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发表于 2015-11-1 16:59:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1.  mrins r poun of thir vrity n iniviulity, yt thy lov n rspt fw things mor thn  uniform, whthr it is th uniform of n lvtor oprtor or th uniform of  fiv-str gnrl. Why r uniforms so populr in th Unit Stts? mong th rgumnts for uniforms, on of th first is tht in th ys of most popl thy look mor profssionl thn ivilin(百姓的)loths. Popl hv om onition to xpt suprior qulity from  mn who wrs  uniform. th tlvision rpirmn who wrs uniform tns to inspir mor trust thn on who pprs in ivilin loths. Fith in th skill of  grg mhni is inrs y  uniform. Wht sir wy is thr for  nurs,  polimn,  rr, or  witr to los profssionl intity(身份)thn to stp out of uniform? Uniforms lso hv mny prtil nfits. Thy sv on othr loths. Thy sv on lunry ills. Thy r tx-util(可减税的). Thy r oftn mor omfortl n mor url thn ivilin loths. Primry mong th rgumnts ginst uniforms is thir lk of vrity n th onsqunt loss of iniviulity xprin y popl who must wr thm. Though thr r mny typs of uniforms, th wrr of ny prtiulr typ is gnrlly stuk with it, without hng, until rtirmnt. Whn popl look lik, thy tn to think, spk, n t similrly, on th jo t lst. Uniforms lso giv ris to som prtil prolms. Though thy r long-lsting, oftn thir initil xpns is grtr thn th ost of ivilin loths. Som uniforms r lso xpnsiv to mintin, rquiring profssionl ry lning rthr thn th hom lunring possil with mny typs of ivilin loths. Qustionring to th pssg, popl wring uniforms ____.
. r usully hlpful
. hv littl or no iniviul from
. tn to los thir iniviulity
. njoy grtr populrity
2.  ftr this first urst of rtiv nrgy, th mrins wnt long, North n South, for out  ntury with littl hng in thir nming-hits. ilil nms ontinu to giv olor in Nw ngln, ut lswhr it ws prtiulrly tru with womn's nms, in th mil n southrn olonis, n th xssiv us of lizth, nn, Mry, n Srh ws only sv y th lso lirl us of vritions suh s tsy, Slly, Nnny, Nny, n Molly. Th grt Grmn immigrtion of th rly ightnth ntury h som influn. Johnn, oftn shortn to Hns, ws y fr th ommonst nm mong ths Grmns, with Joo n Hinrih following. xpt whr popl ontinu to tlk Grmn, ths nms wr rpily ngliiz, n so inrs th populrity of John, Joo, n Hnry. Th Soth-Irish immigrtion lso xrt n influn y uiling up th lry populr Jms, n ing lxnr n rhil. out 1740 th us of mil nms gn to grow. Proly th Grmns h som influn hr, for thy gnrlly, vn s immigrnts, or two givn nms, of whih th first ws usully Johnn. nothr strong influn ws fmily pri, whih l to th sir to prsrv th mothr's fmily nm. Purly prtil, s th towns grw lrgr, ws th n to istinguish  mn mor lrly from othrs ring th sm nms. On strt, th ustom grw stily to populrity until y 1850 th mn without  mil nm ws in  smll minority, s h hs sin rmin. Th us of th mil nm soon prou nothr typil mrin hit. Sin th full signtur of thr nms ws too long for prtil purposs, mn gn to us mrly th mil initil, n vntully th typil mrin ws John Q. Puli. In ngln, on th othr hn, suh  form is not us. n nglishmn hs to  J. Q. Puli, J. Qiny Puli, or John Quiy Puli. Qustion:Whih of th following is NOT n nglishmn's nm?
. Thoms J. Whit
. Thoms John Whit
. T. J. Whit
. T. John Whit
3.  Lv m lon; min your own ____.
. vnts
. ffirs
. things
. mttrs
4.  mrins r poun of thir vrity n iniviulity, yt thy lov n rspt fw things mor thn  uniform, whthr it is th uniform of n lvtor oprtor or th uniform of  fiv-str gnrl. Why r uniforms so populr in th Unit Stts? mong th rgumnts for uniforms, on of th first is tht in th ys of most popl thy look mor profssionl thn ivilin(百姓的)loths. Popl hv om onition to xpt suprior qulity from  mn who wrs  uniform. th tlvision rpirmn who wrs uniform tns to inspir mor trust thn on who pprs in ivilin loths. Fith in th skill of  grg mhni is inrs y  uniform. Wht sir wy is thr for  nurs,  polimn,  rr, or  witr to los profssionl intity(身份)thn to stp out of uniform? Uniforms lso hv mny prtil nfits. Thy sv on othr loths. Thy sv on lunry ills. Thy r tx-util(可减税的). Thy r oftn mor omfortl n mor url thn ivilin loths. Primry mong th rgumnts ginst uniforms is thir lk of vrity n th onsqunt loss of iniviulity xprin y popl who must wr thm. Though thr r mny typs of uniforms, th wrr of ny prtiulr typ is gnrlly stuk with it, without hng, until rtirmnt. Whn popl look lik, thy tn to think, spk, n t similrly, on th jo t lst. Uniforms lso giv ris to som prtil prolms. Though thy r long-lsting, oftn thir initil xpns is grtr thn th ost of ivilin loths. Som uniforms r lso xpnsiv to mintin, rquiring profssionl ry lning rthr thn th hom lunring possil with mny typs of ivilin loths. Qustionopl r ustom to think tht  mn in uniform ____.
. suggsts qulity work
. isrs his soil intity
. pprs to  mor prtil
. looks suprior to  prson in ivilin loths
5.  ftr this first urst of rtiv nrgy, th mrins wnt long, North n South, for out  ntury with littl hng in thir nming-hits. ilil nms ontinu to giv olor in Nw ngln, ut lswhr it ws prtiulrly tru with womn's nms, in th mil n southrn olonis, n th xssiv us of lizth, nn, Mry, n Srh ws only sv y th lso lirl us of vritions suh s tsy, Slly, Nnny, Nny, n Molly. Th grt Grmn immigrtion of th rly ightnth ntury h som influn. Johnn, oftn shortn to Hns, ws y fr th ommonst nm mong ths Grmns, with Joo n Hinrih following. xpt whr popl ontinu to tlk Grmn, ths nms wr rpily ngliiz, n so inrs th populrity of John, Joo, n Hnry. Th Soth-Irish immigrtion lso xrt n influn y uiling up th lry populr Jms, n ing lxnr n rhil. out 1740 th us of mil nms gn to grow. Proly th Grmns h som influn hr, for thy gnrlly, vn s immigrnts, or two givn nms, of whih th first ws usully Johnn. nothr strong influn ws fmily pri, whih l to th sir to prsrv th mothr's fmily nm. Purly prtil, s th towns grw lrgr, ws th n to istinguish  mn mor lrly from othrs ring th sm nms. On strt, th ustom grw stily to populrity until y 1850 th mn without  mil nm ws in  smll minority, s h hs sin rmin. Th us of th mil nm soon prou nothr typil mrin hit. Sin th full signtur of thr nms ws too long for prtil purposs, mn gn to us mrly th mil initil, n vntully th typil mrin ws John Q. Puli. In ngln, on th othr hn, suh  form is not us. n nglishmn hs to  J. Q. Puli, J. Qiny Puli, or John Quiy Puli. Qustion:In th mil n southrn olonis, ________.
.  smll numr of womn's nms wr too oftn rptly us
. womn lik to us iffrnt nms suh s tsy, Slly, Nnny, Nny, t.
. popl prfrr th us of lizth, nn, Mry n Srh to tht of tsy, Slly, Nnny, Nny, t.
. th us of
6.  lso srving to prou  istintiv usg ws th prti of istinguishing  son from  fthr y th us of Junior. This typilly mrin prti gn in th mil of th ightnth ntury whn most gntlmn h som knowlg of Ltin n wr fmilir with th us of th trm Junior, trnslt oftn into nglish s "th youngr," s ppli to suh Ltin worthis s to n Pliny. Th prti ws so wll stlish y 1776 tht thr signrs of th lrtion  th Jr. gi. ritish ustom hs n iffrnt; th son of  pir of grt sttsmn is known s Willim Pitt, th youngr. Still nothr importnt movmnt ginning roun 1750 ws th ris of th nm hrls. rlir, hrls is hrly foun t ll in Nw ngln, n is rr in th othr olonis. ftr tht its growth ws not only sty ut vn sptulr. y 1850 it h om on of th ommonst nms, n it hs rmin los to th top sin tht tim. Its urious niknm, huk, is typilly mrin. lmost t n qul p with th ris of hrls, th us of ilil nms, vn in Nw ngln, gn to fll off. nzr, n vn Smul n njmin, m to hv out thm n ol-fshion ur. Th fts r lr nough; th uss rmin osur. Immigrtion proly h littl to o with suh hngs. nglish influn, t th il lvl, my hv hlp th growth of hrls. uring ths sm s th nm ws inrsing in populrity thr, whr Sir hrls Grnison ws  muh r novl n oni Prin hrli h givn th nm  rnw vogu mong thos who still hl sntimntlly to th Sturts. ut most of th othr nw vlopmnts sm to  wholly ntiv n vn to run ountr to ritish prti. Qustion:In th mil of th ightnth ntury, popl us Junior ________.
. to show thir istintiv mrin prti
. to show thir knowlg of Ltin
. to istinguish  son from  fthr
. following th xmpls of th thr signrs of th lrtion
7.  Only gusts of th hotl njoy th ____ of using th privt h.
. privilg
. possiility
. fvor
. vntg
8.  Mry nvr tlls nyon wht sh os for  ____.
. jo
. work
. profssion
. living
9.  mrins r poun of thir vrity n iniviulity, yt thy lov n rspt fw things mor thn  uniform, whthr it is th uniform of n lvtor oprtor or th uniform of  fiv-str gnrl. Why r uniforms so populr in th Unit Stts? mong th rgumnts for uniforms, on of th first is tht in th ys of most popl thy look mor profssionl thn ivilin(百姓的)loths. Popl hv om onition to xpt suprior qulity from  mn who wrs  uniform. th tlvision rpirmn who wrs uniform tns to inspir mor trust thn on who pprs in ivilin loths. Fith in th skill of  grg mhni is inrs y  uniform. Wht sir wy is thr for  nurs,  polimn,  rr, or  witr to los profssionl intity(身份)thn to stp out of uniform? Uniforms lso hv mny prtil nfits. Thy sv on othr loths. Thy sv on lunry ills. Thy r tx-util(可减税的). Thy r oftn mor omfortl n mor url thn ivilin loths. Primry mong th rgumnts ginst uniforms is thir lk of vrity n th onsqunt loss of iniviulity xprin y popl who must wr thm. Though thr r mny typs of uniforms, th wrr of ny prtiulr typ is gnrlly stuk with it, without hng, until rtirmnt. Whn popl look lik, thy tn to think, spk, n t similrly, on th jo t lst. Uniforms lso giv ris to som prtil prolms. Though thy r long-lsting, oftn thir initil xpns is grtr thn th ost of ivilin loths. Som uniforms r lso xpnsiv to mintin, rquiring profssionl ry lning rthr thn th hom lunring possil with mny typs of ivilin loths. Qustion:Th hif funtion of  uniform is to ____.
. provi prtil nfits to th wrr
. mk th wrr th th pui y
. inspir th wrr’s onfin in himslf
. provi th wrr with  profssionl intity
10.  ftr this first urst of rtiv nrgy, th mrins wnt long, North n South, for out  ntury with littl hng in thir nming-hits. ilil nms ontinu to giv olor in Nw ngln, ut lswhr it ws prtiulrly tru with womn's nms, in th mil n southrn olonis, n th xssiv us of lizth, nn, Mry, n Srh ws only sv y th lso lirl us of vritions suh s tsy, Slly, Nnny, Nny, n Molly. Th grt Grmn immigrtion of th rly ightnth ntury h som influn. Johnn, oftn shortn to Hns, ws y fr th ommonst nm mong ths Grmns, with Joo n Hinrih following. xpt whr popl ontinu to tlk Grmn, ths nms wr rpily ngliiz, n so inrs th populrity of John, Joo, n Hnry. Th Soth-Irish immigrtion lso xrt n influn y uiling up th lry populr Jms, n ing lxnr n rhil. out 1740 th us of mil nms gn to grow. Proly th Grmns h som influn hr, for thy gnrlly, vn s immigrnts, or two givn nms, of whih th first ws usully Johnn. nothr strong influn ws fmily pri, whih l to th sir to prsrv th mothr's fmily nm. Purly prtil, s th towns grw lrgr, ws th n to istinguish  mn mor lrly from othrs ring th sm nms. On strt, th ustom grw stily to populrity until y 1850 th mn without  mil nm ws in  smll minority, s h hs sin rmin. Th us of th mil nm soon prou nothr typil mrin hit. Sin th full signtur of thr nms ws too long for prtil purposs, mn gn to us mrly th mil initil, n vntully th typil mrin ws John Q. Puli. In ngln, on th othr hn, suh  form is not us. n nglishmn hs to  J. Q. Puli, J. Qiny Puli, or John Quiy Puli. Qustion:In th rly ightnth ntury, th most populr nm us y th Grmn immigrnts ws ________.
. Joo
. Hinrih
. Hnry
. Hns
11.  Hv you ny ____ tht you wr not thr t 9 o'lok lst night?
. sttmnt
. us
. wors
. proof
12.  Thr us to   hurh hin th mtry,____?
. in’t thr
. us thr
. usn’t it
. in’t it
13.  H stoo wving until th trin ws out of ____.
. sight
. glimps
. sn
. rh
14.  mrins r poun of thir vrity n iniviulity, yt thy lov n rspt fw things mor thn  uniform, whthr it is th uniform of n lvtor oprtor or th uniform of  fiv-str gnrl. Why r uniforms so populr in th Unit Stts? mong th rgumnts for uniforms, on of th first is tht in th ys of most popl thy look mor profssionl thn ivilin(百姓的)loths. Popl hv om onition to xpt suprior qulity from  mn who wrs  uniform. th tlvision rpirmn who wrs uniform tns to inspir mor trust thn on who pprs in ivilin loths. Fith in th skill of  grg mhni is inrs y  uniform. Wht sir wy is thr for  nurs,  polimn,  rr, or  witr to los profssionl intity(身份)thn to stp out of uniform? Uniforms lso hv mny prtil nfits. Thy sv on othr loths. Thy sv on lunry ills. Thy r tx-util(可减税的). Thy r oftn mor omfortl n mor url thn ivilin loths. Primry mong th rgumnts ginst uniforms is thir lk of vrity n th onsqunt loss of iniviulity xprin y popl who must wr thm. Though thr r mny typs of uniforms, th wrr of ny prtiulr typ is gnrlly stuk with it, without hng, until rtirmnt. Whn popl look lik, thy tn to think, spk, n t similrly, on th jo t lst. Uniforms lso giv ris to som prtil prolms. Though thy r long-lsting, oftn thir initil xpns is grtr thn th ost of ivilin loths. Som uniforms r lso xpnsiv to mintin, rquiring profssionl ry lning rthr thn th hom lunring possil with mny typs of ivilin loths. Qustion:Th hif funtion of  uniform is to ____.
. provi prtil nfits to th wrr
. mk th wrr th th pui y
. inspir th wrr’s onfin in himslf
. provi th wrr with  profssionl intity
15.  mrins r poun of thir vrity n iniviulity, yt thy lov n rspt fw things mor thn  uniform, whthr it is th uniform of n lvtor oprtor or th uniform of  fiv-str gnrl. Why r uniforms so populr in th Unit Stts? mong th rgumnts for uniforms, on of th first is tht in th ys of most popl thy look mor profssionl thn ivilin(百姓的)loths. Popl hv om onition to xpt suprior qulity from  mn who wrs  uniform. th tlvision rpirmn who wrs uniform tns to inspir mor trust thn on who pprs in ivilin loths. Fith in th skill of  grg mhni is inrs y  uniform. Wht sir wy is thr for  nurs,  polimn,  rr, or  witr to los profssionl intity(身份)thn to stp out of uniform? Uniforms lso hv mny prtil nfits. Thy sv on othr loths. Thy sv on lunry ills. Thy r tx-util(可减税的). Thy r oftn mor omfortl n mor url thn ivilin loths. Primry mong th rgumnts ginst uniforms is thir lk of vrity n th onsqunt loss of iniviulity xprin y popl who must wr thm. Though thr r mny typs of uniforms, th wrr of ny prtiulr typ is gnrlly stuk with it, without hng, until rtirmnt. Whn popl look lik, thy tn to think, spk, n t similrly, on th jo t lst. Uniforms lso giv ris to som prtil prolms. Though thy r long-lsting, oftn thir initil xpns is grtr thn th ost of ivilin loths. Som uniforms r lso xpnsiv to mintin, rquiring profssionl ry lning rthr thn th hom lunring possil with mny typs of ivilin loths. Qustion:Th st titl for this pssg woul  ____.
. Uniforms n Soity
. Th Importn of Wring  Uniform
. Prtil nfits of Wring  Uniform
. vntgs n isvntgs of Uniforms
16.  mrins r poun of thir vrity n iniviulity, yt thy lov n rspt fw things mor thn  uniform, whthr it is th uniform of n lvtor oprtor or th uniform of  fiv-str gnrl. Why r uniforms so populr in th Unit Stts? mong th rgumnts for uniforms, on of th first is tht in th ys of most popl thy look mor profssionl thn ivilin(百姓的)loths. Popl hv om onition to xpt suprior qulity from  mn who wrs  uniform. th tlvision rpirmn who wrs uniform tns to inspir mor trust thn on who pprs in ivilin loths. Fith in th skill of  grg mhni is inrs y  uniform. Wht sir wy is thr for  nurs,  polimn,  rr, or  witr to los profssionl intity(身份)thn to stp out of uniform? Uniforms lso hv mny prtil nfits. Thy sv on othr loths. Thy sv on lunry ills. Thy r tx-util(可减税的). Thy r oftn mor omfortl n mor url thn ivilin loths. Primry mong th rgumnts ginst uniforms is thir lk of vrity n th onsqunt loss of iniviulity xprin y popl who must wr thm. Though thr r mny typs of uniforms, th wrr of ny prtiulr typ is gnrlly stuk with it, without hng, until rtirmnt. Whn popl look lik, thy tn to think, spk, n t similrly, on th jo t lst. Uniforms lso giv ris to som prtil prolms. Though thy r long-lsting, oftn thir initil xpns is grtr thn th ost of ivilin loths. Som uniforms r lso xpnsiv to mintin, rquiring profssionl ry lning rthr thn th hom lunring possil with mny typs of ivilin loths. Qustion:It is surprising tht mrins who worship vrity n iniviulity ____.
. still jug  mn y his loths
. hol th uniform in suh high rgr
. njoy hving  profssionl intity
. will rspt n lvtor oprtor s muh s  gnrl in uniform
17.  ftr this first urst of rtiv nrgy, th mrins wnt long, North n South, for out  ntury with littl hng in thir nming-hits. ilil nms ontinu to giv olor in Nw ngln, ut lswhr it ws prtiulrly tru with womn's nms, in th mil n southrn olonis, n th xssiv us of lizth, nn, Mry, n Srh ws only sv y th lso lirl us of vritions suh s tsy, Slly, Nnny, Nny, n Molly. Th grt Grmn immigrtion of th rly ightnth ntury h som influn. Johnn, oftn shortn to Hns, ws y fr th ommonst nm mong ths Grmns, with Joo n Hinrih following. xpt whr popl ontinu to tlk Grmn, ths nms wr rpily ngliiz, n so inrs th populrity of John, Joo, n Hnry. Th Soth-Irish immigrtion lso xrt n influn y uiling up th lry populr Jms, n ing lxnr n rhil. out 1740 th us of mil nms gn to grow. Proly th Grmns h som influn hr, for thy gnrlly, vn s immigrnts, or two givn nms, of whih th first ws usully Johnn. nothr strong influn ws fmily pri, whih l to th sir to prsrv th mothr's fmily nm. Purly prtil, s th towns grw lrgr, ws th n to istinguish  mn mor lrly from othrs ring th sm nms. On strt, th ustom grw stily to populrity until y 1850 th mn without  mil nm ws in  smll minority, s h hs sin rmin. Th us of th mil nm soon prou nothr typil mrin hit. Sin th full signtur of thr nms ws too long for prtil purposs, mn gn to us mrly th mil initil, n vntully th typil mrin ws John Q. Puli. In ngln, on th othr hn, suh  form is not us. n nglishmn hs to  J. Q. Puli, J. Qiny Puli, or John Quiy Puli. Qustion:Whih of th following nms ws prfrr y th Soth-Irish immigrnts t first?
. lxnr
. rhil
. Jms
. ngliiz
18.  lso srving to prou  istintiv usg ws th prti of istinguishing  son from  fthr y th us of Junior. This typilly mrin prti gn in th mil of th ightnth ntury whn most gntlmn h som knowlg of Ltin n wr fmilir with th us of th trm Junior, trnslt oftn into nglish s "th youngr," s ppli to suh Ltin worthis s to n Pliny. Th prti ws so wll stlish y 1776 tht thr signrs of th lrtion  th Jr. gi. ritish ustom hs n iffrnt; th son of  pir of grt sttsmn is known s Willim Pitt, th youngr. Still nothr importnt movmnt ginning roun 1750 ws th ris of th nm hrls. rlir, hrls is hrly foun t ll in Nw ngln, n is rr in th othr olonis. ftr tht its growth ws not only sty ut vn sptulr. y 1850 it h om on of th ommonst nms, n it hs rmin los to th top sin tht tim. Its urious niknm, huk, is typilly mrin. lmost t n qul p with th ris of hrls, th us of ilil nms, vn in Nw ngln, gn to fll off. nzr, n vn Smul n njmin, m to hv out thm n ol-fshion ur. Th fts r lr nough; th uss rmin osur. Immigrtion proly h littl to o with suh hngs. nglish influn, t th il lvl, my hv hlp th growth of hrls. uring ths sm s th nm ws inrsing in populrity thr, whr Sir hrls Grnison ws  muh r novl n oni Prin hrli h givn th nm  rnw vogu mong thos who still hl sntimntlly to th Sturts. ut most of th othr nw vlopmnts sm to  wholly ntiv n vn to run ountr to ritish prti. Qustion:Thos who sympthiz with th Sturts ________,
. lik to r Sir hrls Grnison
. opt th nming hit tht ws ginst ritish prti
. us hrls s thir fmily nms
. my hv hlp th populrity of th nm hrls
19.  ____ , I woul hv phon you.
. If I knw it
. H I known it
. If I know it
. i I know it
20.  Sin you won't tk vi, thr is no ____ in sking for it.
. pl
. point
. rson
. wy
21.  lso srving to prou  istintiv usg ws th prti of istinguishing  son from  fthr y th us of Junior. This typilly mrin prti gn in th mil of th ightnth ntury whn most gntlmn h som knowlg of Ltin n wr fmilir with th us of th trm Junior, trnslt oftn into nglish s "th youngr," s ppli to suh Ltin worthis s to n Pliny. Th prti ws so wll stlish y 1776 tht thr signrs of th lrtion  th Jr. gi. ritish ustom hs n iffrnt; th son of  pir of grt sttsmn is known s Willim Pitt, th youngr. Still nothr importnt movmnt ginning roun 1750 ws th ris of th nm hrls. rlir, hrls is hrly foun t ll in Nw ngln, n is rr in th othr olonis. ftr tht its growth ws not only sty ut vn sptulr. y 1850 it h om on of th ommonst nms, n it hs rmin los to th top sin tht tim. Its urious niknm, huk, is typilly mrin. lmost t n qul p with th ris of hrls, th us of ilil nms, vn in Nw ngln, gn to fll off. nzr, n vn Smul n njmin, m to hv out thm n ol-fshion ur. Th fts r lr nough; th uss rmin osur. Immigrtion proly h littl to o with suh hngs. nglish influn, t th il lvl, my hv hlp th growth of hrls. uring ths sm s th nm ws inrsing in populrity thr, whr Sir hrls Grnison ws  muh r novl n oni Prin hrli h givn th nm  rnw vogu mong thos who still hl sntimntlly to th Sturts. ut most of th othr nw vlopmnts sm to  wholly ntiv n vn to run ountr to ritish prti. Qustion:Th finl prgrph minly isusss ________.
. how novls hlp th populrity of rtin nms
. nw vlopmnts in nming hits of mrins
. immigrtion n nming hits of mrins
. hrls, th most populr nm in mri
22.  H oftn wrot to th writrs ____ h thought woul hlp him to om  writr, too.
. whom
. who
. whn
. us
23.  Th full lttr rs____follows.
. lik
. s
. tht
. whih
24.  H m k lt, ____ whih tim ll th gusts h lry lft.
. ftr
. y
. t
. uring
25.  lso srving to prou  istintiv usg ws th prti of istinguishing  son from  fthr y th us of Junior. This typilly mrin prti gn in th mil of th ightnth ntury whn most gntlmn h som knowlg of Ltin n wr fmilir with th us of th trm Junior, trnslt oftn into nglish s "th youngr," s ppli to suh Ltin worthis s to n Pliny. Th prti ws so wll stlish y 1776 tht thr signrs of th lrtion  th Jr. gi. ritish ustom hs n iffrnt; th son of  pir of grt sttsmn is known s Willim Pitt, th youngr. Still nothr importnt movmnt ginning roun 1750 ws th ris of th nm hrls. rlir, hrls is hrly foun t ll in Nw ngln, n is rr in th othr olonis. ftr tht its growth ws not only sty ut vn sptulr. y 1850 it h om on of th ommonst nms, n it hs rmin los to th top sin tht tim. Its urious niknm, huk, is typilly mrin. lmost t n qul p with th ris of hrls, th us of ilil nms, vn in Nw ngln, gn to fll off. nzr, n vn Smul n njmin, m to hv out thm n ol-fshion ur. Th fts r lr nough; th uss rmin osur. Immigrtion proly h littl to o with suh hngs. nglish influn, t th il lvl, my hv hlp th growth of hrls. uring ths sm s th nm ws inrsing in populrity thr, whr Sir hrls Grnison ws  muh r novl n oni Prin hrli h givn th nm  rnw vogu mong thos who still hl sntimntlly to th Sturts. ut most of th othr nw vlopmnts sm to  wholly ntiv n vn to run ountr to ritish prti. Qustion:Thos who sympthiz with th Sturts ________,
. lik to r Sir hrls Grnison
. opt th nming hit tht ws ginst ritish prti
. us hrls s thir fmily nms
. my hv hlp th populrity of th nm hrls


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