一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. A: Whose dog is it? B: ( )our dog. ( )name is Rex.
A. It's…It's
B. Its… Its
C. It's… Its
满分:4 分
2. A:The chair is not comfortable enough. B:Yes, I agree. It is ( ).
A. to be not comfortable
B. too uncomfortable
C. no comfortable
满分:4 分
3. It often ( ) in winter in the north of China.
A. snow
B. is snowing
C. snows
满分:4 分
4. David ( ) on a new database at the moment.
A. currently work
B. is currently working
C. currently working
满分:4 分
5. A: ( )? B:She is talking to Mary.
A. What is she doing right now
B. What does she do
C. What is she talking about
满分:4 分
6. I'm a deputy manager. I work ( )an IT company.
A. for
B. about
C. of
满分:4 分
7. A:I'm keen on football. B: So ( )I.
A. have
B. do
C. am
满分:4 分
8. ( ) people are my friends. ( ) people are my husband's friends.
A. These, Those
B. This, That
C. Here, There
满分:4 分
9. It ( )heavily here at this moment.
A. rain
B. rains
C. is raining
满分:4 分
10. A: ( )? B:Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford.
A. Do you have any family
B. Where are your father and mother
C. Have you any family
满分:4 分
11. Mr Manning ( ) in Paris today and tomorrow.
A. work
B. working
C. is working
满分:4 分
12. A:The shower isn't working. B: ( ).
A. I come to call the plumber
B. I'll call the plumber
C. I like calling the plumber
满分:4 分
13. I sometimes go to the pub ( ) Friday ( ) my colleagues.
A. on, with
B. at, to
C. in, for
满分:4 分
14. A ) you like a drink? Wine? Beer? B:A beer, please.
A. Could
B. Would
C. Do
满分:4 分
15. We often have ( ) supper at home.
A. us
B. ours
C. our
满分:4 分
16. Have you got ( ) lychees?
A. some
B. any
C. /
满分:4 分
17. David is ( ) only accountant in my son's company.
A. the
B. an
C. a
满分:4 分
18. A: ( )is the nearest chemist's? B: On the corner.
A. What
B. Where
C. How
满分:4 分
19. On my way home, I quite often ( ) the milk man.
A. see with
B. meet into
C. come across
满分:4 分
20. I'm sorry she's not in. Would you like to ( )a message?
A. keep
B. rest
C. leave
满分:4 分
21. A:Hello, Linda, how are you? B ).
A. Very good. Are you good?
B. Very well, thank you. And you?
C. Hello, Rose, how do you do?
满分:4 分
22. A )like to have a coffee? B:Yes, please.
A. Are you
B. Would you
C. Can you
满分:4 分
23. John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Linda, my new student from Beijing. Rose: ( ). Linda: Pleased to meet you, too.
A. Hello, Linda! How are you?
B. Hello, Linda! I am pleased to meet you.
C. Good evening, Linda.
满分:4 分
24. I'm bad at spelling, but Jane is ( ) me.
A. bad with
B. worse than
C. less than
满分:4 分
25. I come here twice a week to swim and ( ).
A. work
B. work out
C. work to
满分:4 分
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