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发表于 2011-9-19 22:01:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)V 1.  你明明写了那么多的作品 ,怎么说不是文学家呢?
( j% b- h$ y. @( \4 q. HA. You’ve written so many books, how can you say you’re not man of letter?. X% ?& l/ y( w- R, _3 ^  h
B. You’ve written many, many books. How can you say you’re not a man of letter?6 D3 E% F4 r+ U3 {  W3 X& o
C. You’ve written so many books. How can you say you’re not man of letters?# O5 L1 X* \, X& |
D. You’ve written many, many books. How can you say you’re not a man of letters?
) Q' f% l, B) J  ~* v' ^      满分:4  分3 {6 U; n6 W( q3 \3 }1 o7 B
2.  翻译过程中 ,如果忠实和通顺不能两全,那就______。, \: c/ y$ c  @% t; n. m$ F) S$ Y
A. 宁信而不顺: S! k5 W2 N6 F6 X; f0 |! o# y
B. 宁顺而不信
1 t- i1 B$ b" G6 P3 M9 JC. 不信也不顺
8 _  D) |  s" k) a" i) XD. 力求既信又顺
1 J! `3 M/ I7 x) O& M      满分:4  分( _3 x5 `9 o4 N1 h, A
3.  The image of a sudden wall of dark water carrying the man and his car away in an instant is still imprinted on my mind.
- g0 O+ M& x2 k; G( x2 s0 mA. 突然,浑浊的雨墙瞬间连人带车都冲走的情景还印在我的脑海里。
  \& ]& T2 Y6 {6 N5 s( q- n9 mB. 我的脑海里至今带有突然变黑的雨水像墙一样压下来,一下子连人带车都冲走的印象。- w: Z" S: _3 d
C. 突然,浑浊的雨水像一面墙一样压下来,一下子连人带车都冲走了。这情景到现在还在我的脑海里。* @0 R9 l( J: j
D. 至今我的脑海里的印象是,雨水突然变混,像一面墙一样把人和车都带走了。1 S+ K, l& S* ]& _$ D
      满分:4  分! F) {0 A3 _4 ~- l$ Z1 }
4.  According to Theodore Savory, a translator must ask himself: _________.
" _0 b: b3 m( e# GA. (ⅰ) What does the author say? (ⅱ) What does he mean? (ⅲ) How does he say it?
5 C: h2 |( `6 DB. (ⅰ) What does the author mean? (ⅱ)What does he say? (ⅲ)What does he want?
/ v! p1 Z6 c' K3 r. U2 `- A( g! M4 \C. (ⅰ)What does the author say? (ⅱ) Where does he say it? (ⅲ) What does he mean?/ N( P% `) I: ^& o& ]2 u$ x$ `: n
D. (ⅰ) What does the author mean? (ⅱ) How does he like it? (ⅲ) What does he say?
8 \" q/ N! r+ |+ ?3 b% R6 e4 f, T      满分:4  分9 S) k; ~8 e) g% e, v* ?1 l- l: K' i
5.  钱钟书先生在“林纾的翻译”一文中提出了一条翻译的新标 准______。% K: O4 ?+ k8 F# z8 I
A. “神韵”说" w& z, m4 H# h/ l" O8 H
B. “化境”说) J: p: L% ~* g) u! S9 d
C. “丰姿”说/ y0 V5 ~0 J- o; n2 S1 L
D. “信、达、雅”说0 X* r% f: r/ ?; g' U8 y
      满分:4  分3 [, l# i7 y) K; B1 x' ~; e' x4 x% k
6.  他睡得很死,连打雷都没有把他惊醒。) ]8 C3 ?9 Q$ t: ~; M7 C6 N
A. He slept like a log and was not even wakened up by the thunder.
& |. ?$ I( d% e) T& PB. He slept like a log and was not even awakened up by the thunder.+ o" U% d/ L2 d: C  q1 n( l4 Z$ K  a
C. He slept like a log and was not even awoken up by the thunder.# Z" y# N6 {4 \* t' }0 `
D. He slept like a log and was not even awakened by the thunder.
" W7 k" Y$ ?5 s3 s. j! A      满分:4  分
1 c8 i& L. ]+ j$ z  v7.  George Steiner thought that is the true road for the translator.9 J" l4 \; {' G, a" [
A. create& V0 Z, c" p* W1 a  }8 ^7 ~
B. paraphrase2 q( q- B) P1 c: ]- p
C. metaphrase; L( c+ u) G; p* Z& R
D. imitation
% t( |* B, r( t, R      满分:4  分3 ^& k+ W3 t; U9 v$ U
8.  中国有12亿多人口,陆地自然资源人均占有量低于世界平均水平。
7 l1 T7 N  V( B  y8 _$ aA. China has a population of more than 1.2 billion, and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the world’s average." T5 J* z& ^8 [( Y5 r, ~2 i0 ~  R* s7 G
B. China’s population is 1.2 billion and the natural resources on the land per head are lower than the world’s average level.
$ }2 @: Q6 T* H* i) JC. The 1.2 billion people in China have lower land natural resources than in the world each.' r+ C; l2 u/ M+ T  H- ^& I; c% j( x
D. The land natural resources 1.2 billion Chinese have are less than the world has.
( Y4 ]& T3 ?/ r4 r      满分:4  分
2 i# \$ e/ W! }1 G% ]0 s1 z. p9.  Sunlight is no less necessary than fresh air to a healthy condition of body .9 f5 G8 ~. G+ w4 `
A. 日光和新鲜空气对于身体健康都是不可缺少的。
, L. c8 y/ j! E5 {$ p, {B. 对于健康的身体,日光和新鲜空气一样不可缺少。2 i  a7 C- s0 o5 q  K+ |
C. 对于身体健康,日光如新鲜空气一样不可或缺。
  V: l% B1 }8 `D. 阳光同新鲜空气一样对于身体的健康不可缺少。' @) ^. w; [6 J2 G0 b8 Z; K
      满分:4  分
" g: l1 l) r+ c! P& Y8 u10.  She blurred the ink on the letter with her tears.
' d7 j! P  l$ V2 i3 ]A. 他的眼泪把信上的墨水弄得模糊不清。. Z$ [- g$ V: j5 D
B. 他的眼泪把信上的字迹弄得模糊不清。) d" z$ T. \  ~) u8 p0 f
C. 他的眼泪把信上的字句弄得模糊不清。9 S* ]$ v& {3 g1 \- p8 m
D. 他的眼泪把信上的话语弄得模糊不清" j( ?9 l  |8 ?. `" T; t6 G; \6 p
      满分:4  分
& j+ N$ @  d0 M+ L% k" T5 O( N4 o; [- ^: y; l) @
二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 60 分。)V 1.  We live and learn. 活到老,学到老。9 v4 i0 W+ d. G) D$ L8 C3 G; \
A. 错误' e, g. L! X1 ^  E  D& V
B. 正确
7 {8 T1 [/ `) Q! @( h7 A: f- H2 F      满分:3  分, ~9 l% P* Z( b  T8 `1 j% b: Y7 S
2.  During one four-year period about 600 years ago, the Black Death killed at least 25 million people in Europe. 在大约600年前一次为期四年的流行期中,黑死病至少使2500万欧洲人丧生。& C" K+ J8 t1 Q  v2 s1 P5 L5 ^7 U/ o- p
A. 错误0 ?% N) g9 `9 U$ m* ^& C& e* R
B. 正确3 n# _7 ~3 g% P1 J9 z) Y! [' B! M/ [) a
      满分:3  分
: K- I# n8 Y  C1 _: f3.  But British exports range far beyond services, important as they are. 由于出口在英国占重要地位,英国的出口已远远超出了服务业。! [3 w+ j. \% j) K2 H! L
A. 错误
4 {+ r0 u9 }" N6 rB. 正确
; R# I" L" w4 l8 i. b8 }& Z# Y      满分:3  分
& _, b6 @6 w1 ^" y: Y1 z4.  For me personally, it was a blessing in disguise. 这就对我个人而言,是祸中得福。
6 `5 v  z8 D# [A. 错误! W" B% u7 s8 q) q$ |, j0 P
B. 正确- H! W; s% w$ R0 V
      满分:3  分; M: {3 H5 E; h, w3 _, t2 d
5.  Official Moscow is going to object to the proposal . 莫斯科官方准备反对此项提议。0 |5 X: C% N' i2 p9 O' M# ?
A. 错误
' `3 Q. q6 X+ \+ Q" `, w1 hB. 正确
; P0 ~; w7 k# \5 |" z      满分:3  分' f/ D( ^; i$ q6 e! D2 Z7 d. g: L
6.  英译汉时,忠实是指语言,通顺是指内容。: f- R' B( Z& c8 }: |
A. 错误
0 W. H# e4 U" X" q8 r& LB. 正确! _6 z  j* E9 e4 @9 w6 K$ R
      满分:3  分
; c* ~7 p4 R3 |4 D! \7.  过去向我们学习的人,现在反而超过了我们,这对我们确实是一种鞭策。 People who had learned from us now excelled us. It was a real challenge.
6 ]% ?$ A8 A( Q( b6 hA. 错误
! d/ g; \- K& |% z: KB. 正确
& i7 m# ~# r: q# w) e      满分:3  分8 l$ `. \/ L. G. I% Z8 ^7 I
8.  什么时候方便 ,就请过来玩。 Drop in whenever it’s convenient.- V* y7 n' b5 h$ P
A. 错误
! u1 o" F; P# a) _B. 正确/ K- M8 k# Z: Q% z; S2 N' n' G
      满分:3  分9 k3 n' T; |  _; P2 c
9.  Ask her when Miss Roberston comes back. 你去问问她罗伯逊!!!何时回来。
, e2 w" q, l: I! v- d  a5 }A. 错误
6 L' t/ R  X- dB. 正确" z! b% U3 r# N1 D6 e: H+ F: \# w) y
      满分:3  分
" i& v( e  ?& U3 d10.  这种论点目前还有一定的市场 。 This argument has some appeal at present.. G; O* U% R; ^+ c
A. 错误
; D/ v, o/ V( q! JB. 正确
) V, Z( K7 b, {/ D      满分:3  分! q: [# |& s/ q1 a* `( n
11.  Potatoes are an important source of starchy food in temperate countries and bananas in tropics. 土豆是温带国家淀粉食物的重要来源,香蕉则是热带地区淀粉食物的重要来源。
! m; ~- M" m2 p/ d: kA. 错误
. ^( R1 t/ \+ C6 t' o) U7 ~B. 正确2 b, X9 u  C' Z' s8 A3 C8 [
      满分:3  分
+ A2 ?" m8 ~; P12.  中国人民是刻苦勤劳的民族 。 The Chinese is an industrious and hard-working people.+ W; t! a" v( D5 Y! N2 b
A. 错误% s; s2 T- _9 r7 o
B. 正确9 l* D+ g$ X9 w" Q! `: P3 o
      满分:3  分
+ _, R- H7 X: T3 ?# a13.  你们在讨论什么? What are you discussing?
" N+ F0 A( X) H4 FA. 错误
/ e4 l, \4 f) ~0 o; P2 fB. 正确
5 M* Y2 G$ f% ?& A' Q8 H1 G      满分:3  分
6 f: Q0 ^2 E( R: |& V& b14.  罗马是建在七山之上的城市,拥有大小500座教堂。 Rome was located on seven hills with big and small five hundred churches.
( t! H: q/ k$ ?" VA. 错误
& c/ j  {0 l' r& ]B. 正确5 ~* C; Z: T) z+ J9 A% Q
      满分:3  分" p* {9 s* Q5 c9 ^" o9 H
15.  良药苦口利于病。 Good medicine tastes bitter but good for health.5 q$ [( |3 V" j4 P3 v
A. 错误( ~" w' l1 U. g  S' x5 }! n
B. 正确: W& ~1 F+ X# |- \6 N. A- W. D
      满分:3  分/ B- P) p  D3 }; C/ m$ d
16.  It was the third of March,1887,three months before I was seven years old. 那是1887年3月3日,我差三个月不满七岁。
- ~9 n8 f, O; h8 lA. 错误3 _6 u; U7 R  p& w( ^7 Z
B. 正确2 V# q) |+ W% R& I( E8 F. W; e
      满分:3  分
, g; ?7 J/ a" o17.  He asked her not to leave so soon, and she shook her head. 他求她别这么快就离开,她点点头同意了。
) g/ S+ _1 s/ SA. 错误
* A" |4 [4 ?, Q1 \5 eB. 正确  i1 G! F$ Y$ n/ C4 t8 L; Y
      满分:3  分
  V3 d6 z3 t8 i4 x18.  The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点脚步声也没有。% u" x; `+ C/ l6 Y2 `2 [! b6 |
A. 错误
; ^) v8 G: U/ P/ L5 DB. 正确6 H  s! k. x) |
      满分:3  分0 {: Y3 S& I0 `# m! ?
19.  我认为她是对的。 According to my opinion, she is right.0 Z( K/ Y/ e1 o! b8 i/ |: c
A. 错误
1 J# P1 k1 b; Z  V$ u8 q2 N, p/ X/ p0 zB. 正确
6 K- o8 F+ O. }% _* V8 Z      满分:3  分
$ L- a5 [% V+ [; G( d20.  One can scarcely pay too high a price for liberty. 人们为自由付出的代价再高也不过分。# i: [, r7 R0 ^/ V2 Q3 S7 N
A. 错误2 M' P5 ]: e' C# D# i  o
B. 正确5 c& k3 R4 M6 S8 D* D
      满分:3  分
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