一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. Susn wnts to know whthr th msurs hv n gr______.
. to
. upon
. ginst
. ovr
2. xus m, ut it is tim to hv your tmprtur_____.
. tking
. to tk
. tk
. tkn
3. Th thr hours I spnt in th shool lirry_____ my ol pssion for ring.
. rought out
. rought ovr
. rought forth
. rough k
4. Hr r som toys. You n_____ on or two for your littl son s irthy gift from m.
. singl out
. pik out
. tk out
. work out
5. Though Jn m to work toy, sh ws snt for wk. Sh _____ sik.
. must hv n
. my
. oul
. might
6. I ws _____ to fin his rtil on suh n_____ topi so _____.
. surpris, xit, or
. surprising, xit, or
. surprising, xiting, oring
. surpris, xiting, oring
7. t th onfrn h xprss som prsonl viws whih ltr rought him into_____ with th Prty lrship.
. onflit
. tion
. powr
. risis
8. Mn must stop_____ th rth‘s tmosphr.
. filling
. mitting
. wsting
. polluting
9. Lt‘s hng up som pintings on ths _____ wlls.
. mpty
. r
. vnt
. lnk
10. onsumrs shoul o _____ thn simply omplin out th poor qulity of goos.
. muh lss
. fr mor
. som mor
. fr lss
11. I‘m lt. I ws ______ y th trffi.
. hl off
. hl on
. hl up
. hl out
12. on‘t _____ to lt m know if thr is nything I n o for you.
. hsitt
. rjt
. prvnt
. rfus
13. Thy isuss th prolm thr or four tims, ut oul om to no _____.
. n
. jugmnt
. onlusion
. rsult
14. t th gining of this smstr, our history profssor_____ list of ooks for us to r.
. m out
. hn in
. pss on
. fish out
15. Thr _____ only two ppls lft. W _____ finish thm up.
. is, n
. r, might s wll
. r, might wll
. r, h ttr to
16. You _____ to town to s th film ystry. It will on TV tonight.
. nn‘t go
. shoul not go
. h ttr not go
. nn‘t hv gon
17. _____ it is you‘v foun, you must giv it k to th prson it longs to.
. Whtvr
. Tht
. Wht
. Howrvr
18. Unfortuntly, vry fw shp______ th svr wintr lst yr.
. surviv
. nur
. spnt
. rmin liv
19. s gstur of protst ginst th inrs in tuition fs, th stunts i______ th Prsint‘s offi.
. to sit on in
. to sit t
. to sit on t
. to sit in t
20. ik, somthing importnt hs hppn. I wish to_____.
. tlk ovr it
. tlk it ovr with you
. tlk ovr
. tlk you with it.
21. You_____ your vis xtn for it xpirs.
. h ttr to gt
. h to gt
. h ttr gt
. h ttr got
22. If Jk h not n ly hurt in r int, _____ in lst month‘s mrthon r.
. h woul hv prtiipt
. h must hv prtiipt
. h might prtiipt
. h woul prtiipt
23. Thousns of popl_____ to s th pr.
. turn off
. turn out
. turn up
. turn ovr
24. I _____ hr to th prty ut I in‘t know hr wll.
. shoul invit
. my hv invit
. woul hv invit
. ought hv invit
25. Th tm rlly looks goo tonight us th oh h thm_____ vry night this wk.
. prti
. to prti
. prti
. prtiing