一、单选题(共 14 道试题,共 70 分。)V 1. Where did they plan to escape?
A. Germany
B. Holland
C. France
D. Switzerland
满分:5 分
2. Who plays the character Maria?
A. Shirley Jones
B. Sandy Duncan
C. Julie Andrews
D. Audrey Hepburn
满分:5 分
3. What is the full name of Patrick Swayze’s character?
A. Sam Wilson
B. Sam Watts
C. Karl Wheat
D. Sam Wheat
满分:5 分
4. When the ghost from the train was teaching Sam how to move things, he told him to push from his what?
A. heart
B. organs
C. soul
D. gut
满分:5 分
5. What did Maria do in Von Trapp’s family?
A. servant
B. governess
C. guard
D. babysitter
满分:5 分
6. Where did the story happened in Sound of Music?
A. Salzburg Austria
B. Rome Italy
C. Paris France
D. London England
满分:5 分
7. Which of these was NOT one of the ways in which Rolf signed off his telegram to Liesl?
A. Truly
B. Cordially
C. Affectionately
D. Sincerely
满分:5 分
8. What brand name is on the shoe box with Patrick Swayze’s stuff?
A. Nike
B. Adidas
C. Converse
D. Reebok
满分:5 分
9. As an exchange for asking Maggie questions when they first met, what did Ike agree?
A. to pay for money
B. to invite her for dinner
C. to buy something for her
D. to have his hair washed
满分:5 分
10. What colour is Whoopi Goldberg’s suit when she visits the bank?
A. White
B. Blue
C. Pink
D. Lemon
满分:5 分
11. What did the father do ?
A. sea staff
B. president
C. captain
D. farm owner
满分:5 分
12. What was the Baroness’ first name?
A. Elise
B. Elsa
C. Else
D. Esme
满分:5 分
13. Where does the first dialogue in the movie take place?
A. In a corridor in the Abbey
B. In the Von Trapp home
C. Outside of the Abbey
D. Outdoors on the street
满分:5 分
14. There is a line in the film, "when the lord closes the door, somewhere he opens a ( )"
A. light
B. another door
C. book
D. window
满分:5 分
二、判断题(共 6 道试题,共 30 分。)V 1. The children were unhappy and resentful of the governesses before Maria.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
2. Von Trapp agreed to cooperate with Germany navy.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
3. Bob and Maggie got married at last.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
4. Bob and Maggie got married at last.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
5. Maggir is a catholic.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
6. Maggie likes big weddings.
A. 错误
B. 正确
满分:5 分
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