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发表于 2012-6-26 10:11:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料以及奥鹏毕业论文,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。
% q1 _; L- N! m* v3 B: y  K2 W2 B& ?2 r
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  There are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge _____ the language and knowledge _____ the language.' h6 K% P1 U1 y
A. of ; about
/ T8 `! Y/ ]* D3 M5 f* YB. on ; for
" P% |* U% K* t3 r4 V7 B3 ]C. over; with
7 L( {3 X( ?& s  A& rD. at ;like% F) b6 K- w- E) t( A3 q; B
      满分:3  分
& ?' D7 C4 R0 J5 R3 n. Y- q2.  When learners are trying to build up _____about the target language on the basis of limited language knowledge and skills, they make errors.
6 }9 Y9 g  D9 k8 r: s8 X5 s* mA. hypothesis2 _2 Q% }4 Q. }: N. t; M2 I2 n
B. thinking
5 J, i8 o% j2 d5 q% f' TC. beliefs
+ \2 u* e/ M3 ^. V7 P- E  cD. believes
: y+ T1 F" s' Z0 Q      满分:3  分+ C# t, h# z! w( x8 w& p: C
3.  According to Asher, the verb, especially the verb in the _____ , as the central linguistic motif around which language use and learning are organized.
( N& t( }5 D& v7 a* N; zA. transitive
6 Y# c# O3 O5 \1 J; h, v2 YB. intransitive, E2 E2 h% ]; m* n( _! _
C. imperative* e% ?: H$ L4 c2 @% o
D. modal. v1 F, l5 d( X" |3 ^9 \
      满分:3  分, n* }6 T8 [, x+ q4 @& Z
4.  The errors that language learners make are of_____nature as they are part of the learning nature towards proficiency.6 q6 a/ j6 s" g
A. progress
; `' y. k& l, \( a* l6 A# J4 P0 S: D& WB. progression6 `5 x( Q' l9 @. Q7 _
C. progressive% C* ?9 j6 {0 d/ l0 A4 U5 u7 a
D. progressively: Z9 k$ B% T# n5 e
      满分:3  分$ W2 `5 c9 b" J/ H. ~
5.  Interaction is a process by which more than two people ______over the language use or material.
. t" D. \# e/ I8 Z- x' jA. communication
& }  L+ u/ M9 j% a1 {% dB. communicates
/ X% b8 F2 `1 h0 ^9 {" PC. communicate% R- O! ^" u' L" z& [
D. communicating/ y) e- {' N( g% Z. b
      满分:3  分; P' k1 N0 s3 j0 I6 B6 Y
6.  When we talk about open syllables and closed syllables, “______” is a key word.: N0 `4 V+ |/ B5 f% t& F. q
A. letter6 f! y" \2 M& K; d1 J  {
B. vowels; \( G4 L0 X" _( n7 v$ H4 J
C. consonants
- u5 o2 ~  L, h! n& @; l% ND. sound& d5 l9 L! R& ]4 t7 l# `) j3 f
      满分:3  分3 d, p$ A* N# t. V/ J( e
7.  According to the Communicative Language Teaching, language learning is to develop ______.# W, w6 P/ ^2 B+ q! _
A. reading skills6 |' m- x+ J4 V, W. D
B. writing competence
$ V  G3 P  H- k8 P0 D1 G1 z( EC. teaching competence) ]! z- e0 R' _
D. communicative competence
4 K% y) T7 t7 o" y. P% l! B) ]      满分:3  分3 k* r* E( Y4 ^; y/ X" S1 G
8.  The syllabus is a _____ one with grammatical items and related vocabulary organized in lessons.( H4 s/ Y5 Z9 T, j
A. structure8 J' V2 L& ?: H3 O
B. structural
$ V! S: M9 P- W; Y! }: p( HC. context# }: L, W/ F2 Q0 h: U! c* j% b
D. contextual
; K, ~+ J& a) O" c: G: h+ A      满分:3  分
- U: J9 v1 |- D9.  Learning by doing encourages students to experience the language, which is a process of _____that leads to high level of proficiency.
. V1 r# _  R  {A. acquisition2 b, h7 Q/ O. L# K( m, H
B. instruction. C1 N( b) \, H: N: c- j& O
C. experience
6 X& B3 Y8 k4 w& B8 @# \D. neglecting2 e7 I0 ~9 U' R5 L
      满分:3  分
% w  i9 B( r3 h0 v3 l10.  In order to reach desired aims, the teacher needs to make efforts to explore and different means." I% a0 i9 n: ^# m" X3 T
A. employs
" [4 e! t% `, ?/ _B. employed0 ?6 W& T! t8 s. q9 O
C. employ
  T* K+ g+ r% y, i/ C4 P# @2 H; gD. employing
4 [& @* F* X; R+ X) O      满分:3  分 ( c9 m& P7 U( \, l% N" g
5 E1 Y# V9 ?; U! Y; j6 @+ {: v
二、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1.  A good language teacher should possess ( ) broad qualities.
1 v1 `- U8 i" X7 NA. a good language user
" Q2 Y* m8 k* z4 q3 V/ QB. an effective language analyst,
% S( t2 a4 }3 a- g3 FC. a skillful means employer: v/ r: @7 L- Y7 u. y
D. an enabler8 c( x$ Z4 B+ _! q7 M
      满分:3  分
& T, @1 j5 |1 T9 @2 @& Q2.  The learning theory that underlies the Natural Approach is Kashen’s hypotheses: _____
7 @* D( X& p) C( z9 GA. the acquisition hypothesis# E7 Q7 J( e6 m7 q% L" x8 N1 R" q& V
B. the monitor hypothesis
% P% h+ `, `$ [7 n# e1 z; lC. the natural order hypothesis, the input hypothesis' }7 O, w9 z" w$ L) E, e
D. the affective filter hypothesis
6 ~+ Q) `; N1 w# }* t      满分:3  分: O' ?- l0 I/ d/ _( X1 \- \& t
3.  Richards (1971) provides ( )reasons why learners make mistakes.
) \( [7 h7 t1 PA. interference errors
+ B3 x- r7 ?0 LB. intralingual errors
9 }* X% P) ~# v% k, z9 l0 aC. developmental errors1 ~) c2 r" Z. b) C
D. linguistic errors8 m! _& h8 s' W2 O: @! t
      满分:3  分
" T, I: [, e: Y  b1 E4.  To allocate only grammar time to teach grammar items intensively have some problems. They are_____.
7 W7 Z" K, ^8 n2 m; h" I' I5 fA. such a way takes too much time.
4 m  U2 Q/ G) gB. too much grammar over a period of time seems too overwhelming for students to digest.( z) q) i, N" }2 h+ \: \- W
C. such teaching is not interesting. There is no variety in classroom teaching.- h/ O+ _& i; ~+ a# e) V
D. only grammar teaching deprives students’ of other skills development.& M6 H# F0 ?: b
      满分:3  分/ z$ J6 h1 B. Q4 K+ k7 q
5.  In the view of the Silent Way teaching, _____ are used to stimulate experiences to promote learning.
8 w; G* N9 k- m. x& n: W4 j. DA. tokens
$ I2 j+ P5 G1 B& D0 CB. pictures0 S0 E3 l( O9 o# z
C. charts' g* W( }, V6 Y4 i: _2 Y. P* w5 h
D. rods
7 r0 d6 p$ g* ]2 W      满分:3  分. w) C/ Q0 v5 d
6.  The suggestions for vocabulary teaching are _____ .0 Z$ r+ H; j) k/ W6 b" q
A. Teaching vocabulary in context; Careful use of Chinese equivalents
* i4 {9 H, O! W# a, iB. Using reading to extend vocabulary; Encouraging using English% f9 H  b3 N: I% ], y/ ^" v! K
C. Focusing more on knowledge of the vocabulary4 ^! X# _% X* E6 r, K. h9 P
D. Making use of “unplanned” vocabulary teaching; Developing efficient learning strategies
  i0 {" E5 p0 e2 n4 L      满分:3  分
6 k0 d  _* B  ~; h% e7.  Effective listening requires _____knowledge.
% t  o% q5 }( V- j7 B4 ?3 S4 \A. schematic
0 T5 ?. r4 W1 b& W! U! B' `  X1 hB. contextual1 `% d! ]5 T7 R+ d5 W' `
C. systemic1 F- {. P+ {: i, Y
D. formal
' L; X% \% R) `% V2 j      满分:3  分3 Q. B4 J/ g# q) s
8.  Besides the four basic qualities, the teacher should be/ J; R( `0 W% Y" B9 g+ @  ^3 x; s
A. creative) z$ n/ a* e) B( K( E3 g
B. passionate
/ p& v! x8 D. {  M) T! f. r! l% xC. empathetic
1 I  K) b' h' @5 u/ ND. patient/ \8 i* _( y: G7 L! I
      满分:3  分
" p" K7 ]( l) m( W, C# \9.  According to Grammar Translation Method, to learn a foreign language is aimed at being able to_____ .
2 |) F+ _7 O& XA. read literature works
6 v9 s+ Y/ E% s1 FB. gain benefits from mental discipline0 R! Z0 q- y- l& `* \0 C4 g
C. promote intellectual development
1 N7 y- s$ X# iD. know the importance of grammar
! e0 Q  j' E  d7 @) k: @5 U% b$ ]      满分:3  分! @5 O) u  S* C: q! t% {
10.  Principles for teaching listening in class include: _____1 ^9 N2 ^$ ?* e' v' o# d9 b
A. Use both listening processes: bottom-up and top-down. u: n# C7 Z4 b9 `1 B3 t0 a+ j
B. Make listening process an active one+ _' s' l1 \8 }! s# e+ p
C. Use suitable listening materials
9 h% g. V( X; @! I2 nD. Using other activities in teaching listening( X8 ~$ W+ b/ q4 H: \
      满分:3  分
2 p7 y7 J- t$ C$ X1 `8 R2 K
1 K( J' A9 S8 `; D( ?三、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  According to Krashen (1989), unplanned grammar teaching is less efficient.
8 z* p! w* o# e" s) q- VA. 错误7 @8 h; ]9 Z) l/ h
B. 正确4 m! Y, g+ ^8 @4 G, ~4 d1 Q, V4 p
      满分:2  分
3 |) m: q5 K/ g9 U/ @* ?2.  Using native language to acquire language does not hinder the building up of English thinking.
$ f$ v; C; F$ g9 h/ ?A. 错误
* W1 ?0 {2 |0 ^  P9 \  fB. 正确
7 r( T. I+ m% c! f& A9 o1 M- Y  s      满分:2  分
+ J2 e6 ^4 K4 r3 [0 t8 ]3.  According to the Community Language Learning, the teacher is a judge rather than a knower or a supporter.6 {) A& `( f8 W  t/ {9 x) |
A. 错误, I0 A) K5 N6 p0 @( R
B. 正确
* q% }2 S* ~; f/ y3 o1 t      满分:2  分
/ K' ^3 ]1 z* s. C+ e# U7 ]) ~. p4.  A top-down process of teaching listening makes use principally of information that is already present in the date (i.e. the words, sentences etc.)3 p4 `4 u4 ^2 v$ J4 y5 Y
A. 错误4 \+ o  G1 I; K! `# k' U6 {
B. 正确
) M( A  ^9 P3 I5 t5 i      满分:2  分
( P8 e; k5 @2 ~1 ?) m( p5.  Intensive practice is to expose themselves to audio materials so that they subconsciously imitate good pronunciation and intonation.
3 X3 O* N( n5 K' PA. 错误
3 L' X' X* ?- O' n" Y1 JB. 正确
1 Y  A& y8 ]( @      满分:2  分
; c( x. z1 u" m9 R6 `" C6.  Additions refer to the presence of an item that must not be appeared in well-formed utterances.! J( C; O5 P" @4 r5 D* m
A. 错误
6 M1 j7 y! U% D/ f: b' B! ?! fB. 正确
9 d4 S, [4 S; |5 h- f      满分:2  分
8 |3 ]4 u$ I( ^; h+ V0 T+ g7.  Reading starts with writing., a, F( K( e: V; B# _
A. 错误" X0 f# O: J/ z" q5 ~
B. 正确
) z! C1 o0 e) v* s      满分:2  分1 ?1 S8 k) K. N
8.  Extensive learning is to study words systematically.
  Z" [) m8 ]  E) L& _- f( W6 q% }A. 错误" x5 ]- \" s' t. o1 D' W& ]6 F- Q
B. 正确
4 F8 E/ ^, Z6 r' S# R4 l      满分:2  分' j6 a3 k1 M: z7 K
9.  If the teacher uses discovery technique to present grammar, he/she does not give rules first. Instead he/she gives language material for students to discover the rules.
; X- H: W* w" V7 a, O* nA. 错误
+ U& j' ~6 R" MB. 正确8 {& Q& E) P; I$ a! w6 j, F4 X
      满分:2  分
- f: _& w- ^8 g7 j% x, D  @8 t10.  The potential for improving listening ability is students’ autonomous listening after class.
3 p: R9 n( ?1 vA. 错误. M& k" ~. ]3 M- d) u
B. 正确
% h" ]& X  N/ V! z      满分:2  分
9 E2 M+ t1 {$ w2 V* r8 [" `+ Y11.  Only giving students knowledge puts students in a positive position to develop students’ capabilities.
" S5 e0 j+ m6 N6 p. L4 C- {" SA. 错误
6 \6 v% `6 X7 ?B. 正确- U8 W) e2 Q, |! `2 K& @# `
      满分:2  分
3 T4 C+ ~/ _, j9 |: y12.  According to Skehan, listening comprehension means the process of understanding speech in a second or foreign language., M) K* Q1 w7 u; D# I2 A8 e! ^7 ~
A. 错误" Z. T9 o7 b) @0 d
B. 正确/ A/ Q7 U1 J( `# ^0 U- M' x1 k
      满分:2  分
3 z# A0 U* s2 N13.  The teacher employing the Suggestopedia acts as an absolute authority, encourager, organizer, but he/she needn’t be able to act, sing or use psychotherapeutic techniques.
6 ~, \  q$ }' E  \A. 错误3 a9 u' i, Q  ?
B. 正确7 a1 w0 K. Y7 _. c
      满分:2  分
0 X/ t# Z; V1 Z3 t14.  According to the Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching Method, the target language is the medium of instruction. Learning focuses on knowledge of the language and grammatical explanation.
( H& f( G& c! A! P8 E" NA. 错误- {# E1 I, V7 m; H! b" B9 P
B. 正确
/ B% e8 v, m" b7 t      满分:2  分
7 L( X# Q  c* r  X3 E8 g/ Y15.  To be correct in grammar and vocabulary is of utmost importance when you write." V  c  z+ P9 b7 D8 X$ r6 j
A. 错误
/ d+ e7 G0 G, w" x. h" L0 ZB. 正确' e+ {0 T8 S( e1 {
      满分:2  分# E9 S6 ], b' D4 b% a0 {( p
16.  Verb tense, word order, punctuation, capitalization are called Linguistic taxonomy of errors.
, K' i0 x0 K6 v- R5 {' _/ qA. 错误
2 L) Z/ x$ [% @) ]! o4 \) a' XB. 正确
- w1 m6 z6 e7 F$ T5 k) Q9 ~( S      满分:2  分# m% V" r- s9 p1 ^& o
17.  In English language, spelling and pronunciation always match.
6 j/ n( Y" S/ sA. 错误
  r: B; A  _- z: T0 J. }B. 正确" b2 L3 ^: W9 k0 D
      满分:2  分
! T! V: o8 U7 d' ]1 h* u$ u3 }18.  The activity of using raps is liked by elementary school students and good for practicing stress and intonation.* c7 C1 K  ]. q/ G
A. 错误9 a9 ^) R6 u$ E; m* t8 R
B. 正确; U& p+ g" [2 N, V3 K
      满分:2  分
9 Z; ]+ E! g, ~9 O& K( r19.  That grammar teaching is inductive is in the view of the Direct Method.9 a' H! y/ X# |
A. 错误+ W! O, P) H# ]. b% I2 |
B. 正确% Q& @5 O7 j. D/ Y" Q) B/ P/ D) N
      满分:2  分3 P  d  Q- T8 k' [
20.  Understanding involves two approaches: literal understanding and interpretative understanding .8 H  A7 i" w3 r9 k0 D# M5 {* Y, ~
A. 错误8 O5 K3 A# L/ n; w3 c5 o; U
B. 正确
$ q. B9 m2 C( c, R6 {  D      满分:2  分
: c- B) A: Y; n9 o" @0 L+ [2 _0 {' D/ a  Z3 D4 I; _, N
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料以及奥鹏毕业论文,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。
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