一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. Here is a passage from Middlemarch, a novel by George Eliot: "Her blooming full-pulsed youth stood there in a moral imprisonment which made itself one with the chill, colourless, narrowed landscape, with the shrunken furniture, the never-read books, and the ghostly stag in pale fanatic world that seemed to be vanishing from the daylight," Who is the lady mentioned in the quoted passage? N2 @' D+ |8 G! W ]
A. Dorothea: {7 [6 G7 ~/ |) ?* J
B. Emma. p. }! \6 _# q2 i6 r
C. Molly
6 V" M; m( h, {) GD. Irene
* l# [/ ^, ]' O9 C# k 满分:2.5 分
1 i5 K. ]; F8 g5 h l& k! e2. Which of the following brings LITTLE impact on the development of 20th century literature?
) V3 s* B6 J* g4 v2 [) H* NA. Friedrich Nietzche’s assertions: "God is dead"3 M* |, h7 d V" \8 j5 s$ g
B. Arther Schopenharuer’s and Henry Bergson’s philosophical ideas of irrationality.
! X' P3 y" r- G5 ?2 b! gC. Oscar Wilde’s idea of "Art for Art’s Sake".! Q$ R6 u* s4 z' q: o7 {7 _
D. Freudian-Jungian psycho-analysis
( b0 `9 @8 o& K# P! ^8 u4 |5 g8 y) k 满分:2.5 分$ v; J6 Q z# L
3. “In dream vision Arthur witnessed the loveliness of Gloriana, and upon awaking resolves to seek her.” The two literary figures Arthur and Gloriana are form ./ Z. K9 k/ I/ W4 V/ O5 Z$ {. X' F
A. Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene* ]+ M% a+ a% Z$ C8 M
B. William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
/ D6 o4 y& q- f( ~6 P! r0 ]# D4 y; U) JC. Christopher Marlowe’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His love”+ i6 @- r# M, T/ z3 _7 z/ c
D. John Donne’s “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”3 U; l( F, M" {: z
满分:2.5 分
5 B0 s2 F E: ~, [' F4. Dickens’ works are characterized by a mingling of ______________ and pathos.
" E6 W% \% X1 `; A! T: |+ uA. humor
4 N2 o D; p1 @. u" g( w% fB. satire' Y" w6 U+ c/ v/ o$ U/ m
C. passion* L$ r) p' l. Y) F3 }8 P& P
D. metaphor
0 h1 O# w7 Q+ y$ O7 A7 b 满分:2.5 分: @% O0 c2 [5 b7 a. T
5. The Pilgrim‘s Progress by John Bunyan is often said to be concerned with the search for _______ .
4 X' j' l+ _' @A. material wealth
% A( ]9 |( z ?% N. v8 A- LB. spiritual salvation5 a. G; |! \# `* [8 p
C. universal truth \# s8 U, X# P1 w$ n* Z
D. self-fulfillment
5 p6 f7 k, Y- u- S 满分:2.5 分
v8 @" {* s0 D( Y6. American Literature produced only one female poet during the 19th century. This was _______.
1 ]8 X* l4 I8 sA. Jane Austen, M: @% T1 X( w# Q+ L
B. Watt Whitman
) \0 H3 @5 }6 WC. Emily Dickinson
9 c1 C6 V/ J% ` OD. Harriet Beccher Stowe
, C4 b. d9 q6 c/ Q" c8 {7 y! T+ e7 V 满分:2.5 分
' T: V: |* E% L% c! O7. The hightide of Romanticism in American literature occurred around .' D5 D3 C7 C$ \- A
A. 18206 V7 h( N# Y! N8 {( a
B. 1850
: w3 V+ ?1 x4 ^4 e4 F- iC. 1880
0 I" b8 h. ]1 K4 |! fD. 1920- h1 h# R0 F0 _7 X
满分:2.5 分
% w+ S" S2 @6 y6 U. c0 h8. In which of the following poems by William Butler Yeats did you find the allusion to Helen and the TrojanWar?* n1 o% n5 s3 X
A. "Sailing to Byzantium"
7 y! w: [/ b& G7 a7 w& p) f" mB. " Leda and the Swan"/ l+ x" [5 H0 N
C. "The Lake Isle if Innisfree".$ b" f1 b& V. J8 u
D. " Sown by the Sally Garden"" B" }2 R% ]/ G* B
满分:2.5 分( C8 I. k, U4 x8 L/ W4 P
9. In his poem“Tyger,Tyger,”William Blake expresses his perception of the“fearful Symmetry”of the big cat.The phrase“fearful Symmetry”Suggests____.( k0 h1 r% v9 _( C
A. the tiger‘s two eyes Which are dazzlingly bright and Symmetrically set7 g5 ^8 B8 h: x# r# }9 P
B. the poet‘s fear of the predator+ l$ W2 j V E4 \9 a+ x( S% T! M
C. the analogy of the hammer and the anvil1 C* m$ \/ x0 E8 I* n
D. the harmony of the two opposte aspects of God’s creation2 S# |% M1 A' Y, k" C* U D' d
满分:2.5 分 ?% T4 ?5 j5 Q/ W) {
10. Of the following literary giants, is not of Irish origin.
& n3 N) a x7 X$ }( GA. George Bernard Shaw% y3 l$ R' w! c4 K, }5 n
B. William Butler Yeats0 S6 M0 r, B+ p$ H& x8 S, L4 f
C. T.S.Eliot
) w$ w8 h+ x# h% Z" M- XD. James Joyce
# k4 y6 U3 F, @9 n% f* l7 W 满分:2.5 分
5 L9 S4 _. g- a* J% q11. “...This grew: I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped altogether....” (Robert Browning, “My Last Duchess”) The above lines imply that .- J/ O s6 T' h- ]- J6 g
A. the Duchess was killed by her husband8 u" b) H$ K/ m5 q$ ?# e( U/ J
B. the Duchess stopped smiling at her husband’s order
1 p% [3 J$ R( Z0 N; G- VC. the Duchess died of laughing too much. ]' t" O* t1 b4 W: O; |, n
D. the Duchess did not want to smile as much as her husband requested
$ F" y: c E$ ?( ^ 满分:2.5 分
5 H& g0 K2 n- g3 e0 m# } E) W$ c12. Of all the 18th century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out,both in theory and practice,to write specifically a“____in prose,”the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.
K) S1 K( _/ r B9 ~7 gA. tragic epic
, l9 S1 J: n6 k' }+ vB. comic epic
" `7 k* s( P4 z- VC. romance3 G ]! |. i; t& }. z
D. lyric epic
8 P' b! T; H! s$ g( k 满分:2.5 分
8 u! X. t0 Y1 @9 ?' \13. “When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table.” (T. s. Eliot, “The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock”) What does the image in the quoted lines suggest?. o; U( d8 `# B+ J
A. Violence.
0 [4 ]9 ]* S- g( y& mB. Horror.# W* r' U9 |4 [2 }. E$ h: m" h4 [
C. Inactivity.
6 v- p& z0 G& B5 @6 [' nD. Indifference.
: Z/ i6 ^! C" U2 Y' p% Q+ O 满分:2.5 分
, g: g/ E9 _2 j& d4 L9 _. S) ^14. The unquenchable spirit of Robinson Crusoe struggling to maintain a substantial existence on a lonely island reflects .. ^9 }6 X: r1 G4 i1 a
A. man’s desire to return to nature9 L2 X0 F. c# Z3 _3 O3 M O
B. the author’s criticism of the colonization
* o' a* c2 R2 x' OC. the ideal of the rising bourgeoisie
0 G$ N7 p* d' @D. the aristocrats’ disillusionment of the harsh social reality4 D: R' {6 _3 v
满分:2.5 分
* E3 p6 n3 ~8 o+ k9 n15. American romanticism started with the publication of _______ and ended with Leaves of Grass .2 O5 I2 K; m j9 K5 B
A. The Sketch Book
* P0 C/ E* h( F1 A+ bB. Nature
1 n1 I6 S6 o( z( ]+ |C. Leatherstocking Tales+ k) A/ N# T& A- N
满分:2.5 分
2 c* @4 R& k7 _8 K3 m16. Of the below poets, has not been awarded Poet Laureate.( M' m n6 C0 ]
A. William Wordsworth
' P& H* o* O( L. }% @B. Thomas Gray
% n( p0 x: J3 o; nC. Alfred Tennyson
6 u% t! Q3 a4 vD. Ben Jon son
4 |/ c2 @% Q+ w 满分:2.5 分
" Z; Z! S, I: W+ u8 {6 \& `3 b4 W17. Christoper Marlow’s “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” is a (n) .
! ^3 g1 V, u# D" fA. pastoral lyric
0 a$ h3 M9 F' Q# n' jB. elegy
$ c$ H! A. P& D: z2 h" \C. eulogy; b+ M |+ |6 o6 `# y
D. epic
6 |9 {& t* O, p4 s& s) o& J# d 满分:2.5 分' o; y6 f' N Y. z& |! D/ a+ f
18. Of all the eighteenth-century novelists, _______ was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a "comic epic in prose," and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style.
+ ^& A! u- M) i# G. B5 S# cA. Daniel Defoe
6 Y! U* [6 f; i# i6 M _% V( TB. Samuel Richardson3 A- G& w# s4 q) X
C. Henry Fielding. R; o3 D" w# f; q
D. Oliver Goldsmith6 k8 X" O" s$ s+ [5 M' k
满分:2.5 分" v( q6 ]2 l6 E' c
19. In 1837, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled _______ at Harvard, which was hailed by Oliver Wendell Holmes as "Our intellectual Declaration of Independence."
4 c1 ~" J4 d# A( b- W! NA. "Nature"
" c7 Z" M! {: u0 GB. "Self-Reliance"5 f1 z: e) R; f
C. "Divinity School Address"9 }6 ]/ k B1 B
D. "The American Scholar"
9 c6 \6 k5 E; R; m$ E 满分:2.5 分
4 ~- o6 [; Q! @20. Which of the following statements about writers in 1920s is true?
& A0 n3 |7 {1 R ~- w lA. Mark Twain published his last and most important novel.' U4 ?) v3 b0 L/ L
B. F. Scott Fitzgerald received the Nobel Prize.! B# P! d7 d' b% ^
C. Freudian psychology influenced many modern writers.
& T* l4 V: m) A' E9 k2 F% Z: vD. Most writers were politically radical.
# k G) D6 D" ^, R& o: s 满分:2.5 分
8 `* U4 v' U+ s% x& f21. The impact of Darwin‘s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American ________ .& C% x: ]6 {3 e
A. local colorism# x. ^3 C- K0 O6 `$ P- q# I+ R
B. vernacularism
$ |9 u& y6 m9 V7 E+ xC. modernism
1 `. [. u" | N6 dD. naturalism. F; a: J& k! M P0 G8 v; w1 H! y
满分:2.5 分. S; l9 p' J9 p4 B! y( N" r
22. As an autobiographical play, O‘Neill‘s _______ (1956)has gained its status as a world classic and simultaneously marks the climax of his literary career and the coming of age of American drama.
; g& z( e) H& x' |A. The Iceman Cometh
; e7 Y7 g2 R2 s) P& wB. Long Day‘s Journey Into Night- k& l+ i5 }9 Q9 r9 T) J9 u0 v. V
C. The Hairy Ape9 F. M4 e" d1 }: Z$ r
D. Desire Under the Elms% U- J! D/ R* K( y
满分:2.5 分/ A+ {" j& Q( M' B/ l& [
23. D.H.Lawrence’s works are modern because of their_______ .% [3 r9 s- s2 N9 p, J( D# _. f
A. modern skill in writing
2 r6 y$ W# _+ T" hB. modern publishing time2 L6 l0 Y8 c, `5 f" ^ Z, V
C. modern themes
; r8 x: \1 ?0 R3 o1 n: M0 vD. modern appearance
9 Q; P- y# C' \- {( ]2 v4 L) b 满分:2.5 分6 J& B! P- X0 v5 @6 l
24. Gothic novels are mostly stories of , which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles .
: r' h8 Q" A/ a" mA. love and marriage& M3 s7 U% g; R; u1 j
B. sea adventures
- C& N) t6 D. S# d# k2 a% b+ y LC. mystery and horror
( F; R0 C; }0 o# L/ r/ ^" {D. saints and martyrs4 |) k0 Y, A: a" S
满分:2.5 分4 F9 F4 X2 u# Z! Z- N+ Q
25. Mark Twain‘s first novel _______ , written in collaboration with Charles D. Warner and published in 1873,though not an artistic success, gives its name to the America of the post-Civil War period which it attempts to satirize.
/ [8 }3 T/ N+ \) i4 }9 L& F. Y0 v" jA. The Gilded Age" c7 u( n' A) }
B. The Age of Innocence, T) C2 k2 o p
C. The Roughing Time
4 w$ d. H" V2 w8 l( H; w5 g$ x& dD. The Jazz Age
/ `+ `, n+ e. j* O" m; g 满分:2.5 分
0 w1 n0 h" x+ h9 h4 |" ?' i% W: t26. Daniel Defoe describes _______ as a typical English Middle-class man of the eighteenth century, the very prototype of the empire builder or the pioneer colonist.: B+ r9 X; p( N: `3 O/ { f
A. Tom Jones+ U# X% R) e( E8 Y8 x( r
B. Gulliver4 A4 Y0 s/ u2 |( r
C. Moll Flanders. j# V( Q, u( j: g
D. Robinson Crusoe- q& F, E4 h$ J6 p0 |* K
满分:2.5 分* K! S9 B* a* y) [
27. In Chapter III of Oliver Twist, Oliver is punished for that “impious and profane offence of asking for more” . What did Oliver ask for more?$ N; g9 }0 Y4 d1 D
A. More time to play
. d9 ?# X% M4 O( v, e3 K" yB. More food to eat q) r* y, N4 Y. Q& n' n
C. More books to read& h' S9 w" Y- I- r! I/ \1 T7 ~4 `
D. More money to spend
" R6 |% G! _/ D9 r5 K 满分:2.5 分
4 l3 s- Q( x1 C7 H/ m28. "‘I believe you are made of stone,‘he said, clenching his fingers so hard that he broke the fragile cup. …‘You seem to forget,‘ she said,‘that cup is not!‘" From the above quoted passage, we can find the woman‘s tone is very _______ .
, s" t I, E# KA. sarcastic
9 j9 i* {2 H9 i, G# B# ]" {B. amusing9 r1 ^; E* ?* V" F
C. sentimental
0 l7 g0 K) O9 @4 R0 x7 u" e# ED. facetious' @3 E+ L7 f6 M! I( K* Z) F
满分:2.5 分$ R" s5 R+ K: \0 X6 v8 M8 }
29. Tess of the D’Urbervilles, one of Thomas Hardy’s best known novels, portrays man as ________.
+ d7 c$ U- I: ]& D) F+ t/ oA. being hereditarily either good or bad
# J j3 o$ F' p, WB. being self-sufficient
9 `% H6 I6 r, _; zC. having no control over his own fate
3 Y0 i7 X. t [8 `$ @D. still retaining his own faith in a world of confusion# w, x: }1 W5 e- _& E- s
满分:2.5 分/ q' c4 c9 }7 p7 y2 R7 B. [
30. Shakespeare‘s tragedies include all the fOllowing except____.
1 d% ~2 P' G, ]% C4 Z$ SA. Hamlet and King lear/ E) j6 \* L) _! a5 `. Y
B. Antony and Cleopatra and Macbeth4 _ K& P) F3 I% P% V; \6 f* P# Y
C. julius Caesar and Othello
7 V* J/ P( e5 t4 p$ @& UD. the Merchant of Venice and A Midsummer Night`s Dream0 [9 X7 p/ g+ E H) I2 c7 j
满分:2.5 分
9 P# A9 k: n D4 a* {$ I$ n# l31. “I will drink / life to the lees .” In the quoted line Ulysses is saying that he till the end of his life .
7 \- a, z j. x& QA. will keep traveling and exploring1 b6 U8 G1 p E4 O9 I# r
B. will go on drinking and being happy: i' P0 [9 f, H
C. would like to toast to his glorious life
2 }+ V8 n' _7 t& t# N; BD. would like to drink the cup of wine
4 O& d G! D# ^$ s0 F `% y) a0 o 满分:2.5 分
. ^" E' \! ]# L" @( [32. The English novelist_______ has been regarded as the “Prose Homer”.6 |+ o; [5 w4 e) W& e! k5 H
A. Daniel Defoe" Y( B% r, Z. s6 u2 L* u
B. Jonathan Swift
& Y0 r! f; Y4 Q2 f; j2 ZC. Henry Fielding
9 g) Y) C3 l* k9 h( W3 |6 Q3 a3 ]D. Samuel Richardson
3 S# j2 v5 b5 j" j$ A8 p+ w 满分:2.5 分
0 R' r* J' j% \- A( D1 }33. Backbite,Sneerwell,and Lady Teazle are characters in the play the School for Scandal by____.
6 C. k0 l+ ]- m; w" Q1 Y3 v% M7 XA. Christopher Marlowe
* L: N: U! N1 fB. Ben Jonson' o" C6 p2 X& D t# h1 p9 {
C. Richard Brinsley Sheridan
W, q3 v' e- A2 OD. George Bernard Shaw
! w( C. o) M, L- h 满分:2.5 分
. a2 {, s6 o5 W34. Crusoe is the hero in The life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Grusoe, of York, Mariner (also known as Robinson Crusoe)by .' G. g' K# f$ V4 F( Z0 d% r+ ]( y
A. Jonathan Swift% h& N8 f( X: w# Y# D2 R |
B. Daniel Defoe+ q3 a' @+ j8 B( \# P1 |3 A
C. George Eliot
- N/ h; I0 \, f3 ^D. D.H.Lawrence
( C6 T3 i1 L* J, s6 i. `/ i 满分:2.5 分
5 @: E2 v2 x2 M7 ]* R/ R" \0 S35. Which terms can best describe the modernists’ concern of the human situation in their fiction?
2 V F! G, b; r( j& |A. Fragmentation and alienation.
0 V3 t4 U: q1 O `2 _/ DB. Courage and honor.
% J2 @8 t) r5 ~6 e& DC. Tradition and faith.% D2 G5 K' @: q+ w K! ]4 Y. Y0 U9 |" `8 O
D. Poverty and desperation.$ }* h; P& |- R+ q4 L' R% d. ^+ F
满分:2.5 分
" {9 i1 C7 G0 h3 S36. In Hawthorne‘s novels and short stories , intellectuals usually appear as _______ .
: F" U- z# ?: JA. saviors0 ]- t: J, f$ H# _' i* ]0 M
B. villains
6 U8 i* N8 o$ ~$ C" P' `! kC. observers
: _. H' c. I8 ~: }1 I1 _! ^4 a+ K 满分:2.5 分
2 f M; _* S: w* N3 j37. the Rime of the Ancient Mariner is a poem written in the form of ., _6 W" [* D7 ^6 ~
A. ballad
* u: g8 s; ^ D) s" QB. sonnet
7 M$ r& w6 v0 u- \% ]C. heroic couplet
7 Q' e' ~. e; X; j5 \0 G R: c( H$ a! MD. Spenserian stanza
4 b4 S. E$ z7 L5 s% B6 m 满分:2.5 分
0 B- e# M( t$ z# f6 L9 X38. The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all except _______ .) H" a3 v& {* q. o8 A% R$ ]8 [
A. mystery of the universe7 t1 g `% X* l" {
B. sin of the whale
0 R q: p! m; u# S( LC. evil of the world
3 S' K% k9 L8 B6 c! G 满分:2.5 分
. [; s k/ G# b# h0 r39. The sentence “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day ?” is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s ./ S: j1 }* g8 h( _' K. P
A. comedies5 T8 X; X. y5 U3 o0 r
B. tragedies' d* v& h5 Z* s# S/ ]$ B$ v
C. histories
* [7 ~# [6 l4 n. B8 E7 f0 d, \ mD. sonnets0 {! t* {7 V7 T' ]
满分:2.5 分$ N" k$ T6 G& p" p* _
40. The following poets are all Poet Laureate except_____
+ z, a# Y9 p: M7 K' r, oA. Ben Jonson
! ?" v! [% L& c* U) O8 y1 w1 DB. Thomas Gray4 P5 ~5 z+ Z6 N
C. Robert Southey! c! ]" k: h$ v0 x4 z4 P) q% O/ g, u+ n
D. William Wordsworth
) ^, j3 Y% J, |5 }; ? 满分:2.5 分 |