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发表于 2011-9-13 19:04:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大学英语(一)第一次网上作业6 u6 }6 {8 _/ O
试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:1008 j9 v* b. ~& M; n$ b9 X& H: k
?单选 6 f" d5 X( m/ D+ m3 J- k$ }3 L

5 |3 J% y5 z. O' U% A: Z" T) N6 P/ B. j$ ?; [: r7 Q
1 I8 ]. Z+ |- C) U4 |( F6 P# A8 R5 m/ H
、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)    得分:97.5  U4 L, r) m8 p$ r, @4 y( a
1.  The _______ of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health.A. major
( P5 B& y: V# n: S1 `4 |- D7 ZB. majority
- w  E% y1 G/ n0 I# d$ AC. minor0 i! I# d- N$ _; p
D. minority: F) S7 o2 J( u; E/ G
正确资料:B      满分:2.5  分  得分:2.5+ z  M. g5 ~6 M; a, J
2.  All the _______ in the hospital will get a rise tomorrow.A. women-doctors; j5 A* k# E: B% v8 A) P. ^5 f
B. woman doctors
; O# S# z0 e3 ^# y3 oC. women doctors
- F9 I5 M+ M) d) aD. doctors of women
6 f  j; {# x1 y; x* G正确资料:C      满分:2.5  分  得分:2.59 E: y5 C5 {" k1 t6 T, |  w6 f
3.  — Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? — _______A. Thank you a lot.5 y& g0 G( o3 D+ Z. `( J8 t
B. It’s several years.- w! K1 b7 c9 Y- R0 K2 Q2 F
C. Long time no see.' ]3 e; i4 l6 V, p; K1 l+ H0 F% I
D. Just so-so.! X2 p3 ~) z& T+ c* M- A
正确资料:D      满分:2.5  分  得分:2.5! l. g+ p! ~$ X, {% }: a
4.  — May I know your name, please? — _______A. I’d rather not.. q4 N$ t, R+ K9 n) u, I7 P: w2 G6 n
B. Yes, you may.& A& F' _5 E2 M' z  l- o
C. Jane Edwin.
- V5 I- B5 d) |D. No, please don’t7 A0 c$ A: ^0 I  U# B
正确资料:C      满分:2.5  分  得分:2.5: o# e4 J- i( H; Q$ h8 j* z
5.  The island’s _______ is similar to Hawaii’s, which attracts more and more tourists every year.A. people, T# e- s! D2 n! F$ [3 a
B. area( ~5 d6 R+ Q+ y9 D% V) D
C. custom
. x- O" Q/ U  c; ?# [1 SD. landscape+ u: {; S4 e) v' ?3 G/ B7 _& T0 l& W
正确资料:D      满分:2.5  分  得分:2.5
& L& b! |' i/ ^+ s# F6.  Mrs. Black became a(n) _______ at making desserts.A. expert
+ P* u$ ?" Z. N/ o5 t+ zB. worker
8 I. @( Y% Y2 r9 c2 LC. host
$ X. \1 ^4 F: X' X) h) xD. specialist
: K2 A) d# u& H, g' X/ e正确资料:A      满分:2.5  分  得分:2.56 O" n& f# v, b# G. a
7.  亨利向几家大公司递交了求职申请。A. Henry sent out applications to several big companies.
1 \2 ^. g) U0 y8 |. LB. Henry sent out application several big companies.
2 n# n( L# v. @7 @( K7 {$ ]C. Henry sent out several big companies to his applications.3 }( R) b  I: v. n9 `0 S
D. Several big companies sent out applications to Henry.
3 L6 R6 N9 A9 n% W$ g正确资料:A      满分:2.5  分  得分:2.5; {: q0 q6 E8 ?, L
8.  The police asked me to _______ exactly how it happened.A. express
& g2 ^- a9 k% D, [( ZB. draw
3 G8 W2 A+ N4 g8 I# w* WC. describe7 ?, ^' g- l  f9 u6 [
D. imagine
/ {' P, H1 P3 |8 r- \正确资料:C      满分:2.5  分  得分:2.57 r" D9 ]' I  x3 T" \$ J  C
9.  My son is already showing an interest _______ music.A. on9 h) B" k" Y% L' o0 }$ b6 U0 e% @
B. to
% ~5 f: ^7 d1 z6 f7 M1 h  FC. in6 U8 \: c1 `7 v6 z# F) V
D. at
" B8 ]# I* `8 J% W+ _) F" @正确资料:C      满分:2.5  分  得分:2.5
2 B6 _0 P- v. q/ a& r2 k10.  I'm _______ of the package that's been left in the corridor.A. worried
3 E( M4 v+ e$ H+ sB. sharp2 X" S& R" N, [! n) }0 o5 n
C. aggressive7 ]8 N" {# ]0 Y
D. suspicious
5 E1 o& v" S2 T7 N$ a0 B正确资料:D      满分:2.5  分  得分:2.5


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