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发表于 2015-9-24 23:18:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; F; @% ?2 s- u: `* s% y4 u* Y4 q/ L1 P- {" O9 ^
: w" D4 t# t1 g6 R& m" Y! J

. C- `9 Q; R; R* M- n, C( v& |* W15秋学期《大学英语(三)》在线作业19 I. Y8 q  {/ f- Z7 q
       6 D2 M# f1 X  s! `
阅读理解 单选 完型填空
1 Y$ T( i' i7 v6 \* w7 b" ~. U! p
: |0 a. n5 R; x. P
# l# ?2 E9 ?- _, l( Q一、阅读理解(共 4 道试题,共 40 分。)( m) s0 c9 a* {# o  r2 M( I+ w) k
1.        New tehnology links the worl s never efore. Our plnet hs shrunk. It’s now  “glol villge” where ountries re only seons wy y fx or phone or stellite link. n. of ourse, our ility to enefit from this high-teh ommunitions equipment is gretly enhne y foreign lnguge skills. 2 {& W9 N& ~) }2 D# y
      eeply involve with this new tehnology is  ree of moern usinesspeople who hve  growing respet for the eonomi vlue of oing usiness ro. In moern mrkets, suess overses often helps support omesti usiness efforts.
/ Y% \& |( ^8 J" v$ I0 G      Overses ssignments re eoming inresingly importnt to vnement within exeutive rnks. The exeutive sttione in nother ountry no longer nee fer eing “out of sight n out of min.” He or she n e sure tht the overses effort is entrl to the ompny’s pln for suess, n tht promotions often follow or ompny n ssignment ro. If n employee n suee in  iffiult ssignment overses, superiors will hve greter onfiene in his or her ility to ope k in the Unite Sttes where ross-ulturl onsiertions n foreign lnguge issues re eoming more n more prevlent (普遍的). 9 i4 X4 V$ ~0 S# y' x- j
      Thnks to  vriety of reltively inexpensive ommunitions evies with usiness pplitions, even smll usinesses in the Unite Sttes re le to get into interntionl mrkets.
% g- d3 D! W. i" r) t      English is still the interntionl lnguge of usiness. ut there is n ever-growing nee for people who n spek nother lnguge.  seon lnguge isn’t generlly require to get  jo in usiness, ut hving lnguge skills gives  nite the ege when other qulifitions pper to e equl , \6 k  i9 s& w: v. w1 ?
      The employee poste ro who speks the ountry’s prinipl lnguge hs n opportunity to fst-forwr ertin negotitions, n n hve the ulturl insight to know when it is etter to move more slowly. The employee t the home offie who n ommunite well with foreign lients over the telephone or y fx mhine is n ovious sset to the firm.
  Y& ^* X$ o6 l- S1). Wht is the uthor’s ttitue towr high-teh ommunitions equipment?
9 \3 t: K7 G0 s( q" T/ v/ m2 v: [. ritil. + m3 h$ u6 n" z( M& i( t/ Z
. Inifferent.1 R# ~* z$ V- `  `6 b' q% w  i
. Prejuie.
2 t, \! Z- s3 u% X% D$ B' u. Positive.+ W* h- }- p) n! q) q
: \' \) f$ f: z! p2). With the inrese use of high-teh ommunitions equipment, usinesspeople ______.8 n1 v! X. R4 n- Q+ p; U5 S: Z1 D
. hve to get fmilir with moern tehnology
& z+ W1 }/ L+ \$ x. re gining more eonomi enefits from omesti opertions$ A4 e( ]# z( G" j# B' H) Y' d, O7 I
. re tthing more importne to their overses usiness
8 h1 [2 Z2 _$ Z$ L& D! [; Y# ?) H. re eger to work overses
$ I* V0 g' K/ t1 Q+ n+ g- b4 _7 ]# l-----------------选择:      4 e/ T, b: o% K2 A/ W& W, K
3). In this pssge, “out of sight n out of min” (Lines 2-3, Pr. 3) proly mens ____. 0 A0 _3 w6 @( v: A
. eing unle to think properly for lk of insight
. J9 ~# d0 \( H3 C. eing totlly out of touh with usiness t home
# i+ j$ u+ @5 ]6 j% Z  I: y$ t. missing opportunities for promotion when ro- M/ ^! p6 H- {$ G/ `+ B2 ^; E: n
. leving ll re n worry ehin
4 Y$ b4 F2 C  A8 _) f-----------------选择:      
" M+ |# c( o2 w2 l4). oring to the pssge, wht is n importnt onsiertion of interntionl orportions in employing people toy? 2 c  p& E: c) N4 o$ c2 @* D/ |
. onnetions with usinesses overses.8 l" j6 B& [5 m; q8 P% W
. ility to spek the lient’s lnguge.
5 M. m: H3 j6 r2 d% L9 y: {$ E7 G
! X3 ^% y% [# v& M. ^. Tehnil know-how.
4 _8 h- F$ m. V% F. usiness experiene.
9 x8 f5 @) L3 c1 C( R0 S  J-----------------选择:      + R3 o* n& @" x
5). The vntge of employees hving foreign lnguge skills is tht they n _______.( r3 i, ~# \/ [) f! `# }
. etter ontrol the whole negotition proess8 d" Q6 z0 H( `3 K* V9 X
. esily fin new pprohes to meet mrket nees
) Q8 H: T- V, Y. fst-forwr their proposls to hequrters
& |: s9 o; U7 s# w. \. esily mke friens with usinesspeople ro" U9 H/ ?1 [7 {" w9 O) t
+ p/ q* w5 m) \. Z2.  Like most people, I ws rought up to look upon life s  proess of getting. It ws not until in my lte thirties tht I me this importnt isovery: giving-wy mkes life so muh more exiting. You nee not worry if you lk money. This is how I experimente with giving-wy. If n ie for improving the winow isply of  neighorhoo store flshes to me, I step in n mke the suggestion to the storekeeper. One isovery I me out giving-wy is tht it is lmost impossile to give wy nything in this worl without getting something k, though the return often omes in n unexpete form. One Suny morning the lol post offie elivere n importnt speil elivery letter to my home, though it ws resse to me t my offie. I wrote the postmster  note of ppreition. More thn  yer lter I neee  post-offie ox for  new usiness I ws strting. I ws tol t the winow tht there were no oxes left, n tht my nme woul hve to go on  long witing list. s I ws out to leve, the postmster ppere in the oorwy. He h overher (无意中听到) our onverstion. “Wsn’t it you tht wrote us tht letter  yer go out elivering  speil elivery to your home?” I si yes. “Well, you ertinly re going to hve  ox in this post offie if we hve to mke one for you. You on’t know wht  letter like tht mens to us. We usully get nothing ut omplints.”
0 J2 w% L" v  c0 |) b% A7 f9 o0 p: X' F
1). From the pssge, we unerstn tht _________ .
7 n$ c; |- `* o4 e$ N. the uthor i not unerstn the importne of giving until he ws in lte thirties& {' K( d4 w6 e+ a; t; P# Z& v
. the uthor ws like most people who were mostly reeivers rther thn givers
) z+ S9 k2 O& Y8 ]. L/ n2 j6 V. I. u) }" A1 _6 y" }: c; s
. the uthor reeive the sme eution s most people uring his hilhoo
. u  a$ H5 b2 I  a. B
3 h: {: `' U4 Y& ]+ i' }. the uthor like most people s they looke upon life s  proess of getting
. g8 ]2 a; O" \  I4 H" Z0 C-----------------选择:      
+ p* s; |* A  K% K5 O2). oring to the uthor ___________ .
2 q5 y! u- p2 u. giving mens you will lk money9 y& m7 q* o& j2 k6 m
. the exitement of giving n ring you money
3 b) ?2 g% `+ k3 y' q$ ^) F
) @$ O; s, ?% u3 [/ }. you on't hve to e rih in orer to give. Q+ \0 K9 @2 r$ [( }- [! {

; x' U+ F1 ]- G8 O/ e.  when you give wy money, you will e rih
" q2 w7 V: X- ?( y-----------------选择:      7 e4 O; r0 b1 q' n7 E2 P
3). The uthor woul mke the suggestion to the storekeeper___________ .* q2 F6 U3 d) d( D1 [
.  in writing   
( c1 ]4 Y0 {- @, l" c8 H# ]3 p. in person: p2 g  R( ]- ?5 b% A
3 j( t: y4 |9 w( _0 T+ B: z* j
. in the winow isply   
- G" m% Z& u. u9 a& P4 o. out the neighorhoo
" K1 N; B% p* z  m6 N-----------------选择:      : }0 N, L2 |2 e& U
4). When the uthor neee  post-offie ox, _________ .
5 X7 k( e1 R5 U. he h to put his nme on  witing list7 {, J' ]+ I. D
. he wrote the postmster  note of ppreition
* U5 A9 d6 e+ ^# j$ X$ z4 q' H
) \: l* ]; Z) R0 h/ e. mny people h pplie for post-offie oxes efore him
& W+ a" [( R, x2 I- f& ]) k
# C; z* y3 n: T! j& e! G: U. he ske the postmster to mke one for him# f( _% m* P. f5 P+ E8 l+ ]5 }; H
; F* ?9 \) `) J, u4 G( _2 }9 k6 m! Q5). In reply to the postmster's question, the uthor si _________ .
3 h/ q1 B4 G8 W& l2 B. D. it ws the speil elivery
/ K! ~4 [3 u' Z. a* \" b   .    .    . # J% U0 C! g% c) I; j
. it ws the post-offie ox' p. {, K! B# k% M4 j4 ?: F" X% G
7 v5 a9 `' z/ q" i
. it ws the note of ppreition he wrote
' w% o. l; a3 ]$ C0 m
0 m! \: c* P/ T: y( H4 t1 u  n0 b. it ws he who wrote him  letter  yer go  ! a2 e5 K# {$ V/ C0 A+ r
5 `( {% D2 W; e, W: ?3.  sk Steveln Morris n he’ll tell you tht linness is not neessrily isling(残疾的). Steveln ws orn premturely(早产) n totlly without sight in 1950. He eme Steve Woner --- omposer, singer, n pinist. The winner of ten Grmmy wrs(格莱美奖), Steve is wiely lime for his outstning ontriutions to the musi worl.
3 b7 x7 K2 F- h' W. F' z/ X3 @s  hil, Steve lerne not to think out the things he oul not o, ut to onentrte on the things tht he oul o. His prents enourge him to join his sighte rothers in s mny tivities s possile. They lso helpe him to shrpen his sense of hering, the sense upon whih the visully isle re so epenent.# o1 W) f& W9 `) E% {2 j
euse soun ws so importnt to him, Steve egn t n erly ge to experiment with ifferent kins of soun. He woul ng things together n then imitte(模仿) the soun with his voie. Often relying on soun for entertinment, he sng, et on toy rums(鼓), plye  toy hrmoni(口琴), n listene to the rio.. |8 v7 h8 t; u
Steve soon grute from toy instruments to rel instruments. He first lerne to ply the rums. He then mstere the hrmoni n the pino. He eme  memer of the junior hurh hoir n  le singer. In the evenings n on weekens, Steve woul ply ifferent instruments n sing populr rhythm n lues (布鲁斯音乐)tunes on the front porhes of neighors’ homes. ( d+ @9 u6 q* B% E# e& a$ w
One of Steve’s sessions ws overher y Ronnie white,  memer of  populr singing group lle The Mirles. Ronnie immeitely reognize Steve’s tlent(才华) n took him to uition (试演) for erry Gory, the presient of Hitsville US,  lrge reoring ompny now known s Motown. Steve reore his first smsh hit(极为轰动的) “fingertips” in 1962 t ge twelve, n the rest of Steve’s story is musi history.
( R" O$ k" t" k' Y' o1). This pssge n e entitle (取名为)______ .8 |# R3 G  C# E* v: w3 V
. The Musi Worl
1 ]4 ^+ ~; ]' M. Steve Woner, i( P. {0 M9 ?6 h& u
. Gret Musiins
6 ]5 e" w$ ^3 h/ j3 S+ _  ~. lin People
0 T3 _7 a, i0 Q' J4 W+ l8 D5 L' V-----------------选择:      
7 N2 H# |2 d" k! d* n: C2). y sying “Steve soon grute from toy instruments to rel instruments”, the uthor mens tht ______ .
& C1 a( w, H' p+ |2 b; ?% L  Y; Z. Steve finishe his stuy t  toy instrument shool.6 ~1 t* O) d  }
. Steve egn to stuy in  rel instrument shool.# a! `( G5 Q! c( V4 |" z
. Steve gve up ll his toy instruments n egn to uy mny rel instruments.
! {3 d- P0 l7 W. Steve strte to ply rel instruments.$ _) g- t; w& _" @0 [# g
-----------------选择:      % [$ N# x% ^8 t+ n  F
3). Whih of the following sttements is NOT true out Steve’s hilhoo?3 \. \+ E8 K8 \& U) S) F
. Steve often tells people tht  lin person is not neessrily isle.
6 L0 v* r7 l* X2 p# }& G1 k2 L4 Q( Q. He lerne to onentrte on things tht he oul o.7 ]" O9 h# ?4 f' z( j7 |$ k
. He plye s often s possile with his rothers, who h norml sight.
6 e3 ]# e7 B% I5 ^2 Z5 K# a. He trie very hr to trin his sense of hering.) ~. D" b* N& R5 A. r" h
; u4 r2 y+ f. Y% R: M2 n4). The uthor mentions ll the following fts EXEPT tht ______ .
8 ]2 `" V6 n, F6 ], z. Steve’s neighors oul often enjoy his plying n singing.
; l. }+ |4 C7 B+ X0 n) u9 T. It ws Ronnie White tht reognize Steve’s tlent n le him to  suessful reer.
' n) ?" _4 W1 n- \; c. erry Gory helpe him set up his own reoring ompny. 6 K4 x+ q% G) ^  P1 p' i
. Steve’s prents plye  very importnt role in trining his sense of hering.
2 N1 Q) t! \( y7 k# N4 |; m9 `6 e-----------------选择:      3 x& W# N3 b4 K* R6 Y) _
5). The “Fingertips” ________ .
& ?$ P! c0 L, k4 o# T( z% B! O.  reore Steve’s musil performne tht won him instnt fme  
6 A  C7 c! w2 Z) [! H$ F/ S. ws  reor tht turne out to e  gret suess* g- p: k3 R8 |& ]
. rrie the messge tht the lin oul work mirles with their fingertips  
3 q$ h2 ^) B4 }2 E- w. ll of the ove  & M9 ~# |6 |; q
3 B  H' Y0 \# F9 B: W$ @4.     People living on prts of the south ost of Engln fe  serious prolem. In 1993, the owners of  lrge hotel n of severl houses isovere, to their horror, tht their grens h isppere overnight. The se h eten into the soft limestone liffs on whih they h een uilt. While experts were stuying the prolem, the hotel n severl houses isppere ltogether, sliing own the liff n into the se.
  ]0 w( }3 s5 Q9 _6 t; b# M" W    Erosion(侵蚀)of the white liffs long the south ost of Engln hs lwys een  prolem ut it hs eome more serious in reent yers. ozens of homes hve h to e none s the se hs rept frther n frther inln. Experts hve stuie the res most ffete n hve rwn up  mp for lol people, foresting the yer in whih their homes will e swllowe up y the hungry se. 0 ?1 C, |/ o4 \" [$ m& T" f
    ngry owners hve lle on the Government to eret se efenses to protet their homes. Government surveyors hve pointe out tht in most ses, this is impossile. New se wlls woul ost hunres of millions of pouns n woul merely mke the wves n urrents go further long the ost, shifting the prolem from one re to nother. The nger is likely to ontinue, they sy, until the wves reh n inln re of hr rok whih will not e eten s limestone is. Menwhile, if you wnt to uy  hep house with n unertin future, pply to  house gent in one of the thretene res on the south ost of Engln. You n get  house for  knokown prie ut it my turn out to e  knokown home.
% {' \  E9 R/ \1). Wht is the use of the prolem tht people living on prts of the south ost of Engln fe?
, E/ N! w/ q' [& }: L& w! x. The rising of the se level.+ W+ Q: W3 o* p. f7 [8 q9 o. f
. The experts’ lk of knowlege./ D7 K$ _) U! |& A9 F8 k2 |9 k; R. o
. The wshing-wy of limestone liffs   d" A! y1 a: L# Q7 j2 \" d0 y

4 i! m1 g  A3 y( W. The ispperne of hotels, houses n grens.) p+ K8 Z/ t) @. L' f
; m) ]6 W* \/ f+ _  n8 ?7 L% p2). The erosion of the white liffs in the south of Engln __________." I8 B6 p& e: y5 T- z9 f
. will soon eome  prolem for people living in entrl Engln
: \- ~( b. C9 h/ v8 R( a. hs now eome  thret to the lol resients
) q& i$ Y, u% P2 M+ M. n e stoppe if proper mesures re tken' H  {  H1 x) n  z" v5 C
. is quikly hnging the mp of Engln
8 w* E9 M# Y2 \/ X$ [" ~: v. ]# e, ^-----------------选择:      
& C# s8 h3 {" B0 x/ r6 F9 Q( Q4 q3). The experts’ stuy on the prolem of erosion to __________.
8 @1 o3 @( @5 B. wrn people whose homes re in nger. D% g3 S- M) h) x. n3 G# N
. provie n effetive wy to slow it own9 L2 p, h: D; K7 x+ ]
. he to its eventul solution7 I  t  s' \. i3 i  |! L2 p2 B
. le to its eventul solution4 u2 b  f# F+ }& _! T
-----------------选择:      / j1 g6 }5 c4 y; ?
4). It is not fesile to uil se efenses to protet ginst erosion euse __________.
1 G$ f5 E8 \) S+ Z. house gents long the ost o not support the ie 7 s  x0 H2 u8 H
. it is too ostly n will ennger neighouring res : H+ O. w5 v8 T# f; b9 E

3 i0 e4 |  K! o1 R; ^! {. the government is too slow in tking tion
  s* d3 T- Z( j0 T- C. Y# k% n: ?/ S. they will e esily knoke own y wves n urrents
: G* P+ l# x6 A7 h, B  R-----------------选择:      1 C% z: {; n% S8 Z" t
5). oring to the uthor, when uying  house long the south ost of Engln, people shoul _________.
9 x- Y- V/ @, J0 l' h' l/ b4 {, O. tke the qulity of the house into onsiertion
5 y) Q8 w* l" P, G. gur ginst eing hete y the house gent9 m- f! P: @! V9 J; S5 _7 t  N
. exmine the house refully efore mking  eision- i* H/ ?0 [# e0 M1 s5 S4 L
. e wre of the potentil nger involve/ }3 _+ a6 Y2 ^# }9 n  k  I, r
-----------------选择:      3 L6 _* k5 @& w. d
& H( J/ Q9 W) T2 A6 a       2 m+ q- X7 C, w5 s% P* t  l
阅读理解 单选题 完型填空 3 y# {6 r3 p! c
" l3 k  E, l0 f8 Q$ o
5 F: z. v3 W8 r$ ^! \1 T: c- y
二、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 45 分。)8 `1 r, T+ z3 _
1.  — Tht mn lone over there---who is he?% P( p$ U4 Z7 F7 `/ T& V
— _________________ .
* _% L  O/ E% U: S- v. He is  stuent; H* h$ q2 g4 p: O1 \  I
. He is otor rown& U* q8 ~% W! y' _5 T
.  river, I suppose
) \6 C, h  X4 Y* C' C1 t. He's runk7 U% ]  x" V' @! U. ^# q; }& s
: N( n* {1 u4 i! E3 i# w1 _. _2.  Not until I egn to work _________ how muh time I h wste.
9 [6 w- D; \# F4 V; r. hve I relize      % [7 n% m8 c1 b" c% S. z# t
. i I relize
* \, o. p7 y0 {) Q* q
  ]9 j/ n6 D6 ?" l. I hve relize& m- g% b9 }- b. y9 g. E; P/ ^
. I relize
# r# z4 |, m. E-----------------选择:      ( l+ E: B& x/ J+ g. T( }$ b+ e
3.  He’s etermine to finish the jo _______ long it tkes.
. D( {0 _  b- p8 H- I& h% A. no mtter
3 i5 B) v$ w6 ]+ Q( T5 ?6 ?; v4 T. however5 B# H( ?3 f1 s" Z. c4 ~; X) p7 d  D
. wherever
# L% J+ U8 D3 a- Q. @. whtever& i; ^( S3 \1 q# \& F% _8 R
-----------------选择:      * X; u/ {; l. y% c( s
4.  11. The fire ws finlly rought uner ontrol, ut not _______ extensive mge h een use.! P2 Z7 e1 F3 _' C3 s! L
. , E* y. S4 I; L0 x& A0 J  t
efore            , d$ q8 ?1 m' O% j5 _) M/ T
. sine            
0 `& Q4 V: x: S# J.       fter               ) ~  R- _4 M  f" u& J  P$ b
. s. u; v: k" |' K# V# I! B5 ]6 c  t; j0 ^4 m
3 {  I0 x; u$ w) z/ U) g5.  —Hello, my. How’s everything?2 N" X: X, Y1 C; Q+ r- b; _
0 }' b( c) L6 C+ z! t. Just so so. 9 h* @9 ^; s3 }7 D. O
. Tht’s right.
+ J% V7 u9 m3 x- Q. How re you?
) Y+ A! F$ }, E" r3 T$ G1 p( R( |! [. Goo to see you.
1 v! B0 h% J8 A0 j-----------------选择:      
6 C9 p) V& W3 r4 n6 n" K6.  8 The uthor of the report is well ________ with the prolems in the hospitl euse he hs een working there for mny yers.
% ]% Y  [; y- T7 U/ Y6 Y. M4 p( t' A

* |! U# ~: `9 R* |$ m.  informe" L+ `0 z5 i$ U2 Q2 h$ |
.  quinte
. m* c& g7 X4 x. }: m' R* ]3 ^, f- I0 k
. enlightene: h% X* d* y# h+ ^: n

& x6 [% N8 ~6 ?$ X6 t4 z2 j.  knowlege
# H$ \. G9 O9 w$ \; d1 q-----------------选择:      ' u! {; D: e; F2 `
7.  ! s( c) s$ L+ h( I0 h
Mny experts elieve tht this ountry’s eonomy is on the ______ of ollpse.# `7 V' B& e! N* ?  ~
. ege: e, p' ]* L) G& l6 {9 ?. l+ m5 L
. limit  
- ?7 u2 w! `. q7 h. y; F. j. prt  $ N" p/ B1 H5 }# u# O2 o: y
5 a8 }  [# |" Z" r' }7 J& {" Tegree
2 w" u+ i- T' A# M-----------------选择:      
  |! J7 N  s3 Y; n% }8.  17. In ft, Peter woul rther hve left for Sn Frniso thn ______ in New York.
' ]* e. x  w; q3 ?- Z' s. Q) E2 M1 I* c8 ~9 K
. to sty
1 Y5 l3 m, n# a! ~: m! \' X9 k. stye ' n" b& J9 N5 Z- {8 T

& P3 d; {4 v, A9 p0 \# [.  stying ' J- p) X; p! h! ^5 h

( |% a0 ]' ~& n6 w6 i& D. hving stye
/ D: C' z: [6 V2 A% [7 ]-----------------选择:        E2 \# A# Z: E8 t0 c' z: W
9.  20. Jk wishes tht he _______ usiness inste of history when he ws in university.) X  [: j* G7 t
" ~0 D& ^, X; K9 x% D stuie                                              . e: B/ P9 Z/ E1 x; T
. stuy 9 U- a; q# f4 _: A$ u' j9 k
. 9 A% b+ [9 L8 I7 U2 e) \
h een stuying                     
) v* ~8 P# x4 k5 ?- @& d. h stuie
$ h" M! q8 T* U- l: X6 u-----------------选择:      8 \7 I& X0 Y* P7 D$ e8 C! i
10.  ______, the ouple stye up lte reing.
; W& |7 A% E: j% `7 M: q) ^0 q6 F  a) b
. s they were tire      - x2 h# W  u# U) j6 J
. lthough they re tire   
  q8 f+ X2 |+ J  i; I: J) y" n% ^4 q5 F* F
. Tire s they were        9 v- m* X' s5 v0 G" }$ f, |0 t
. Tire s they re7 D, s" q) x( O$ y) E3 |/ I
2 P$ F& ~- w& X+ X; n11.  The monitor si to Tom tht two other stuents woul e on uty _______ him." |6 u2 K3 f5 Y6 A8 B! I) B/ R- `- l
. exept   4 W0 U$ Y$ s, K
. esies& m, Q" g: z6 X8 X7 m+ P
. eyon $ q6 _& r, `; r  j1 \6 s' X* r
. long# j. s) L/ G6 ]5 A2 s, M
-----------------选择:      ) K- @( b0 p: O  b+ j, V6 j. ~
12.  — o you min if I join you?6 G/ Z8 h  R8 n# e" P
   — _________________ .
) M' p7 b5 u8 _.  I'm very hppy to o so    " T' i+ K. z3 P+ T
. Never min' v* ]1 m2 ~# H8 ~
. Plese o      : n4 Z' T* o% ^4 Z
. Oh, I n't4 D8 \( H" A/ O! K2 L; K
! s: {1 {! a( w+ e  {8 u13.  3 The lwyer vise him to rop the ________, sine he stns little hne to win.
' a- v) \, x1 G9 e2 g( w  p( X) v; c8 R( M6 d# Y& O
.  event
/ L1 D- T$ o8 K# j6 s% {
/ L1 b3 K1 y1 A.  inient
- X- a- O3 W4 H. a
4 \0 S6 |. z! D. se
+ e0 T/ Q: C; A* Q; V.  ffir
' u8 P1 c# |: J# T5 r5 b-----------------选择:      ' v: g0 q8 Q/ h- d9 I# p  i
14.  11. It is importnt tht the hotel reeptionist _______ tht guests re registere orretly.
+ G8 I6 l; K0 F' z
& V  k: ~" k# E
! L, e+ c  v  P  o$ i: J.  hs me sure
) f' S/ c3 b0 g* I" Q3 b8 t.  me sure
/ h' Y1 t' g* Z7 }* e' _
4 P. p" q* `7 z. must mke sure2 m. n3 R- n: ^, Y. ^& y& X
.  mke sure # L$ Z  o, C4 i. @- G) w0 G  q) E) }

3 N8 m$ Q5 _- Q3 {-----------------选择:      * t& H- j- o7 {7 j/ t* ~" J% X
15.  12. If this kin of fish eomes _______, future genertions my never tste it t ll.
7 X) W- n7 X  s! Y6 j2 C& d8 f. ~1 f, U
, G9 ]9 X4 ~& ^; k$ U* N
.  minimum
6 R: ]( r1 C0 _  H* N: K. O8 J.  short& h$ p6 O: c1 W0 l
.  selom9 v7 }0 V/ }1 W3 _  v' H2 ]) i
. sre
5 v9 \# D# ]7 x- T8 v-----------------选择:      " h0 u+ I; ?" G7 H/ T) A+ b+ l
15秋学期《大学英语(三)》在线作业1- U  B3 T. N4 B
       % j# }! N" @$ o3 A
阅读理解 单选题 完型填空
" e5 K2 J+ z& N7 C* i& r7 W! |  Z' _5 H1 u- q* G! N

: V5 A. v% h& f3 y- t0 u三、完型填空(共 1 道试题,共 15 分。)( y  y8 K* H2 }# X4 W6 e% S
1.  The wy tht people greet eh other iffers from one ountry to nother, ut ll greetings re __1__ to show frienship n respet. In Jpn, whether meeting someone for the first time or __2__ n ol frien, people usully greet eh other with  ow. In Frne, the wy to greet friens is with  kiss on oth __3__. ut possily the most __4__ wy to greet  frien is the one use y Eskimos in lsk---n enthusisti ruing of noses! More n more, however, the __5__ is eoming the most populr greeting roun the worl.
: z1 M7 v* ~3 j, a+ }1). / q) O/ M9 ^! i/ P3 h- ~1 {$ ^' F$ C* @
. heeks8 q9 ]- i# B. J; Q) Z4 X  x
. ment
' l/ s! Y% r, t4 J. hnshke
! q3 |( M2 x7 S5 L, |. unusul' a; ]& ?1 i4 b: B$ v+ ]# S
E. seeing$ x' b2 @8 m. z0 D7 X

. K) h  \3 @& ]  r2 v-----------------选择:      $ T! f# b8 i) c0 a9 D
2). / q: ]0 {' f" ~0 l' O, f
. heeks/ l# l. @% S8 r- v; F
. ment
+ J: e0 @! S6 \. `. hnshke) N! @, U, X; T( C) m# h
. unusul3 ~" z9 u$ ]+ T% {9 ]0 Y
E. seeing1 \9 C  o+ ]% Y$ h. G! \; X
-----------------选择:E      - M9 q  L0 Q1 m5 Q7 H2 R
3). 6 ^8 |* i0 d/ `5 U$ _) w. w
. heeks
8 S0 l5 ^1 u" g- o: a, @: n. ment
7 ]9 \/ n* z0 M% R* Y) o. hnshke
, j5 O+ B, u' f. ], Q  R5 j* Q; l2 A. unusul
* C  j. e8 X2 C3 r- pE. seeing
2 u8 l: y6 b& L' y4 J-----------------选择:      ) q9 x& l0 ~6 K7 y
2 O4 q; v  k' L3 Z! c. heeks
# S, V( G, `& v" s; v  S! m% g. ment
6 q. @, o8 }( W! z- t. hnshke2 D* [+ ~( {8 G5 f& z. v' @; I
. unusul
4 {" o0 f& p: N. F( dE. seeing
' z* Z; \4 H$ F) |; h3 b! \3 w-----------------选择:      $ O9 G$ P/ K5 z
5). ' A9 J7 d' o2 \
. heeks : T: D! q0 ^# B6 x# U( [& P
. ment
0 T( M  K* L) J/ h7 Q1 o% Y8 A8 L. B. hnshke' B# o) e. G& a, B
. unusul
* B. T9 T2 p7 s) e* W0 `9 @  _E. seeing+ e6 k" ^3 p* a- Y( H' h
2 Q; c8 p# X$ k) C


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