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发表于 2012-12-13 22:14:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
吉大12秋学期《新视野英语(三)》复习主观题知识点和教材页码标注% T0 s: ]: K. e) y" \

% K, ?* P. u+ U" x5 N教材信息:新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程(3)        外语教学与研究出版社 郑树棠  2008年6月第2版) f0 F. L, T# C5 N
5 ]: B% V6 s: s3 ~& e9 N3 t  Z) c  x
0 |, T4 E% }" Z. r7 V$ S0 g. T新视野英语(三)练习题A         ! V2 s0 m# H* e( B/ h. I5 }
IV. Translation
" H' P1 b% q7 A- h0 z" h1 f56. 据说,画家以他母亲为模特画了这幅画。 5 }$ G' R5 U+ }6 L: i$ v
考核知识点:It is said that
% G! q( b' _# U57. 首先,这对夫妇不想克隆孩子,其次,他们也没钱去克隆。7 C# @) z8 E3 o. w; l
考核知识点:In the first place…in the second place…
( N( V. }6 p) g* s3 t58. 有些老年人愿意独自生活,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。
/ M0 \$ d. J. ?; I考核知识点:prefer to;while; the great majority
8 S: O! K: C' M! S4 j59. 从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。
! {* d8 z4 H% B9 R& w# G6 C考核知识点:in the long run;worthwhile- h+ z" \3 N+ z! n, p* @# |# [
60. 这本书除了告诉我们地震方面的知识外,还告诉我们如何做好预防工作。" ~) D0 d" w' R' u
考核知识点:In addition to; how to prepare for…
2 F/ \8 B9 \& c  s) X61. Jimmy had his sister to help him get through the painful days alone without his father.4 F# R8 G. {) Z; Y) u/ W
考核知识点:get through 度过
7 P; ^2 r1 x7 v  X- a6 X62. The company’s formula for success is to hold prices down by controlling every link in the rose chain.
/ e! [' Z$ `. z9 t1 `5 U7 y考核知识点:hold prices down 降低价格;link 环节
1 l2 l! E0 a8 n8 `- o63. Though the manager did his best to help, he was still unable to track down the source of the problem.; {# `! L" Z. q0 {# i+ z! b
考核知识点:do one’s best to do sth. 尽力做某事0 j" p2 b9 R; ?" ?$ @: g* `% [
64. People should have supplies of water and food at home and at work, which is especially necessary in possible occurrence of an earthquake.
) d0 N1 z# e+ O$ j6 D! s考核知识点:have supplies of water and food 在家里和工作地点储备些水和食物 in possible occurrence of an earthquake 发生地震时是特别必要+ _7 x3 _" E6 t* S; d
65. Having decided to rent a flat, we set about contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.
( S, g, I) j# ~) J8 n考核知识点:accommodation agencies 房屋中介机构
. ^- ]  f5 ]* n; K! k
6 O/ H6 b$ s. q2 J' [新视野英语(三)练习题B% ~. Y- f9 E6 ]' f6 k
IV. Translation
: e- d& o5 q: p! t1 W71. 对一个想找工作的学生来说,有没有硕士学位的确有很大影响。
0 b- y' L: a" G/ v5 m5 h考核知识点:make a great difference+ [3 n# |, |; `7 I. i! `, {
72. 如有必要,生活在将要发生地震地区的人可以睡在帐篷里。
* x# @5 C: {" ^% ]; E考核知识点:if necessary0 k7 p, z  \- D, d4 o% c
73. 教师一旦同意接受新的教学计划,就得面对新计划带给他们的压力。
" P. p9 m* V  v+ {7 y  w6 b0 @考核知识点:once;face
# Q; {4 k+ q' ?! z! z, m74. 这座桥是以一位英雄的名字命名的,这位英雄为人民的事业献出了生命。( s8 T) e% ~/ a! b
考核知识点:be named after
; ]$ J& e# d7 l0 \2 A4 {, B75. 直到看到躺在床上奄奄一息的母亲,他才意识到自己是多么地爱她。$ H# J; n4 S! w4 D1 n
考核知识点:not until  _3 V0 G- j3 ~
76. The invention of the steam engine changed ships just as it had changed land transport.
, D4 t8 x- ]# ?  M, G! Q+ s考核知识点:just as 正如8 h3 E- G" D$ Q. n5 M8 a! p
77. The gravest concern isn’t really cloning itself, but genetic engineering—the deliberate altering of genes to create human beings according to certain requirements.5 f4 a8 c, C% b8 p' z( @1 _( O
考核知识点:deliberate 故意的
% u# d) C3 U; u6 t0 V; M5 ]- O78. In both Japan and China, people have long believed that earthquakes can be forecast by watching the behavior of animals. 2 d. X  Z4 N" Z' S8 k. H9 C* ?& L
考核知识点:forecast  预测; watching the behavior of animals 观察动物行为
/ Q! |" f# p1 s# r/ W79. As a way to remedy iron deficiency, experts recommend meat, chicken and fish, the best sources of iron, and the only sources of the form of iron most readily absorbed by the body.3 B0 ]% T/ z3 t9 Q0 a
考核知识点:iron deficiency 缺铁
6 S+ O. q4 b' N+ R2 b80. Not until the early sixties did it seem to be generally acknowledged that Britain was no longer a great power as previously understood.
" s& t* U3 I5 e考核知识点:acknowledge 认同
+ l$ {  B2 }& v4 p6 W3 V
& `" f3 |7 Z: ~* C1 l9 o0 j$ q) L! Q新视野英语(三)练习题C# a! r( G6 }5 W' }! }
IV. Translation
/ r* H9 E, V8 k9 t/ i66. 一些精明的国内玫瑰种植商已经开始与海外竞争者合作,而不是与他们对抗。) c2 h3 _: q9 I
考核知识点:介词结构instead of的用法 % a& v% ~) t: B( R* ]" Z
国内玫瑰种植商domestic rose growers  海外竞争者overseas rivals  对抗fight" y& A9 ^% ^# @$ d4 Q, W& _0 a' F$ @
67. 考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。
1 m/ o9 r; _0 u* R" I! Z考核知识点:take有考虑的意思;advisable明智的. d2 `& }$ _2 r# c0 K* x# H2 W
68. 他伸手拿起电话,拨通了宾馆的号码。) o) O3 }2 @1 |- b2 s5 C
考核知识点:reached for the phone伸手拿起电话, dialed 拨通. r3 n" O2 G! z4 z
69. 他在思维和行为方面都很传统。& d( W) y/ p+ S2 \* h7 \
考核知识点:thinking, behavior
, C# O' N$ L) U( S, @9 J" D) d70. 考虑到他最近的身体状况,我认为他这次考试成绩还不错。( [- \/ H7 |( g& z( w
考核知识点:taking into account of
1 j. w' G: x0 D! D2 y71. Word last week that a scientist named Ian Wilmut had succeeded in cloning an adult mammal—an achievement long thought impossible—caught the imagination of everyone.
- Z* I4 z* ?, I2 R考核知识点:an adult mammal 成年哺乳动物; catch the imagination of sb. 引发某人的想象0 `: H2 g) |! R
72. The company’s formula for success is to hold prices down by controlling every link in the rose chain.
4 d  Y! ~4 v! V* J" |) E3 q考核知识点:hold prices down 降低价格;link 环节
1 M; C) {& N( X! u$ V  |1 I73. As most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed by falling buildings, building    structures must be improved so that they can withstand the power of earthquakes.  p  z; @: f# W7 g' g
考核知识点:withstand 抵御
/ y4 D& `. L8 L% D$ p74. Applications made by corporations, whether on their own behalf or on behalf of other persons, must be signed by an official. . g. A( b6 e+ t$ ]( t9 C
考核知识点:be signed by 签名
1 v* T/ h% O0 r* a: B( @, k75. Although some people did not approve of it, the city leaders decided to go ahead with the plan to build two five-star hotels by the lake to attract more visitors.
. i$ m" i  X( U5 a% W- l考核知识点:go ahead with 实施
. _0 }3 z  q5 Z; a4 p; W4 u
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