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发表于 2015-11-1 17:02:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


一、单选(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)

1.  Young popl shoul hv th right to ontrol n irt thir own lrning, tht is, to i wht thy wnt to lrn, n whn, whr, how, how muh, how fst, n with wht hlp thy wnt to lrn it. To  still mor spifi, I wnt thm to hv th right to i if, whn, how muh, n y whom thy wnt to  tught n th right to i whthr thy wnt to lrn in  shool n if so whih on n for how muh of th tim. No humn right, xpt th right to lif itslf, is mor funmntl thn this.  prson's from of lrning is prt of his from of thought, vn mor si thn his from of sph. If w tk from somon his right to i wht h will  urious out, w stroy his from of thought. W sy, in fft, you must think not out wht intrsts n onrns you, ut out wht intrsts n onrns us. This right of h of us to ontrol our own lrning is now in ngr. Whn w put into our lws th highly uthoritrin notion tht somon shoul n oul i wht ll young popl wr to lrn n yon tht, oul o whtvr might sm nssry (whih now inlus osing thm with rugs) to ompl thm to lrn it, w took  long stp own  vry stp n ngrous pth. Th rquirmnt tht  hil go to shool, for out six hours  y, 180 ys  yr, for out tn yrs, whthr or not h lrns nything thr, whthr or not h lry knows it or oul lrn it fstr or ttr somwhr ls, is suh  gross violtion of ivil lirtis tht fw ults woul stn for it. ut th hil who rsists is trt s  riminl. With this rquirmnt w rt n inustry, n rmy of popl whos whol work ws to tll young popl wht thy h to lrn n to try to mk thm lrn it. Som of ths popl, wnting to xris vn mor powr ovr othrs, or to  vn mor "hlpful," r now ginning to sy, "If ompulsory ution is goo for hilrn, why wouln't it  goo for vryon? If it is  goo thing, how n thr  too muh of it?" Thy r ginning to tlk, s on mn i on  ntionwi TV show, out "wom-to-tom" shooling. If hours of homwork vry night r goo for th young, why wouln't thy  goo for us ll—thy woul kp us wy from th TV st n othr frivolous pursuits. Som group of xprts, somwhr, woul  gl to i wht w ll ought to know n thn vry so oftn hk up on us to mk sur w knw it—with, of ours, pproprit pnltis if w i not. Qustion: hil who rsists th urrnt systm is likly _______.
. to  snt to prison
. to  ismiss from shool
. to  ll right
. to  rgr s   hil
2.  Yhui Mnuhin, who i in rlin on Mrh 12, 1999, t th g of 82, ws  hil proigy who fulfill his promis to om on of th worl's formost violinists for xtning his rng to thing n onuting. Th gntly spokn U.S.-orn virtuoso m s rnown for his votion to humn uss s for his mstry of th violin. Th spotlight hs n on him sin his ut t svn in 1924. y th tim h ws 13, h h prform in Pris, Lonon n Nw York. In rlin, his prformn prompt physiist lrt instin to xlim, "Now I know thr is  Go in Hvn." Rportly th worl's highst pi musiin in th 1930s, his striving for prftion m him  lgn. Mnuhin si th violin m its own mns, "lmost lik  pgn goss, xting  rtin triut." Whn h ws 38, on Nw York nwsppr wrot, "Th frshnss n uniqu purity of his plying is xhilrting. No othr violinist hs suh spking loqun in th ton lon." H gv up puli violin prformns in his 70s. His hring ws  littl impir y thn n h h tkn on mny mor intrsts. ut his onuting ws still full of nrgy n his trvl shul gruling. "I fl tht wht I'v lrn in musi I n pply to  wi rprtoir, whih is fun us I m xploring nw trrin," h si in n intrviw t th tim of his 80th irthy. "ut I fl no sir now to spn hours working wy gin t somthing whih I myslf in th pst n othr popl n ply fr ttr thn I n now. I on't s th point."  ritish itizn sin 1985 n  lif pr sin 1993—ron Mnuhin of Stok 'rnon in th ounty of Surry—h h  shool in ngln n n my in Switzrln for young musiins, whom h oftn onuts. H hs lso hlp foun vrious musil fstivls, hl th Nhru P Priz n ws  goowill mssor for UNSO. Whil pursuing intrsts suh s th nvironmnt, orgni frming, ltrntiv miin, ution n th plight of gypsis, h stiks to  long-stning hlthy it n yog. "I on't squnr my nrgis. Kp myslf in firly goo trim. I stn on my h vry morning. onuting is  wonrful xris us it uss vry fulty," h sys. Qustion:Mnuhin gn his rr s _________.
.  hil proigy
.  violinist
.  thr
.  onutor
3.  I gt jumpy insi whn I gt jlous n I fin it hr to ontrol tht. t first I try to voi it, try to prtn it's not thr. Mostly tht works for m; my jlous flings r flting things nywy. Thy nvr lst vry long. I know tht jlousy is rl n I on't wnt to ny it in m, ut I on't lik th physil fling it givs m. I somtims lik th flings hin th jlousy n ing m to fl jlous. It sys to m tht I r nough, lik somon nough to  mov in tht wy. It mns tht I m still in touh with somon in  rltionship n tht th rltionship is importnt to m, whthr it's  ml frin or  womn. Whn I m jlous it's s if somon ws intruing on som privt trritory. ut on I unrstn wht's hppning I n tlk out it with th popl involv n unrstn it's not thrtning to my rltionship, it sms oky. It sms lik m giving prmission to om into somthing tht is prsonl n privt. It n strt out to  vry privt, ut tht n  ngotit. Somtims I wish I oul tlk out it mor with th prson tht uss m to  jlous, ut somtims I on't think tht's  wy I shoul  n I on't tlk out it. nyhow, jlousy is rl n I on't wnt to hi it. Somtims I on't wnt to tlk out it us th prson I'm ling with is not importnt nough for m to spn th tim n nrgy it woul tk to strightn things out. If it's somon I r out n m going to  spning mor tim with, I think I n n woul tlk out wht's othring m. Whn I gt own to it, I think my jlousy hs to o with low slf-stm, low slf-onpt or fling inqut. Mostly it's uilt roun insurity. ut I on't know if I'll vr om tht sur s to not xprin som jlousy. I on't wnt nyon to  tht mninglss to m. It sms kin of ngrous to m to  tht sur. Qustion:Wht n  infrr from th uthor's nrrtion?
. H oftn hs  low opinion of himslf.
. H gts jlous whnvr h fls sur.
. H will try to orrt his jlousy whnvr possil.
. H hs  lr n orrt unrstning of othrs' opinion out him.
4.  Th hilrn wr surpris whn th thr h thm ____ thir ooks unxptly.
. los
. to los
. losing
. los
5.  Now th ommitt ____ svn mmrs.
. onsist of
. is onsisting of
. is onsist of
. onsists of
6.  I gt jumpy insi whn I gt jlous n I fin it hr to ontrol tht. t first I try to voi it, try to prtn it's not thr. Mostly tht works for m; my jlous flings r flting things nywy. Thy nvr lst vry long. I know tht jlousy is rl n I on't wnt to ny it in m, ut I on't lik th physil fling it givs m. I somtims lik th flings hin th jlousy n ing m to fl jlous. It sys to m tht I r nough, lik somon nough to  mov in tht wy. It mns tht I m still in touh with somon in  rltionship n tht th rltionship is importnt to m, whthr it's  ml frin or  womn. Whn I m jlous it's s if somon ws intruing on som privt trritory. ut on I unrstn wht's hppning I n tlk out it with th popl involv n unrstn it's not thrtning to my rltionship, it sms oky. It sms lik m giving prmission to om into somthing tht is prsonl n privt. It n strt out to  vry privt, ut tht n  ngotit. Somtims I wish I oul tlk out it mor with th prson tht uss m to  jlous, ut somtims I on't think tht's  wy I shoul  n I on't tlk out it. nyhow, jlousy is rl n I on't wnt to hi it. Somtims I on't wnt to tlk out it us th prson I'm ling with is not importnt nough for m to spn th tim n nrgy it woul tk to strightn things out. If it's somon I r out n m going to  spning mor tim with, I think I n n woul tlk out wht's othring m. Whn I gt own to it, I think my jlousy hs to o with low slf-stm, low slf-onpt or fling inqut. Mostly it's uilt roun insurity. ut I on't know if I'll vr om tht sur s to not xprin som jlousy. I on't wnt nyon to  tht mninglss to m. It sms kin of ngrous to m to  tht sur. Qustion:Whih of th following sttmnts is tru onrning th uthor's i out jlousy?
. Jlousy lwys mks him fl so trril tht h wnts to gt ri of it right wy.
. Jlousy is  ompltly privt mttr.
. Somtims jlousy osn't fft his rltionship with othrs.
. Jlousy is not ommunil.
7.  It's tim ____ out th trffi prolm owntown.
. somthing ws on
. nything will  on
. vrything is on
. nothing to  on
8.  Young popl shoul hv th right to ontrol n irt thir own lrning, tht is, to i wht thy wnt to lrn, n whn, whr, how, how muh, how fst, n with wht hlp thy wnt to lrn it. To  still mor spifi, I wnt thm to hv th right to i if, whn, how muh, n y whom thy wnt to  tught n th right to i whthr thy wnt to lrn in  shool n if so whih on n for how muh of th tim. No humn right, xpt th right to lif itslf, is mor funmntl thn this.  prson's from of lrning is prt of his from of thought, vn mor si thn his from of sph. If w tk from somon his right to i wht h will  urious out, w stroy his from of thought. W sy, in fft, you must think not out wht intrsts n onrns you, ut out wht intrsts n onrns us. This right of h of us to ontrol our own lrning is now in ngr. Whn w put into our lws th highly uthoritrin notion tht somon shoul n oul i wht ll young popl wr to lrn n yon tht, oul o whtvr might sm nssry (whih now inlus osing thm with rugs) to ompl thm to lrn it, w took  long stp own  vry stp n ngrous pth. Th rquirmnt tht  hil go to shool, for out six hours  y, 180 ys  yr, for out tn yrs, whthr or not h lrns nything thr, whthr or not h lry knows it or oul lrn it fstr or ttr somwhr ls, is suh  gross violtion of ivil lirtis tht fw ults woul stn for it. ut th hil who rsists is trt s  riminl. With this rquirmnt w rt n inustry, n rmy of popl whos whol work ws to tll young popl wht thy h to lrn n to try to mk thm lrn it. Som of ths popl, wnting to xris vn mor powr ovr othrs, or to  vn mor "hlpful," r now ginning to sy, "If ompulsory ution is goo for hilrn, why wouln't it  goo for vryon? If it is  goo thing, how n thr  too muh of it?" Thy r ginning to tlk, s on mn i on  ntionwi TV show, out "wom-to-tom" shooling. If hours of homwork vry night r goo for th young, why wouln't thy  goo for us ll—thy woul kp us wy from th TV st n othr frivolous pursuits. Som group of xprts, somwhr, woul  gl to i wht w ll ought to know n thn vry so oftn hk up on us to mk sur w knw it—with, of ours, pproprit pnltis if w i not. Qustion:Th phrs "wom-to-tom" shooling proly mns tht _______.
. lrning is from young to ol
. lrning is isstrous
. lrning is unnssry
. lrning is not lwys hlpful
9.  I' rthr tht you ____ tomorrow thn toy.
. m
. will om
. h om
. is oming
10.  I gt jumpy insi whn I gt jlous n I fin it hr to ontrol tht. t first I try to voi it, try to prtn it's not thr. Mostly tht works for m; my jlous flings r flting things nywy. Thy nvr lst vry long. I know tht jlousy is rl n I on't wnt to ny it in m, ut I on't lik th physil fling it givs m. I somtims lik th flings hin th jlousy n ing m to fl jlous. It sys to m tht I r nough, lik somon nough to  mov in tht wy. It mns tht I m still in touh with somon in  rltionship n tht th rltionship is importnt to m, whthr it's  ml frin or  womn. Whn I m jlous it's s if somon ws intruing on som privt trritory. ut on I unrstn wht's hppning I n tlk out it with th popl involv n unrstn it's not thrtning to my rltionship, it sms oky. It sms lik m giving prmission to om into somthing tht is prsonl n privt. It n strt out to  vry privt, ut tht n  ngotit. Somtims I wish I oul tlk out it mor with th prson tht uss m to  jlous, ut somtims I on't think tht's  wy I shoul  n I on't tlk out it. nyhow, jlousy is rl n I on't wnt to hi it. Somtims I on't wnt to tlk out it us th prson I'm ling with is not importnt nough for m to spn th tim n nrgy it woul tk to strightn things out. If it's somon I r out n m going to  spning mor tim with, I think I n n woul tlk out wht's othring m. Whn I gt own to it, I think my jlousy hs to o with low slf-stm, low slf-onpt or fling inqut. Mostly it's uilt roun insurity. ut I on't know if I'll vr om tht sur s to not xprin som jlousy. I on't wnt nyon to  tht mninglss to m. It sms kin of ngrous to m to  tht sur. Qustion:s for th uthor, jlousy ________.
. is totlly yon his ontrol
. is unr his ontrol
. osn't o him ny goo
. kps him in touh with othrs
11.  I s no ____ in lving my ompny sin I m oing quit wll thr.
. rson
. xus
. point
. hn
12.  Yhui Mnuhin, who i in rlin on Mrh 12, 1999, t th g of 82, ws  hil proigy who fulfill his promis to om on of th worl's formost violinists for xtning his rng to thing n onuting. Th gntly spokn U.S.-orn virtuoso m s rnown for his votion to humn uss s for his mstry of th violin. Th spotlight hs n on him sin his ut t svn in 1924. y th tim h ws 13, h h prform in Pris, Lonon n Nw York. In rlin, his prformn prompt physiist lrt instin to xlim, "Now I know thr is  Go in Hvn." Rportly th worl's highst pi musiin in th 1930s, his striving for prftion m him  lgn. Mnuhin si th violin m its own mns, "lmost lik  pgn goss, xting  rtin triut." Whn h ws 38, on Nw York nwsppr wrot, "Th frshnss n uniqu purity of his plying is xhilrting. No othr violinist hs suh spking loqun in th ton lon." H gv up puli violin prformns in his 70s. His hring ws  littl impir y thn n h h tkn on mny mor intrsts. ut his onuting ws still full of nrgy n his trvl shul gruling. "I fl tht wht I'v lrn in musi I n pply to  wi rprtoir, whih is fun us I m xploring nw trrin," h si in n intrviw t th tim of his 80th irthy. "ut I fl no sir now to spn hours working wy gin t somthing whih I myslf in th pst n othr popl n ply fr ttr thn I n now. I on't s th point."  ritish itizn sin 1985 n  lif pr sin 1993—ron Mnuhin of Stok 'rnon in th ounty of Surry—h h  shool in ngln n n my in Switzrln for young musiins, whom h oftn onuts. H hs lso hlp foun vrious musil fstivls, hl th Nhru P Priz n ws  goowill mssor for UNSO. Whil pursuing intrsts suh s th nvironmnt, orgni frming, ltrntiv miin, ution n th plight of gypsis, h stiks to  long-stning hlthy it n yog. "I on't squnr my nrgis. Kp myslf in firly goo trim. I stn on my h vry morning. onuting is  wonrful xris us it uss vry fulty," h sys. Qustion:Th ov pssg isusss ___________.
. how Mnuhin work hr to su
. th lgn of Mnuhin
. Mnuhin s  musiin
. Mnuhin s  sussful violinist n  sttsmn
13.  Young popl shoul hv th right to ontrol n irt thir own lrning, tht is, to i wht thy wnt to lrn, n whn, whr, how, how muh, how fst, n with wht hlp thy wnt to lrn it. To  still mor spifi, I wnt thm to hv th right to i if, whn, how muh, n y whom thy wnt to  tught n th right to i whthr thy wnt to lrn in  shool n if so whih on n for how muh of th tim. No humn right, xpt th right to lif itslf, is mor funmntl thn this.  prson's from of lrning is prt of his from of thought, vn mor si thn his from of sph. If w tk from somon his right to i wht h will  urious out, w stroy his from of thought. W sy, in fft, you must think not out wht intrsts n onrns you, ut out wht intrsts n onrns us. This right of h of us to ontrol our own lrning is now in ngr. Whn w put into our lws th highly uthoritrin notion tht somon shoul n oul i wht ll young popl wr to lrn n yon tht, oul o whtvr might sm nssry (whih now inlus osing thm with rugs) to ompl thm to lrn it, w took  long stp own  vry stp n ngrous pth. Th rquirmnt tht  hil go to shool, for out six hours  y, 180 ys  yr, for out tn yrs, whthr or not h lrns nything thr, whthr or not h lry knows it or oul lrn it fstr or ttr somwhr ls, is suh  gross violtion of ivil lirtis tht fw ults woul stn for it. ut th hil who rsists is trt s  riminl. With this rquirmnt w rt n inustry, n rmy of popl whos whol work ws to tll young popl wht thy h to lrn n to try to mk thm lrn it. Som of ths popl, wnting to xris vn mor powr ovr othrs, or to  vn mor "hlpful," r now ginning to sy, "If ompulsory ution is goo for hilrn, why wouln't it  goo for vryon? If it is  goo thing, how n thr  too muh of it?" Thy r ginning to tlk, s on mn i on  ntionwi TV show, out "wom-to-tom" shooling. If hours of homwork vry night r goo for th young, why wouln't thy  goo for us ll—thy woul kp us wy from th TV st n othr frivolous pursuits. Som group of xprts, somwhr, woul  gl to i wht w ll ought to know n thn vry so oftn hk up on us to mk sur w knw it—with, of ours, pproprit pnltis if w i not. Qustionring to th pssg, it is most funmntl tht young popl shoul hv th from of _______ .
. sph
. thought
. lrning
. uriosity
14.  Lt's rss th qustion of whthr sp ring is vn  sirl gol. I m n vi fition rr. onsiously or unonsiously, rrs of fition pprit th uty in goo writing. Osionlly I will r  pssg or sntn ovr to  imprss y th opning sntns of rnst Hmingwy's Th Ol Mn n th S, Th rk, n Hrmn. If I ws  trmin sp rr, I woul nvr hv th tim to pprit ths utiful pssgs. n I' nvr hv th tim to svor th vlopmnt of  hrtr lik Rhtt utlr, th Grt Gtsy or ptin h. Goo writrs must  r rfully n thoughtfully to  fully pprit. To rry th qustion of th n for rpi ring  it furthr, lt's onsir th thnil or utionl mtril most of us must r for our jos. If you work in  thnil fil—n most usinss n profssionl popl o—you' ttr r slowly n rfully. lmost ll usinsss toy r sujt to frl rgultions to som gr. If you must r th Frl Rgistr, th o of Frl Rgultions, th OSH Hnook or othr thnil mtrils rlt irtly to your jo, I' urg you to tk your tim.  misring oul  ostly or mging to your firm. On th othr hn, nwspprs, nws mgzins n othr pulitions shoul  r with som gr of sp. Hr's whr  gnrl knowlg of sp ring thniqus might  usful. spilly sin tht is th most ommon typ of ring w o. nyon n improv thir ring ffiintly. To o so, you must lrn som si thniqus n thn onsiously pply thm. Prhps n xpnsiv ours woul hlp you, ut n inxpnsiv pprk n onntrt prti might provi s muh long-trm nfit. In ny s, you los nothing y trying th slf-hlp pproh. Qustion:Hmingwy's writing is mntion in th pssg to show tht _________.
. som writing shoul  r rfully
. som writing shoul  r quikly
. on hs to unrstn th full mning of  writtn pi
. on osn't hv to unrstn th full mning of  writtn pi
15.  It ws not until sh hs rriv hom ____ rmmr hr ppointmnt with th otor.
. whn sh
. tht sh
. n sh
. sh
16.  Thr r no sts ____ for thos who r lt for th show.
. vill
. nough
. suppli
. mk
17.  It is rommn tht th projt ____ until ll th prprtions hv n m.
. not  strt
. will not  strt
. is not strt
. is not to  strt
18.  Lt's rss th qustion of whthr sp ring is vn  sirl gol. I m n vi fition rr. onsiously or unonsiously, rrs of fition pprit th uty in goo writing. Osionlly I will r  pssg or sntn ovr to  imprss y th opning sntns of rnst Hmingwy's Th Ol Mn n th S, Th rk, n Hrmn. If I ws  trmin sp rr, I woul nvr hv th tim to pprit ths utiful pssgs. n I' nvr hv th tim to svor th vlopmnt of  hrtr lik Rhtt utlr, th Grt Gtsy or ptin h. Goo writrs must  r rfully n thoughtfully to  fully pprit. To rry th qustion of th n for rpi ring  it furthr, lt's onsir th thnil or utionl mtril most of us must r for our jos. If you work in  thnil fil—n most usinss n profssionl popl o—you' ttr r slowly n rfully. lmost ll usinsss toy r sujt to frl rgultions to som gr. If you must r th Frl Rgistr, th o of Frl Rgultions, th OSH Hnook or othr thnil mtrils rlt irtly to your jo, I' urg you to tk your tim.  misring oul  ostly or mging to your firm. On th othr hn, nwspprs, nws mgzins n othr pulitions shoul  r with som gr of sp. Hr's whr  gnrl knowlg of sp ring thniqus might  usful. spilly sin tht is th most ommon typ of ring w o. nyon n improv thir ring ffiintly. To o so, you must lrn som si thniqus n thn onsiously pply thm. Prhps n xpnsiv ours woul hlp you, ut n inxpnsiv pprk n onntrt prti might provi s muh long-trm nfit. In ny s, you los nothing y trying th slf-hlp pproh. Qustion:Thnil mtrils shoul  r rfully us _________.
. thy r usully iffiult to unrstn
. thy r rlt to frl rgultions
. thy r n unommon typ of ring
.  misring my o hrm to your work
19.  ____ h h forgot to tk his notook.
. Tht ourr to him
. To him tht ourr
. H ourr tht
. It ourr to him tht
20.  Yhui Mnuhin, who i in rlin on Mrh 12, 1999, t th g of 82, ws  hil proigy who fulfill his promis to om on of th worl's formost violinists for xtning his rng to thing n onuting. Th gntly spokn U.S.-orn virtuoso m s rnown for his votion to humn uss s for his mstry of th violin. Th spotlight hs n on him sin his ut t svn in 1924. y th tim h ws 13, h h prform in Pris, Lonon n Nw York. In rlin, his prformn prompt physiist lrt instin to xlim, "Now I know thr is  Go in Hvn." Rportly th worl's highst pi musiin in th 1930s, his striving for prftion m him  lgn. Mnuhin si th violin m its own mns, "lmost lik  pgn goss, xting  rtin triut." Whn h ws 38, on Nw York nwsppr wrot, "Th frshnss n uniqu purity of his plying is xhilrting. No othr violinist hs suh spking loqun in th ton lon." H gv up puli violin prformns in his 70s. His hring ws  littl impir y thn n h h tkn on mny mor intrsts. ut his onuting ws still full of nrgy n his trvl shul gruling. "I fl tht wht I'v lrn in musi I n pply to  wi rprtoir, whih is fun us I m xploring nw trrin," h si in n intrviw t th tim of his 80th irthy. "ut I fl no sir now to spn hours working wy gin t somthing whih I myslf in th pst n othr popl n ply fr ttr thn I n now. I on't s th point."  ritish itizn sin 1985 n  lif pr sin 1993—ron Mnuhin of Stok 'rnon in th ounty of Surry—h h  shool in ngln n n my in Switzrln for young musiins, whom h oftn onuts. H hs lso hlp foun vrious musil fstivls, hl th Nhru P Priz n ws  goowill mssor for UNSO. Whil pursuing intrsts suh s th nvironmnt, orgni frming, ltrntiv miin, ution n th plight of gypsis, h stiks to  long-stning hlthy it n yog. "I on't squnr my nrgis. Kp myslf in firly goo trim. I stn on my h vry morning. onuting is  wonrful xris us it uss vry fulty," h sys. Qustion:Whih of th following is Not mntion in th pssg?
. Mnuhin m  ritish sujt in 1980s.
. Mnuhin ws m  ron in 1990s.
. Mnuhin rn som shools for young musiins.
. Mnuhin tri to su in vry fil n ll th tim.
21.  It is no us ____.
. to uy ooks n not to r thm
. uying ooks n not to r thm
. uying ooks n not ring thm
. to uy ooks n not ring thm
22.  ____ to spk whn th uin intrrupt him.
. Hrly h h gun
. No soonr h h gun
. Not until h gn
. Srly i h gin
23.  Th trip will  ____ till nxt wk us of th  wthr.
. put out
. put off
. put on
. put up
24.  I gt jumpy insi whn I gt jlous n I fin it hr to ontrol tht. t first I try to voi it, try to prtn it's not thr. Mostly tht works for m; my jlous flings r flting things nywy. Thy nvr lst vry long. I know tht jlousy is rl n I on't wnt to ny it in m, ut I on't lik th physil fling it givs m. I somtims lik th flings hin th jlousy n ing m to fl jlous. It sys to m tht I r nough, lik somon nough to  mov in tht wy. It mns tht I m still in touh with somon in  rltionship n tht th rltionship is importnt to m, whthr it's  ml frin or  womn. Whn I m jlous it's s if somon ws intruing on som privt trritory. ut on I unrstn wht's hppning I n tlk out it with th popl involv n unrstn it's not thrtning to my rltionship, it sms oky. It sms lik m giving prmission to om into somthing tht is prsonl n privt. It n strt out to  vry privt, ut tht n  ngotit. Somtims I wish I oul tlk out it mor with th prson tht uss m to  jlous, ut somtims I on't think tht's  wy I shoul  n I on't tlk out it. nyhow, jlousy is rl n I on't wnt to hi it. Somtims I on't wnt to tlk out it us th prson I'm ling with is not importnt nough for m to spn th tim n nrgy it woul tk to strightn things out. If it's somon I r out n m going to  spning mor tim with, I think I n n woul tlk out wht's othring m. Whn I gt own to it, I think my jlousy hs to o with low slf-stm, low slf-onpt or fling inqut. Mostly it's uilt roun insurity. ut I on't know if I'll vr om tht sur s to not xprin som jlousy. I on't wnt nyon to  tht mninglss to m. It sms kin of ngrous to m to  tht sur. Qustion:s for th uthor, jlousy ________.
. is totlly yon his ontrol
. is unr his ontrol
. osn't o him ny goo
. kps him in touh with othrs
25.  Soon h got ____ his iffiultis n su.
. ross
. wy
. ovr
. through


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