一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. In ritin popl _____________ four million tons of pottos vry yr.
. swllow
. ispos
. onsum
. xhust
2. _______ in rnt sin omptition, th thr stunts wr wr sholrships totling $21,000.
. Jug th st
. Juging th st
. To jug th st
. Hving jug th st
3. I ________ you tht I h no intntion of offning you.
. ssur
. onvin
. prsu
. gurnt
4. vrything w t n rink ontins som slt; w n mt th oy’s n for it from nturl sours without turning _______ th slt ottl.
. up
. to
. on
. ovr
5. If it ____ for thir support, w woul in vry iffiult position.
. is not
. wrn’t
. ws not
. not
6. lot of nts r lwys inving my kithn. Thy r thorough ___________.
. nuisn
. troul
. worry
. nxity
7. W shoul r th ily prss to kp ____ urrnt vnts.
. unr
. trk of
. fith with
. ount of
8. Whil popl my rfr to tlvision for up-to-minut nws, it is unlikly tht tlvision _____ th nwsppr ompltly.
. rpl
. rpl
. hv rpl
. will rpl
9. You ____ tht r with th rks out of orr. You might hv h srious int.
. ought to riv
. oughtn’t o riv
. ought to hv rivn
. oughtn’t to hv rivn
10. In prpring sintifi rports of lortory xprimnts, stunt shoul _____ his finings in logil orr n lr lngug.
. furnish
. propos
. ris
. prsnt
11. You will wnt two trs out tn ft prt, from _____ to suspn your tnt.
. thr
. whih
. thm
. whr
12. Th otor tol Pnny tht too muh ____ to th sun is for th skin.
. xposur
. xtnsion
. xhiition
. xpnsion
13. Th omputr rvolution my wll hng soity s _____________ s i th Inustril Rvolution.
. rtinly
. insignifintly
. funmntlly
. omprtivly
14. Turn on th tlvision or opn mgzin n you _____ vrtismnts showing hppy, ln fmilis.
. r oftn sing
. will oftn s
. oftn s
. hv oftn sn
15. If only w _____ s w wr tol! This woul nvr hv hppn.
. woul o
. h on
. o
. i
16. H long to visit ijing, ___ h rm out it.
. muh so tht
. so muh so muh
. muh so muh tht
. so muh so tht
17. I us to smok ____ ut I gv it up thr yrs go.
. sriously
. hvily
. ly
. svrly
18. W in‘t know his tlphon numr, othrwis w _____ him.
. woul hv tlphon
. woul tlphon
. must hv tlphon
. h tlphon
19. W tk our skin for grnt until it is urn _____________ rpir.
. yon
. for
. without
. unr
20. Som womn ______________ goo slry in jo inst of stying hom, ut thy i not to work for th sk of th fmily.
. must mk
. shoul hv m
. woul mk
. oul hv m
21. Th nois ws trril, ut I h to liv ___ it.
. with
. through
. own
. on
22. Hrly _________ wll on th tst, so th thr xplin th lsson gin.
. i ny of th stunts o
. woul ny of th stunts o
. ny of th stunts i
. ny of stunts h on
23. ll th popl in this villg hv lk hir. Thy ll ___ h othr.
. rsml s
. rsml with
. rsml
. rsml from
24. Rlizing tht h hn‘t nough mony n _____ to orrow from his fthr, h i to sll his wth.
. not wnt
. not to wnt
. not wnting
. wnting not
25. I’ll nvr forgt _______ you for th first tim.
. to mt
. mting
. to hv mt
. hving to mting