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北京大学 2012秋 大学英语2 作业三

发表于 2012-10-25 20:11:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作业ID:  2499



- This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstairs.

- _______

A. A. You may ask for help.
B. B. I'll give you a hand.
C. C. Please do me a favor.
D. D. I'd come to help.

- Thank you for inviting me.

   - _______

A. A. I really had a happy time.
B. B. Oh, it's too late.
C. C. Thank you for coming.
D. D. Oh, so slowly?

Thank you ever so much for the coat you bought me.   


A. A. No thanks
B. B. I'm glad you like it
C. C. Please don't say so
D. D. No, it's not so good

- Hello, could I speak to Mike please?

  - _________

A. A. Who are you?
B. B. Who is speaking?
C. C. What's wrong?
D. D. Why?

- Great party, isn’t it?

   - _________

A. A. Yeah, really.
B. B. My friends are great.
C. C. Have we met before?
D. D. Glad to meet you again.

- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I’ve never known you’re so artistic.

   - ______

A. A. Great, I am very art-conscious.
B. B. Don't mention it.
C. C. Thanks for your compliments.
D. D. It's fine.

-Would you mind closing the window? It is windy outside.


A. A. Not at all.
B. B. Sure, go ahead.
C. C. Why not?
D. D. Yes, I would.

--I was worried about my maths, but Mr. Brown gave me an A.


A. A. Don't worry about it.
B. B. Congratulations! That's a difficult course.
C. C. Mr. Brown is very good.
D. D. Good luck to you!

- Let me introduce myself. I’m steward.

    - _________  

A. A. What a pleasure.
B. B. Pleased to meet you.
C. C. I don't know.
D. D. Thanks a lot.


- Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week.

A. A. When did your parents arrive in Paris?
B. B. How long have your parents been in Paris?
C. C. Did your parents arrive in Paris last Wednesday?
D. D. When will your parents go to Paris?

11.She had _____to do, so she was free.

A. A. something
B. B. anything
C. C. nothing
D. D. everything

12.After walking hurriedly for half an hour, I wanted to drink _______.

A. A. something cold
B. B. cold something
C. C. something with cold
D. D. something to be cold

13.Few students failed in the exam at the end of last term, _______?

A. A. do they
B. B. didn't they
C. C. don't they
D. D. did they

14.I have been looking forward to ____ from my parents.

A. A. hear
B. B. being heard
C. C. be heard
D. D. hearing

James Watt ______ the steam engine.

A. A. was inventing
B. B. invented
C. C. had invented
D. D. has invented

-Have you got _____E-mail address?

  -Yes, mine is Li Ping @ yahoo.com.cn.

A. A. the
B. B. an
C. C. a
D. D. /

The red flower goes from one to _____ in the class.

A. A. the other
B. B. others
C. C. another
D. D. other

18.This kind of plant ______ a lot of water at all times.

A. A. assumes
B. B. limits
C. C. produces
D. D. requires

How often do you _________your brother?

A. A. hear about
B. B. hear of
C. C. hear to
D. D. hear from

20.I thought that honesty _______ the best policy.

A. A. was
B. B. is
C. C. were
D. D. be



By definition, heroes and heroines are men and women distinguished by uncommon courage, achievements, and self-sacrifice made most for the benefits of others - they are people against whom we measure others. They are men and women recognized for shaping our nation’s consciousness and development as well as the lives of those who admire them. Yet, some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by, where the very idea of heroism is something beyond us - an artifact of the past. Some maintain, that because the Cold War is over and because America is at peace, our age is essentially an unheroic one. Furthermore, the overall crime rate is down, poverty has been eased by a strong and growing economy, and advances continue to be made in medical science.  

Cultural icons are hard to define, but we know them when we see them. They are people who manage to go beyond celebrity (明星), who are legendary, who somehow mange to become mythic. But what makes some figures icons and others mere celebrities? That’s hard to answer. In part, their lives have the quality of a story to tell. For instance, the beautiful young Diana Spencer who at 19 married a prince, renounced marriage and the throne, and died at the moment she found true love. Good looks certainly help. So does a special indefinable charm, with the help of the media. But nothing confirms an icon more than a tragic death - such as Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Princess Diana.

The passage mainly deals with ______.
A. A. life and death
B. B. heroes and heroines
C. C. heroes and icons
D. D. icons and celebrities

Heroes and heroines are usually _________.
A. A. courageous
B. B. exemplary
C. C. self-sacrificing
D. D. all of the above

Which of the following statements is wrong?         _________

A. A. Poverty in America has been eased with the economic growth.
B. B. Superstars are famous for being famous.
C. C. One's look can contribute to being famous.
D. D. Heroes and heroines can only emerge in war times.

Beautiful young Diana Spencer found her genuine love________.
A. A. when she was 19
B. B. when she became a princess
C. C. just before her death
D. D. after she gave birth to a prince

What is more likely to set an icon’s status? ________   

A. A. Good looks.
B. B. Tragic and early death.
C. C. Personal attraction.
D. D. The quality of one's story.


22.One way that scientists learn about man is by studying animals, such as mice and monkeys. The scientists in this laboratory are experimenting on mice. They are studying the relationship between diet and health. At this time, over one hundred experiments are being done in this laboratory.
In one of these experiments, the scientists are studying the relationship between the amount of food the mice eat and their health. The mice are in three groups. All three groups are receiving the same healthy diet. But the amount of food that each group is receiving is different. The first group is eating one cup of food each day, the second group is eating two cups, and the third group of mice is eating three cups.
After three years, the healthiest group is the one that is only eating one cup of food each day. The mice in this group are thinner than normal mice. But they are more active. Most of the day, they are running, playing with one another, and using the equipment in their cages. Also, they are living longer. Mice usually live for two years. Most of the mice in this group are still alive after three years.
The second group of mice is normal weight. They are healthy, too. They are active, but not as active as the thinner mice. But they are only living about two years, not the three years or more of the thinner mice.
The last group of mice is receiving more food than the other two groups. Most of the day, these mice are eating or sleeping. They are not very active. These mice are living longer than the scientists thought - about a year and a half. But they aren’t as healthy. They’re sick more often than the other two groups.

(1)、The scientists in the laboratory are studying the relationship between the amount of food and diet.

T 正确 F错误

A. A. T
B. B. F
C. C.  
D. D.  

(2)、The first two groups are receiving the most food.

A. A. T
B. B. F
C. C.  
D. D.  

(3)、The first group is the thinnest because they do not have a healthy diet.

A. A. T
B. B. F
C. C.  
D. D.  

(4)、Normal mice usually live for two years.

A. A. T
B. B. F
C. C.  
D. D.  

(5)、The text tells us that people who eat less and exercise more will live longer.

A. A. T
B. B. F
C. C.  
D. D.  


     This is my timetable. I study at No.3 Middle School of Dongfang. From Monday to Friday I get up ___1___ 6:30 a.m. I have ___2___ at 7:00 and then I go to school. I don’t like to be late. Our classes ___3___ at 8:30 a.m. We have four classes in the morning. I often have lunch at school with my classmates.

     In the afternoon, we have two classes. Classes are over at 3:30, and I get home at 4:00. But sometimes I don’t ___4___ school so early because I play basketball on the playground. I have supper at about 6:00. After supper I do my homework. I often watch TV, but sometimes I ___5___ to do some reading and the story books are very interesting. I usually go to bed at about 10:00 p.m.

A. A. leave
B. B. at
C. C. like
D. D. breakfast
E. E. start

A. A. leave
B. B. at
C. C. like
D. D. breakfast
E. E. start

A. A. leave
B. B. at
C. C. like
D. D. breakfast
E. E. start

A. A. leave
B. B. at
C. C. like
D. D. breakfast
E. E. start

A. A. leave
B. B. at
C. C. like
D. D. breakfast
E. E. start





1.There was nothing Jenny could do but wait.

2.There were so many students in the class that the teacher couldn’t talk to them all.

3.These people moved from place to place.

4.These two students from our school have been admitted to Beijing University.      

5.They are mainly for people who live a little way out of London and who travel in and out.

6.They are ordinary people, but did a great job.  

7.They don’t decide who is right and who is wrong.

8.They made a note of the type of the car and its color.  

9.They questioned both men but neither of them could speak English.

10.They seem to have more activities at night than in the day.

11.They sometimes live for days in the snow, and when somebody finds them, they are quite all right.

12.They still have some serious problems to solve.

13.They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set.

14.They told me a story that made me surprised and speechless.  

15.They watched him closely as a cat watched a rat.

16.They were brought up under the same roof when they were young.

17.They were satisfied with what they had done.

18.They were sitting in the park, playing cards.

19.Things are going from good to better.T

20.his box can hold more books than that one.

21.This custom has a long tradition.   

22.This habit of writing poetry on every possible occasion(合) soon got me into trouble at school.   

23.This is indeed a most pressing problem.

24.This money is for the thoughtful person who removes this stone from the road.

25.This picture doesn’t look like you.

26.This place has plentiful material resources.

27.This shirt is too big for me. Do you have a smaller one?28.Though I tried to make him change his mind, I failed completely.

29.Though it was beyond them, they tried their best to do it.

30. Though it was late, they kept on working.

31.Though they’ve lived under the same roof for many years, they don’t know each other.

32.Though this question is very difficult, if you keep on trying , you will find the right answer.。

33.To mark students’ test papers, a checking machine is uesed.

34.Today the car is the most popular sort of transportation in all of the United States.

35.Tom and John mistook each other’s glasses.

36.Tom and Rose like going to school very much.

37.Tom broke his leg on his way home.

38.Tom is five years younger than Peter.

39.Tom was such a hardworking student that he soon came out first in the class.

40.Transistors are small in size and light in weight.

41.Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages.




1.Why I Study English
2.Money is not everything.
3.The man I love most in my life
4.Honesty is the best policy. (诚实乃上策。)
5.The Course I Like Best of the Long-distance Education
6.The Course I hate most of the Long-distance Education
7.My expectation of the Long-Distance Education
8.I love my job
9.Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。上星期天你打电话叫Jack和你去公园。在公园你们看见厖,你们玩得很高兴。get up late; call; get to; many people; do exercise; read; lake; fly
10.Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文 a .你特别喜欢的食物;b.你喜欢的理由。My Favourite Food
11.Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。a.你喜欢的工作;b.你喜欢的理由。The Job I Like
12.My Favorite Sport
13.Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。a.简述你的家乡;b.你对家乡的印象。My Hometown
15.Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。a.你在英语学习中遇到什么困难;b.你如何克服这些困难。How to Overcome Difficulties in My English Studies
17.Interest is the Best Teacher. (兴趣是最好的老师。)
18.写作Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。a.0000的好处;b.0000带来的问题。Advantages and Disadvantages of the Mobile Phone
19.Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。a.回忆值得记忆的一天;b.说明为什么值得记忆。A Day to Remember
20.Instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。a.计算机的用途;b.计算机给人们生活带来的变化。The Computer






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