一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. 第三次作业问题19
. y rising ttl.
. y working on frms.
. y working in ftoris.
. y rising shp.
2. 第三次作业问题4
. Young popl r too quik in mking isions.
. Young popl slom sty long on th sm jo.
. Young popl los thir jos sily.
. Young popl r too gr to su.
3. 第三次作业问题11
. It oul hlp popl of ll gs to voi nr.
. It ws minly mnt for nr ptints.
. It might ppl mor to viwrs ovr 40.
. It ws frquntly intrrupt y ommrils.
4. 第三次作业问题17
. It is ompltly flt.
. It hs fw rivrs.
. It hs mny lrg lks.
. It is hilly.
5. 第三次作业问题16
. Sh ws snt ll wk owing to siknss.
. Sh ws sriously injur in r int.
. Sh ll to sy tht hr husn h n hospitliz.
. Sh h to wy from shool to ttn to hr husn.
6. 第三次作业问题9
. Ystry.
. Thr ys go.
. Two ys go.
. rly lst wk.
7. 第三次作业问题10
. Sh got up ltr thn usul.
. Th us ws lt.
. Sh forgot sh h lsss.
. Hr lok ws slow.
8. 第三次作业问题15
. Sh slom rs ooks from ovr to ovr.
. Sh is intrst in ring novls.
. Sh r only prt of th ook.
. Sh ws gr to know wht th ook ws out.
9. 第三次作业问题7
. H h to work ovrtim.
. H ws hl up in trffi.
. His r rn out of gs.
. H h trffi int.
10. 第三次作业问题20
. t shool.
. From thir prnts.
. From ooks.
. In ftoris.
11. 第三次作业问题6
. roun 5:00.
. roun 3:00.
. t 2:00.
. t 1:00.
12. 第三次作业问题12
. Th mn is fon of trvling.
. Th womn is photogrphr.
. Th womn took lot of piturs t th ontst.
. Th mn mirs th womn’s tlnt in writing.
13. 第三次作业问题1
. Go out to work.
. Listn rfully to John.
. lm n ptint.
. o th sist thing.
14. 第三次作业问题3
. Th otor won’t s hr tomorrow.
. Th otor is usy tomorrow.
. Th otor is usy ll y toy.
. Th otor will s hr toy.
15. 第三次作业问题13
. Th mn rgrts ing snt-min.
. Th womn sv th mn som troul.
. Th mn pl th ring list on sk.
. Th womn mpti th wst ppr skt.
16. 第三次作业问题2
. H osn’t lik to tlk.
. H is vry kin mn.
. H is frinly.
. H is not plsnt prson.
17. 第三次作业问题18
. Th soil hs n ovrwork.
. Th limt is ol.
. Th wthr is too ry.
. Th soil is sny.
18. 第三次作业问题5
. Sh flt it ws tiring.
. Sh flt it ws vry ni.
. Sh thought it took lss tim.
. Sh thought it ws xpnsiv.
19. 第三次作业问题8
. John Smith isn’t in right now.
. John Smith n’t om to th phon right now.
. John Smith osn’t wnt to spk to th llr.
. Th llr il th wrong numr.
20. 第三次作业问题14
. H quit thing in Jun.
. H hs lft th rmy rntly.
. H opn rsturnt nr th shool.
. H hs tkn ovr his rothr’s usinss.