
2 e, r% {- e4 y. H        A. some day computers can deal with all human problems6 B# m4 v$ [& l* e8 h* q6 }
        B. computers can be used in place of traveling to our jobs% c! Z( ^4 i( Z! Q9 d$ K( t% M# A
        C. people should not fear computers
3 q8 t' c6 Z6 v0 U- h        D. computer technology will not meet people’s needs in various situations# z. P( C# b3 I: b
5. The author’s attitude towards widely used computers is______.
& @) T0 _6 }/ P$ P4 ]1 K; V4 [9 p/ ?        A. positive                B. anxious                C. worried                D. curious
" P5 A+ Z& S& ?& t2 h0 A6 w- j
( E# I+ B9 x& P1 WPassage 95 _* H+ N# L' |5 W
In the 1900’s, American townspeople usually washed and brushed their teeth and combed their hair in the kitchen. Or they kept a water pitcher (大水罐) and a wash basin in their rooms and took care of these things there.- a5 [  T6 C7 Z' i" g: w3 F( z
The bathtub was a wash tub (澡盆) filled with water from the stove. If you were small enough you could sit down by drawing your knees to your chest. Otherwise, you washed yourself standing up. Often all the women and girls in the family bathed together. Then the men and boys did. In most families this was Saturday night because Sundays they went to church. A small number of families did have running water. But that depended on whether there was a water system where they lived and on whether they could afford the plumbing (水管设施). Some people had bathtubs in their homes as early as 1895. But many others did not have their first bath in a bathtub until 1910 or later when they were fifteen or sixteen years old.
! q  y3 `6 K8 ~7 a& s' O# t1. In the first paragraph , “took care of” means “________”. ( i1 b! a$ o# T& I
A. kept                         B. looked after                         C. used                         D. kept and used
& {% P( L! v; w2. In order to use the water from the stove, there ________be a pipe connecting the tub with the stove.7 r- P' d% [+ G; E
A. must                         B. seemed to                                 C. needn’t                 D. should
+ j. J1 y. p( y0 `3 X9 e6 |- H3. Which of the following statements is true?
! B, j4 i% h1 A/ D4 |A. Males and females in the family took turns using the bathtub.
( k2 e5 j& n! Y3 K- t  }, c1 Y# hB. Some bathtubs were big enough for many people to bathe in at the s me time.
0 T+ F/ Y9 J5 q! b+ i& ~8 pC. All the women and girls of a family could bathe together standing up in the tub.
* }- }' `% F( C/ i# X1 xD. When several family members bathed together, they did not use the bathtub.
7 T0 H% q0 m; k4. Americans owned a bathtub as early as 1895. . ]' g. z6 o5 n& f
A. Many                 B. Not all                                 C. All                         D. Few8 r# r5 B( y8 O9 ]* @: i
5. We can infer (推断) that the plumbing at that time_________.
/ C1 Q7 o7 J" `3 PA. cost little- I, [5 w( J. h" a$ Q8 m! _6 {
B. was more expensive than a water system- H( T4 a4 t4 s
C. was too expensive for every family to afford
8 [% m1 W# h- sD. was not necessary
( x- _& y5 C( G) v0 M% l6 {$ N7 G; k3 M
Passage 10
: g0 |  u% m- \- {, L        Telephone, television, radio, an the Internet help people communicate with each other. Because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world. For example, within seconds, people can know the results of an election in another country. An international football match comes into the homes of everyone with a television set. News of a disaster, such as a flood, can bring help from distant countries. Within hours, help is on the way. This is because modern technology information travels fast.
) }. Q2 y" q" F% [        How has this speed of communication changed the world? To many people, the world has become smaller. Of course, this does not mean that the world is actually smaller. It means that the world seems smaller. Two hundred years ago, communication between the continents took a long time. All news was carried on hsips that took weeks or even months to cross the oceans. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it took six weeks for new from Europe to reach the Americas. This time difference influenced people’s actions. For example, a few battles in the War of 1812 between England and the United States could have been avoided. A peace agreement had already been signed. Peace was made in England, but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America. During these six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought. Many people lost their lives after a peace treaty(条约)had been signed. They would not have died if new had come in time. In the past , communication took much more time than it does now. There was a good reason why the world seemed so much larger that it does today.( S+ {- a' P7 X, n0 j$ a
1. Thanks to _____, we can gain brand-new ideas and news of events from all over the world.
4 d' I! Z  d5 l0 M# N        A. disasters                        B. Europe                C. ocean travel                D. modern technology! _+ l$ ]" g0 Q; v  b0 L* l0 U& k9 o
2. What took six weeks a couple of hundred years ago?- _) |6 j$ I! E  L# V6 G# Q
        A. The War of 1812 between the US and England.% @- m1 b3 m, I
        B. Agreeing on peace during the War of 1812.! E/ l$ A, `1 O' w* R( ^
        C. The Battle of New Orleans that wasn’t avoided.. s1 j$ Y/ ?% `, I
        D. Ocean travel between Europe and America.1 w2 S; ]; W- p: z' U; X
3. Some battles in the war betweeen England and America could have been avoide if _____.
. R( L2 k0 P  E) Y' ?; J- R# F        A. people had signed the peace agreement sooner- U0 m$ N0 n* ^$ M2 c# l1 b. [' S
        B. the peace agreement had reached America earlier; m' K6 I% Z/ Z+ D# z' t0 a  R
        C. the peace agreement had not been lost on the way  u5 V7 U3 `6 s+ Q6 w& N+ n8 F
        D. peple of the two countries had taken some action
! |2 z; Q: p% C* T4. What attitude did the writer hold to the people who died in the War of 1812?
+ S; h! a$ O0 D7 A; c        A. Curious.                        B. Amazed.                C. Sympathetic.                D. Angry.& C$ |& d0 w* ]3 o9 g* k3 }* J
5. Which is the most appropriate title for this passage?9 x* K+ ~! O4 ?# t1 J3 q9 ^0 A
        A. Modern Technology and Communication5 M) ]9 }& `( L8 {8 c3 H
        B. People Today in the Small World.
7 n9 a6 A' S# {, V        C. The Unnecessary War of 1812.
( U1 b: R! H2 N" Y, D        D. People in the Information Age.* a9 [0 t, W. v+ b1 r, q& ]
1 m5 r: J- Q7 U+ _6 E1 \( n% f
Passage 11
' ?5 z5 a0 n8 u5 S, E. _& U( XLike most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display (陈列) of a nearby store occurred to me, I stepped in and suggested it to the store-keeper. If something interesting happens, the story of which I think the local Catholic (天主教的) priest (神父) could use, I call him up and tell him about it, though I am not a Catholic myself.
. R/ \2 W4 b& \/ z4 y/ S; POne discovery I made about giving away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in a form that is not expected. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the post office manager a thank-you note. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the post office manager appeared in the entrance. He had happened to hear our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special envelope to your home?” I said it was. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.”
; n% W; ~6 s& j1 d! E1. The writer at first regarded life as a process of getting probably because _____.% |2 H% ?/ Z4 |7 }9 k
A. he was like most people in looks4 x6 W7 ~1 s/ a' p1 y( e( U
B. of most people around him8 E2 y& m/ p# q3 {$ ^4 d) }0 _
C. he was educated to like most people
- j* n( F* D. W8 A; W; i5 pD. of his early education
# G+ F* y1 T2 E2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?  N8 }0 ^3 `& t2 T+ j* P
A. The writer like most people brought up that way.# B. z" Z' d6 A6 G
B. He was educated to consider life as a process of getting in the same way as most people do.) F' }6 e1 s9 w+ A& M$ @; T- C
C. He discovered how important money was in his late thirties.  `  [( q) v. u! v
D. He made some important discoveries after he was thirty.
* V, P. p& V6 ?. ]8 r3. The writer suggested an idea to he storekeeper _____.' j" c% c4 [! H/ i$ G) Q/ e& p
A. in the store window                B. in person
8 o8 T: J! o$ r; m% nC. about another store                 D. in a letter0 {$ r+ i  B' `
4. When the writer needed a post-office box, _____./ p0 m3 e+ I1 n" {  K1 R, f( ^
A. his name went on a waiting list8 k8 e1 h, _1 A2 z" x0 v- b
B. he wrote the post office manager asking him to make one for him
6 n7 A. d2 p9 u" @C. there had been many people requesting post-office boxes earlier than him
: ?" K! k( r, ~6 {/ QD. he wrote the post office manager to complain5 S& t1 I% Z- g: ], q
5. When answering the post office manager’s question, the writer said _____.
' f( e, H6 U8 R: N3 ~; \A. it was he3 E8 [* N/ a  ]
B. it was a post-office box
8 `$ ?$ K  U+ L, F' r6 `! N, iC. it was the important letter delivered to his home: T1 ~0 \4 {7 v: Y7 T
D. it was the thank-you note he had written/ |- k; Q/ _. X8 G

6 A. i* x# I* {, w$ L# \Passage 12) {+ w; m6 _) r% a
Roger Sperry and Robert Ornstein of the California Institute of Technology won a Nobel Prize in 1972. They discovered that the human brain has two sides, and each side has different work to do. The left side of the brain controls language and number; it analyses (分析) and reasons. The right side controls our imagination; it controls our understanding of music and our sense of rhythm (节奏). It is the right side of our brain which daydreams.
; N# D  y! Q  I0 t3 ?% f  |Great artists and great scientists are similar: they both use the two sides of their brain. It is well-known that Albert Einstein, as a great scientist, also enjoyed art, playing the violin and sailing. Einstein said his scientific discoveries grew from his imagination rather than from analysis, reason and language. He said that written and spoken words were not important in his thinking. He got ideas by using his imagination. He then used the left side of brain to use analysis, number and reason and then he used language to explain it.1 B: x- i3 U: B: b
Usual education in schools encourages us to use the left side of our brains. Language, number, analysis and reason are given more important in our schools than imagination and daydreaming. However, we are encouraged to hop when we have two perfectly good legs! Then why don’t we give more value to visual (可见的) thinking?! I' ~( s, `3 a% [4 T5 K5 v
In fact, all of us need both sides of our brain. We need to use our imaginations to think of solutions to problems and to enjoy feeling and creative experiences. And we need to be logical and to be able to analyze and organize in order to live on this world.- h) R: Q2 [/ b6 P. @: \/ R
It is true that some people find it easier to use one side of the brain rather than the other but all of us can use both sides and all of us benefit by using all the powers we have. Nietzsche, the well-known philosopher, said that we add to our knowledge by making conscious the unconscious.
9 x% {2 m; s& B1. A great composer composes music by using_____.
- r6 f) N- ^2 [A. right side of his brain              B. left side of his brain. x7 p! @$ q8 }8 I: R1 b' W8 B) `
C. both sides of his brain              D. neither side of his brain3 {4 V; B, R! |: A; Q  r
2. Albert Einstein’s example suggests that _____.% U( c. m* W" {0 t& |* R
A. all scientific discoveries are based on imagination rather than analysis
: |6 m9 W7 U0 B( c6 TB. people should do nothing but daydream
2 M/ Q6 A) a& _* zC. using two sides of the brain is equally important. Y% |" Y% Q2 ?1 X7 q* ^
D. scientists are good at imagining the happenings
+ v. w7 _  O) Q# {3. It is implied in the passage that regular education _____.
7 u0 D0 ]+ w: f: h* T- RA. should be praised because it suggest using both sides of the brain* V7 z% Z6 D2 W
B. finds it important to imagine
( F( [5 q. P$ u0 O' P& [* y. LC. claims that analysis and reason are of no value% X# i* }1 p2 \
D. fails to find the importance of using the right side of the brain
! H# b% T! W8 A2 S& B; ]4. According to the author, when we have a meal, we _____.0 v" o: E8 w; i# z
A. ought to stop using the left side of the brain
7 K% _& M0 L, I          B. should combine the functions of two sides of the brain
( ?1 f/ k/ x: m- P- `C. are likely to focus on the balance of food on our plate
. C+ z4 r* h& z' ]/ I* k, a9 wD. are advised to forget everything about the food
8 \! p, r: w& W, H6 L9 J! k5. The author’s attitude towards using two sides of the brain is _____.2 `, ]$ P2 b  Z' A, w4 y
A. positive          B. negative         C. cold         D. critical- G3 `+ n* E- p; `
/ I2 W' C" |$ e7 s
Passage 13 % W$ E* U7 L, |" L& @
“Life begins at forty” is more often an expressin of hope than a statement of facts. But it has the ring of truth for a group of women at the University of Pittsburgh whose professional lives are really just beginning. A woman, who used to be a housewife and is trying to get a Ph. D and teaching at the university, has received the highest student evaluation in the university history.+ O' M5 S: z8 x/ N
A mother of forty, who never had a policy-making position in her part-time work, is now a director in the department of planning for the city of Pittsburgh. And another woman, who without a college degree had trouble in finding a good job, has been accepted as the first woman professor at UCLS’s Graduate School of Management.7 ]  q& Q2 ]& ]4 x% B3 A# f6 v
1. “Life begins at forty” usually means that _______.
6 `" M) i  M" Q* U1 M' Y' T. SA. a person’s life just begins when he is forty years old
! \, @4 N8 r2 j( PB. a person at forty can be expected to last many more years.: t7 J% R# @  S8 M( R5 D8 `
C. a person in his forties is still in his childhood.- l8 ~- C2 v8 c( f& ^
D. A person at forty must be very strong and healthy., t1 U0 n* _7 }8 N: O
2. For the professional lives of a group of women at the University of Pittsburgh, the saying ______.% _$ w6 i' u5 r9 c; ~' l1 E$ S
           A. proves true                                                        B. is out of date4 y; U8 S% z: l  d7 d% R( a+ b' T7 }
        C. seems wrong                                                D. is unacceptable
! i( K# [: L3 Z9 ~; H% t$ W1 l3. A “Ph. D” is ______.
# t' k$ a$ Q; r+ O8 _           A. a large amount of money                                B. a college degree- v' w0 p0 l/ M
           C. a high position in the office                                D. a high rank in the government! D- _9 g* K4 z5 w' Y1 m; z( Y; l
4. Who has the right to make a policy?
, T" m8 N0 W+ Z0 d        A. A woman in her full-time work.
+ q' L. p' Q5 M2 E, rB. A housewife./ E; D/ {7 `6 m! l% o9 u  O" F
C. A woman without a college degree.
% p  P8 ^" S1 e2 q" L/ K+ P1 vD. A director in the department of planning for the city.
' ?. L* c1 H( ?' {6 C5. The example of the first woman professor at UCLA’s Graduate School of Management tells us that ________.: J6 u0 ]1 |: s. h
A. a woman needn’t have a college degree2 d" H) e" j5 w0 N9 `$ h( b
B. a person without a college defree often has trouble in finding a good job, U8 J" m& O- |# U
C. people who are in their forties can begin a new working life) I$ U6 Q+ W; K7 A5 |3 j" r
D. a woman has more chances to be accepted as a professor
9 d7 [6 g+ z" K8 ~; I! S8 r9 e( V  s+ F
Passage 14 1 L6 x4 b% J8 H$ l; n% j
A wise man said, “Of the making of books there is no end.” There are millions of books in the world, and thousands of new books come out every year. It is no good hoping to read all these books. However hard we may try, we can read only a few. So we must be careful in deciding what to read, for there are bad books as well as books really worth reading. We may read good novels., but most of our readng should be serious — science, technology, lives of great men, history an so on. If we get into the habit of reading earniestly and with a purpose when we are young, we shall be grateful for it all our lives. For reading gives a man great pleasure, trains his mind, makes him think, and teaches him much.
" D* i; L, F0 {0 x( E1. The wise man’s saying means that ________.
# [) `5 S+ E" B* h3 qA. books will continue coming out as time goes on" r7 g0 p/ Z. B2 c) P! |
B. books without an ending will go on being produced" S- e2 z+ Q$ ^4 h% a& y
C. the making of some books has no ending
- w% J# \$ r% D2 M6 J1 nD. making books has nothing to do with an end9 D- J9 o. ]# ?/ {6 W6 E: B# l
2. It is no good hoping to read all these books because _______./ \# |$ q0 V6 @, k4 F5 I$ e
A. there are too many books to read
( s8 M) ?' S  wB. reading some of the books is not good to us. S% c9 X) z/ k$ ^0 |2 Y6 q* z
C. reading these books takes up too much time
, c' N! q* I  l3 B  u; P7 ]1 WD. a little learning is a dangerous thing
/ q. {3 `- b  D: M% O1 M3. We can read only a few of the books in the world ________.. X5 i& B  ^  J/ `9 |
A. if we do not try reading books in some new way1 D) s$ E+ m1 Y
B. because we are often not in the right habit of reading
* K! O# y- @1 D% l$ c+ |! ^6 yC. even if we try hard ot read few of them3 N! \3 }0 D1 J/ M, a
D. no matter how hard we may try to read all of them  ~# T7 @) b2 l* e5 s/ R
4. We must be careful in making up our minds about what we’ll read, for ________.1 G0 y9 d6 {, z  j  @
A. bad books are as good as books worth reading' M: O: G: D$ b( S) E
B. there are some bad books worth reading
) [7 ?6 N  f& jC. there are too many bad books as well as books worth reading
8 d! z( Q# O( z- pD. we should read only the good books not the bad ones
& m( h! [3 I4 H0 Q5 G# h" d5. We may read good novels but _________.: ^' P" f1 p9 T" Q% ]: l
A. we should read them thoroughly and critically6 ^! S) _: S6 C- D
B. we should read the most serious books4 G( ^/ i8 s- ]0 M+ w2 ]1 R/ {
C. our reading should be most serious
5 o* \- ?& w+ W# Y5 fD. we should read first of all serious books
2 e) y' M) d9 r% Z
+ L3 [5 Y- q( A, M0 Q* V: ?Passage 15 ' a# _+ k  p: h3 c
You can use our Business Telecard International at any card phone in the United Kingdom.  Here is some information about making international phone calls. You can now phone almost any country in the world, although in some cases you can only call big cities. When you cannot make direct dialing calls, you can ask the international operator to help you.5 P: N; {: D9 n! P2 V
This is more expensive and takes more time, but it may be helpful. If you want to speak to a particular person, in this case you should ask for a “person-to-person” call. Even more expensive is a receives charge (对方付款) call, where the person w ho receives the call pays.
. ]* b5 N6 P, h6 i1 a& X! O& ]If the international line is busy, you can reserve a call to explain the number you want and the4 {% d2 j: r/ I/ X; U
operator will call you back w hen the line is free.
" u2 Q: X7 h% _6 TYou can save money by calling outside office hours, for example, early in the morning, late at night and on Sundays. Remember that the time may be different in the country you are calling. International time is based on GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). London is on GMT and Moscow, for example, is 3 hours ahead.+ L; h# k' v( B: V8 n( ]0 x
There is one problem: change to DST (Daylight Saving Time) for the summer. In the UK, clocks are put for ward one hour in spring and put back in autumn, and so London is actually one hour ahead of GMT in the summer.& B* x2 k* r8 k: h
1. What is the most expensive type of call? : q; `& V$ B0 }# i1 s/ u# y: C7 K
A. Direct dialing call.                                         B. Calling through the operator.6 u, c2 f+ ], Q/ i" k
C. Reverse charge call.                                         D. Calling outside office hours.9 Y0 Q2 i8 k  |) G# n
2. What can you do if the international line is busy? 7 e) G9 s# M4 }) l# R8 ^' X; {( Q9 x
A. Ask the operator to call you later.                 B. Make a “person-to-person” call .
/ _3 S0 C7 ~9 Z8 GC. Call back outside office hours.                         D. Wait and call again when the line is free .0 n. @2 C7 M! `
3. When is it cheaper to make an international call?
' |$ ~' D2 U& q/ w& RA. 10 a. m.                         B. 5 p. m.                 C. 11 p. m.                 D. 8 a. m.( J: {! @( Q5 E  K
4. How many hours is Moscow ahead of London during the summer?
- Y* J+ d% |0 g2 D$ s         A. One.                                 B. Two.                         C. Three.                 D. Four.
/ u2 `* A0 F2 M9 }9 A/ k/ t6 _5. If you want to use Business Telecard International, you have to _____.
) w7 U9 A; X' p* N! L! g0 p5 FA. use a card phone                                         B. phone on Sunday
2 S1 g( a2 v1 R8 W( CC. make a direct dialing call                                 D. pay extra
7 Y8 ?; `3 b) Z; z/ g8 W' O6 M( N  [
Passage 166 w7 G1 P9 k2 A5 K7 s
The BBC was founded in 1922, including radio and television services. It is based at Broadcasting House in London .
5 i3 h6 c$ j: SThe BBC is controlled by some governors chosen by the govern m ent, but these people have freedom and the government can’t interfere (干扰). That is, the BBC is supposed not to be the mouthpiece ( 代言人) of the government. It has to be as fair as possible in giving radio and television time to, for example, political parties and religious (宗教) groups .* y& {6 S( a, _6 d) Z
There is a kind of interesting service in British — rental services. Many people prefer to rent their television sets instead of buying them .7 l3 v9 ]# P' T/ v/ N& Q
The rent for a black and w hite set is about 80 pence a week (1980). T he rent of a color set is more than twice that of a black and white set. If the sets go wrong, people can have them repaired free of charge or replaced im m ediately ." T( U9 L2 R3 c) k
Everyone has to buy a yearly license, since there is no advertising on BBC radio or television. It is from the sale of licenses that the BBC gets most of its money. A license for a black and white set costs 8 pounds, and for a color set 18 pounds a year .3 E: Z+ U$ T3 I/ G
There are four specialized radio channels, which broadcast different kinds of programmes. Radio 1 is mainly pop music. Radio 2 deals with light music, sports and other programmes. Radio 3 broadcasts serious music, talks on serious subjects etc. News broadcasts are mainly given by Radio 4.) J: K) c" F# o( R. k0 b
There are special programmes for Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and certain parts of England.
: [- P' z$ `3 T' j. ^It also broadcasts programmes about Britain — in many different languages as well as in English to all parts of the world .
4 {/ {; j  @9 w1 P. L# H" |- x! ~1. The officials in charge of the BBC ________. 5 n5 [& Q, \( z( ?
A. must say what the government wants to say
7 d, G/ M2 X1 s" ?* nB. should give more time to political parties than to religious groups
. E8 |. v7 [- d7 sC. are elected by the citizens from all over the country8 n- B4 d" I' A
D. can decide things without the per mission of the govern ment
$ b+ ]$ v% t+ _/ L  d0 ^: ?% H2. If he wants to watch TV at home, everyone __________.
( Y2 N- e, [. SA. has to buy a television set of his own+ ?" x  j# B* H
B. must rent a TV set
) c$ ~1 E4 r  D$ S5 n+ AC. has to buy a license once a year5 n# y  o2 G- j- o& v6 J; I
D. can change his da m aged TV set for a new one without payment6 S9 B: ^4 ?5 q1 J& l( S3 J9 H
3. How does BBC get most of its money? 5 ~7 b2 Z7 n+ E! c& J
A. It gets money from all kinds of advertisements.; J% r- `8 j, f/ y
B. The BBC depends on the rent of TV sets.2 J; ~. d3 ^4 \( V8 c" u
C. The BBC gets money mainly by selling licenses and TV sets.
: A' M& {$ [/ t7 ?D. It gets its money mainly by selling licenses.! U* w% b5 M$ @$ E# W3 {
4. Which of the following is true?
3 I  Y; H1 V0 t" C: s: PA. If you rent a television and there is something wrong with it, you should pay to fix it with your own money.' @4 F, `5 _/ `, G
B. It costs more to rent a color TV set than a black and white one.: U7 W/ M& ?8 A
C. You can listen to classical (古典的) music from Radio 1.2 M% S5 C" o, F9 U$ ~+ U
D. You needn’t buy the license if you pay the rent on time.
' W3 c( D' ^! p2 U- d1 M& S7 f5. Which of the following is NOT true?
  x# ^- u; L+ k2 [; b6 {A. The BBC radio services include 4 radio channels.
: V! p. V: ^/ \% ^4 MB. The BBC broadcasts to foreign countries only in English.0 }" k: t0 C7 e) P* Y- ?+ v/ ^
C. The programmes of the four radio channels are not the same.
1 S8 ]. N/ V: u$ N1 X3 y+ O! u' ZD. The BBC special programmes are not only for foreign countries but also for different areas in its own country.
  X) N( l2 w$ a+ z# X3 L5 k6 ~5 ~6 O3 y3 T: ]5 ~0 i: _# B3 e0 @
Passage 174 B4 g! X. ]2 ^. ^0 g* T
Baron Pierre de Coubertin was a renchman. At his time sports were not taught in French schools. De Coubertin believed that sports should go hand in hand with studies. He had an idea. His idea was to begin the Olympics all over again./ }, S3 A4 W! ^' I, l6 r
Sports teachers of other countries liked De Coubertin’s ideas. So in 1896, the modern Olympics Games were held in Athens, Greece. Since then the Olympic have been held once every four years, except three times, when there were wars.
' d$ }; v5 E) l+ |! H+ f, OThe modern games have many foot races and field sports programmes. The longest race in the games is called marathon.5 T2 ~7 ?: H( Z( n6 a0 V1 F9 Y
Before the start of the Olympic Games, runners carry lighted torch ( 火炬) through many nations towards the stadium where the games will be held. These sports men are from different countries. Yet they work together to carry the Olympic torch. It is passed from runner to runner. When the last runner enters the stadium, he or she places the torch in a special basin filled with oil. It catches fire. It is then, only then, that the Olympic Games can begin.5 X% x2 b3 ]2 z  Q! F* D! ~# {+ d
The Olympic flame (火焰) burns throughout the games. It is the flame of peace.  L: Q2 C  Q; ?' B
1. Before 1896 French schools didn’t teach_______.
; I5 i, s9 c2 P  o' |0 n. rA. maths                 B. history                 C. sports                 D. physics
, L! u7 q2 T( m8 T1 F, T% o2. De Coubertin ________.
  ?, j) F# {7 e* a7 i* h, NA. was the first m an to start the Olympic Games
3 ^2 ^) z% o8 r6 t+ w3 O  IB. helped start the modern Olympic Games( p+ b. m0 b6 V6 W/ b! v7 Y3 t" b9 |
C. believed that sports were less important than studies
( R4 N7 o& W) j' ]$ `" E9 z+ |! X1 sD. failed to begin the modern Olympic Games8 x- T, o" I2 {1 }# F# O
3. According to this passage, the third modern Olympic Games should have been held in. * c5 ~( D! M" K2 O9 g" T" R0 I* R
A. 1915                         B. 1924                         C. 1896                         D. 19042 z9 R8 S- n1 w6 H
4. “M arathon” in this passage is __________. - I2 O1 |, w( e$ P& {' n7 K; F" y
A. a foot race                                                 B. a jumping contest (比赛)! X8 z- ]2 U6 ~
C. field sports                                         D. a boxing (拳击) match
& a+ f9 U+ v% }7 z) R- B5. Which of the following is NOT true?
$ F& c9 I3 g; v1 v9 YA. The Olympic Games don’t begin until the basin of oil catches fire.2 o, k, C. @' w, g# U
B. The torch is carried from runner to runner through many countries.
& w5 n( m) H- T) M& i7 w: ~. }C. Runners who carry the torch can be men or women.  A' _9 z6 Z) h/ c1 w4 c2 r) V, P
D. After the start of the Olympics, the Olympic flame is put out.9 A& T; ~( x" P

$ W1 O: v: A) x0 v) D, [2 hPassage 18" I" Z) O4 T& y+ [: r
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said on February 9 it would award its highest honour to Arthur Ashe, the tennis star and hu m an rights fighter w ho died on February 6 of AIDS . He was 49. The award, called the Olympic Order, is awarded to sportsmen and others for service to the Olympics and its principles (原则).
2 p" D: ^' X5 G1 ^" K6 D& y& MAshe never participated in the Olympics, but IOC president Juan Antonio Samaranch said: “I think he was really a thorough Olympian .” Ashe is the first black man to win Wimbledon and the only black to win the Australian and US open titles.+ ^4 x8 Y  y! _( R9 Q+ Z1 ?
Last A pril 8, he announced he had AIDS, which he got from a blood transfusion during a heart operation in 1983. Ashe often worked for racial equality in and out of sports. He said the happiest moment of his life was not winning Wimbledon, but when Nelson Mandela — South Africa’s antiapart


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