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发表于 2013-6-15 19:09:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得


、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。)    得分

1.  Someone must have seen the television (

A. to stolen
B. steal
C. being stolen
D. stealing
正确资料:C      满分:2  分  得分:2
2.  A sharp increase in military expenditure

brought the cabinet a budget( ).
A. deficit ????
B. debt ???
C. red ????
D. estimation
正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2
3.  While I was skiing, I( )and broke my

A. fell
B. felt
C. fee
D. fallen
正确资料:A      满分:2  分  得分:2
4.  A:I’m thinking of the test tomorrow. I’

m afraid I can’t pass this time. B:( )! I

’m sure you’ll make it.
A. Go ahead
B. Good luck
C. Cheers
D. Cheer up
正确资料:D      满分:2  分  得分:2
5.  Chocolate and ice-cream have different(

A. favour
B. favourites
C. fever
D. flavours
正确资料:D      满分:2  分  得分:2
6.  During the graduation( ), the president

gave a wonderful opening speech.
A. evolution
B. sign
C. individual
D. ceremony
正确资料:D      满分:2  分  得分:2
7.  ( ) is absent from school today.
A. Neither
B. None
C. No
D. Not
正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:2
8.  We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because

( ) of us had( )money on us.
A. all, not
B. any, on
C. none, any
D. no one, any
正确资料:C      满分:2  分  得分:2
9.  Tourist:How much is that ring,please?

Vendor:Only $200,sir. Tourist:( ). How

about $100? Vendor:I can let you have it

for $180.
A. All right.I’ll take it.
B. That’s very expensive.
C. How splendid it is!
D. I’d like very much to have it .
正确资料:B      满分:2  分  得分:2
10.  A:do you have to leave now? B:Sorry, but

I really( ).
A. can’t
B. have
C. must
D. should
正确资料:C      满分:2  分  得分:2
11.  Her dog ran out of the yard( )the old

lady opened the gate.
A. moment
B. a moment
C. the moment
D. that moment
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
12.  Daniel appears as though he( )the

A. know
B. knew
C. will know
D. had knew
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
13.  As a commander, you should not( )the

soldiers to unnecessary danger.
A. express
B. explode
C. exploit
D. expose
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
14.  Even though he has lived in China for

many years, Mark still can not( )himself to

the Chinese customs.
A. adopt
B. adjust
C. adapt
D. accept
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
15.  ( )I haven’t read the book, I know

very little about it.
A. After
B. Although
C. As
D. Before
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
16.  I wonder if I could use your bicycle for

an hour.( ).
A. Yes, you need.
B. I’m afraid you mustn’t
C. Why not? Do it for yourself.
D. Of course. Go ahead please.
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
17.  Even though he knew that I should study,

he still( )me to go to the movies.
A. recognized
B. extended
C. persuaded
D. unexpected
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
18.  ( )helping a child in danger on the

street, he was knocked down by a car.
A. By
B. During
C. At
D. While
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
19.  English has become a communication( )

for people from different countries.
A. merit
B. stream
C. enjoyment
D. medium
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2
20.  My teacher was made( )his teaching

because of poor health.
A. giving up
B. to give up
C. given up
D. give up
正确资料:      满分:2  分  得分:2



试卷总分:100       测试时间:--       试卷得


、阅读理解(共 3 道试题,共 60 分。)    得分

1.      Nonverbal (非语言的) communication

has to do with gestures, movements and

closeness of two people when they are

talking. The scientists say that those

gestures, movements and so on have meaning

which words do not carry.
  For example, the body distance between

two speakers can be important. North

Americans often complain that South Americans

are unfriendly because they tend to stand

close to the North American when speaking,

while the South American often considers the

North American to be "cold" or "distant"

because he keeps a greater distance between

himself and the person he is speaking to. The

"eye contact" provides another example of

what we are calling nonverbal communication.

Scientists have observed that there is more

eye contact between people who like each

other than there is between people who don't

like each other. The length of time that the

person whom you are speaking to looks at your

eyes indicates the amount of interest he has

in the things you are talking about.
  On the other hand, too long a gaze can

make people uncomfortable. The eyes

apparently play a great part in nonverbal

communication. Genuine warmth or interest,

shyness or confidence can often be seen in

the eyes. We do not always consider a smile

to be a sign of friendliness. Someone who is

always smiling, and with little apparent

reasons, often makes us uneasy.

1). According to the passage, nonverbal

A. can be used to talk with people who cannot

B. is less used than words
C. is a method often used by people who

cannot speak
D. can tell something that words cannot
正确资料:     满分:4  分  得分:4
A. is often unfriendly when spoken to
B. is often cold and distant when speaking
C. tends to keep a distance between himself

and the person he is speaking to
D. usually stands close to the person he is

talking to
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
3). Which of the following is NOT true?
A. There is more eye contact between people

who like each other.
B. Shorter eye contact shows more interest in

what one is talking about.
C. Less eye contact suggests distance in

D. The longer one looks at you, the more

interest he has in you.
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
4). Too long a gaze__________.
A. indicates one's interest in the talk
B. tells you how friendly one is
C. may upset people being looked at
D. shows one's great confidence
正确资料:     满分:4  分  得分:4
5). Constant smiling without apparent

A. makes people feel happy
B. makes people feel uncomfortable
C. is a sign of one's friendliness
D. is a sign of one's unfriendliness
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
2.      When I first knew Mike, we lived in a

small village in Scotland. It was very

different from Mike’s life in London now. We

went to school together on our bicycles.

Every morning I went to his house and knocked

on the door. Every morning Mike’s mum said,

“I’m sorry. He’s a bit late this morning”

, and so I had to wait. Each day we were late

for school, and I remember the teacher got

very annoyed with us. I never told her we

were late because of Mike. Now, 25 years

later, I play tennis with Mike. I usually

drive him to the tennis club. I go to his

flat and he opens the door and says, “I’m

sorry. I’m a bit late today.” The only

reason he wasn’t late for his own wedding is

that we lied to him about the time!
    As boys we spent a lot of time out

exploring on our bikes. We went walking and

fishing. I didn’t like fishing because I

couldn’t swim. Probably the funniest thing

we did was when we stole a bottle of whiskey

from my Dad. We cycled about 5 miles away to

drink it in one of our favourite places. When

we finished drinking it, we couldn’t cycle

back — it was a long, slow walk. I’m sure

we looked awful. We still do, when we come

back from the pub on Friday nights. Nothing’

s changed really. Oh, and I still can’t

1). Mike now lives in __________.
A. a village in Scotland
B. London
C. a village near London
D. Japan
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
2). ______ got up late every morning.
A. Mike
B. Mike’s mum
C. I
D. She
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
3). 25 years later, Mike __________.
A. is early in doing everything
B. still is late as in the past
C. is never late again
D. is late too school every day.
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
4). As boys both of them liked __________.
A. fishing
B. riding bicycles
C. swimming
D. eating
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
5). They walked 5 miles back home because

A. they were tired

B. they enjoyed walking
C. they were drunk
D. they are happy
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
3.      Some years ago, a best-selling travel

book told people how to travel around Europe

on US$50 a day. As a young teacher, one of

the biggest attractions of the job for me

were the long summer holidays. I love to

travel around the countries of Europe as

cheaply as possible, so that I could remain

there as long as I could. I took particular

pride in doing so on a lot less than US$50 a

day. I always avoided the “package holiday”

, where everything was arranged for the

tourist. I preferred instead to make my own

way, traveling on local transport, being

forced to learn a little of the local

language, and above all mixing with the

people of these countries rather than

spending all my time with other people from

    This often meant that I was left without

transport to a hotel after arriving in the

middle of the night on a cheap flight to

Spain or Greece for example. I would stand

and watch as everyone else climbed aboard the

comfortable buses provided by the tour

companies, then try to find out if I could

sleep for a few hours in the airport

somewhere. I would watch people arrive on the

beaches where I often slept to save money on

accommodation, and in a strange way feel I

was better than them as I was doing

everything for myself. I am certain that my

sense of confidence and self-esteem increased

greatly because of these holidays.
    I was doing things for a fraction of the

price they were paying. I was being

adventurous and above all, I was meeting

local people. It seemed to me that all the

other tourists did was looking for other

people from their own country. Why did they

bother to go abroad? They could meet these

people at home. Also, all they ever seemed to

do was complain, especially about the food. I

was often able to eat for free at one

restaurant in Greece where I had made friends

with the owner. The tour buses full of

tourists used to arrive at his restaurant

after visiting a local place of interest. A

Greek meal was included in the price of the

tour, but when the tourists saw the Greek

food, they would throw up their hands in

horror and refuse to touch the food. My

friend never lost his temper at such

rudeness. Rather than throw good food away,

the owner would give the lunches to regular

customers like myself free of charge.
    Sometimes, however, I would tire of the

beach or of camping and find a room where I

could sleep in a bed again, have a shower in

the mooring and eat breakfast in a

comfortable restaurant. One day in Portugal I

found my way to “Fernando’s” Hotel. For an

unbelievably cheap rate, the owner gave me a

room with a balcony and my own bathroom

overlooking the beautiful town square. Why

was he so kind? I was to find out later that

  “Fernando’s”, it turned out, was also a

discotheque, which didn’t close until 3 o’

clock in the mooring. After it closed, the

staff would place empty bottles in the square

to be picked up by a lorry at 4 o’clock. At

5 o’clock another lorry came round to pick

up the rubbish. Then, at 6 o’clock the

square became a meeting place for the local

fishermen who would bargain noisily to get

the best prices for their catches. At 7 o’

clock the square came to life again as

another day began.

1). The travel book told people how to travel

around Europe
A. cheaply
B. in luxury
C. for free
D. during the summer holidays
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
2). The tourists on package holidays paid
A. a little less than what it cost the writer
B. about the same as what it cost the writer
C. a little more than what it cost the writer
D. a lot more than what it cost the writer
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
3). According to the writer, most of the

tourists he met on holiday
A. always seemed to want to be with other

people from their won country
B. always wanted to be with friends they had

come on holiday with
C. liked to spend time meeting local people
D. liked to spend their time with other

正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
4). The writer was sometimes able to eat for

free because
A. his friend owned a restaurant
B. the tour parties didn't eat the food they

had paid for so the restaurant owner gave it

C. he pretended to be part of a tour group

which had already paid for lunches
D. a meal was included in the price of the

正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4
5). The main problem with the room in

"Fernando's" was
A. the lack of facilities
B. the constant noise
C. it was so cheap
D. it overlooked the town square
正确资料:      满分:4  分  得分:4



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