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发表于 2011-10-28 10:08:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、多选(共 4 道试题,共 10 分。)V 1.  Antithesis is not used in ________.; V# r( {5 C/ l5 p
A. Why are women thought of as secretaries, not administrators? Librarians and teachers, but not doctors and lawyers?1 v, M# e. e2 ?7 B
B. She said that I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and even more intelligent than college professors.
. _5 ]0 T9 y7 [# H4 i2 O$ ^C. But they talked, and from the side of the building where I waited for the ground to open up and swallow me, I heard …
9 C+ G1 @# o5 ]D. Why are women thought of as secretaries, not administrators? Librarians and teachers, but not doctors and lawyers?" w- c6 ]2 K5 K7 L
      满分:2.5  分5 K9 q) @$ M, {& H9 [2 ]/ s
2.  Which of the following sentences use the rhetorical device of onomatopoeia?5 Y$ n/ i( _" s4 N1 c
A. They were interrupted from time to time by giggles that must have come from Mrs. Flowers1 \% V  m; Y: O; C: m1 C
B. Like the women who sat in front of roaring fireplaces,* A; O8 _+ U9 u" ?9 z
C. What on earth did one put on to go to Mrs. Flowers’ house?/ A! z8 K! c4 }* m4 j
D. The chifforobe was a maze.3 w$ O+ w. J) t: t1 g) e4 y
      满分:2.5  分
- x% m# c8 U. N( m3.  Which sentences apply the rhetorical device of simile?- K$ r  `  q8 ?
A. Clara did not mind the cold, for she liked anything that was not small and cramped and heartlessly cosy…3 Q8 k$ H6 p) ~2 l# J% C
B. She handled her apparatus with the efficient familiarity with which other women handle their baking boards and rolling pins…
: r/ n0 R/ z! R* y6 QC. Personally, I don’t care if they hybridize onions till they are as big as your head and come up through the snow…
8 v  e/ @" _; I/ v- QD. What matters if such peas taste like boiled paper wads?
. V. ^8 [- W" c' N! @      满分:2.5  分  f9 G- V3 }: [
4.  Which sentences use the rhetorical device of rhetorical question?
8 b" \- I* H( f+ \% k- X, ZA. For many elderly Americans old age is a tragedy, a period of quiet despair, deprivation, desolation and muted rage.. g% N  @: h  P9 g- ]
B. What is it like to be old in the United States?
- F/ Q1 y" Q6 y' m/ t  XC. What will our own lives be like when we are old?' T3 l" b# I3 S1 w. ^; [
D. Are things really that bad?
* f: g# U7 J' R9 C      满分:2.5  分
+ t/ X" W6 N/ o$ C8 f* P: `3 D- P' S1 {! S: T
二、判断题(共 36 道试题,共 90 分。)V 1.  (The Tragedy of Old Age in America) The author agrees with neither of the two discrepant views on old age.- t0 C, ^  S6 F. R& p/ S
A. 错误5 C6 {- Q" E) q  y! d, `
B. 正确1 b" J& R+ s$ N/ [0 {6 C
      满分:2.5  分  S1 ?% \6 G* B, t5 q
2.  (Jerusalem the Golden) This excerpt shows the author’s interest in feminine psychology.
. r: J: {! P% t2 `0 ?8 N0 QA. 错误' d% w' l* Q# F0 }
B. 正确
, J2 b6 `* X9 L+ a4 G      满分:2.5  分3 O- D0 v. v# e6 o  T% p
3.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) The author was sure that he would stand firm to gaze at the gorilla when he met one because he was brave.* [$ Q$ W8 T; W8 B+ q* L
A. 错误7 `+ b9 ^1 F; {+ \5 d" @, i
B. 正确
. a# C) P. H* I1 o/ t3 y      满分:2.5  分
4 s# R, Z+ I8 [+ {$ c5 ^' G+ \- U% p4.  (A Lesson in Living) Marguerite was a sensitive girl and was upset by Momma’s behavior towards Mrs. Flowers.
1 [, |$ t' u9 a0 h9 BA. 错误- t% [- B2 A3 G) Z% r+ q7 p: H
B. 正确8 \. z! C, ?6 c/ }
      满分:2.5  分
7 ?3 T1 x2 o& y* [5.  (Vivisection) The author dismisses the question of how much cruelty there is in laboratories because it is not important at all.0 B) @( c; \  c, A1 ^3 N
A. 错误
3 ]2 H% U% N6 s& vB. 正确% \. C/ j: a7 S+ R  v
      满分:2.5  分7 d6 g4 Z1 `9 p4 H0 Y9 B2 B
6.  (I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) It was difficult for the author to win the election due not so much to her racial background as to her sex.
3 F, @6 @, S' L1 KA. 错误
8 N1 e8 m0 E1 w: d/ O1 GB. 正确
3 D& n8 y2 T, h# F' q      满分:2.5  分, C5 m& m3 Y& x( z' [
7.  (Four Choices for Young People) The author disagrees with those who take it for granted that our society is imperfect., @! J* B2 U5 d( x9 v
A. 错误
/ K" I# J! U& XB. 正确" I2 |' {3 w# Q+ w
      满分:2.5  分# P2 P  `( E; I7 E: b
8.  (What’s Wrong with Our Press?) The author has encountered intense partisanship in television newscasts and network commentaries on current events.9 Z  ^2 q- o& F$ o" B3 {3 Y
A. 错误
6 ^' Z6 w0 g8 k" [4 W$ G1 s( cB. 正确6 ^! X( }! X: j& Q
      满分:2.5  分5 f; m3 P8 y* `: a4 I% G
9.  (On Human Nature and Politics) Some criminals enjoy seeing public accounts of their worst acts.& }0 o0 I0 |) e- E( J
A. 错误9 N0 U' C$ P( ]! |, S( @  o
B. 正确2 L7 S! P. y. y' _4 m+ c
      满分:2.5  分% E6 A. M5 Q/ h. C
10.  (I’d Rather Be Black Than Female) The author thinks, however, that most white Americans are truly aware of prejudice against the white Americans.
6 J9 U9 B' ~! f$ L' J! i5 g' C4 yA. 错误
5 W7 m# e7 v: z& C. RB. 正确
* x$ W& _! m% ~( [8 B1 n5 L      满分:2.5  分& o. R. I6 v4 [
11.  (I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) The Watts riots were a massive action led by a few civil rights leaders.$ ]/ z9 S/ z/ @
A. 错误
7 |& @. V6 U3 n1 y% dB. 正确
4 d) y8 m0 V* Y1 b* B      满分:2.5  分5 k* T0 ^4 ^2 ~& _* E8 u7 p
12.  (Eveline) Eveline was more attracted to Frank by his wide experience than by his person.% J* ?9 @. c$ i6 R; [# m& T
A. 错误$ u' |/ V4 ?' J) V4 L+ j
B. 正确0 P8 [1 K8 e0 |! |4 ?" n1 A$ I
      满分:2.5  分
5 V4 x; h. h/ P( C13.  (A Lesson in Living) For many years, reading of books gave Marguerite some relief from the bitter reality in Arkansas.
2 ^6 ]2 t' F5 C$ k/ ]A. 错误6 C8 s9 U) q2 q' |
B. 正确
8 O( g) |4 H2 n) c# J( m% W      满分:2.5  分
9 Z  D# d/ X  o) E% L14.  (Rock Superstars) Some sociologists believe that on effective way to know people and the society is to ask questions about rock music.- |# }+ n7 S$ k" Q" @
A. 错误# b1 F1 l3 z/ ]+ [% J1 ~- h" O
B. 正确! Y0 @/ d; t: k! c2 t( e" n
      满分:2.5  分( g- J1 g$ X9 ?2 j% J8 E
15.  (What to Listen for in Music) It is a bad habit of listening to try to connect what one is listening with something concrete.
8 G% ]7 a0 D. x$ tA. 错误' V' O3 y; ?% d) r: F, R# |
B. 正确. Q# }4 `8 i, ]! X" ^* F4 G
      满分:2.5  分
# N! J; g. x# p# B! l/ B16.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) When he saw the gorilla, the author was so fascinated by its charming appearance that he forgot to use his binoculars.0 \9 M4 B- x. c& g) e
A. 错误
* Y5 c8 \1 J) A! y( h/ k; WB. 正确
6 `( M  Q, _  Y4 Z1 S6 x( _      满分:2.5  分
' C& Y2 M4 b+ k. D; k& {17.  (I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) Racial climate in England, especially at Oxford, remained relaxed until the author wrote this article.0 l7 M1 I& y, ^1 M. E; |  i& k  m
A. 错误
- i, n, C5 b! M' P& I* l9 OB. 正确1 |) T, U1 y" t3 [: L
      满分:2.5  分4 T3 w+ g% I! S( h- E# y. Q% \: L
18.  (On Human Nature and Politics) Even gods love to be praised.1 `7 o+ T5 K9 A- o' k3 j3 L
A. 错误
' }; B2 W, r) v4 F* l5 Z1 eB. 正确2 L. y* p+ l  I+ h
      满分:2.5  分5 g5 C7 v9 m" E
19.  (Jerusalem the Golden) Clara has a peculiar taste of the physical world around her.' g0 n  u! [: j* e
A. 错误  ]) D, u4 Y& G, z5 H7 h3 C) ]
B. 正确
' W1 C. ?, h: e) X" N$ f* y% l      满分:2.5  分& h: C7 l) J! D' L9 ^- m
20.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) When the male gorilla discovered the author and his party, he suddenly rose and was ready to charge at them.  }! s5 I  `% k$ l  o
A. 错误" C4 C$ M5 {; F
B. 正确
0 _2 d# l6 y& O1 U1 u      满分:2.5  分
7 c* m3 H% \3 t21.  (What’s Wrong with Our Press?) Many newspapers are owned by one party.: Q% X+ y) c* q
A. 错误
5 Z6 d' \' W- @3 }: }: JB. 正确  h- y  L  S1 q$ s
      满分:2.5  分
6 o2 [- f0 q* d. K22.  (Rock Superstars) The author concludes by pointing out sharply the true nature of the American society as expressed by rock music.% j, F3 V: ]. }
A. 错误
' ^, u" Q# Y: XB. 正确' e2 V4 |1 y! @- g, X' Q3 I0 Q( M
      满分:2.5  分
1 A2 {, z4 t( w: e% L: I- H+ _23.  (A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers understood Marguerite’s feelings better than Momma did.
+ d8 p5 [* `" y; S* f# e& dA. 错误
6 |6 p. v8 v& M& i: F+ nB. 正确
1 Y4 @: z+ _% i- g! e, b      满分:2.5  分$ c( l5 X& R9 E# g- |
24.  (On Getting Off to Sleep) The author says that when he is in bed, he feels like writing, so he puts pens, ink and paper near him.  c; N4 e; c# c+ D2 j7 S
A. 错误" Q( C. o; {- S7 f  u+ {
B. 正确
5 f4 l% p) z" T8 K6 ]      满分:2.5  分, F" `2 K- G9 f4 O
25.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) Though the number of gorillas is small, the local tribesmen ignore the law and kill some of them.
. L" ^6 g7 `5 Z# i! E) Z; iA. 错误
! ]# h$ F- A% [: j' n8 l" bB. 正确4 ^2 x2 c5 e% d; U- |
      满分:2.5  分
% _, S3 C9 i* O! Q' s26.  (Rock Superstars) Elvis Presley’s appearance on TV set the young and old viewers quarreling with each other.' ~- {/ f  n  @( z) n8 c5 o/ |
A. 错误5 k" G( V# X* ^
B. 正确& p4 m$ @; T* A6 I
      满分:2.5  分
0 h" Y9 c% l* f1 q; Q: C2 m) ~27.  (The Trouble with Television) News on TV is read very fast and made too brief and incoherent to be comprehensive.8 S8 y9 n+ c& y1 h
A. 错误
, b1 p% O( o& I& LB. 正确
! s% [5 ?! D2 Q6 \/ f+ H, c      满分:2.5  分
- d3 B* ?# F8 f* u- c; }. H: x28.  (Jerusalem the Golden) Clara was the favorite student of the teachers because she was so different in behavior from her classmates.: [) J& e- O4 g2 c" @9 ]" x
A. 错误
$ I2 Z/ R# ]; O' F8 c4 j8 |B. 正确
7 t4 c7 @/ m0 T1 w9 X) N      满分:2.5  分( z4 k; a& `' Q: s) N
29.  (What’s Wrong with Our Press?) Documentaries on TV help the audience to digest the news and come to its own conclusions.
1 ^  N0 n, B4 r( Y4 eA. 错误
7 ?, ]- n. {1 c3 IB. 正确
" x! S) a2 {5 X/ |      满分:2.5  分! |" j* ^5 c( y  N( Z
30.  (What to Listen for in Music) The more lovely a musical piece sounds, the more value it has.
/ ?& Y2 K2 @& VA. 错误
! e" Z1 k) b7 P" R' X* f  R" tB. 正确, H- C+ t' O/ H$ o) Q
      满分:2.5  分
! ]0 ^7 v* M  e$ B8 F( e; f9 [31.  (On Human Nature and Politics) The sons of a sultan fought because they were by different mothers.
; O8 A! e& b, |1 a8 K5 PA. 错误
3 M. ?' Q2 \0 @B. 正确
2 x; m1 m+ v" ]( f2 x5 T! d      满分:2.5  分
( C3 z% T6 {2 d# r4 g32.  (A Most Forgiving Ape) The author found the area very disturbing because the equator sun was beating down him mercilessly.
3 z: K( H# n1 G# W( u0 ^A. 错误
6 \. U5 A. h5 w* v! x2 U( X. IB. 正确* n. u- M2 S+ S% K% L
      满分:2.5  分
0 @1 R. E) {: ?2 k; k) ~33.  (A Lesson in Living) Mrs. Flowers’ approval told Marguerite that she had made the right choice of her dress.4 z! \5 l: L0 K3 L
A. 错误! S5 [& O6 A8 B+ T  G8 Q: J+ L
B. 正确; N$ z5 B( s+ Y
      满分:2.5  分
6 }2 \" j& b4 f6 X% P  k4 a8 `34.  (I’ll Never Escape the Ghetto) Before the author enrolled in Yale Law School, Watts was already a topic for discussion on the campus.* K6 p3 v  T# W; ^9 x) q
A. 错误# \5 p: i  L3 {' w" F3 s% @! M0 O
B. 正确
9 N/ W9 q1 ^1 W, m      满分:2.5  分
$ o3 w0 n- M+ I5 q35.  (Why I Write) When writing Homage to Catalonia, Orwell’s first concern is political.
5 I3 b7 x! `3 E: i; hA. 错误
) j" S  c' s' o* kB. 正确  D7 v/ W. }5 W9 U; X
      满分:2.5  分2 t/ Q* D8 ~9 J' [3 k% M  l7 c
36.  (A Lesson in Living) Marguerite wanted to behave like a nice little lady in front of Mrs. Flowers.1 z; q, W' E' A4 _; S+ J$ \2 o
A. 错误
# U3 G0 S" X" @/ p3 i2 p: DB. 正确
7 @) l$ O9 G* K! c6 D- `% E" |      满分:2.5  分 : R" ]* S+ Z; Q+ r) r
* _: T' n( q0 X: W& j! O* f, N
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