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发表于 2012-10-11 16:42:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料以及奥鹏毕业论文,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。


、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1.  Could you please pay me( )advance?
A. 不填
B. on
C. in
D. for
      满分:4  分
2.  I have lived here( )1997.
A. for
B. since
C. at
D. after
      满分:4  分
3.  – When does the next bus leave for Glasgow? – ( ).
A. I've never been there
B. The next one is faster
C. They leave every hour
D. The city is far away
      满分:4  分
4.  Next year, I( )plan to go to Italy.
A. am
B. 不填
C. had
D. have
      满分:4  分
5.  – May I know your address? – ( ).
A. Sure. Here you are
B. I have no idea
C. It's far from here
D. Sorry, I've forgotten
      满分:4  分
6.  – What if my computer doesn't work? – ( ).
A. I'm not good at computer
B. Ask Anne for help
C. I've called the repair shop
D. There must be something wrong
      满分:4  分
7.  – Oh, the box is too heavy. – ( ).
A. What's in it
B. Can I help you to carry it
C. Whose is it
D. May I have a try
      满分:4  分
8.  – Is there a drugstore near here? – ( ).
A. It's very small
B. It's very crowded
C. It's a cheap one
D. Yes, there is a big one
      满分:4  分
9.  – David, you've been losing your temper over nothing lately. – ( ).
A. I haven’t been getting much sleep either
B. You’d better not push yourself too hard, or you’ll get sick
C. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up like that
D. You’d better do exercises regularly
      满分:4  分
10.  – Excuse me, when is the next flight from London due to arrive? – ( ).
A. In half an hour
B. An hour before
C. Until the next one
D. Before another one
      满分:4  分
11.  I'm tired. I( )working very hard.
A. have
B. am
C. had
D. have been
      满分:4  分
12.  – Don't take too long at the coffee shop. It's 14:15. – ( ).
A. I'll think your advice over
B. I see. We have 30 minutes left
C. That's no problem
D. I'm afraid so
      满分:4  分
13.  She was convicted( )murder.
A. to
B. in
C. with
D. of
      满分:4  分
14.  – Do you like watching football matches? – ( ).
A. Thank you for inviting me
B. I don't like watching it on TV, either
C. I hear the football match will be put off
D. Football? No. It's a waste of time
      满分:4  分
15.  – Look at the rainbow! What a view! – ( )!
A. Yes. What beautiful it is
B. Yes. How beautiful it is
C. Yes. What a beautiful it is
D. Yes. How a beautiful it is
      满分:4  分
16.  – Could I borrow your CD of English songs? – ( ).
A. No, I am not available
B. I'm sorry. It's not at hand now
C. It's very kind of you
D. Thank you very much
      满分:4  分
17.  – Excuse me, I didn't mean to bother you. – ( ).
A. There's no problem
B. It's a pleasure
C. That's quite all right
D. I didn't realize that
      满分:4  分
18.  – In my opinion, you'd better take a couple of days off. – ( ).
A. I'll take your advice
B. Let me see
C. Never mind
D. I'm afraid so
      满分:4  分
19.  – Will you have some dessert, Judy? – ( ).
A. No, thank you. I'm on a diet
B. Yes, I've had enough
C. You are so good at making it
D. Oh, I don't mind
      满分:4  分
20.  – Thanks a lot. You've gone to so much trouble. – ( ).
A. It's no trouble at all
B. That's all right. I like it
C. I don't think it's a trouble
D. That's very kind of you
      满分:4  分
21.  Given the high price,( )it's not surprising they didn't buy it.
A. and
B. but
C. 不填
D. that
      满分:4  分
22.  A new hotel( )in the centre of town at the moment.
A. has been built
B. is built
C. is being built
D. was built
      满分:4  分
23.  – Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor? – ( ).
A. No, there isn't
B. Yes, it is
C. On the ground floor
D. It is empty
      满分:4  分
24.  – Will you please turn down the TV? – ( ).
A. I'll turn it down next time
B. Never mind if you turn it down
C. It sounds reasonable
D. Sorry. I haven't realized you're sleeping
      满分:4  分
25.  – I think the Internet is very helpful. – ( ).
A. Yes, so do I
B. That's a very good idea
C. Neither do I
D. I'd rather go surfing on it
      满分:4  分

谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏在线作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料以及奥鹏毕业论文,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。


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