一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. Whih of th following is tkn from John Kts'O to Nightingl?
. "uty is truth, truth uty."
. "rth hs not nything to show mor fir."
. "Thy r oth gon up to th hurh to pry."
. "ws it vision, or wking rm?"
2. Th Vitorin g ws lrgly n g of___ , minntly rprsnt y ikns n Thkry.
. potry
. rm
. pros
. pi pros
3. Th litrry hrtrs of th mrin typ in rly 19th ntury r gnrlly hrtriz y ll th following fturs XPT tht thy
. spk lol ilts
. r polit n lgnt gntlmn
. r simpl n ru frmrs
. r nol svgs(r n whit) untint y soity
4. "If Wintr oms, n Spring fr hin?" is n pigrmmti lin y
. J. Kts
. W. lk
. W. Worsworth
. P. . Shlly
5. mily ikinson wrot mny short poms on vrious spts of lif. Whih of th following is NOT usul sujt of hr poti xprssion?
. Rligion n immortlity
. Lif n th
. Lov n mrrig
. Wr n p
6. Whn i Willim Fulknr win Nol Pri for Litrtur?
. 1939
. 1949
. 1940
. 1950
7. Whitmn's poms r hrtriz y ll th following fturs XPT ______ .
. th strit poti form
. th fr n nturl rhythm
. th sy flow of flings
. th simpl n onvrstionl lngug
8. "This is my lttr to th Worl" is poti xprssion of mily ikinson's___ out hr ommunition with th outsi worl.
. iniffrn
. ngr
. nxity
. sorrow
9. Th Romnti writrs woul fous on ll th following issus XPT th in th mrin litrry history.
. iniviul flings
. i of survivl of th fittst
. strong imgintion
. rturn to ntur
10. In Hwthorn's novls n short storis, intlltuls usully ppr s _______.
. ommnttors
. osrvrs
. villins
. sviors
11. In My 1945, risr join th ___
. mrin rpulin
. lor prty
. morti prty
. ommunist prty
12. Th Hmingwy o hros r st rmmr for thir
. instrutil spirit
. pssimisti viw of lif
. wr xprins
. msulinity
13. Wlt Whitmn ws pionring figur of mrin potry. His innovtion first of ll lis in his us of , potry without fix t or rgulr rhym shm.
. ln vrs
. hroi ouplt
. fr vrs
. imi pntmtr
14. "I hv no monrh in my lif." this ws si y___
. Wlt Whitmn
. Rort Frost
. John kts
. mily ikinson
15. Whn Rort Frost ws 87, h r his potry t th inugurtion of Prsint___
. ush
. Knny
. linton
. Fort
16. You my hv mt th trm "Yhoo" on intrnt, ut you my lso hv mt it in nglish litrtur .It is foun in _____
. John unyn's Pilgrim's Progrss
. Smul Johnson's Th Vnity of Humn Wishs
. Jonthn Swift's Gullivr's Trvls
. Hnry Filing's tom Jons
17. ___is th first importnt govrnss novl in th nglish litrry history.
. Jn yr
. mm
. Wuthring Hights
. Milmrh
18. With Howlls, Jms, n Mrk Twin tiv on th litrry sn, ___m th mjor trn in mrin litrtur in th svntis n ightis of th 19th ntury.
. Sntimntlism
. romntiism
. rlism
. nturlism
19. mong th grt Mil nglish pots, Goffry hur is known for his proution of
. Pirs Plowmn
. Sir Gwin n th Grn Knight
. onfssio mntis
. Th ntrury Tls
20. Of th following mrin pots in th twntith ntury, th on who hs th st knowlg of hins ultur is _______.
. Rort Frost
. lln Ginsrg
. zr Poun
. . . ummings