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发表于 2015-11-17 10:21:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

/ q# r: J$ D% w. m: K' E- a中国医科大学2016年1月课程考试《英语2》考查课试
6 {, C3 h  V; o% e$ u
! O( k# B, J+ _
9 Y4 \9 T& d1 K% R8 R; Y2 @7 c4 U9 C2 D
" Y4 j2 \( ~7 T& a5 j& F
一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。)1 y, D# |9 @: z

+ O9 ]& E9 m4 X/ G9 R6 f7 ?1.  Slowly he ________ his grip on his murderer and fell to the ground.* l# q6 C8 u- I5 J8 h, `
A. treat6 Z  I3 j, U- H* G% ^9 y8 r) b
B. hesitated
; ~( S1 Q8 i+ T* T1 I1 H( `/ {C. relaxed7 |+ ]0 q6 D1 a0 y+ Z
D. contracted9 s2 @/ o& @9 n9 ?& d
. h0 [( V3 z' _6 v, L2.  The boy is very intelligent, but his lack of ______ prevents his success.
* E: J" h  h0 D; nA. ambition
7 H& V9 R; L/ B# c+ @, e/ B: kB. dream( v- ]! {' H8 M$ @! V8 X
C. ideal
+ `1 r9 a* G) y( g$ W0 LD. jealousy2 N& r: x- U0 R) j5 n
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:A5 e" a% p, h0 ?: {' A7 e
3.  _________ there is life there is hope.& {+ z' g) @+ F! B
A. Since
1 d. A5 N, x* x3 ]* T9 E0 n) n4 T+ SB. As long as
+ L' w% v1 ?% Y( T) v1 ~C. As' r$ U2 F; r$ d) @
D. Though
" Z8 e$ ?# o9 l+ c  L资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:B
6 a# {1 t% ^& D4.  He has ________ for language.
3 I/ H/ ]1 I' f' m& G2 j6 D9 cA. latitude
" v0 m* F  U0 w6 o# zB. longitude; \% O! ^+ A" a1 O$ u# G
C. an aptitude2 L- e6 r, e$ o! n8 T& N
D. an attitude# l6 I( t% C! V. {% V+ y8 u
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:C5 {- m1 D8 |0 Y% [* w: C7 ^, M
5.  He was talking about the _________ setting up a new shopping mall in the neighborhood.
  J+ M& J4 ?3 x2 E6 o; MA. reality0 p) F' {' e5 j) q
B. feasibility" l* y+ F, [4 X* h$ h
C. ability5 R( b* ~" Y4 l
D. responsibility
' Y0 q* R) O# X/ T0 v资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:B
, r; p/ e3 @  X6.  If you continue stealing, you will surely __________ in prison.) m$ L& |9 ^: ^
A. end
7 a6 D, _3 m' {: sB. final
3 }4 l( w0 D. Z% O. B% s# bC. end up
# ^" W. ]. M0 v( A; KD. stop( \  @# o* `8 z
& \" K1 k4 H6 G4 l7.  We think of the Great Wall of China________ one of the wonders of the world., G. F  h6 i. k5 a" N  U
A. to
/ z9 O! t5 c4 u! L6 j& cB. like  I( M8 |( F( w/ E  k# V
C. with6 r0 X) M. e0 G2 ]+ o5 c& Q5 Y, ~
D. as
& g; v! u! R& N/ b1 e0 q资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
7 @% J% k! @. |  U" ~8.  Everything _________ except salaries.
3 H# F( y) s9 @1 o6 F8 v) bA. went6 C$ }5 h7 Z/ j7 m# `' n( a7 N
B. went up" j# C8 H* {: l6 x( S
C. went to
) a9 C! U, Y) i5 A0 r' F9 G; zD. went from6 Y0 z5 n+ o3 m
9 u+ ^6 G6 P  ]7 @, W9.  A lorry ____ Jane's cat and sped away.
8 T1 L! r/ c# R. L+ i$ NA. ran over
- K1 j% [- j$ d. L2 N* GB. ran into' B. e: _, K" _
C. ran through* T# N" `& O9 d) ]1 }' q
D. ran down- b3 T5 a+ S, `/ e, @
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:" \. ^; X3 ?9 o2 S/ t( ?" H- Y0 G+ v
10.  You___ read that article if you don’t want to./ N% H) h2 @) i3 {* O
A. haven’t
* D% J8 q' S: t+ P$ p4 ?B. can’t* @& g$ {- }; Q' S
C. mustn’t' |; L2 a$ ]$ E  \1 x+ u7 q
D. needn’t
9 M7 T7 `6 c1 |+ \& K# `资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
% E3 s+ v- u5 B' w; i4 a11.  Is there anything you want from town? I am going to get _______.% @" t6 W9 f. R* d# D( _' V
A. to mail those letters$ K. U  K' R) R* ~& r
B. these letters mailed
, P+ U! p0 W( u3 `; U5 v" pC. mailed letters
( ?, D1 m: ~2 ?! TD. those letters to mail6 d0 P4 y( g( [+ N
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:$ Y9 ?4 F! f1 s4 N" p3 X& O4 M' j4 ?
12.  Before liberation, many laboring people were _________ food and clothes./ j7 t6 \" }% L* C8 l% L; f
A. enough of/ U, V% k, a7 o. f  o4 e/ h: x8 ?
B. lack
2 k( a! Z+ B& b! [7 _% Y: R0 m8 sC. share of/ r- i) P* Z2 {2 m* d/ {* _
D. short of$ A. ?$ ~  J7 `3 H3 t, |
, r; ~( A0 q& a8 e9 M' N( O2 y13.  As I am sure Jenny is very honest, I__ that she stole the money.
& D/ U; _  W8 l: _/ aA. guess9 @" m+ L& M% B# C3 m" {( W" Q
B. believe
! G. H! j8 `$ _4 ]5 S, o+ cC. suspect5 b5 l# e6 s% R
D. doubt' I/ x; P; ^& J' s
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:* x8 x4 w, h% @1 o
14.  They all did wrong, why __________ him out for punishment?# d7 r( u4 O: F* M% a0 H  h
A. took7 H# n/ [3 X2 \4 V2 C5 b
B. selected8 s6 E' s8 ^% Z) G( O# ~7 O
C. chose" N1 R# o4 {0 U# d! D8 J/ u
D. singled
2 M' s( ^7 [1 V5 s% Q资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:1 C  f" B; G) |% G
15.  It’s now exactly half past seven._______, the doctor has been here for two hours.
0 M6 p8 [8 ^6 Y- \: `. T6 ^A. In other words4 ^5 d1 H( w5 }8 u! O* Y
B. In another word
; n) g  M& {3 [" `/ M& F7 q! fC. On the other hand
" y8 K; n* V) Y* g* CD. What‘s more9 J& i$ D1 N! O; i5 d
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:. r$ a: d8 s9 @. S) Y; x/ E
16.  He ________ having cheated on the English exam last week./ R, ^: E+ s0 U6 I" z! I
A. entered# J& q% h* O3 y! @, D+ {# k; ]
B. posted
! @$ m' z: p. x- O6 iC. admitted4 S+ j- T6 E: q
D. judged
2 s6 v" ^# x2 d$ M  c& W) R6 p资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
$ z8 P& L8 C* @7 y( H4 D1 i17.  He __________ to me to come downstairs., l5 L* k& _  Z+ z  \) {
A. motioned9 W. Y) X  G7 ]
B. warned
) [3 o8 j/ e7 l5 W# C  JC. sighed% a% J- Z, y) b9 L6 e
D. directed
1 d& L9 j) ~9 s) C资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
3 ]% Z- p* t4 L$ H4 @8 f* i) j18.  Help arrived at the _________ moment when the flood was about to drown the houses.
& i5 H! e% \, f* RA. bound
: m9 `/ A1 l& ?- SB. possible5 i" o4 M9 P3 `3 F2 w9 t! ]
C. critical4 F. M9 h) [: ^1 U# ^
D. abstract+ y; \- T4 s1 R* Q
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:6 p; V, B) ]* r% [
19.  Had he worked harder,he ___ the exams.6 a( I$ A! V0 ~/ J# o
A. must have got through
" D7 v( y9 A& T9 d8 C6 TB. . would have got through
2 I9 N) o" J2 r+ XC. . would get through" u- ^6 s4 R% H0 P  c
D. . could get through1 u9 X0 o' r2 V7 G; P& C
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:! \' W6 J* H4 _0 g! l
20.  The bad weather ________ our hopes of going out.
9 f' x0 }; @. s  JA. dispirited
8 ?, N* D0 w2 [B. frustrated
7 g5 g( z4 d: HC. fulfilled$ q$ S8 f( U- B* Y
D. lost& j& Q. k* W6 ^/ n0 H4 |6 {
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:( o; Y) M5 I5 ~. D
21.  His heart beat so fast that he could hardly ___________.
5 h  a. H6 {9 X% w9 w6 o, ?A. impress
! z2 v3 J# |/ d! |B. emerge
, s; k# h1 E* HC. breathe
0 o1 I% a- O1 M  Z0 RD. breath
9 v, t" H+ g% X; e( S; H! F1 B0 ?7 F资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:9 ]" J+ f0 v% O
22.  The student __________ much brighter than he had first appeared.5 ^; m( P+ \* z
A. provided5 A# |  v& _* C( W% m! m
B. improved
, i. A4 q$ ^" y% J. tC. proved
* O  D* h9 V. _; w* l& B: OD. used
; a$ E9 Z, j2 R& F3 c- P) f1 {; {资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
# Y% B" L0 n6 L7 U' Q3 S$ g23.  His fame_____ by that of his wife.- x3 K  }% k4 J' t, U
A. be obscure
# ~1 S5 R6 v9 ?  }( `, vB. obsured$ ^& m5 w- m# x( Y; l/ m- q
C. was obsured
, ]0 ?- V% L; L& u- ]" N: k3 aD. being ovsured0 E" g- I; ~9 r  N
, a8 Z/ F- G; m/ F* C24.  For fear of kidnappers, parents tell their children to ______ speaking to strangers in the street.2 a: v0 ^" |/ C6 M) w4 B) T  g
A. evade
! t* M/ e+ ?  B  O* i% TB. preclude
. N* ~2 N* l0 P. z7 lC. conclude% `, p! M2 m9 X3 U
D. avoid# o. j$ Q5 z/ c3 m
! _+ @# y6 k5 f+ E2 k+ k) y25.  She ________ in all major newspapers for her lost son.. r% i2 s3 e/ q1 E
A. praised
/ _( s: ]# _1 J6 l; _; WB. advertised
6 [2 z$ ?7 b* P5 t& L4 I! `" QC. increased" c  O$ r$ W2 v- E, ~$ F
D. sold
5 O9 j3 M0 p7 u' I. U- y% C! L资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:. e9 B( y8 B1 D& f- |, Y2 ^+ C
26.  There is __________ here who won’t help you when you find yourself in difficulty.- `! n& N" C% A
A. somebody/ w7 X  v- h' h
B. nobody9 v2 Q9 I. D* Q( C/ ]7 [
C. anybody
4 U4 b# S, h# sD. everybody: L: Z8 \3 l/ K/ _& u% R7 i
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:! C( ^6 t) p7 [
27.  The fresh air in the mountain would _________ her strength.
* c' b* h: B% j! T, Z1 wA. bring forth- Z  Z0 p' Q1 R7 N
B. bring back
$ F) ]: G1 z$ E' cC. returning- f. `- y$ Y# @# e  A2 K, E4 w* s
D. release, Q8 K+ {* Z* ~" r0 A( F; P
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:  W: ]& y4 [7 Q" D4 h) P" U
28.  We learn to ________ before we learn to walk.  w9 n+ G" t" {4 N% u' T8 {' c' z
A. jump
& s& O, r9 ^$ h2 R  KB. climb& [& ?1 t) L+ e; W5 R
C. scale3 q7 y- [2 _% b
D. crawl
+ N4 ^% @( `! x1 E资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2 C. F% D% Q/ v9 J4 V
29.  He died _________ the earthquake.
! |8 a9 O2 Q! D7 T/ S/ IA. shortly as
4 i9 E1 f- i. {- u  p# T+ YB. shortly after$ `* M+ I  W! ]
C. shortly while/ _3 e3 f+ W! y" l( r
D. short after
7 x, i# z: c. N# N1 ^资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:  W6 U" K2 J9 ]3 T
30.  In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ____. \* |% E1 g- ~
A. gaps0 t" j. K8 G) R- }
B. intervals
& |! q" P6 N, t. gC. length/ x' ?5 K* u3 U
D. distance- T1 ~$ [9 H# H/ P7 h' B$ R- r
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:0 T9 [0 I2 Y9 m! z: D$ C
31.  It is often easier to make a promise than to_______ .
8 N, |: y9 A) o/ d' F1 s3 dA. keep it out+ }8 j* U% f8 S) P; w
B. give it out, `' R; D$ l1 g5 S& q+ j& Z
C. break it out9 B; i$ x% ~+ k. v
D. carry it out
: u: z1 ?/ H7 R2 G! f资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:4 i1 J8 F7 h; r+ M9 S$ v0 \3 k
32.  I was so __________ that I didn’t feel like eating anything.2 [+ e, ~; q) r7 {
A. exhausted
5 K2 c5 O& Y- Z. k* @6 M, YB. expressed
# Z' J6 ?( ?" u+ dC. exchanged7 y5 o( f: I+ i& N
D. alert, q( m/ @# A, Y" x4 z
( g5 i4 O2 M8 ^* `$ ^9 W' ?' L33.  I want to ____ some Hong Kong dollars into American dollars.- P) b3 f  N9 U& ?8 f" t4 D* p. `! z
A. modify
% ]% F# ?. ?; }6 a0 WB. turn
; }3 H# S& g) W; S; kC. convert
/ B& k( ^' D* P% F" O# eD. transform
- |& t% Q- E; a" G3 W5 Y0 e$ F资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
  X& Y4 W' j, j3 v34.  Will you _________ with me while I am away?
5 ]1 b3 e( e  n7 l# e3 r4 EA. argue
$ a# B) `( V6 b6 X2 I3 \1 t$ k1 ]B. conflict8 [( v" v  y$ l9 A/ k
C. correspond3 @9 V+ [4 i. ~4 `& {
D. protest
) m! \) z' z, x* x资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:; J" r9 M# {9 c* n% E0 G6 `' ?7 `
35.  He neither drinks, smokes, _______ eats meat
  }# n% E# @. o, S9 m9 [A. not
/ a7 I% N7 Q9 p! j8 \9 J0 ~* JB. or
8 a6 a+ [( ^7 F) f4 AC. nor
. _2 Y, {1 {. Z+ M2 N6 e5 UD. or not% |: h* B9 i0 ^6 c, `( K9 ?- C' f/ c
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:" @9 f) T$ j7 F! G
36.  He went to the store and __________ a gift for his son.
7 y2 Q/ h* I- O) oA. found out: i" y7 @$ ]1 j- x! ^; j/ [
B. turn out( |5 Z/ {: O( r* i7 ~1 `: V9 o& L
C. threw out( K. N7 M, @5 v% Y5 u- I8 n
D. picked out
; K4 ^+ \5 _5 J# ~资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
1 y! ^& k+ k( ~, k; ?37.  Iris and Eliza _______ want to invite their classmates to their birthday party4 G1 p4 X% T6 X' R5 @9 z
A. they both: F, i, A+ X$ o; {7 k2 {
B. their both
* l8 t0 [( G& x/ a% ~C. the both
3 I+ d( ^$ y) T+ c0 r/ sD. both
5 H+ \+ c5 w: J资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:# A+ O  e- I; }# [/ q2 X, ]1 }
38.  He has been _________ the right eye.
( A$ a& T  D* C2 TA. operated
% m; q1 H9 L# y6 mB. operated on# S$ Y2 z+ U& D2 Z: V3 e
C. cut on7 |5 m6 f7 m" L5 d  F
D. opened
) H' e6 e: a8 \3 R1 I" G资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:4 E5 k- |0 W3 D' [- @2 [
39.  The bell rang ___________ I had time to look over my examination paper.
  z! \4 b+ ^% n' H1 oA. until" f9 R2 C  E: p8 ^6 f1 D2 c6 a
B. when
( i6 w( A/ I; `C. as
7 O8 C- a! R; F% O! tD. before
0 T5 a7 R; {- Q+ e资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:" {7 s  ?/ }2 J- a# j. `% i
40.  Mrs. Brown, who has recently been _______ general manager of our company, is one of the most capable women I have ever worked with.' s% \- M$ U) [* _2 j5 [$ s9 A" W
A. named
% C( n8 T$ ~6 d4 v' y& NB. appointed
6 g% y8 Y4 Y& `C. assigned9 w6 U8 X8 m3 S" D) h$ A" \9 @
D. allocated9 V; E4 S; }8 c: \1 b
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:. y. F! k( j- x! |7 m
41.  __________ hard I tried, I couldn’t catch up with him.! j+ b% F" J1 i. [8 }
A. No matter how much4 J6 w9 [3 q& ^7 T
B. Although4 U4 {8 `! ]: m4 ]9 A) ~& W
C. No matter how
0 C6 J6 F1 O; ^4 w/ qD. As
) z6 g& c0 r! y& [7 ]资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:; v" {5 U( \- \. J7 Q7 ~
42.  They say they’ve dropped the traditional term paper requirement because many students buy _________ term papers.
+ ?8 }# M3 U. ^" X" x/ f2 o7 kA. previewed
) q# a3 J4 I8 S+ H2 {B. prewritten: B& _6 ~2 K# _
C. predetermined
3 d) a. s1 j0 [) \2 w* l# t- h: m  xD. advanced
, a1 b% Q9 O* A9 c" \! F资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:2 h2 J) e) k) ^. e
43.  I ___________ to tell my family the good news about my being admitted to Beijing University.; a) D) l9 B7 U' t$ X# K0 t
A. estimated: F6 S$ \8 F+ W% A3 E
B. made up. M- K0 K) o3 Z5 Y! e
C. thought) V1 B8 Y$ Y5 B, O2 j8 E5 e
D. hastened
/ p3 }: t0 z: W- ?资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:+ G2 h3 F& ~) }) s3 @
44.  "The Old Man and the Sea" and many other novels_____ Ernest Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.' o8 ?& }# i) E( q
A. earned
( Z6 [" P6 ^1 a- `6 ]( c5 m8 RB. gained
3 h" F5 a1 {+ z' a9 q5 aC. awarded3 I6 [. ]7 ~+ ?  I/ T/ L
D. claimed) V3 |" P2 K2 Y6 s7 D  y
' t' H" f( C0 U  G* O45.  I used to have a glass of milk when I was a child, but now I____ that habit
# r/ ~+ c3 e1 K0 J+ ^A. have outgrown8 F) e1 m& B, q* ^3 J% ?
B. have forgot* R4 c+ a* |& N3 d9 N, h
C. have overgrown! s- x  y' D. j. l( e
D. have left9 g/ A1 @3 M  k) }
  f2 Y  v! {: ?2 p" A46.  The Blacks have a beautiful garden. It smells ___________ roses.. [% ?1 y! n7 T2 Y6 ?* U! u) D0 X
A. of
# e2 _% C. M/ H0 A  wB. about9 H8 D6 I8 V9 H9 J8 q2 F
C. away! f; `! @/ e* V0 o9 R! d( _
D. out# d" H( Y6 B. ~  b1 h. E7 N: g$ N
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47.  He spoke so quickly that I didn’t___what he said.
, G+ }' g* [) {# y& l) lA. receive
; W: x% `7 B3 PB. accept
4 w. R) O3 W7 UC. listen! v  q" c3 T6 x4 _. L6 \9 ]* Q
D. catch
, F* ~' I- R+ Y8 n. s6 W资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
$ T" T3 L' M7 s8 c1 ?9 }. [48.  They moved to the ________ so that their children could have a backyard to play in.+ Y/ i1 s/ o# N' x
A. rural" D! A, F& Z% E6 t% u
B. range
: ?1 P; K. S3 @* z! j1 GC. colony
, {9 t+ I" ~! x. }/ C' VD. suburb
4 w+ N9 `# M( Z- w资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:( D9 G6 S$ M$ q& E9 z' p4 y; @( V
49.  We’re late. I expect the film___ by the time we get there.
/ v0 a* y1 f" f) ^1 |' T, G# cA. had already started
2 }$ h3 |1 Y- F9 j6 U4 f- t+ I* r' TB. have already started0 d+ y! y  L+ T/ e5 y  n; ~. J
C. will already have started
' f6 ~9 m  e: y( ]D. have already been started& n& y9 U' R- e8 L# [# T: S  }- L
( b+ J6 s8 N  b5 r5 U+ c4 d7 x50.  There is no easy ________ to language study.
( T4 K& \& Z/ t) f+ X5 f  FA. action
9 h9 @% H! l8 s) `. \6 G+ ^B. approach
3 ~$ z! O# N% w7 yC. manner/ s% l" R1 E5 e; |% g+ K+ J- v
D. road! D& H) J& P: R! C: ?% ^% l+ U$ d! u
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:0 ~" m( I3 c; M. w+ A  K
4 [% X: @* @& e" A
" M  C, t1 e. a% J  v: L
8 @2 n: g$ \- r+ k1 w2 @


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发表于 2015-11-25 23:36:41 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2015-11-28 13:18:28 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-30 19:54:06 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-2 20:09:37 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-4 21:10:05 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-12 22:48:31 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-17 10:19:48 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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