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发表于 2013-3-22 20:13:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、单选(共 15 道试题,共 75 分。)V 1.  Nothing is so important than quality and packing.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分
2.  Being of 100% cotton, our shirts, we believe, will have a good outlet.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分
3.  The analysis of the first shipment is not satisfactory( )certified by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau.
A. after
B. which is
C. has been
D. as is
      满分:5  分
4.  To see your message through the reader's eyes is one of email golden rules for email writers.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分
5.  Thanking you in anticipation of an early reply to our request.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分
6.  To type mail in all capital letters can give the effect to the mail.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分
7.  It is always a pleasure to help you where we can. But to make a 10% reduction is out of the question.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分
8.  If messages are on the same topic, their subjects should not be the same.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分
9.  People who read lots of mail can be irritated by extra messages or even extra paragraphs.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分
10.  We are anxious to( )the market for our Antimony Trioxide, which at present enjoys a limited sale in Europe.
A. increase
B. enlarge
C. expand
D. extend
      满分:5  分
11.  Double-check to whom you're sending mail is of importance.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分
12.  While we thank you for your enquiry, we regret being unable to make you an offer for the time being.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分
13.  As requested, we are sending you by airmail the samples of men's shirts,( )you will find them satisfactory.
A. hope
B. to hope
C. hoping
D. hopefully
      满分:5  分
14.  Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to( )packing.
A. faulty
B. domestic
C. inferior
D. outer
      满分:5  分
15.  The shipment must be put off because the steamer needs being repaired.( )
A. 对
B. 错
      满分:5  分

二、多选题(共 5 道试题,共 25 分。)V 1.  If you won't ship the goods within the stipulated time, we shall have to file a claim( )you.
A. to
B. against
C. for
D. with
      满分:5  分
2.  If you can not send the goods as per specifications, please send us( ).
A. alternates
B. substitutes
C. replacements
      满分:5  分
3.  The buyer states in his letter that the( )is satisfactory to the end users.
A. shipment
B. commodities
C. consignment
      满分:5  分
4.  We have the pleasure of acknowledging your letter of Nov.6, in which you inform us that you are satisifed with our men's shirts shipped( )s/s "East Wind".
A. per
B. ex
C. by
D. at
      满分:5  分
5.  The art and craft goods will find a ready( ) in your country.
A. sell
B. sale
C. market
      满分:5  分


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