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发表于 2012-6-26 10:10:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料以及奥鹏毕业论文,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。
  X, C. ^% Y7 N3 T* s; J3 ]; W
; B$ A+ k3 _4 ^* }! Q一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  A high-powered software tool, called______, is used for presentation of information in a dynamic slide show format.
8 m# u. Y" I- J( J( S8 |A. textbook6 [$ {, a7 X( ~) u0 P  ^
B. realia
% f2 m/ P, d+ j! lC. supplementary material
2 K6 ~" j- k8 H6 RD. PowerPoint
& \! w, \/ J# w      满分:3  分
0 d7 ~) \2 D% M6 {1 L( K7 j3 Y2.  Pike and Selby (1988) describe the nature of the mechanistic paradigm as the in the relationship between humanity and nature, between facts and values, and between reason and emotions.
; c2 i% d1 I5 ?) ?6 m1 [A. connection
% Z+ N) J; `0 ]+ ?' BB. recognition
7 ^4 y+ {* x1 M. z* x) [/ EC. separation- _+ M- D2 c1 F. u
D. cooperation
% J7 N4 w% Z- L0 S2 W$ _      满分:3  分
/ `3 c$ f8 V/ u2 X( I' ?! ]  A( W3.  Classroom cohesiveness needs a/an ____ who links learning activities into an on-going operation.
; t" C& D- j5 J# tA. beginner
4 l* S# ^" x. {4 w5 CB. monitor
- v3 S0 _0 Y+ Z: T$ P/ E9 d8 HC. initiator
8 z* A" W) U8 N/ E1 G2 OD. group3 e( f  g9 M0 l7 ~" H# `
      满分:3  分% m9 ?& k, Z- \& O
4.  Construct validity is about testing ______.0 {; Q, F% F$ ~8 K5 _8 ~+ a
A. scale
# N6 S# N3 \  C% Z- m) NB. ability, s( t. B- T* X- q* H* P& X
C. function" q1 `) I5 d- P7 w
D. purpose
; Z7 r8 d0 K% u1 F      满分:3  分3 p( _8 g5 Y3 I1 G
5.  The essence of personal growth is to develop______of oneself by comprehending one’s past, potentialities of one’s future, and one’s place in the present environment (Burns 1979).( ^0 }% U* A8 T! ?$ a1 J% l& G
A. abilities- ^, U( y" b# \& R4 {2 _9 \2 f
B. perceptions
4 b3 d+ @/ [9 [  j1 V: UC. recognition9 p6 i, ?# @3 p  A
D. knowledge' r6 M0 Z% T& O0 ^
      满分:3  分( V" ]$ o% X! a0 A& {; ]% |
6.  The tests designed to identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses are called ____ .
8 A& V4 v( _* N% bA. Proficiency tests5 y! S# T3 |  H8 h  J3 B1 k. L
B. Achievement tests
7 [+ z" l) e1 H1 l: Z$ f" o- }! lC. Diagnostic tests
+ v3 L2 u6 _  r0 TD. Placement tests
: n# @, x1 m) L4 I7 |9 @; |      满分:3  分& S: z. J$ _9 ]( y. R3 i" I' D
7.  ____ is not fixed in time and space.
2 N* @+ f% j8 A' x5 x9 @A. speech
- I2 e7 n  Z  j- q4 ^. JB. written discourse
9 Y; ^! s* W7 q. I8 {C. spoken discourse
! Z' x+ k' ?; q) Y+ @5 w% N  ID. discourse: @1 g, V# y- x6 Q
      满分:3  分
, z% P! G  S; J* s: e0 P! F' B8.  ____tests are organized and conducted at the end of a course.
# c  s; j& [, _8 CA. Final achievement
& C1 A) w3 f" Z$ W' O$ PB. Progress achievement- S) Y2 c" I- P# @# Y
C. Disguised achievement
+ |' D9 }- W7 [: _# ]1 nD. Proficiency achievement
1 I! |$ G: o9 ~( v      满分:3  分. L; }' f) P# M3 }( @" P, H
9.  The ____textbooks arrange contents around topics used by people from more frequently to less frequently.( B3 _( ~5 x3 O* Y1 e5 q
A. knowledge type
9 q: H7 d  w2 u: EB. structure type' U% Q4 p( [2 ]' A5 u- V
C. function/notion type
0 V& P# j' Y$ Y+ m- fD. topic type+ j$ v+ L# Y7 k
      满分:3  分1 M6 ~# P7 C) J& H
10.  A typical purpose of placement tests is____ .2 b6 ^2 p  e4 o. b5 c
A. to find out problems6 g1 ~; Q$ O2 \$ V! v
B. to decide what to teach.5 u+ J9 E7 v& R% T
C. to assign students to different-level classes
3 O0 ]- w& P0 f+ w1 bD. to decide how to teach next
: P$ A! X3 t1 E1 C" n      满分:3  分 & y9 P, g5 r# |
* N4 |3 {$ O. n) l! J) r
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  Managing classroom interaction includes____.
4 i. n0 Z2 V7 z0 O5 M' o. V/ z' VA. managing group work. G, C  S8 t/ K7 O1 T
B. student groupings
& \, j: b# d9 d7 |8 m$ m9 X2 TC. managing pair work and0 ?, ?0 s  I% Q% Q& X" V* F4 [
D. rules of thumb. S' K% `) i) z
      满分:3  分: y- i6 v$ q6 f2 M: A
2.  A teaching profile usually contains . (Gibbs, undated).
! j% S# u( r( J+ z( {A. professional categories$ E* G4 Q$ s  \4 L& x: N7 N
B. special skills& Q/ D3 X& r- t$ |! Y3 K
C. rationale for each category
; v1 v" @4 S1 T' d1 X3 HD. concrete examples of what each might look like
: {, \  s4 J8 T" T0 R      满分:3  分% \/ j" a2 O4 s
3.  Reflection in teacher development refers to a process that involves____in testing, planning and implementing professional actions, towards the desired result of improvement in the competence of professional practice (Pollard and Tann 1987, Calderhead 1989, and Bengtsson 1995).
9 O+ A; o9 c4 e9 n. ?5 l4 WA. knowledge
; f9 r" }1 F% M) X- H/ X0 EB. enquiry8 c) v3 f# R' h% k9 ]0 ^* K2 b4 j
C. analysis
! w( F6 \- I+ c/ m6 @D. interacted skills
  p- l$ w8 u9 x/ t2 ^: c: ]      满分:3  分. E7 |6 G1 K* T
4.  The several aspects about validity include______.6 c$ v' \% _* [9 I0 p
A. content validity
$ U6 u# Y; w' W# L7 hB. criterion-related validity
& O" J" @, G# s' d! ?C. construct validity$ \0 K. I- h& L1 g+ [( b( i1 d
D. face validity2 c4 e" I. f9 z- l5 u
      满分:3  分
( y# Z( A0 E3 K/ A, c. t5.  Instructional materials in language education are a comprehensive term covering types of materials used in teaching and learning. They are: ______/ F+ r1 D. x% ^; a2 I$ h& O4 e
A. textbook; supplementary materials
" R9 N$ P3 i+ g, sB. visual materials; realia
# t7 i, w% a0 X% p$ G. p6 J9 J8 L! x0 x  pC. audio-cassettes; videodisc% Z. D  c; }+ P; a# l
D. PowerPoint
6 d0 z; S% q' S/ F6 o7 R, o* ]      满分:3  分( H/ H5 d) F4 \' \
6.  Teaching wiring is not an easy job. There are many issues in the process of writing improvements, which need to be discussed. The issues include____.
( s, {: T! I7 ~% T* Y7 E- j* MA. errors; knowledge and skills2 G9 O  U  }9 _2 @
B. ideas; organization and style! o. _7 Z5 L) s. I1 M3 P  T
C. motivation and discipline; workload
* r* C" V5 q- }6 }) M7 T) Q: bD. testing
' j1 r% w" f$ v5 C, e" T: b      满分:3  分; ^1 N0 f" e" X; S- I
7.  The development and decline of the two paradigms---____ represent the rise of reflection.
# Y* Y7 z8 V- I$ yA. the theoretical paradigm4 R+ T# B  {! A& X: j) I
B. the mechanistic paradigm
2 @1 G0 ^3 U  O+ q, l, \C. the authoritative paradigm
9 A5 b' z; L7 D  L. x9 g* sD. the technical paradigm
% N5 b1 W( T' b0 X* K3 ?      满分:3  分* o4 Q) Q+ s0 n$ b8 B2 l
8.  ______decides whether you can conduct your teaching effectively and whether you can deal with unexpected events successfully.: q" u! c* L: k) b. z
A. Fluent English. v  s7 n; o3 j8 x- d7 w
B. Proper gestures
* b2 y+ `3 p9 B% r$ nC. Lesson Planning  y6 `6 O' t0 B- v( X/ K! q
D. Classroom management" ]; `' y5 ]* [* j
      满分:3  分$ ?* y0 [; M) m' a3 i
9.  According to Hedge, personal writing includes: ____
4 B  J8 {0 r2 d& ]" vA. diaries; journals% R) K* O! s, K7 V1 W
B. shopping lists; reminders for oneself
5 ?8 T& L& z* r6 d2 U9 oC. recipes;
& ~9 D* L7 H7 S- `/ nD. letters of complaint
/ S* V2 E! s2 e# W1 Z6 `      满分:3  分
" l8 F  g! w: U9 M/ [; g" i) r10.  A journal is an inward expression through& J* L8 B. U. w. i% s
A. recording experiences# o, G  O' m% i/ f7 ~2 D: f8 ^5 X
B. releasing feelings) e9 k2 f6 {# [9 ?
C. storing concepts& h3 M+ M, M3 _5 |. x; c5 o+ F0 V7 G
D. teachers’ instruction( Q9 s8 A7 D: @" B
      满分:3  分
3 ]2 z$ g& z; r: F) G* Q6 n. Q
: Q; n) k  T+ b, v* \; B三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  Classroom teaching materials are materials or aids which are used in language courses.
% M- `5 i1 `  y% w, R. J- B) eA. 错误
4 p; I  U2 n2 r( yB. 正确, n7 u8 L# z1 g% t' M1 s& s
      满分:2  分7 V5 E4 Y' l& b0 w* V+ b
2.  A teacher has to get him/herself well prepared for each lesson and develop the ability to manage his/her class because teaching involves social and interpersonal interaction.
$ D2 b" L! i* H- l' OA. 错误& [; c! K5 c9 ]+ I
B. 正确" O: |, @: `3 ~6 ?
      满分:2  分$ f7 C3 d& k( P0 s4 Q* r& M
3.  Since the middle of the 20th century, over-confidence in the established theories has been gradually eroded by the perplexities and dilemmas in real situations (1983), which occurred both in the West and in China.8 l/ H1 w) Y( r% |; P4 {
A. 错误. a/ H3 Z& h! n/ u) d$ R# \5 Q
B. 正确: `) b7 W2 \* k6 }( ]+ z, s
      满分:2  分4 W% U( Q& e# x3 s. ?1 Q
4.  By exercising dynamic cohesiveness, teachers can avoid mechanical or static teaching.- ~1 k  s% U0 y% B6 r3 ~8 A
A. 错误
" T5 q2 f& N5 p. g- c+ }' MB. 正确* C6 z* x; v8 ^5 ]* v& ]3 {
      满分:2  分# f) q/ ^' s4 A/ W; O0 a
5.  A journal is a teacher’s spoken response to her professional and personal events (Richards and Lockhart 1994).: `2 i7 n3 e* Q/ {0 G) K( \
A. 错误
9 ]. {$ m) T7 i5 d% L, ]0 sB. 正确
- x. o, p) x: S" C- [      满分:2  分
% S0 x6 E& l5 @7 @: E$ E2 l6.  The reflective nature of journal writing lies in its process of discovering hidden beliefs and feelings and gaining insights about teaching and living., S  A, p. q( Q4 `1 K7 C9 r
A. 错误* ]9 O: V- D  J+ O9 t; Y
B. 正确) S" v8 g+ E! Y3 g) P/ N& X
      满分:2  分; o6 q' u3 o+ u+ G( Y, o
7.  A syllabus has implicit objectives. Such objectives are usually expressed in the introduction.: N+ h0 f% O. P5 ^5 W/ B' |
A. 错误
! L& A. ~. N; VB. 正确! {) Z, O; F9 g+ v8 E
      满分:2  分4 p" S# ]& b- m6 L! U! x
8.  Evaluation of lesson plan cannot help teachers to theorize their experience.
+ J0 H1 X6 h. g* |A. 错误0 O' `4 [+ O: p2 S! A
B. 正确
6 ~1 u8 l8 }+ c2 d( `+ P1 V      满分:2  分
3 B- H$ i% x% N' e1 V9.  Learners should not live with uncertainty although they should try to work things out by thinking, sharing with others or with the help of resources.. k/ q: Q6 S* d! K; U* [
A. 错误
8 \8 e3 F: h% r/ [! p) V0 PB. 正确
' A0 ~3 x3 l1 G/ c3 t      满分:2  分
1 m( \' |+ |* X+ [6 H( p# C- W10.  Discrete point testing is required the candidate to use several language skills at the same time in the completion of a task.
! {- D2 m2 ^7 \A. 错误
! k# [3 n0 W1 bB. 正确5 `: }& k, @0 w  p/ S  U7 ^9 p
      满分:2  分4 \5 F. F) Y$ e: J! }5 p' S9 |$ M% e
11.  The bottom-up processing of reading can be used as a corrective to ‘tunnel vision’ (seeing things only from our own limited point of view).
/ {3 T. E0 \7 s5 VA. 错误
$ A) f$ l/ n5 p% S& E& ]: H/ Q: SB. 正确
) ]$ {; l$ ]3 F$ e1 L0 `, F" q      满分:2  分) o9 ]9 X, G2 c
12.  Instructional materials are resources for teachers and students to use in achieving course aims and objectives.
: q% m+ R4 g! d$ }. w7 m6 uA. 错误
& v# t- j: M7 V' n% p. FB. 正确
  l6 l% m1 _- q0 T5 R. j. o      满分:2  分
" \% h3 h5 z! V, j! [1 G13.  rigorous professional practitioners solve well-formed instrumental problems by applying technical means.
9 r* q" U8 s. K! F2 _A. 错误# B4 Z" V! I! ^* J1 h+ ?+ p$ G
B. 正确# |1 p( ^# x  V
      满分:2  分
, `" d3 j+ [7 l7 S* W14.  Some good teachers can do mental planning frequently, regularly and continuously. Such mental planning guarantees successful teaching.- j) A2 Y& s4 w% q
A. 错误8 ~4 D" x- P4 Z/ k/ S3 \/ E# M1 _
B. 正确% \9 l6 R) N9 t1 L& a5 Z4 f
      满分:2  分
& m( k9 N, M+ t15.  Following the plans rigidly always make the teaching active and lively! R% ?; `/ \7 e' V% }
A. 错误* n( i" B6 ^6 q* e( F$ }5 h
B. 正确  F4 s3 D- T5 g0 z1 [
      满分:2  分4 A4 W% D( ^( H- D; @4 G
16.  The technical dimension of reflection involves the effective attainment of given goals. It is usually applied to initial teacher education or teachers who just enter the teaching profession without any training experience or with traditional training experience.
2 p) R2 Q' u! G4 s# cA. 错误
, E6 h* x- _) Z  s( w" kB. 正确( a, j4 [  m: W5 X  ]
      满分:2  分, I8 S+ Y* ]9 a6 e) T$ R
17.  A journal is a teacher’s spoken response to her professional and personal events (Richards and Lockhart 1994).: E7 x( V0 D' d9 U6 X- `9 K
A. 错误
* e! c; t8 ]2 C- [( A" K: F* LB. 正确
# h, L2 R+ f7 M" i/ U      满分:2  分. D* a. x6 b7 z$ y+ |
18.  Being well prepared of lesson plan can promote teachers’ image in students’ eyes.
$ \# k9 }* f$ K) s; {A. 错误9 _9 V! s2 t: d* s
B. 正确2 S2 N4 S6 `$ F
      满分:2  分
' q4 ]+ U; [% l4 P) U! o19.  It is not necessary for textbooks to meet the students’ needs.
. f- j+ w% Y8 O* ~1 e0 HA. 错误
" I$ w- p3 N' z6 UB. 正确
/ V, D; ~5 Y$ r8 J" i% l6 b2 F      满分:2  分% z, m. P( ?0 I7 k. ]( T
20.  Professional judgment means denying the usefulness of established theories and principles
: R7 d" P9 y) pA. 错误
1 `- ]+ \9 z  a) @B. 正确
' Q$ W4 j: U) [3 n      满分:2  分
  |2 ^* {  A' C2 r" l: w) U5 U6 b
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料以及奥鹏毕业论文,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。
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