谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏辅导资料,奥鹏在线作业辅导资料,奥鹏离线作业辅导资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及其他各远程教育作业代写服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。 ?+ \1 Q+ x* k) r8 x. G6 {
, a- u8 {5 u) C( C. j一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. Given the following statements: EXEC SQL INSERT INTO employee VALUES(:new_emp, :new_name) EXEC SQL UPDATE company SET num_employees=num_employees+1 WHERE company_id=1 EXEC SQL COMMIT Which of the following can be added to the database so that the company table will still be updated without the need for the explicit UPDATE SQL statement?
5 _8 P1 Z. U/ X7 E8 lA. An INSERT trigger on COMPANY+ K3 ^/ t. O7 G: W+ r
B. An UPDATE trigger on COMPANY# S0 e3 g7 E) a' z7 [ X" o
C. An INSERT trigger on EMPLOYEE$ ]' Z$ O- ?- L8 O
D. An UPDATE trigger on EMPLOYEE
! |* n( _( ^* l0 U6 m" n 满分:4 分' o' Z3 ~3 \/ x' a9 @# u: w o
2. 如果想在数据导入的过程中创建表,应该/ \6 C+ i" H0 X4 }/ `
A. 使用IXF文件格式进行LOAD
* o: M2 O5 f$ E9 \6 hB. 使用WSF文件格式进行LOAD
9 s0 o. i; G; F3 f' w9 mC. 使用IXF文件格式进行IMPORT
2 }+ O2 v$ Q) O7 ?$ ^4 M XD. 使用WSF文件格式进行IMPORT2 A' v! S- f) O: |6 z; T
满分:4 分
' P1 G. l" _# C% c7 X3. Which of the following cursor definitions will define a cursor called c2 that will fetch rows from table t2, and for every row fetched will update column c1 in table t2? P4 b* r% h# F( z! o
' j" ~8 y3 }2 W% L2 U! oC. DECLARE c2 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM t2 FOR UPDATE OF c1' F0 Y+ a* f8 @# W* I( q7 b z
满分:4 分2 p/ ]# f3 E! H$ u
4. Given the expression: WITH most_cities AS ( SELECT b.id,b.name,a.cities FROM country a, staff b WHERE a.person = b.id AND cities > :threshold ) SELECT * FROM most_cities In which of the following does MOST_CITIES exist?- A2 H% L; U) |, w
A. user tables
1 L# k S1 s _0 h( s J# J& mB. server memory
" O" d1 S7 h, [- r2 M, y# b7 X$ oC. user table space
3 I# V# g# j; W: P! G7 S$ G8 mD. system catalog tables: U' j7 D7 x! I" G. [
满分:4 分' q I' n; |* B( z# P
5. A cursor is declared with the WITH HOLD option. Which of the following statements is always true?6 O0 M6 K- W: V! Y. h" n4 n8 M
A. The cursor will remain open after a COMMIT.7 A) v& R, i8 r9 t5 G4 G! f
B. All rows retrieved are locked until a COMMIT.
# ~% n/ v1 S0 u. \7 ~/ vC. A COMMIT will not be allowed until the cursor is closed.
0 a7 Q4 h' n3 S4 f% m' j tD. Locks obtained by the cursor will be kept after a COMMIT.% A2 N5 J: z7 M& }; h" [; E
满分:4 分
( c. Y( V+ J- X; ^6 U6. Which of the following is used to run an embedded dynamic SQL UPDATE statement?5 w, n2 J- p1 A% {
A. UPDATE# U- N* G- h& f$ s) |1 _
B. . PREPARE' t ~3 M' W) G; H! _9 u. |0 r
4 F* V0 w6 b$ ]' K9 |D. . EXECUTE
& z- m" t2 U$ ?% M, I/ t 满分:4 分
3 |, M0 c/ K% t7. Which of the following CLI/ODBC functions should be used to delete rows from a DB2 table?
2 a9 Y$ L8 R1 i7 Y2 _/ }A. SQLDelete()
2 d4 ]5 ?9 Y- h' nB. SQLExecDirect()
* h8 {# m+ g9 R7 B AC. SQLBulkDelete()
% k" E5 y1 s! a4 l" ?1 L fD. SQLExecuteUpdate()
$ h* Q. `7 [3 v1 y! j5 U' z% Q+ m 满分:4 分
& d7 e, e! D1 l$ Z1 J8. 数据操纵语言的基本功能中不包括(). y* ^* c. q# N5 f! [
A. 向数据库中插入数据
/ H5 J+ M/ [ qB. 描述数据库的访问控制
/ ]8 k. w3 y Z" M: M# A1 NC. 修改数据库中的数据: H% J$ N1 J( |9 G
D. 删除数据库中的数据- b- O$ g0 R/ w j
满分:4 分
' m$ A. D% @0 l# q& ~9. An ODBC/CLI application has the following pseudocode: SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hEnv, &hDbc ) SQLConnect( hDbc, "CERTDB", SQL_NTS, "user1", SQL_NTS, "passwd", SQL_NTS ) SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hDbc, &hStmt ) SQLExecDirect( hStmt, "SET CURRENT SQLID db2cert", SQL_NTS ) Assuming all of the above calls execute successfully, which of the following fully qualified SQL statements is equivalent to: SQLExecDirect( hStmt, "SELECT * FROM user1.table1 t1, table2 t2 WHERE t1.col1=t2.col2", SQL_NTS )
3 w0 y9 r- l9 GA. SQLExecDirect( hStmt, "SELECT * FROM user1.table1 t1, table2 t2 WHERE t1.col1=t2.col2", SQL_NTS )
' d, ?( _! }/ r4 r- Q4 FB. . SQLExecDirect( hStmt, "SELECT * FROM user1.table1 t1, user1.table2 t2 WHERE t1.col1=t2.col2", SQL_NTS )- f. X( M0 R$ A9 g- x `
C. . SQLExecDirect( hStmt, "SELECT * FROM user1.table1 t1, db2cert.table2 t2 WHERE t1.col1=t2.col2", SQL_NTS )
1 ~& i3 B! l! o$ Q) ?: BD. . SQLExecDirect( hStmt, "SELECT * FROM db2cert.table1 t1, db2cert.table2 t2 WHERE t1.col1=t2.col2", SQL_NTS )5 ]! e7 b' e, T0 P0 i! L x! [" L
满分:4 分% A8 y/ ]+ ]# A$ @) ]- {+ z8 T/ w
10. 如果开发人员在AIX操作系统上开发访问后台AS400上的DB2数据库,则需要在AIX开发环境中安装:(). U1 A/ S- {. j# u. W( i
A. DB2个人开发版(PDE)- h+ ?+ ?* M4 `4 q
B. DB2通用开发版(UDE): G% c5 n1 o* a" O* I6 U# Y9 C
满分:4 分
% P; x( f( x$ @( T2 ? i11. 事务的原子性是指()5 C/ X8 B, F1 |! W6 I; y
A. 事务中包含的所有操作要么都做,要么都不做
2 m0 [: P. k% H% |! j. W1 vB. 事务一旦提交,对数据库的改变是永久性的
6 H% P; V: z; rC. 一个事务内部的操作及使用的数据对并发的其他事务是隔离的
. i0 U! p) J o6 P+ F' _0 VD. 事务必须是使数据库从一个一致性状态变到另一个一致性状态
8 }0 {5 K0 K/ t/ E0 a* H: f 满分:4 分
# |' I+ ]! L9 Q* t, ?12. Given the table T1 with the following data: C1 C2 -- -- 1 1 2 2 An application issues the following SQL statements with AUTOCOMMIT disabled: UPDATE t1 SET c1 = 10 WHERE c2 = 1 UPDATE t1 SET c1 = 20 WHERE c2 = 2 SAVEPOINT sp1 UPDATE t1 SET c1 = 30 WHERE c2 = 1 UPDATE t1 SET c1 = 40, c2 = 3 WHERE c2 = 2 SAVEPOINT sp1 UPDATE t1 SET c1 = 50 WHERE c2 = 1 UPDATE t1 SET c1 = 60 WHERE c2 = 2 ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT sp1 UPDATE t1 SET c1 = 50 WHERE c2 = 3 COMMIT What is the result of the following query? SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1 ORDER BY c20 }. E9 u& E) Y
A. 10 1 20 2
# x# g0 M4 l& J: T6 kB. 30 1 50 3: c4 W$ i/ |8 ^$ h/ o- t' d! V
C. 30 1 40 3% Y) Y1 O% N8 M, a& k" J( b& P3 [
D. 10 1 50 30 [% S" q5 R q9 D* ~# q
满分:4 分
' [; z {2 k4 h* F4 C# E( T- \13. DBMS是()5 C/ S2 ~, f$ K2 i
A. 操作系统的一部分( h. a$ L8 I0 X5 ]2 z O$ x, e
B. 在操作系统支持下的系统软件
5 v! E$ w( t$ J' a) o2 i& j lC. 一种编译程序
, ]' e E A/ gD. 应用程序系统9 Z1 U9 e0 d) {0 r- U: u
满分:4 分
- A+ `3 f8 o Z# C" {14. An application uses embedded dynamic SQL to connect to a remote DB2 server and inserts data into the CUST.ORDERS table on that remote DB2 server. To enable access of the remote DB2 server, Administrator FOO needs to create a package with default options such that BAR is the only non-administrative user that can use this package on the remote DB2 server. Which statement describes the privileges that must be granted and/or revoked by FOO to accomplish this?
& M' G# R* E% Q% B' }A. BAR requires EXECUTE privilege on the package and UPDATE privilege on CUST.ORDERS, and the EXECUTE privilege for the package must be revoked from PUBLIC.2 b# H! a r- ~4 Q }, e7 |8 g' L2 D
B. BAR requires EXECUTE privilege on the package and INSERT privilege on CUST.ORDERS, and the EXECUTE privilege for the package must be revoked from PUBLIC.$ {1 z4 h7 ~, R- q% i
C. BAR requires EXECUTE privilege on the package and INSERT privilege on CUST.ORDERS, and the REFERENCES privilege for the package must be revoked from PUBLIC.
+ O" U0 [/ [- y) o: fD. BAR requires EXECUTE privilege on the package and UPDATE privilege on CUST.ORDERS, and the REFERENCES privilege for the package must be revoked from PUBLIC.
5 a' f# j, `/ g7 a' x. k$ T- l 满分:4 分& k# m% B# F. q$ x9 z# L* H
15. 下面哪一工具允许用户开发存储过程?& f* z4 A( e2 S0 @+ x
A. 控制中心6 {: g6 c( l* ?; ~! P* L
B. 命令中心* R/ @; H. G5 g$ ^
C. 任务中心
}5 j! [& J4 x7 LD. 开发中心
- F) n8 Q/ h' Y' z! t2 [E. 健康中心
# q! }% W/ [7 s) x9 t. X4 g, Z9 L 满分:4 分
( l; p! q/ D0 @) }0 d# G8 ^16. Given the code: EXEC SQL WITH most_cities AS ( SELECT b.id, b.name, a.cities FROM country a, staff b WHERE a.person = b.id AND cities > :threshold ) SELECT id, name, cities FROM most_cities INTO :id, :name, :cities WHERE cities IN (SELECT MAX(cities) FROM most_cities) Which of the following can reference MOST_CITIES?
5 R7 v4 p/ X$ vA. The current statement4 a: e; ]( ?8 x& h, h4 f/ f' p; p
B. Statements from any application3 h* k6 n/ W3 N' i: K9 z3 J Q
C. All statements within this application
6 P! G, |. g/ r4 o+ C4 c7 k7 nD. All statements within the current unit of work6 |, y; \- I7 r& y) C7 W
满分:4 分
2 j Z" q! C+ |: }4 G17. Given the application code: EXEC SQL DECLARE cur CURSOR WITH HOLD FOR SELECT c1 FROM t1 EXEC SQL OPEN cur EXEC SQL FETCH cur INTO :hv /* Statement 1 */ EXEC SQL COMMIT /* Statement 2 */ EXEC SQL FETCH cur INTO :hv /* Statement 3 */ EXEC SQL ROLLBACK /* Statement 4 */ EXEC SQL CLOSE cur /* Statement 5 */ If the table T1 has no rows in it, which statement will cause the cursor "cur" to be closed first?
, i! k' Q9 a+ P% n7 cA. Statement 11 v* f( i3 Q: c6 q3 K1 \& n5 y5 X
B. Statement 20 N- b& D9 ]# ~/ ^) R9 R# J+ X
C. Statement 3
$ {& F! m- O5 s+ l2 I( ZD. Statement 4$ c- j7 z! a; g" ^, ]! a: I0 m F
满分:4 分
# h4 {( B: t% J' X$ p! e4 v P18. How many rows can be retrieved using a single SELECT INTO statement?
. ]: r6 K5 ~0 V2 JA. Only one row
* o* I( f( p0 K! t" t" M& S$ NB. As many as are in the result& _% T, G$ w1 C( t
C. As many as are host variables used in the call: ]) I1 O: c* n5 Z! I Z( U
D. As many as host variable array structures can hold
" }# E {0 Y% B: _* v1 I 满分:4 分
& r3 ~7 t, N) v19. Given the tables: COUNTRY id name 1 Argentina 3 Cuba 4 - NATION id name 2 Belgium 4 USA and the code: EXEC SQL DECLARE C1 CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM country WHERE name IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT * FROM nation EXEC SQL OPEN C1 How many rows are in the result set?6 a3 P8 a3 h. S' X } N
A. 1
" s) X6 L, W+ ?( MB. 20 O4 R/ g$ N* L
C. 3
, [6 p' ~& e) f9 Y1 C$ [# SD. 49 ^2 d3 _8 s: |6 H0 R/ `. ]/ f; X
满分:4 分3 K9 P! P, O, m" Q4 k6 Z0 |" Q
20. E-R图中的联系可以与()实体有关
, w) F, K6 s' j6 V! Q. fA. 0个$ A$ ]. R( h6 D% f. t. ^! r* Y3 ~% u
B. 1个
6 d' J- s& d& Q& j* {: X4 g3 ^9 N5 _$ dC. 1个或多个
2 k* Y6 T/ K1 G2 r. S* XD. 多个, `6 ~% ]1 M) s3 j
满分:4 分$ ^) v a& q/ |+ [
21. 据库系统和文件系统的主要区别是:
6 h$ \9 a5 v) \' S" f0 u1 L/ RA. 数据库系统复杂,而文件系统简单。
; c- B; [* Y; o2 NB. 文件系统不能解决数据冗余和数据独立性问题,而数据库系统可以解决。. e3 E3 B9 K' m4 {$ |. ]* \
C. 文件系统只能管理程序文件,而数据库系统能够管理各种类型的文件。
' k4 ^+ k! W% x( X: y3 MD. 文件系统管理的数据量较少,而数据库系统可以管理庞大的数据量。
# j: |% ^9 `% @ 满分:4 分9 {, D2 P& ]: ?* V# A7 ^* E
22. 游标稳定性(CS,或称光标稳定性)隔离级锁定工作单元期间光标所在的任何行。对该行的锁定将()
2 o) x3 K- q ~# ?A. . 不保持
, R! B5 v7 S$ \+ t0 kB. . 保持到取出下一行记录或整个工作单元终止。
4 T: G# E% R9 GC. . 保持到整个工作单元终止。
- J: d# s9 V% A+ j 满分:4 分: L# w" z/ p, [% B9 b2 l, k# \
23. 在数据库中存储的是:()3 W6 ?3 y+ G |. o& R
A. 数据; n9 C0 _+ T: @$ p- f' E( ^# b
B. 数据模型
* ~+ M8 w% b/ N: \C. 数据以及数据之间的联系3 q+ Y# n( ?6 }
D. 信息
( s! n+ E w: b$ S: b; c 满分:4 分: Q% l" ^2 q0 Y
24. The following commands are issued against a data source: CREATE TABLE userid.org ( i INT) CREATE ALIAS user1.org FOR userid.org CREATE TABLE org.sample ( c CHAR(1)) CREATE ALIAS sample.org FOR userid.org CREATE ALIAS userid.sample FOR sample.org When issued by USER1, which of the following statements will have a different result set than this SELECT statement? SELECT * FROM org
* W3 A) r2 ~- }# s( r( l! oA. SELECT * FROM org.sample" T3 x" P3 s3 \# N
B. SELECT * FROM sample.org
1 ]6 M, K Q( `$ |% }C. SELECT * FROM userid.org, E i* G3 k# M- L& U& L
D. SELECT * FROM userid.sample0 z0 E/ W$ |0 p- O5 t5 b" D
满分:4 分
% p6 P" I }8 u; i9 q25. 数据库系统的独立性是指():
# l! p5 e% a3 O* aA. 不会因为数据的变化而影响应用程序
& h2 l' {: A# PB. 不会因为系统数据存储结构与数据逻辑结构的变化而影响应用程序
4 O/ }9 Z) v% p9 e/ F, u5 oC. 不会因为存储策略的变化而影响存储结构
! W4 h+ c% A8 W& A YD. 不会因为某些存储结构的变化而影响其它的存储结构
( L6 ~1 R+ I3 V+ B, _- u/ l 满分:4 分 / D% ?" Q( M8 i- R r5 G( A
, _; C# b* t5 E/ X# K) T% Y$ X2 z% X, H
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏辅导资料,奥鹏在线作业辅导资料,奥鹏离线作业辅导资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及其他各远程教育作业代写服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。 |