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发表于 2014-12-11 20:25:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。& z: h3 ]. G/ S# K8 t
; d0 B# t, {1 ~* g2 ^9 ?5 ^

- y$ H3 F7 R* V: r7 r" N7 Y9 R$ C1 t7 w  t
吉大14秋学期《大学英语(一)》在线作业二" y5 P, {; ~$ i' N, h* L: ~

$ C  x( O8 q9 N) w7 G& c0 H& w1 D9 Y" ~1 x' c3 K' L
: w+ d! j5 S5 y. C7 b1 q4 ^+ R# ~
0 ?0 k' ]$ J1 x: I
一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
! \7 h  C; y9 b/ P- Z/ T% Z/ I. F$ Y/ T% ^7 G1 R) F3 Y
1.  Mike’s uncle insists ________ in this hotel.
6 i5 }) v1 H; V6 m7 n! QA. whatever! \8 P+ E: a6 s" g
B. whomever
5 E' o: k) a3 n( _C. whichever2 U; z! C+ c' z! r) L0 T# c
D. whoever. d5 s0 c+ o( P9 W
0 Z: U8 F, k) E; x4 h( C2.  Wouldn’t you rather your child ________ to bed early?* B0 P+ A6 @3 l9 p- [  z% Z
A. go& ^+ _' M; ^4 @. X- _" s% K
B. went! Y- G& S; v4 l
C. would go
' ~; n/ y' W1 g9 e6 FD. goes
+ {5 }0 K  G1 \正确资料:B5 u3 G/ O, V  X# e. n7 y
3.  We agreed to accept ________ they thought was the best tourist guide.- D+ v: t; u+ E6 @- w# \
A. whatever
! p0 l6 Y8 w9 \B. whomever+ q5 f3 A7 e% G: ^- C& F( H$ P
C. whichever' H5 Y% }% P0 d+ H
D. whoever
% L7 R$ t+ k  t1 {正确资料:D
2 A0 B. c& h& c6 _' {3 [0 f0 \4.  Between 1974 and 1997, the number of overseas visitors expanded ________27%.
: S; d3 K- J: {, x1 m0 o8 kA. by
( g& W3 T4 S: R9 ?) E% qB. for/ F& a# n* h; G
C. to
8 {6 S( o8 G& f' ?6 ~. @. WD. in3 }7 U) k: B) z, }& s8 V
  M3 f/ y; \+ _0 K5.  The hopes, goals, fears and desires ________ widely between men and women, between the rich and the poor.5 Q) S; L$ Y- V5 D; q; T# s
A. alter
2 t: [3 m& d9 Q* FB. shift* {6 A5 U; j0 j- l
C. transfer- j& \" T- z7 k4 z( `, L$ X
D. vary$ L4 G: z( K. \* S% p! U, v
& x+ B) Z2 y+ g1 T' B1 S6 A% f6.  The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds ________ his arguments in favour of the new theory.9 i. O1 x, u( B; d6 y& S; p  M$ [8 e
A. to be based on
5 M4 P( ~- Z: xB. to base on) w7 I  v" R' W7 v
C. which to base on9 L) M' p0 Q& x2 w
D. on which to base
5 b+ c$ W+ S7 i正确资料:4 F0 U' }: d* J5 T' P
7.  It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.
$ w) c2 i( @6 S2 \7 L9 l3 u; }A. must be sent
. z6 c. n& q* }  `/ FB. will be sent4 W' L6 I0 u# w6 H
C. are sent
0 k# ~( z( i2 vD. be sent6 ?3 |0 x0 m' ]" Y$ a
1 j+ U, X- a7 H8.  Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ________.
4 }# ~1 e. S' K% Y7 J# y1 e5 cA. granted3 Z0 e% F; f, c  C6 s; ^$ l; V* r
B. implied
: j8 E9 M" R( [9 h/ e2 R" W$ J- q( KC. exaggerated' s, a: ]+ m: L) f* {  r' u
D. remedied
  K; T- Z' G' F3 r. f( p正确资料:
( T9 t8 M& F% Y% y& e4 Z  B! l9.  Not until the game had begun ________ at the sports ground.
) y7 f  [4 I3 V: L. k' r  kA. had he arrived6 s2 q9 Y2 [$ A! C
B. would he have arrived' G: t3 Q& r: _' z) y
C. did he arrive
1 W- j; I* G4 @( h+ YD. should he have arrived
( B0 H6 {) I4 N' A9 f正确资料:% [% _$ K1 V7 B) X: h1 C! [
10.  The words of his old teacher left a ________ impression on his mind. He is still influenced by them.4 N. z3 O4 ]6 E* X: |) ?; W& O
A. long
' M( u- m# K0 wB. lively* N* b0 H5 }! o; d: \# _9 y3 t
C. lasting # g3 m, l0 M+ c2 \) s9 o0 U
D. liberal4 z- h4 K* k7 @1 g" [# ]/ T* e
6 g, E: S+ N7 `4 ?  T11.  Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, ________ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.8 k% B; V! B3 [6 S: P# ^6 C7 s
A. whose
* B' R. A5 l2 @. C7 j$ A: dB. which( A/ d  P) J3 S5 Q! \; B
C. that* r& p% Q/ a; v* c- [% [
D. what
- X: a6 z  }$ T2 Q$ y3 h正确资料:
9 N7 K5 \- i( z12.  ________ she realized it was too late to go home.8 I+ o6 e( h1 W8 r  F% Q
A. No sooner it grew dark than* [% ^& d/ `1 a8 V$ ~' d
B. Hardly did it grow dark that
! I0 P: w2 A6 k! n, ~& ?0 wC. Scarcely had it grown dark than
; n3 j: L1 }% I% ?- a% bD. It was not until dark that3 q  w" s/ O$ N4 x  A  e2 j5 T, m
3 f1 t; v# i! [% ]- Z% U13.  He is ________ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.3 |7 f9 t7 P8 d% V0 _
A. optimistic
/ n& i+ D1 P2 w( A. ]% ~2 i: ]B. optional
  F* [/ l$ [% D0 O" H; j- T" B/ xC. outstanding
9 C1 y) Z$ m9 P# B& I. z. b4 {D. obvious
" P/ _: N. V' G( M( w8 |8 h# ~正确资料:7 J$ C$ U' A& E9 {
14.  I’d ________ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.8 {! v' h* g- \- N( q& m4 S& k
A. take into account
2 M" s8 t- R, G9 `B. account for
% U4 d0 p2 d1 @7 Z$ Q9 XC. make up for
6 U/ e, U9 S; J/ ^; K4 ND. make out" K' X1 z- N: x; _8 _
正确资料:) g$ }( F+ W( u* b0 e$ G
15.  The suggestion that the major ________ the prizes was accepted by everyone.3 g/ w6 y5 V5 ^7 Z( @; x( z
A. would present' {/ L4 W. g( v" M' b! I, Q( U+ N
B. present
8 t" j' X' ~, J0 ?# kC. presents& y" H) w# w; I0 W
D. ought to present8 D+ F0 B. T: U* T
* E  C+ I/ U9 J9 f  ?16.  I didn’t know the word. I had to ________ a dictionary.$ l# l( ^1 a2 m* V/ d
A. look out
0 O" ?8 u% t4 s& m; i. HB. make out$ k. t/ o; i$ X$ d& `. F; P0 G
C. refer to3 z" D+ O) r. ]' E3 h" Z  Z
D. go over7 p, y' O% ^# d6 b: `
3 W) r9 [: ]! \( _, ]7 M0 E$ G17.  I think I was at school, ________ I was staying with a friends during the vacation when I heard the news.
$ d3 w, Z9 ~7 b( p; MA. or else" h" N5 K3 P; X& h
B. and then) ~1 j  Y1 y! Q* {0 H( T
C. or so
, _/ i9 i8 N; ?D. even so0 b8 i( h# U- C8 m1 i+ \0 Y+ N8 R
3 k4 D! P9 y1 y% {( r18.  There are signs ________ restaurants are becoming more popular with families.
1 o0 U8 Z6 R2 KA. that
: B; \# a7 F3 `B. which
, R) E& R1 X' e7 Z9 hC. in which) v8 n5 \% a. g" I
D. whose
1 q* }& M. Q: T1 h正确资料:
$ P, l; t& W8 I# `0 X19.  I don’t mind ________ the decision as long as it is not too late.
" L/ M. l/ A/ D3 q5 bA. you to delay making0 [( X* F4 Z7 I  z' V' d- I- K
B. your delaying making
$ I4 f, F; \; p8 s) i4 V; `C. your delaying to make
0 [$ I9 Q) m" G( ~$ E5 U) m% vD. you delay to make8 v4 n" ?7 ?2 P( i! C6 J8 I
% c) o. h- q) h1 B" g) ~20.  In Britain people ________ four million tons of potatoes every year.7 E% P4 ~' \( h: b& V( m
A. swallow
# ^" {3 j9 T* j5 [5 TB. dispose& j# N8 R3 j4 Q0 R8 ]& V
C. consume$ ?2 C  s4 N, C9 M
D. exhaust
+ `% t4 p1 t7 Q# _3 I正确资料:1 {( E6 m) l/ _/ V" @  Z
21.  Putting in a new window will ________ cutting away part of the roof.
6 ^/ c! O+ y' h4 o$ V) j# xA. include
; t- s) ^4 \5 I5 K& sB. involve0 L$ _) F" B1 {7 i' y* E
C. contain
! O6 |% B/ e3 G3 ^; J4 TD. comprise' s% M1 i0 c, J2 p* i- u* p
正确资料:: g' E0 K# [! Y, g) v7 [) X, Q
22.  Some diseases are ________ by certain water animals.
" A- Z4 w& e  y/ uA. transplanted& U* v, E# q* p4 B7 D- y7 w
B. transformed! T% U9 k- T) ~5 ?' b
C. transported
2 I3 \$ }' B9 c; m7 M  cD. transmitted: ^0 f, G- G9 F; X2 A& e
8 i" W6 T0 l' n# G: P; ~* m' G23.  Although Anne is happy with her success she wonders ________ will happen to her private life.
/ Y6 z. V& N' C! y* NA. that
2 @' c' m3 Y; K9 Q& T8 H1 i* S, NB. what
8 i/ f( R3 V' m. {& AC. it
( W6 J+ y+ `- n1 Y+ q* J7 qD. this
+ e% b( y" h: o# g正确资料:& ~+ Z% `6 j6 X* v8 u" i/ N2 m1 l+ F
24.  The clothes a person wears may express his ________ or social position.5 c2 V- l0 I0 f7 q" i; Z
A. curiosity
" e) U2 c; L( m, `0 M- bB. status
+ ~4 T0 T! M$ r7 J; d% YC. determination
8 `: f; S5 w3 X% }D. significance
8 J# `: D" \& u, }5 D& u/ W正确资料:
5 \3 C/ i4 w, T25.  These books, which you can get at any bookshop, will give you ________ you need.
9 b$ _  e. L* O2 N0 S, V2 y6 OA. all the information9 K3 V: C+ A+ n/ D3 p" @* `9 I
B. all the informations
+ [) {# @% p0 o5 Y7 `C. all of information* ^2 K  |/ U3 A# w; U
D. all of the information5 t& K  G5 [6 B
正确资料:  j  m, X8 M1 }8 {: Y

( O- }+ M6 Z# a* L6 \- v$ K& Q9 a- n! q! ?0 |1 V* ]$ H
- u0 \2 d- X) A, H2 [) x) C

- J$ \3 J, @3 q) s2 h
! T2 y8 f" I9 b" u9 U3 A谋学网(www.mouxue.com)是国内最专业的奥鹏作业资料,奥鹏离线作业资料及奥鹏毕业论文辅导型网站,主要提供奥鹏中医大、大工、东财、北语、北航、川大、南开等奥鹏作业资料辅导,致力打造中国最专业的远程教育辅导社区。
9 g* p) _+ c- D


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