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发表于 2013-9-18 13:23:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏辅导资料,奥鹏在线作业辅导资料,奥鹏离线作业辅导资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及其他各远程教育作业代写服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。

一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  What about having a drink? -( ).
A. Good idea
B. Help yourself
C. Go ahead, please
D. Me, too
      满分:4  分
2.  I have finished typing all( ) the last page.
A. until
B. but
C. to
D. for
      满分:4  分
3.  I wonder if I could use your bicycle for an hour.( ).
A. Yes, you need.
B. I’m afraid you mustn’t
C. Why not? Do it for yourself.
D. Of course. Go ahead please.
      满分:4  分
4.  Someone must have seen the television ( )
A. to stolen
B. steal
C. being stolen
D. stealing
      满分:4  分
5.  Were( )not for the invention of television , we would not be able to see things going on many miles away .
A. it
B. that
C. this
D. those
      满分:4  分
6.  If you have any problems during your study here, please do not( )to call me for help.
A. hesitate
B. despair
C. .urge
D. request
      满分:4  分
7.  We must begin testing the instrument, no matter( )difficult it is.
A. what
B. how
C. when
D. where
      满分:4  分
8.  A sharp increase in military expenditure brought the cabinet a budget( ).
A. deficit ????
B. debt ???
C. red ????
D. estimation
      满分:4  分
9.  It was not until 1980s ( )they settled down in north America.
A. which
B. than
C. that
D. then
      满分:4  分
10.  Even though he knew that I should study, he still( )me to go to the movies.
A. recognized
B. extended
C. persuaded
D. unexpected
      满分:4  分
11.  Would you like a glass of milk? -( ).
A. Very nice
B. With pleasure
C. You can, please
D. Yes, please.
      满分:4  分
12.  My teacher was made( )his teaching because of poor health.
A. giving up
B. to give up
C. given up
D. give up
      满分:4  分
13.  ( )an exciting city Shanghai is!
A. So
B. Very
C. How
D. What
      满分:4  分
14.  He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone ( ).
A. noticing
B. noticed
C. to notice
D. being noticed
      满分:4  分
15.  These are instruments( )in the experiment.
A. using
B. being used
C. to use
D. having used
      满分:4  分
16.  A:Are you satisfied with her work, sir? B:Not at all. It couldn't be any( ).
A. better
B. best
C. worse
D. worst
      满分:4  分
17.  Please stop( ) .Let’s listen to the radio.
A. arguing
B. to argue
C. be arguing
D. argue
      满分:4  分
18.  English has become a communication( )for people from different countries.
A. merit
B. stream
C. enjoyment
D. medium
      满分:4  分
19.  Before you mail this letter, you should check again whether you have( )it or not.
A. sunk
B. sighed
C. sought
D. sealed
      满分:4  分
20.  Sorry, I forgot to post the books for you.-Never mind. ( )it myself tonight.
A. I’ going to post
B. I’d better to post
C. I’ll post
D. I’d rather post
      满分:4  分
21.  My sister used to ( )with all the windows open.
A. sleep
B. sleeping
C. have slept
D. the sleeping
      满分:4  分
22.  ( )wonderful birthday I am having!
A. What
B. What a
C. How
D. How much
      满分:4  分
23.  ( )helping a child in danger on the street, he was knocked down by a car.
A. By
B. During
C. At
D. While
      满分:4  分
24.  It is generally agreed that we may use this substance ( )soap.
A. in the place of
B. in place of
C. in place
D. out of place
      满分:4  分
25.  During the graduation( ), the president gave a wonderful opening speech.
A. evolution
B. sign
C. individual
D. ceremony
      满分:4  分

谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏辅导资料,奥鹏在线作业辅导资料,奥鹏离线作业辅导资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及其他各远程教育作业代写服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。


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