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发表于 2013-11-13 11:18:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏辅导资料,奥鹏在线作业辅导资料,奥鹏离线作业辅导资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及其他各远程教育作业代写服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。

一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  My pain ?______? apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?”
A. must be
B. must have been
C. had been
D. had to be
      满分:4  分
2.  People appreciate ______ with him because he has a good sense of humor.
A. to work
B. to have worked
C. working
D. having worked
      满分:4  分
3.  Wells made us believe the fact _____the scientific knowledge is the key to our own future.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. why
      满分:4  分
4.  The car ______ halfway for no reason.
A. broke off
B. broke down
C. broke up
D. broke out
      满分:4  分
5.  I will give this ticket to _____wants to have it.
A. whom
B. whoever
C. whomever
D. who
      满分:4  分
6.  It’s necessary that you spoken English now and then.
A. mightpractise
B. mustpractise
C. shouldpractise
D. practised
      满分:4  分
7.  When Clinton came to Xian, the policemen had fully prepared for that _____he would be murdere;
A. supporting
B. if
C. sothat
D. forfearthat
      满分:4  分
8.  The ____ edition of the dictionary is far better than the previous ones.
A. late
B. last
C. lasting
D. latest
      满分:4  分
9.  She often loves to count on others to help. But _____.
A. neitherdoI
B. Idon’t
C. sodoI
D. norIdo
      满分:4  分
10.  English _____all over the worl; And many children start to learn English at very young age.
A. isspeaking
B. speaking
C. speaks
D. isspoken
      满分:4  分
11.  The good man seemed us all that he knew at this last lessen.
A. totryteaching
B. tobetryingtoteach
C. totrytoteach
D. tobetryingteaching
      满分:4  分
12.  .On seeing an old woman _____off. A young man rushed up to help her.
A. falling
B. fall
C. fell
D. felt
      满分:4  分
13.  By the time the player left Beijing, he over 1000 letters of congratulations from various parts of Chin
A. receive
B. has received
C. will receive
D. had received
      满分:4  分
14.  Ted felt like _____to the manager of the supermarket to complain.
A. to write
B. writing
C. write
D. having written
      满分:4  分
15.  He feels _____today than yesterday.
A. tireder
B. moretired
C. moretireder
D. muchtired
      满分:4  分
16.  Knowledge then is the _____ condition of expansion of mind.
A. indigestible
B. indispensable
C. indissoluble
D. indisputable
      满分:4  分
17.  If the pressure is not _______ immediately, there may be an explosion.
A. relieved
B. retreated
C. revealed
D. released
      满分:4  分
18.  If you are too____ of your children, they will never learn to deal with difficulties in life.
A. respective
B. detective
C. protective
D. effective.
      满分:4  分
19.  ______by his brother, the boy has a deep love for musi;
A. Beinginfluenced
B. Influenced
C. Influencing
D. Havinginfluenced
      满分:4  分
20.  The film today is much more interesting than ______yesterday.
A. that
B. it
C. one
D. theone
      满分:4  分
21.  As a safety precaution, all drivers carry only enough money to make change for ______.
A. a bill of ten-dollar
B. a bill of ten-dollars
C. a ten-dollars bill
D. a ten-dollar bill
      满分:4  分
22.  Who can help me _____ my lesson?
A. in
B. at
C. with
D. of
      满分:4  分
23.  To our surprise, the thief is a _________ boy.
A. 12yearold
B. 12-year-old
C. 12yearsold
D. 12-years-old
      满分:4  分
24.  He intends _______ abroa;
A. to go
B. to have go
C. going
D. being going
      满分:4  分
25.  Because Edgar was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he _______ his opinion.
A. struckat
B. strovefor
C. stuckto
D. stoodfor
      满分:4  分

谋学网: www.mouxue.com 主要提供奥鹏辅导资料,奥鹏在线作业辅导资料,奥鹏离线作业辅导资料和奥鹏毕业论文以及其他各远程教育作业代写服务,致力打造中国最专业远程教育辅导社区。


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