一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)V 1. The buyer and seller of a futures contract make their contract not with each other but with the ___ associated with the futures exchange.
A. commercial house
B. commission house
C. clear house
D. clearing house
满分:5 分
2. One economic function provided by futures exchanges is price risk management, also known as ___.
A. evasion
B. hiding
C. hedging
D. avoiding
满分:5 分
3. I’m afraid you have got a lot more questions to ___ me again.
A. fight
B. wait
C. ask for
D. challenge
满分:5 分
4. To be brief, a hedge is placed by taking a futures position opposite to the position held in the ___ market.
A. cash
B. share
C. stock
D. futures
满分:5 分
5. Because of overbuying, the shares have heavily___.
A. appreciated
B. overvalued
C. increaced
D. depreciated
满分:5 分
6. A long position involves inflows ___ than outflows in a currency.
A. smaller
B. greater
C. fewer
D. less
满分:5 分
7. You are right and you are ___ my mind.
A. watching
B. seeing
C. reading
D. knowing
满分:5 分
8. When you buy the corn on the cash market, you can ___ a futures contract of the same amount of corn on the futures market in anticipation of the corn price’s falling.
A. sell long
B. sell short
C. sell out
D. sell up
满分:5 分
9. A call is an option that gives the buyer the right to purchase the underlying futures contract at the ___ on or before the expiration rate.
A. final price
B. bet
C. agreed price
D. strike price
满分:5 分
10. In fact, when I bought the contract, the price was still falling ___ a week later.
A. until
B. before
C. unless
D. after
满分:5 分
11. The futures market is used primarily for either risk management or ___, and neither purpose requires delivery.
A. gamble
B. venture
C. speculation
D. adventure
满分:5 分
12. I think it’s time I ___ in on the action.
A. will get
B. get
C. got
D. have got
满分:5 分
13. Futures prices are ___ for delivering a designated quality and quantity of grain to a specified place and time.
A. quotes
B. quotations
C. cites
D. citations
满分:5 分
14. Foreign exchange dealing is more or less like a ___ gamble on exchange rates.
A. calculated
B. malicious
C. deliberate
D. on purpose
满分:5 分
15. In order to save the stock market from collapsing and to guarantee the financial repaying ability, the government will have to raise the ___.
A. exchange rate
B. profit
C. benefit
D. interest rate
满分:5 分
16. No actual commodity is physically traded on the futures market. Instead ___ are bought and sold.
A. futures contracts
B. shares
C. stocks
D. agreements
满分:5 分
17. Other market participants purchase options as a way to ___ on asset price movements.
A. contemplate
B. gamble
C. conjecture
D. speculate
满分:5 分
18. Parties who have bought a futures contract are said to have taken a ___ position.
A. big
B. short
C. full
D. long
满分:5 分
19. There are many ways to ___ analyze the futures market.
A. skillfully
B. craftily
C. methodically
D. technically
满分:5 分
20. A financial institution which has ___ of a shorter reprising period than its assets.
A. debts
B. hocks
C. liabilitiesshares
满分:5 分
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