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发表于 2014-6-14 21:16:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ a0 _& H- L, c  z  U; V. y  
" z6 j9 X" a; K7 S2 [! _6 `* C" @' n3 t& T" X' Y

* {  p+ v$ O( E4 s8 v6 ?+ d0 R; J9 V吉大《新视野英语(一)》在线作业一 $ y6 m# H. ~( ?5 r7 u2 A6 S
% X; S+ D) u% U* x5 C单选
$ b0 W  `1 n/ D! }( J2 }5 v% p! ^0 a" T$ N, @
' V2 l; @9 j! b, z/ u
一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)" [/ @! t: }: I; \. E6 O
1.  ________ she realized it was too late to go home.
/ J3 s8 \0 Q5 C: K* BA. No sooner it grew dark than% @( C+ @& t  j, w, E$ t
B. Hardly did it grow dark that% c6 s& P/ u$ [% Y' h5 {! J- e
C. Scarcely had it grown dark than
3 w2 B* Y9 T/ x1 LD. It was not until dark that
( e# B, \0 K3 M* `3 L" G-----------------选择:D      
% l, N& L! U6 _' h2.  These surveys indicate that many crimes go ________ by the police, mainly because not all victims report them.) F, X1 O6 _/ ^  H8 j  H+ _! x- S& b/ ]
A. unrecorded
1 [$ P' [2 ^+ N$ |& C' p- Y! W6 |B. to be unrecorded
/ \4 d$ R; m- r$ X5 c6 {C. unrecording
. z" Q0 w- B) d- D. A' f  [, RD. to have been unrecorded! H2 Q8 g* {+ P; _$ [  r4 e
( E; o2 b% e  ?1 a; g3.  —“May I speak to your manager Mr. Williams at five o’clock tonight?”—“I’m sorry. Mr. Williams ________ to a conference long before then.”
% u9 Q0 p7 f% m; gA. will have gone6 P7 `3 T4 l4 ~$ H# P& B" H* p2 w+ R
B. had gone
4 `9 K  S" y, Y4 i0 @4 YC. would have gone
4 n/ Y# q+ ^) ?# E8 w3 QD. has gone; D% c7 C" X$ l, V0 e% X
-----------------选择:A      % X6 @" W0 R. t9 H
4.  I have no objection ________ your story again.
+ u8 a0 P' {$ q' r. o' \, I. sA. to hear
$ A* G/ T! B. G" U7 jB. to hearing8 A& F6 b: F, e) U5 n
C. to having heard
: B+ |- B5 x  _' D' s: H1 vD. to have heard3 {8 U7 j$ B% e, v
-----------------选择:B      6 X" p6 c6 e. u: x8 \
5.  Wouldn’t you rather your child ________ to bed early?: v" J$ j- w: z# z7 t
A. go9 e3 {$ z  ^& h( u, e# F
B. went& |4 U4 L' ~' B& I/ R
C. would go
" U* r  q5 k8 H. V0 Y/ E% @D. goes
% }, l4 @7 Z: k# \* a-----------------选择:B      4 O% I/ C! f; V1 }5 Z$ F1 }4 E
6.  You ________ him so closely; you should have kept your distance.6 Q& w4 g8 h" J
A. shouldn’t follow
. O2 `# H9 m2 V& XB. mustn’t follow9 l7 w5 I+ l! ?% u4 V8 o
C. couldn’t’ have been following6 m2 D) n& N% m
D. shouldn’t have been following- o9 K  e9 y# E5 J, T8 a7 F# m* ^
-----------------选择:      - l/ q  m. `) |$ j( c
7.  Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it ________ in Cuba.
4 `# C3 _0 r. O- X. i; d6 M% jA. being cultivated
. s$ ~! T8 i9 eB. been cultivated, q( N5 R4 B+ g/ v( c. e- h
C. having cultivated
6 O9 I0 x' `2 a; [7 g- e! hD. cultivating
2 e7 s" V+ Z; L- J7 x-----------------选择:      & ~2 `" D# e/ b5 o; K
8.  The clothes a person wears may express his ________ or social position.+ j. G) s+ q" K8 i
A. curiosity! h9 \5 Z- g1 H8 h3 ]
B. status
) h# N5 w' A/ e$ Z; wC. determination; z0 X' q# v: o) o  }9 |
D. significance; g& L" ]6 E/ G& h1 V8 @7 z
2 [+ L* g% t) C2 M9.  As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to ________ it.
" L! u0 }6 w& N9 hA. postpone
: p5 ~6 u3 T4 Z+ c7 D* l2 R& h3 ]B. refuse
, W) |' N0 n+ h7 fC. delay
$ L# j# B+ N* C1 s8 P7 iD. cancel
, E/ a5 x4 ]$ @% v. k-----------------选择:      
+ {8 W9 m4 `0 _1 S5 \10.  Putting in a new window will ________ cutting away part of the roof.9 d! k6 H- B' I, b0 N; [. G
A. include# F, e4 U+ q( J: D0 P! L3 R
B. involve
) P+ r. t! R) {+ aC. contain, f" [5 B# m' Z- b# r
D. comprise
" p/ b6 A" I) H  e" Q1 s- x-----------------选择:      
! N5 f, S8 V7 p11.  He is ________ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.3 D! ?9 g/ g& T! j) q
A. optimistic: ^, s1 g) h4 K* t# Z  @# u; p5 m( A: {' @
B. optional7 Q6 i( w: @$ p
C. outstanding. [/ V- _! ?4 e
D. obvious, D  \; n; s" R
-----------------选择:      ) V' ^  V! E# x6 L5 n
12.  Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ________.
6 K6 J! O- Q6 \# t+ q3 h# @0 dA. granted9 A6 O& ?7 C# J# u8 Q
B. implied* V  n4 R  w! W( ?, Z" _  Y
C. exaggerated1 ^7 i! ^+ r) }9 }5 ^  q/ L" K
D. remedied
7 ]/ |$ K; E2 I* \  F$ e  a-----------------选择:      9 K' H6 z2 f' a& |: w
13.  It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.- t% p: n& d, j) f, @7 w' R2 B
A. must be sent
0 X) @. X5 F& s' \) T1 kB. will be sent# |% e2 u2 V, K7 u$ ^; z
C. are sent7 z# j) K  x  }/ d: x
D. be sent# ?; {( k: l- h4 _8 l  ?. k
-----------------选择:      ( f- ?+ U0 u* [
14.  You will see this product ________ wherever you go.
2 b; x8 Z4 T0 v2 x# @9 e& ^* @A. to be advertised
9 g+ y: L- a! v! V1 _3 Z7 E& i6 ^B. advertised: ?0 T+ T0 T7 v5 c0 m
C. advertise( }7 J" t. w3 X
D. advertising
7 V4 U% ^/ y8 X9 w+ Q+ v-----------------选择:      , n+ ]3 v5 A% i+ Z$ K
15.  In Britain people ________ four million tons of potatoes every year.
1 y* h- U; q8 R' C$ UA. swallow
' c- I) p) D7 tB. dispose. F9 [& G6 n2 O; C% ^. g
C. consume
% A- n/ U0 J) p) i0 ?* wD. exhaust
+ _' L& b" ?& X1 z7 N/ f-----------------选择:      
9 |5 v) t3 H) h, X9 `7 }6 ^  }% D+ V9 w16.  Mike’s uncle insists ________ in this hotel.
, `+ @, U3 C0 o' H: n* lA. staying not, R; O/ p4 X. E3 {9 B' Z. p
B. not to stay: N8 X$ y7 l/ H% i3 b  k
C. that he would not stay
" V$ `5 A4 w& {+ xD. that he not stay0 b/ i! c4 W9 J2 x. @% s
1 W: t- e+ I0 C0 O: C17.  Everybody ________ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary.
3 ^- s, j0 V& G1 ?# T' n+ NA. assembled+ U) W( {# M, G  @) E* T- h
B. accumulated
1 [# T% a3 m* R- hC. piled" q' J8 y8 v7 {1 n; o' l7 b
D. joined6 p' _; t& t+ Y( p+ M
-----------------选择:      6 {$ }* B/ r8 Z7 T0 |
18.  By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have ________ opportunity to change his mind.
+ p2 R! k6 Y- h" o- g" X5 Z& aA. accurate) g) |  S! z% F! {0 M
B. urgent9 E- s$ v) m& n! J- f8 a0 C
C. excessive
& z4 P  s& M6 j" {5 h6 vD. adequate  o% s/ V: r1 c* e7 M
-----------------选择:      2 A6 Y2 M, m& U
19.  She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it ________ enough to eat.
( p! D% b9 o0 `; }* yA. mild
8 Z; Q9 z3 A3 W  g0 }: RB. slight, {; m: T. D2 _2 n
C. light
% C1 A* b2 i1 D- n7 c$ RD. tender  q5 N  Z3 {0 k! j5 @
-----------------选择:      9 j% a/ G6 S5 X* l" Y" A1 G& V
20.  I didn’t know the word. I had to ________ a dictionary./ ^0 V: F) Y) D
A. look out( P, i. S" K8 ]' y+ U$ A
B. make out8 S/ x- S5 J6 G# U
C. refer to8 o& O+ l9 R5 c6 w  [5 R* f
D. go over9 E, ?* p- ?' t9 P: K" I0 D
-----------------选择:        S/ \8 x6 B5 l* Z. y
21.  It is said that the math teacher seems ________ towards bright students.
% ]& o6 b7 d+ E: t' nA. partial
+ c' {0 e" C) s: eB. beneficial
0 S5 Y+ @! g% {$ T4 O0 H/ lC. preferable
: `& A7 a1 `3 T% U0 MD. liable
) G* p  }9 h3 F4 @-----------------选择:      
8 [, `2 N) M, c$ v$ U/ B" }22.  The suggestion that the major ________ the prizes was accepted by everyone.% v/ q0 n# L' U$ ~+ x
A. would present
/ n; T% D0 I5 ^  v5 G1 H/ lB. present% r! J0 w) G) d2 R( W7 Z! l' x4 }
C. presents# ]: k4 a. j& L
D. ought to present2 z7 R' m( `/ K; F) }
-----------------选择:      / H: {* J1 y( K! i+ [" V
23.  Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders ________ will happen to her private life.
9 f- C4 V6 G7 C* D+ RA. that/ w4 }. u8 ~  l$ P
B. what
5 q: c/ c  O- u: P8 Q9 GC. it
/ `9 g9 O' `6 QD. this
% Y# Q' i/ Y) f1 A) Z7 y-----------------选择:      7 a4 p/ e- b. b! L
24.  I’d ________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.
! v0 h2 q9 V1 F0 A7 w7 ^# R! VA. take into account. L4 J% y# L) B8 y
B. account for
6 R% q; ~4 u2 gC. make up for9 e- h: q- s: A7 X2 D
D. make out) Q/ l# K* f5 a
+ l+ g* @/ v3 ?' Q3 z25.  I don’t mind ________ the decision as long as it is not too late.2 q2 R% _$ B& S/ ?
A. you to delay making
" e: S5 B. `  o1 d  e. QB. your delaying making
- A9 U! V( x* n) A2 d# rC. your delaying to make. l1 ^4 g- T1 W4 k  d% [3 X: B
D. you delay to make
3 j: }$ p/ v5 g-----------------选择:      : L7 a9 I3 |* r: E" k2 Q4 s- ~& a7 B
( }1 b/ G3 h! u# U- m9 @8 u
4 j) x3 `' [. N! f( M+ k
; d* x' c( C9 o/ ]  S
) q$ J6 w+ Y0 J8 ?! z


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