试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100
、单选题(共 14 道试题,共 70 分。) 得分:70
1. How much money did Oda Mae withdraw
A. $3 million
B. $2 million
C. $5 million
D. $4 million
正确资料:D 满分:5 分 得分:5
2. When the ghost from the train was teaching Sam how to move things, he told him to push from his what
A. heart
B. organs
C. soul
D. gut
正确资料:D 满分:5 分 得分:5
3. As an exchange for asking Maggie questions when they first met, what did Ike agree
A. to pay for money
B. to invite her for dinner
C. to buy something for her
D. to have his hair washed
正确资料:D 满分:5 分 得分:5
4. Which of these was NOT one of the ways in which Rolf signed off his telegram to Liesl
A. Truly
B. Cordially
C. Affectionately
D. Sincerely
正确资料:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
5. While the children are onstage the afternoon before the festival, what is the orchestra playing
A. The song Maria and the Captain danced to at the party
B. The processional from the wedding
C. The theme that they use to announce winners
D. Edelwiess
正确资料:A 满分:5 分 得分:5
6. Who is Annie’s baby is named after
A. her brother
B. her father
C. her grandfather
D. her uncle
正确资料:B 满分:5 分 得分:5 |