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发表于 2013-6-7 17:19:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:100

、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)    得分:40
1.  Did you go to Beijing last year? No,( ).
A. I have never gone
B. I haven’t gone to Beijing
C. I never go there
D. I’ve never been to Beijing
正确资料:D      满分:2  分  得分:2
2.  A( )political and economic situation is very important for the development of any country.
A. stain
B. stable
C. peaceful
D. pink
正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:2
3.  I’ll never forget ( )you for the first time.
A. meeting
B. driving
C. drive
D. being driven
正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2
4.  What about having a drink? -( ).
A. Good idea
B. Help yourself
C. Go ahead, please
D. Me, too
正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2
5.  It was not until 1980s ( )they settled down in north America.
A. which
B. than
C. that
D. then
正确资料:C      满分:2  分  得分:2
6.  I wish I( )ill yesterday; I could have gone with you.
A. was not
B. were not
C. have not been
D. had not been
正确资料:D      满分:2  分  得分:2
7.  These are instruments( )in the experiment.
A. using
B. being used
C. to use
D. having used
正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:2
8.  Sorry, I forgot to post the books for you.-Never mind. ( )it myself tonight.
A. I’ going to post
B. I’d better to post
C. I’ll post
D. I’d rather post
正确资料:C      满分:2  分  得分:2
9.  A good teacher always tries to( )students to ask question.
A. encourage
B. obey
C. recall
D. spread
正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2
10.  We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because( ) of us had( )money on us.
A. all, not
B. any, on
C. none, any
D. no one, any
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
11.  During the graduation( ), the president gave a wonderful opening speech.
A. evolution
B. sign
C. individual
D. ceremony
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
12.  ( )I haven’t read the book, I know very little about it.
A. After
B. Although
C. As
D. Before
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
13.  ( ) a wrong address, he could not find his friend’s flat.
A. Giving
B. To be given
C. Having given
D. Having been given
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
14.  “ You can ’ t have a medical examination without leaving your home in the future , can you ? ” “ ( ) . ”
A. Yes , we can ’ t
B. Yes , I can
C. No , we won ’ t
D. No , I have
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
15.  Before you mail this letter, you should check again whether you have( )it or not.
A. sunk
B. sighed
C. sought
D. sealed
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
16.  Someone must have seen the television ( )
A. to stolen
B. steal
C. being stolen
D. stealing
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
17.  A sharp increase in military expenditure brought the cabinet a budget( ).
A. deficit ????
B. debt ???
C. red ????
D. estimation
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
18.  Daniel appears as though he( )the secret.
A. know
B. knew
C. will know
D. had knew
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
19.  Would you like a glass of milk? -( ).
A. Very nice
B. With pleasure
C. You can, please
D. Yes, please.
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
20.  He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone ( ).
A. noticing
B. noticed
C. to notice
D. being noticed
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2



试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得分:100

、阅读理解(共 3 道试题,共 60 分。)    得分:60
1.      Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing (裁判) decisions that denied victory to their team. A researcher was appointed to study the performance of some top referees.
    The researcher organized an experimental tournament (锦标赛) involving four youth teams. Each match lasted an hour, divided into three periods of 20 minutes during which different referees were in charge.
    Observers noted down the referees' errors, of which there were 61 over the tournament. Converted to a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a remarkably high number.
    The researcher then studied the videotapes to analyze the matches in detail. Surprisingly, he found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident. When the officials got it right, they were, on average, 17 meters away from the action. The average distance in the case of errors was 12 meters. The research shows the optimum (最佳的) distance is about 20 meters.
    There also seemed to be an optimum speed. Correct decisions came when the referees were moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second. The average speed for errors was 4 meters per second.
    If FIFA, football's international ruling body, wants to improve the standard of refereeing at the next World Cup, it should encourage referees to keep their eyes on the action from a distance, rather than rushing to keep up with the ball, the researcher argues.
    He also says that FIFA's insistence that referees should retire at age 45 may be misguided. If keeping up with the action is not so important, their physical condition is less critical.

1). The experiment conducted by the researcher was meant to _______.
A. set a standard for football refereeing
B. reexamine the rules for football refereeing
C. review the decisions of referees at the 1998 World Cup
D. analyze the causes of errors made by football referees
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
2). The number of refereeing errors in the experimental matches was _______.
A. quite unexpected
B. as high as in a standard match
C. slightly above average
D. higher than in the 1998 World Cup
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
3). The findings of the experiment show that _______.
A. the more slowly the referee runs, the more likely will errors occur
B. errors are less likely when a referee stays in one spot
C. errors are more likely when a referee keeps close to the ball
D. the farther the referee is from the incident, the fewer the errors
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
4). The wor "officials" (Line 2, Para. 4) most probably refers to _______.
A. the referees of the football tournament
B. the observers at the site of the experiment
C. the researchers involved in the experiment
D. the inspectors of the football tournament
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
5). What is one of the possible conclusions of the experiment?
A. A football referee should be as young and energetic as possible.
B. An experienced football referee can do well even when in poor physical condition.
C. The ideal retirement age for an experienced football referee is 45.
D. Age should not be the chief consideration in choosing a football referee.
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:0
2.      The chief purpose of work is not to produce things but to build the man. It is not so important what shape or form our work may take; what is vitally important is our attitude toward that work.
    Even if the particular duty is one which doesn’t seem worth doing, if you must do it, it is important to do it right. Even if no one else will ever know whether you did it right or not, you will know. By making a commitment to quality work, you make a commitment to yourself to develop your abilities and self-respect, to do the best you can do and be the best you can be. When you do as little as possible or just enough to get by, you are not merely cheating your employer, your customers, your clients, and your co-workers, but most importantly, you cheat yourself. You cheat yourself out of an opportunity to develop pride and self-worth. You cheat yourself out of an opportunity to meet a challenge and develop your own inner powers and abilities. You may be able to get away with cheating others, but never get away with cheating yourself.
    Thus, the key is a commitment to yourself to use every possible opportunity for self-development and treat every work assignment, no matter how small or boring, as a challenge that can be used in your development.
    Work is a projection (投影) of self. Consciousness (意识) can regard any job as a potential opportunity for self-expression, for play, for creativity, for the furtherance (推动) of social objectives, and it can arrange the factors in the job so that they form a means of self-expression.
    Most jobs contain at least some limited options for creativity. To the extent that any job can be done in different ways, the job presents you with an opportunity to project your unique abilities and values into that job. Any type of communication, written or spoken, presents a significant opportunity for creative expression. Even if your efforts are reviewed and must be toned down to fit into the mold (模型) of your organization, there is always a slight opening through which you can project your unique personality. Use these opportunities to express and confirm your existence.

1). The most important thing about work is __________________.
A. to produce things
B. the shape one’s work takes
C. the amount of money it makes
D. one’s attitude towards the work
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
2). If the work doesn’t seem worth doing, you should _____________.
A. give it up
B. tell others to do it
C. stop in the middle
D. perform it carefully
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
3). What can work assignments offer people?
A. An opportunity to develop oneself.
B. A chance to get away with cheating themselves.
C. Few options for creativity.
D. A way to get rid of your unique personality.
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
4). Which of the following statements is not true?
A. Sometimes you have to adjust yourself to your work.
B. There is space for you to show your creativity.
C. Work must be done in one way in order to be the most efficient.
D. You may never cheat yourself.
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
5). The main idea of the passage is __________.
A. how to improve your creativity
B. the importance of projecting your values into your job
C. when to express yourself
D. how to change one’s personality
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
3.      Astronaut Jim Voss has enjoyed many memorable moments in his career, including three space flights and one space walk. But he recalls with special fondness a decidedly earthbound(为地球引力所束缚的) experience in the summer of 1980 when he participated in the NASA ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program. Voss, then a science teacher at West Point, was assigned to the Marshall Space Flight Center's propulsion lab in Alabama to analyze why a hydraulic fuel pump seal on the space shuttle was working so well when previous seals had failed. It was a seemingly tiny problem among the vast complexities of running the space program. Yet it was important to NASA because any crack in the seal could have led to destructive results for the astronauts who relied on them.
?“I worked a bit with NASA engineers,” says Voss, “but I did it mostly by analysis. I used a handheld calculator, not a computer, to do a thermodynamic(热力学的) analysis.” At the end of the summer, he, like the other NASA ASEE fellows working at Marshall, summarized his findings in a formal presentation and detailed paper. It was a valuable moment for Voss because the ASEE program gave him added understanding of NASA, deepened his desire to fly in space, and intensified his application for astronaut status.
    It was not an easy process. Voss was actually passed over when he first applied for the astronaut program in 1978. Over the next nine years he reapplied repeatedly, and was finally accepted in 1987. Since then he has participated in three space missions. The 50-year-old Army officer, who lives in Houston, is now in training for a four-month mission as a crew member on the International Space Station starting in July 2000.
    Voss says the ASEE program is wonderful for all involved. “It brings in people from the academic world and gives NASA a special property for a particular period of time. It brings some fresh eyes and fresh ideas to NASA, and establishes a link with our colleges and universities,” Voss explains. “There's an exchange of information and an exchange of perspectives that is very important.”
    For the academic side, Voss says, the ASEE program also “brings institutions of higher learning more insight into new technology. We give them an opportunity to work on real world problems and take it back to the classroom.”

1). Why was the hydraulic fuel pump seal important for the space shuttle?
A. Because previous seals all failed.
B. Because it was very complex in running the space program.
C. Because great care has to be taken of the hydraulic fuel pump sealing.
D. Because any crack in the seals would cause disastrous results for the astronauts.
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
2). The great significance of Voss's findings lies in:
A. strengthening his determination to join in space flights
B. furthering his understanding of NASA
C. consolidating his astronaut status in NASA programs
D. Both A and B
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
3). How many flights will Voss have finished if his four-month mission starting in July 2000 ends up successfully?
A. Three.
B. Two.
C. Four.
D. Five.
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
4). Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to what Voss said on the ASEE program?
A. Fresh members from the academic world participate in the program.
B. The program brings new outlooks to NASA space programs.
C. It is important for the space scientists in NASA to exchange information and perspectives.
D. American colleges and universities are a special property of NASA.
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
5). What does Voss want to stress in the last paragraph?
A. The technological significance of the program.
B. The educational significance of the program.
C. The philosophical significance of the program.
D. The historical significance of the program.
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4


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