一、多选题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)
1. Som thniqus r invnt to mk th jos mor stisfying, inluing___.
. jo rottion
. jo nlrgmnt
. jo nrihmnt
. jo rsign
2. ___hv long n rgr y th hins s th most importnt ftors for suss.
. Humn unity
. pproprit timing
. Fvorl lolity
. Goo luk
3. silly, thr r thr typs of omputrs, thy r ___.
. minfrm omputr
. miniomputr
. miroomputr
. mroomputr
4. ounting prtis fll into ___.
. puli
. privt
. govrnmnt
. prson
5. Thr r silly thr typs of onomi systms in th worl___.
. pitlism
. soilism
. fulism
. ommunism
6. Lrg orgniztions, in gnrl, hv svrl lvls of mngmnt:
. hif xutiv offir
. ivision mngrs
. suprvisors
7. In pur omptition, thr r___onitions.
. th numr of firms in tht inustry must xtrmly lrg
. ll th firms must smll in siz so tht non lon n influn th pri
. thir prouts must highly similr to on nothr so tht ustomrs rgr thm s intil
. it must vry
8. fiiny ns r___.
. physiologil ns
. surity ns
. soil ns
. slf-tuliztion ns
9. In pur omptition, thr r___onitions.
. th numr of firms in tht inustry must xtrmly lrg
. ll th firms must smll in siz so tht non lon n influn th pri
. thir prouts must highly similr to on nothr so tht ustomrs rgr thm s intil
. it must vr
10. Th rols of govrnmnt r___.
. rgultor
. omptitor
. promotr
. prottor
二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。)
1. s piwork ws th mjor form of mnul work t tht tim, Tylor sign iffrntil py systm for piworkrs in orr to mk his thory mor fftiv.
. 错误
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2. Thr r thr typs of uthority rltions.
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3. orgniztions with just fw lvls r oftn rfrr to s tll orgniztions.
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4. In pursuing funtionl gols, iffrnt prtmnts oftn los sight of th orgniztion’s gols, n no on is totlly ountl for th finl outom s whol.
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5. h iggst vntg of on-th-jo trining is tht th trining n onut without th istrtions oftn foun t work sits.
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6. If firm hs on goo jo in humn rsours mngmnt, th numr of mploys who fil to mt th firm’s xpttion will vry smll.
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7. Informtion is rw fts n figurs, whih r usully gthr from osrvtion or msurmnt.
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8. In onomis, th rsours tht r us to prou goos n srvis r ll ftors of proution.
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9. trmining “who will o wht jo” n “how popl oing th jos r group togthr” is th first stp in orgnizing usinss ntrpris.
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10. It is gnrlly gr tht th first rvling stuis on humn rltions wr m twn 1932 n 1943 t th Hwthorn Works Plnt of th Wstrn ltri ompny.
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