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发表于 2015-1-8 11:57:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

一、单选(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1.  He_______the children so badly that they were terrified of him.
A. behaved
B. treated
C. dealt
D. acted
      满分:5  分
2.  I'm tired. I_______working very hard.
A. have
B. am
C. had
D. have been
      满分:5  分
3.  Let's go to the cinema,_______?
A. will you shan't we
B. shan't we
C. don't we
D. shall we
      满分:5  分
4.  What_______of blood does Tom have?
A. kind
B. type
C. sort
D. category
      满分:5  分
5.  – Everyone knows where the shop is, but who's the owner? – _______.
A. Steve
B. Everyone does
C. At the next door
D. Yes, it's a secret
      满分:5  分
6.  If I get the new job, I( )buy a better car.
A. 不填
B. will
C. would
D. might
      满分:5  分
7.  It was convenient_______close to work.
A. to living
B. living
C. live
D. lived
      满分:5  分
8.  The policeman was attacked_______a knife.
A. on
B. by
C. for
D. with
      满分:5  分
9.  She has brought( )two children by herself.
A. 不填
B. up
C. on
D. away
      满分:5  分
10.  When a fire_______at the National Exhibition, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.
A. broke off
B. broke out
C. broke down
D. broke up
      满分:5  分
11.  We need_______the machine.
A. repairing
B. repair
C. repaired
D. to repair
      满分:5  分
12.  He is a kind-hearted and_______gentleman.
A. respective
B. respectable
C. respected
D. respectful
      满分:5  分
13.  The public transport system in many cities in the world_______by the local authority.
A. is still ran
B. are still run
C. are still ran
D. is still run
      满分:5  分
14.  – I'd like to know something about your life in Paris. – ( ).
A. You can tell me
B. I wonder if you can
C. I'll tell you
D. I wonder if you could
      满分:5  分
15.  Before she began to study at Beijing University, she_______in a factory for five years.
A. had worked
B. worked
C. has worked
D. would work
      满分:5  分
16.  – What would you like, tea or coffee? – ( ).
A. Yes, I would
B. Coffee, please
C. Yes, please
D. It's very nice
      满分:5  分
17.  Bush's farm_______is said to be at bottom of the state of Texas in north America.
A. street
B. road
C. lane
D. avenue
      满分:5  分
18.  More and more people in China now_______to work regularly.
A. drive
B. drives
C. drove
D. have driven
      满分:5  分
19.  – There is an hour to go. Could we sit somewhere to have a drink? – _______.
A. Have a try
B. Sure
C. Don't go, please
D. No, thanks
      满分:5  分
20.  – How's the movie? Interesting? – ( ).
A. It was shown late until midnight
B. It was starred by a few famous people
C. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV
D. I was seated far away in the corner
      满分:5  分



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