一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. The polie re trying to fin out the () of the womn kille in the trffi ient.
. eviene
. reognition
. sttus
. ientity
2. It gve me strnge feeling of exitement to see my nme in ().
. prospet
. print
. proess
. press
3. In the Meiterrnen sewee is so unnt n so esily hrveste tht it is never of gret ().
. fre
. pyment
. worth
. expense
4. fire engine must hve priority s it usully hs to el with some kin of ().
. preution
. risis
. emergeny
. urgeny
5. The or of the ompny hs eie to () its opertions to inlue ll spets of the lothing usiness.
. multiply
. lengthen
. expn
. streth
6. He ws suh () speker tht he hel our ttention every minute of the three-hour leture.
. speifi
. ynmi
. heroi
. iplomti
7. They lwys give the vnt sets to () omes first.
. whoever
. whomever
. who
. whom
8. His usiness ws very suessful, ut it ws t the () of his fmily life.
. onsumption
. reit
. exhustion
. expense
9. In orer to mke things onvenient for the people, the eprtment is plnning to set up some () shops in the resientil re.
. flowing
. rifting
. moile
. unstle
10. goo mny proposls were rise y the elegtes, () ws to e expete.
. tht
. wht
. so
. s
11. The mhine looke like lrge, (), ol-fshione typewriter.
. foreful
. lumsy
. intense
. triky
12. It ws the first time tht suh () h to e tken t ritish nuler power sttion.
. presenttion
. preution
. preprtion
. preition
13. The test results re eyon (); they hve een repete in ls ll over the worl.
. negotition
. onflit
. rgin
. ispute
14. nn ws reing piee of siene fition, ompletely () to the outsie worl.
. hving een lost
. to e lost
. losing
. lost
15. The () t the militry emy is so rigi tht stuents n hrly er it.
. onvention
. onfinement
. priniple
. isipline
16. euse of his exellent ministrtion, people live in pee n () n ll previously neglete mtters were tken re of.
. onvition
. ontest
. onsent
. ontent
17. The ompny is trying every mens to () the wholesle prie of its prouts.
. pull own
. put own
. set own
. ring own
18. The film provies eep () into wie rnge of humn qulifies n feelings.
. insight
. imgintion
. fny
. outlook
19. She keeps supply of nles in the house in se of power ().
. filure
. lk
. sene
. rop
20. There is () of imptiene in the tone of his voie.
. hint
. notion
. ot
. phrse
21. It is too erly to sy whether IM’s ompetitors will e le to () their prouts to the new hrwre t n fforle ost.
. pt
. stik
. yiel
. opt
22. Urn roweness woul e gretly relieve if only the () hrge on puli trnsport were more resonle.
. fees
. fres
. pyments
. osts
23. The news hs just () tht the presient is going to visit hin next month.
. ome own
. ome up
. ome out
. ome out
24. Vitmins re omplex () tht the oy requires in very smll mounts.
. mtters
. mterils
. prtiles
. sustnes
25. I ws so () in toy’s history lesson. I in’t unerstn thing.
. mze
. neglete
. onfuse
. muse