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发表于 2015-11-1 17:00:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1.  Thr r of ours, th hppy fw who fin  svor in thir ily jo: th Inin stonmson, who looks upon his work n ss tht it is goo; th higo pino tunr, who sks n fins th soun tht lights; th ookinr, who svs  pi of history; th rooklyn firmn, who svs  pi of lif ... ut on't ths stisftions, lik Ju's hungr for knowlg, tll us mor out th prson thn out his tsk? Prhps. Nonthlss, thr is  ommon ttriut hr:  mning to thir work wll ovr n yon th rwr of th pyhk. For th mny, thr is  hrly onl isontnt. Th lu-ollr lus is no mor ittrly sung thn th whit-ollr mon. "I'm  mhin," sys th spot-wlr. "I'm g," sys th nk tllr, n hos th hotl lrk. "I'm  mul," sys th stlworkr. " monky n o wht I o," sys th rptionist. "I'm lss thn  frm implmnt," sys th migrnt workr. "I'm n ojt," sys th high-fshion mol. lu ollr n whit ll upon th intil phrs: "I'm  root." "Thr is nothing to tlk out," th young ountnt spiringly nunits. It ws som tim go tht John Hnry sng, " mn in't nothin' ut  mn." Th hr, unromnti ft is: h i with his hmmr in his hn, whil th mhin pump on. Nonthlss, h foun immortlity. H is rmmr. s th utomt p of our ily jos wips out nm n f—n, in mny instns, fling—thr is  srilgious qustion ing sk ths ys. To rn on's r y th swt of on's row hs lwys n th lot of mnkin. t lst, vr sin n's slothful oupl ws srv with n vition noti, th sripturl prpt ws nvr out, not out lou. No mttr how mning th tsk, no mttr how it ulls th snss n rks th spirit, on must work. Or ls. Ltly thr hs n  qustioning of its "work thi" spilly y th young. Strngly nough, it hs touh off profoun grivns in othrs, hithrto vout, silnt, n nonymous. Unxpt prints r ing hr from in  show of isontnt. ommuniqus from th ssmly lin r frqunt n lrming; sntism. On th vning us, th tns, pinh fs of young fil lrks n lrly srtris tll us mor thn w r to know. On th xprsswys, mil mngmnt mn pos without gr hin thir whls s thy fl ity n jo. Qustion:Th finl prgrph isusss _________.
. popl's isontnt with thir work
. unxpt prints
. sntism
. sp from ity
2.  W'r lt. I xpt th film ____ y th tim w gt to th inm.
. h lry strt
. hv lry strt
. will lry hv strt
. hv lry n strt
3.  If it ____ tomorrow, I woul not go out.
. shoul rin
. woul rin
. will rin
. is going to rin
4.  Thr r of ours, th hppy fw who fin  svor in thir ily jo: th Inin stonmson, who looks upon his work n ss tht it is goo; th higo pino tunr, who sks n fins th soun tht lights; th ookinr, who svs  pi of history; th rooklyn firmn, who svs  pi of lif ... ut on't ths stisftions, lik Ju's hungr for knowlg, tll us mor out th prson thn out his tsk? Prhps. Nonthlss, thr is  ommon ttriut hr:  mning to thir work wll ovr n yon th rwr of th pyhk. For th mny, thr is  hrly onl isontnt. Th lu-ollr lus is no mor ittrly sung thn th whit-ollr mon. "I'm  mhin," sys th spot-wlr. "I'm g," sys th nk tllr, n hos th hotl lrk. "I'm  mul," sys th stlworkr. " monky n o wht I o," sys th rptionist. "I'm lss thn  frm implmnt," sys th migrnt workr. "I'm n ojt," sys th high-fshion mol. lu ollr n whit ll upon th intil phrs: "I'm  root." "Thr is nothing to tlk out," th young ountnt spiringly nunits. It ws som tim go tht John Hnry sng, " mn in't nothin' ut  mn." Th hr, unromnti ft is: h i with his hmmr in his hn, whil th mhin pump on. Nonthlss, h foun immortlity. H is rmmr. s th utomt p of our ily jos wips out nm n f—n, in mny instns, fling—thr is  srilgious qustion ing sk ths ys. To rn on's r y th swt of on's row hs lwys n th lot of mnkin. t lst, vr sin n's slothful oupl ws srv with n vition noti, th sripturl prpt ws nvr out, not out lou. No mttr how mning th tsk, no mttr how it ulls th snss n rks th spirit, on must work. Or ls. Ltly thr hs n  qustioning of its "work thi" spilly y th young. Strngly nough, it hs touh off profoun grivns in othrs, hithrto vout, silnt, n nonymous. Unxpt prints r ing hr from in  show of isontnt. ommuniqus from th ssmly lin r frqunt n lrming; sntism. On th vning us, th tns, pinh fs of young fil lrks n lrly srtris tll us mor thn w r to know. On th xprsswys, mil mngmnt mn pos without gr hin thir whls s thy fl ity n jo. Qustion:Th son prgrph rvls tht ________.
. vryon is working hr
. most popl nnot gt stisftion from thir work
. popl r roots
. popl r immortliz n rmmr through thir work
5.  ____ nything out th int, h wnt to work s wll.
. Not know
. Know not
. Knowing not
. Not knowing
6.  liforni-orn n Stnfor-ut, John Stink gin prominn uring th Grt prssion of th 1930s s  novlist who omin thms of soil protst with  nign viw of humn ntur n  iologil intrprttion of humn xprin,  omintion tht gin him wi populrity n provi th sis for  rr not only in fition ut lso in journlism, th thtr, n films. John rnst Stink, Jr., ws orn in 1902, in th Slins Vlly, whos snry, griulturl workrs, n n'r-o-wll pisnos ppr frquntly in his fition. His fthr ws trsurr of Montry ounty, n his mothr ws  formr shoolthr. Thir lirry introu him rly to suh stnr uthors s Milton, ostovsky, Flurt, Gorg liot, n Thoms Hry. H ws  ontriutor to th shool nwsppr,  vrsity thlt, n prsint of his gruting lss in high shool, n h ttn Stnfor Univrsity sporilly twn 1920 n 1925, mjoring in nglish, ut nvr finish th gr. H work on rnhs n on  ro gng for trying futilly to stlish himslf s  writr uring  rif sty in Nw York ity in 1926, n h work in  liforni fish hthry n mp in th Sirrs for pulishing his first novl, up of Gol, in 1929. In thos yrs h r . H. Lwrn, Will thr, Shrwoo nrson, n prtiulrly th novlists Jms rnh lln, Hmingwy with nthusism, ut his prnnil intrsts wr th lssis of ontinntl litrtur n th nint historins. In 1930 h mrri n mov to Pifi Grov, liforni, whr his fthr provi  hous n smll llown to support him. Two unsussful novls trting th nhntmnt of th mrin rm n th ost of pursuing it (Th Psturs of Hvn, 1932, n To  Go Unknown, 1933) pr his first susss, Tortill Flt in 1935 n In uious ttl in 1936. Th first ws n pisoi, wrmly humorous trtmnt of  n of pisnos ( mixtur of Spnish, Inin, n usin strns). Thir pitursqu n shiftlss wys, niv fftion for thir hurh, mystil pprition of ntur, n loylty to thir n r givn th ir of lgn n likn to th tls of King rthur's Roun Tl. Th son ls with  strik mong fruit pikrs, its ft y th lnownrs with thir vigilnts, n th fforts of ommunist orgnizrs first to orgniz th strik n thn to xploit th workrs. Qustion:"Pisnos" mns ________.
. rih popl
. poor popl
. psnts
. lorrs
7.  W kpt our ____ ll night to frightn th wolvs.
. urning fir
. urnt fir
. fir urning
. fir urnt
8.  It is highly sirl tht  nw prsint ____ for this univrsity.
. is ppoint
. will  ppoint
.  ppoint
. hs n ppoint
9.  ____ unr  mirosop,  frsh snowflk hs  lit six-point shp.
. Sing
. Sn
. To s
. To  sn
10.  To rt  suprll, tk  storm whr win sp inrss with hight, whil win irtion vrs;  sitution in whih uprughts n ownrughts within th thunrstorm n support h othr's xistn rthr thn nl h othr out. It is s wins low into this turulnt rgion from thr to fiv kilomtrs up tht  low-prssur stion of th storm my gin to rott. Th rottion of this prt of th storm (known s  msoylon) uss th ir prssur to fll som mor, prompting win lowr own to flow into th storm n sp up upwrs. This rts  spinning uprught whih high-lvl wins in th storm n oost in th sm wy tht win lowing ross th top of  himny os wonrs for rwing up n opn fir. You'r not yt looking t  torno, though if you'r wthing this prtiulr storm vlop you might strt looking for  gtwy r —spilly if th storm gins to hng shp. Whn mi-to uppr-lvl wins upwin of th storm nountr th suprll, som r for to tour roun it. Thy onvrg gin ownwin, mouling th storm lous into n ominous nvil-shp in th pross. ut whil som win gos roun th msoylon, som runs full squr into this mtorologil rik wll n is for ownwr, rting  "rr flnk ownrught" (RF) whih mny xprts liv is wht mks or rks  torni storm. It's whn n RF tris to swing roun th s of th storm, nrrowing th r of win flowing into th uprught n inrsing its spin (in th sm wy figur sktrs whn thir rms r pull in) tht you might wnt to gt into your gtwy r. If you'r nywhr nth whirling pi of mtorologil giv n tk— funnl lou—you r in  , ngrous pl known to stormhsrs s "th r g". It's whr, if th funnl lou stiks roun long nough for th uprught to touhown on trr firm, you will fin yourslf on th insi of  torno. Qustion:On of th ftors tht rt  suprll is tht ________.
. uprughts n ownrughts r supportiv to h othr
. uprughts unrmin ownrughts
. th storm shoul  in low-prssur stion thr kilomtrs high
. win lows fstr whil rising highr ut th irtion unhng
11.  ____  thr, on must first   pupil.
. ing
. Hving n
. To
. To hv n
12.  Thr r of ours, th hppy fw who fin  svor in thir ily jo: th Inin stonmson, who looks upon his work n ss tht it is goo; th higo pino tunr, who sks n fins th soun tht lights; th ookinr, who svs  pi of history; th rooklyn firmn, who svs  pi of lif ... ut on't ths stisftions, lik Ju's hungr for knowlg, tll us mor out th prson thn out his tsk? Prhps. Nonthlss, thr is  ommon ttriut hr:  mning to thir work wll ovr n yon th rwr of th pyhk. For th mny, thr is  hrly onl isontnt. Th lu-ollr lus is no mor ittrly sung thn th whit-ollr mon. "I'm  mhin," sys th spot-wlr. "I'm g," sys th nk tllr, n hos th hotl lrk. "I'm  mul," sys th stlworkr. " monky n o wht I o," sys th rptionist. "I'm lss thn  frm implmnt," sys th migrnt workr. "I'm n ojt," sys th high-fshion mol. lu ollr n whit ll upon th intil phrs: "I'm  root." "Thr is nothing to tlk out," th young ountnt spiringly nunits. It ws som tim go tht John Hnry sng, " mn in't nothin' ut  mn." Th hr, unromnti ft is: h i with his hmmr in his hn, whil th mhin pump on. Nonthlss, h foun immortlity. H is rmmr. s th utomt p of our ily jos wips out nm n f—n, in mny instns, fling—thr is  srilgious qustion ing sk ths ys. To rn on's r y th swt of on's row hs lwys n th lot of mnkin. t lst, vr sin n's slothful oupl ws srv with n vition noti, th sripturl prpt ws nvr out, not out lou. No mttr how mning th tsk, no mttr how it ulls th snss n rks th spirit, on must work. Or ls. Ltly thr hs n  qustioning of its "work thi" spilly y th young. Strngly nough, it hs touh off profoun grivns in othrs, hithrto vout, silnt, n nonymous. Unxpt prints r ing hr from in  show of isontnt. ommuniqus from th ssmly lin r frqunt n lrming; sntism. On th vning us, th tns, pinh fs of young fil lrks n lrly srtris tll us mor thn w r to know. On th xprsswys, mil mngmnt mn pos without gr hin thir whls s thy fl ity n jo. Qustion:Th son prgrph rvls tht ________.
. vryon is working hr
. most popl nnot gt stisftion from thir work
. popl r roots
. popl r immortliz n rmmr through thir work
13.  Smith is to stuy miin s soon s h ____ militry srvi.
. will finish
. hs finish
. finishs
. woul finish
14.  Whthr work shoul  pl mong th uss of hppinss or mong th uss of unhppinss my prhps  rgr s  outful qustion. Thr is rtinly muh work whih is xingly irksom, n n xss of work is lwys vry pinful. I think, howvr, tht, provi work is not xssiv in mount, vn th ullst work is to most popl lss pinful thn ilnss. Thr r in work ll grs, from mr rlif of tium up to th profounst lights, oring to th ntur of th work n th ilitis of th workr. Most of th work tht most popl hv to o is not in itslf intrsting, ut vn suh work hs rtin grt vntgs. To gin with, it fills  goo mny hours of th y without th n of iing wht on shll o. Most popl, whn thy r lft fr to fill thir own tim oring to thir own hoi, r t  loss to think of nything suffiintly plsnt to  worth oing, n whtvr thy i on, thy r troul y th fling tht somthing ls woul hv n plsntr. To  l to fill lisur intlligntly is th lst prout of iviliztion, n t prsnt vry fw popl hv rh this lvl. Morovr, th xris of hoi is in itslf tirsom. xpt to popl with unusul inititiv it is positivly grl to  tol wht to o t h hour of th y, provi th orrs r not too unplsnt. Most of th il rih suffr unspkl orom s th pri of thir from from rugry. t tims, thy my fin rlif y hunting ig gm in fri, or y flying roun th worl, ut th numr of suh snstions is limit, spilly ftr youth is pst. oringly th mor intllignt rih mn work nrly s hr s if thy wr poor, whil rih womn for th most prt kp thmslvs usy with innumrl trifls of whos rth-shking importn thy r firmly prsu. Qustion:Th uthor is rtin tht ________.
. work uss hppinss
. work uss unhppinss
. thr is lwys too muh work
. too muh work uss pin
15.  I'm fling sik. I ____ so muh hoolt.
. nn't hv tn
. ouln't hv tn
. mustn't hv tn
. shouln't hv tn
16.  W hurri to th sttion ____ fin ourslvs thr hours rlir for th trin.
. only to
. in orr to
. so s to
. suh s to
17.  liforni-orn n Stnfor-ut, John Stink gin prominn uring th Grt prssion of th 1930s s  novlist who omin thms of soil protst with  nign viw of humn ntur n  iologil intrprttion of humn xprin,  omintion tht gin him wi populrity n provi th sis for  rr not only in fition ut lso in journlism, th thtr, n films. John rnst Stink, Jr., ws orn in 1902, in th Slins Vlly, whos snry, griulturl workrs, n n'r-o-wll pisnos ppr frquntly in his fition. His fthr ws trsurr of Montry ounty, n his mothr ws  formr shoolthr. Thir lirry introu him rly to suh stnr uthors s Milton, ostovsky, Flurt, Gorg liot, n Thoms Hry. H ws  ontriutor to th shool nwsppr,  vrsity thlt, n prsint of his gruting lss in high shool, n h ttn Stnfor Univrsity sporilly twn 1920 n 1925, mjoring in nglish, ut nvr finish th gr. H work on rnhs n on  ro gng for trying futilly to stlish himslf s  writr uring  rif sty in Nw York ity in 1926, n h work in  liforni fish hthry n mp in th Sirrs for pulishing his first novl, up of Gol, in 1929. In thos yrs h r . H. Lwrn, Will thr, Shrwoo nrson, n prtiulrly th novlists Jms rnh lln, Hmingwy with nthusism, ut his prnnil intrsts wr th lssis of ontinntl litrtur n th nint historins. In 1930 h mrri n mov to Pifi Grov, liforni, whr his fthr provi  hous n smll llown to support him. Two unsussful novls trting th nhntmnt of th mrin rm n th ost of pursuing it (Th Psturs of Hvn, 1932, n To  Go Unknown, 1933) pr his first susss, Tortill Flt in 1935 n In uious ttl in 1936. Th first ws n pisoi, wrmly humorous trtmnt of  n of pisnos ( mixtur of Spnish, Inin, n usin strns). Thir pitursqu n shiftlss wys, niv fftion for thir hurh, mystil pprition of ntur, n loylty to thir n r givn th ir of lgn n likn to th tls of King rthur's Roun Tl. Th son ls with  strik mong fruit pikrs, its ft y th lnownrs with thir vigilnts, n th fforts of ommunist orgnizrs first to orgniz th strik n thn to xploit th workrs. Qustion:In uious ttl givs  sription of ________.
.  group of pisnos loyl to thir n
. King rthur's Roun Tl
. th ft of  strik y th lnownrs
. solirs fighting for from
18.  Thy ll rturn to th villg ____ tht th ngr ws ovr.
. onvining
. onvin
. to onvin
. hving onvin
19.  Whthr work shoul  pl mong th uss of hppinss or mong th uss of unhppinss my prhps  rgr s  outful qustion. Thr is rtinly muh work whih is xingly irksom, n n xss of work is lwys vry pinful. I think, howvr, tht, provi work is not xssiv in mount, vn th ullst work is to most popl lss pinful thn ilnss. Thr r in work ll grs, from mr rlif of tium up to th profounst lights, oring to th ntur of th work n th ilitis of th workr. Most of th work tht most popl hv to o is not in itslf intrsting, ut vn suh work hs rtin grt vntgs. To gin with, it fills  goo mny hours of th y without th n of iing wht on shll o. Most popl, whn thy r lft fr to fill thir own tim oring to thir own hoi, r t  loss to think of nything suffiintly plsnt to  worth oing, n whtvr thy i on, thy r troul y th fling tht somthing ls woul hv n plsntr. To  l to fill lisur intlligntly is th lst prout of iviliztion, n t prsnt vry fw popl hv rh this lvl. Morovr, th xris of hoi is in itslf tirsom. xpt to popl with unusul inititiv it is positivly grl to  tol wht to o t h hour of th y, provi th orrs r not too unplsnt. Most of th il rih suffr unspkl orom s th pri of thir from from rugry. t tims, thy my fin rlif y hunting ig gm in fri, or y flying roun th worl, ut th numr of suh snstions is limit, spilly ftr youth is pst. oringly th mor intllignt rih mn work nrly s hr s if thy wr poor, whil rih womn for th most prt kp thmslvs usy with innumrl trifls of whos rth-shking importn thy r firmly prsu. Qustion:Th ov pssg isusss ________ .
. th rih n th poor
. work s sours of hppinss
. th importn of work
. th us of lss intrsting work
20.  Mry ____ in th grn whn it gn to rin.
. ws wlking
. wlk
. wlking
. h wlk
21.  o you think thr woul  lss onflit in th worl if ll popl ____ th sm lngug?
. spok
. spk
. h spokn
. will spk
22.  Thr r of ours, th hppy fw who fin  svor in thir ily jo: th Inin stonmson, who looks upon his work n ss tht it is goo; th higo pino tunr, who sks n fins th soun tht lights; th ookinr, who svs  pi of history; th rooklyn firmn, who svs  pi of lif ... ut on't ths stisftions, lik Ju's hungr for knowlg, tll us mor out th prson thn out his tsk? Prhps. Nonthlss, thr is  ommon ttriut hr:  mning to thir work wll ovr n yon th rwr of th pyhk. For th mny, thr is  hrly onl isontnt. Th lu-ollr lus is no mor ittrly sung thn th whit-ollr mon. "I'm  mhin," sys th spot-wlr. "I'm g," sys th nk tllr, n hos th hotl lrk. "I'm  mul," sys th stlworkr. " monky n o wht I o," sys th rptionist. "I'm lss thn  frm implmnt," sys th migrnt workr. "I'm n ojt," sys th high-fshion mol. lu ollr n whit ll upon th intil phrs: "I'm  root." "Thr is nothing to tlk out," th young ountnt spiringly nunits. It ws som tim go tht John Hnry sng, " mn in't nothin' ut  mn." Th hr, unromnti ft is: h i with his hmmr in his hn, whil th mhin pump on. Nonthlss, h foun immortlity. H is rmmr. s th utomt p of our ily jos wips out nm n f—n, in mny instns, fling—thr is  srilgious qustion ing sk ths ys. To rn on's r y th swt of on's row hs lwys n th lot of mnkin. t lst, vr sin n's slothful oupl ws srv with n vition noti, th sripturl prpt ws nvr out, not out lou. No mttr how mning th tsk, no mttr how it ulls th snss n rks th spirit, on must work. Or ls. Ltly thr hs n  qustioning of its "work thi" spilly y th young. Strngly nough, it hs touh off profoun grivns in othrs, hithrto vout, silnt, n nonymous. Unxpt prints r ing hr from in  show of isontnt. ommuniqus from th ssmly lin r frqunt n lrming; sntism. On th vning us, th tns, pinh fs of young fil lrks n lrly srtris tll us mor thn w r to know. On th xprsswys, mil mngmnt mn pos without gr hin thir whls s thy fl ity n jo. Qustion:Th wor "srilgious " in prgrph thr mns ________.
. rligious
. pious
. profn
. fr
23.  Nxt month thy ____ in th ountry for ight yrs.
. will hv n
. will
. r
. hv n
24.  liforni-orn n Stnfor-ut, John Stink gin prominn uring th Grt prssion of th 1930s s  novlist who omin thms of soil protst with  nign viw of humn ntur n  iologil intrprttion of humn xprin,  omintion tht gin him wi populrity n provi th sis for  rr not only in fition ut lso in journlism, th thtr, n films. John rnst Stink, Jr., ws orn in 1902, in th Slins Vlly, whos snry, griulturl workrs, n n'r-o-wll pisnos ppr frquntly in his fition. His fthr ws trsurr of Montry ounty, n his mothr ws  formr shoolthr. Thir lirry introu him rly to suh stnr uthors s Milton, ostovsky, Flurt, Gorg liot, n Thoms Hry. H ws  ontriutor to th shool nwsppr,  vrsity thlt, n prsint of his gruting lss in high shool, n h ttn Stnfor Univrsity sporilly twn 1920 n 1925, mjoring in nglish, ut nvr finish th gr. H work on rnhs n on  ro gng for trying futilly to stlish himslf s  writr uring  rif sty in Nw York ity in 1926, n h work in  liforni fish hthry n mp in th Sirrs for pulishing his first novl, up of Gol, in 1929. In thos yrs h r . H. Lwrn, Will thr, Shrwoo nrson, n prtiulrly th novlists Jms rnh lln, Hmingwy with nthusism, ut his prnnil intrsts wr th lssis of ontinntl litrtur n th nint historins. In 1930 h mrri n mov to Pifi Grov, liforni, whr his fthr provi  hous n smll llown to support him. Two unsussful novls trting th nhntmnt of th mrin rm n th ost of pursuing it (Th Psturs of Hvn, 1932, n To  Go Unknown, 1933) pr his first susss, Tortill Flt in 1935 n In uious ttl in 1936. Th first ws n pisoi, wrmly humorous trtmnt of  n of pisnos ( mixtur of Spnish, Inin, n usin strns). Thir pitursqu n shiftlss wys, niv fftion for thir hurh, mystil pprition of ntur, n loylty to thir n r givn th ir of lgn n likn to th tls of King rthur's Roun Tl. Th son ls with  strik mong fruit pikrs, its ft y th lnownrs with thir vigilnts, n th fforts of ommunist orgnizrs first to orgniz th strik n thn to xploit th workrs. Qustion:In uious ttl givs  sription of ________.
.  group of pisnos loyl to thir n
. King rthur's Roun Tl
. th ft of  strik y th lnownrs
. solirs fighting for from
25.  liforni-orn n Stnfor-ut, John Stink gin prominn uring th Grt prssion of th 1930s s  novlist who omin thms of soil protst with  nign viw of humn ntur n  iologil intrprttion of humn xprin,  omintion tht gin him wi populrity n provi th sis for  rr not only in fition ut lso in journlism, th thtr, n films. John rnst Stink, Jr., ws orn in 1902, in th Slins Vlly, whos snry, griulturl workrs, n n'r-o-wll pisnos ppr frquntly in his fition. His fthr ws trsurr of Montry ounty, n his mothr ws  formr shoolthr. Thir lirry introu him rly to suh stnr uthors s Milton, ostovsky, Flurt, Gorg liot, n Thoms Hry. H ws  ontriutor to th shool nwsppr,  vrsity thlt, n prsint of his gruting lss in high shool, n h ttn Stnfor Univrsity sporilly twn 1920 n 1925, mjoring in nglish, ut nvr finish th gr. H work on rnhs n on  ro gng for trying futilly to stlish himslf s  writr uring  rif sty in Nw York ity in 1926, n h work in  liforni fish hthry n mp in th Sirrs for pulishing his first novl, up of Gol, in 1929. In thos yrs h r . H. Lwrn, Will thr, Shrwoo nrson, n prtiulrly th novlists Jms rnh lln, Hmingwy with nthusism, ut his prnnil intrsts wr th lssis of ontinntl litrtur n th nint historins. In 1930 h mrri n mov to Pifi Grov, liforni, whr his fthr provi  hous n smll llown to support him. Two unsussful novls trting th nhntmnt of th mrin rm n th ost of pursuing it (Th Psturs of Hvn, 1932, n To  Go Unknown, 1933) pr his first susss, Tortill Flt in 1935 n In uious ttl in 1936. Th first ws n pisoi, wrmly humorous trtmnt of  n of pisnos ( mixtur of Spnish, Inin, n usin strns). Thir pitursqu n shiftlss wys, niv fftion for thir hurh, mystil pprition of ntur, n loylty to thir n r givn th ir of lgn n likn to th tls of King rthur's Roun Tl. Th son ls with  strik mong fruit pikrs, its ft y th lnownrs with thir vigilnts, n th fforts of ommunist orgnizrs first to orgniz th strik n thn to xploit th workrs. Qustion:Stink's first suss s  writr ws ________.
. up of Gol
. Th Psturs of Hvn
. To  Go Unknown
. Tortill Flt


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