1. 第二次作业问题15
. t lini.
. t rsturnt.
. In suprmrkt.
. In n i rm shop.
2. 第二次作业问题18
. Th womn n't tolrt ny nois.
. Th mn is looking for n prtmnt.
. Th mn hs miss his ppointmnt.
. Th womn is going to tk trin trip.
3. 第二次作业问题21
. Th womn thinks Mr.Sunrs is sking for mor thn thy n offr.
. Mr.Sunrs will shr on thir of th womn's rsponsiilitis.
. Mr.Sunrs livs tht h srvs mor pi vtions.
. Th womn sms to stisfi with Mr.Sunrs' pst xprin
4. 第二次作业问题11
. Th girls got on wll with h othr.
. It's unrstnl tht girls on't gt long.
. Sh ws ngry with th othr young strs.
. Th girls lk th ourg to fight.
5. 第二次作业问题27
. To solv th prolm of lk of ln.
. To s whthr thy hv y.
. To follow th Grk rligious prti.
. To mov thm to multi-Story
6. 第二次作业问题23
. Th lturrs r oring.
. Th ours is poorly sign.
. Sh prfrs Philosophy to nglish.
. Sh njoys litrtur mor.
7. 第二次作业问题26
. Rnt grv.
. urn th oy.
. ury th nr hurh.
. uy pi of ln for grv.
8. 第二次作业问题22
. Sh's worri out th sminr.
. Th mn kps intrrupting hr.
. Sh fins it too hr.
. Sh lks intrst in it.
9. 第二次作业问题17
. Th mn hs nvr sn th womn for.
. Th two spkrs work for th sm ompny.
. Th two spkrs work in th sm floor.
. Th womn is intrst in mrkt rsrh.
10. 第二次作业问题25
. hnging hr mjor.
. Spning lss of hr prnts' mony.
. Gtting trnsfrr to th nglish prtmnt.
. Lving th univrsity.