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发表于 2015-11-17 10:23:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

. s7 Z' H5 Q/ H  Y/ Z中国医科大学2016年1月课程考试《英语1》考查课试2 j* L% k9 R  f) m
# Q5 Q" ?6 f$ F
0 S* D9 F- m6 S/ }9 Y& S6 q  X
. q) d; P5 B6 Q& P  ]& P- d
0 Q$ g" \* T) N  @1 Q- g% u
一、单选题(共 50 道试题,共 100 分。). ]6 g7 M6 ~6 O% f% G/ B

7 F% z' [8 c3 Z  g$ `1.  The drunken driver should __________ the traffic accident.
  I' z! r/ M8 x: ~1 L. NA. be responsible on8 f6 c2 T0 _& S& z( ^8 l6 u
B. be responsible to3 r/ v' U9 i. S6 \
C. be for responsible
9 ]) \% M" ]5 R/ H" OD. be responsible for" \* O! U1 F; ~* P
1 m" _. ^. u, A* f/ \2.  I have spent all my pocket money on _________ books this year.
! Y2 w$ ]2 D( IA. worthwhile# a' l- j; V  p) I' Z  u! e
B. worth6 a5 D2 a! T+ a. O
C. worthy5 u9 ]- N" n* s; }: W  H' \) Z
D. worthless
% O5 T$ `1 q- e0 x3 ]7 g+ t资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:A! H4 j8 X/ C# `/ \
3.  Soldiers are ________ for any news from home.
" X- [/ z: {$ y% XA. friendly
: b9 ]: |+ r" Y, lB. superior
+ g9 V3 ~# p6 K0 G9 M8 mC. eager6 J( D) M4 |9 C4 ]4 I4 s7 `: G
D. patient' \# n9 \) |% {( E* r& f8 P
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:C6 i7 a7 r. T- _
4.  The foreigner _________ the moon cake and found it very delicious.0 s& d% I- d+ Y+ w6 W$ S2 L$ |' `) R/ l
A. afforded
1 p7 @# m% g  u  g, CB. laid  c3 |: k3 H. O
C. sampled% T# _# K0 y" k0 B
D. offered
! l( C% u: g) ]2 E6 X& Z资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:C1 f. l& F5 u0 ?: [; r6 p5 w
5.  I want to complain of the poor _______ of your service.
; R; t# |8 u! z5 N* T5 vA. assembly
4 ~  _4 o: c& l, k. B- KB. observation0 s  |! r9 e1 z; F6 F* s
C. experience! p7 `) N& ^: c8 d
D. quality) V1 B0 K, }0 \* k6 _( H* J
: {! T8 n) ~" Z# |6.  Sandy will ____ at the train station on saturday.
  V' [9 K; i& h- q6 M1 sA. see him off+ B4 P) p* F. |; k. D
B. see off him
, N' u) x+ b4 I1 S' F5 IC. see him of
! `3 W( S- c8 N' WD. see him away
! @4 A  d2 C3 H) [# s8 P8 D资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:+ J' ^: ~" h# e. R
7.  The ambassador’s posting has come _________; it’s Washington.
. _( K7 `7 W$ x( k6 W/ hA. out
; l% a; U  W& b) R7 a1 o# f3 b1 J, E4 FB. up. k- b+ i8 L$ h% E! _
C. through
/ w0 f- d- o& w+ z+ XD. off7 l! V/ p% S; l# ^
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:; ]" M5 i9 c( u; q2 ^5 F
8.  Pan Hong is known as a _________ actress.
6 C2 r+ a2 v" u3 ~  C0 u0 r8 JA. comic
0 p/ h) x2 B, t/ P9 W  k( B2 ~B. operatic% H2 ~% F8 c1 ]4 _
C. tragic
7 j" E3 e: g, I% [7 kD. dancing  ~5 P( W- Z. h* Z- E
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:( Q  f; [9 p* Q4 e/ o* v* H
9.  The Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Association insists ____.! v1 u; n. j" `7 O3 j( Z
A. I will be the secretary-general- L6 x6 U; z5 l. N3 d* B, v
B. me to be the secretary-general6 Y$ U! ^' {! }9 z: y
C. I be the secretary-general0 d0 h3 ]1 m6 M. z5 B" G
D. me be the secretary-general7 f; R: F; O% w8 s% R
, H5 q3 x7 y% M% X10.  His planeis due at 10. Listen,____ plane is in at____airport.
! l2 T( X- l) O" b) o+ ]) vA. a,a
2 u- f% r# q3 k9 P; T( G6 \B. the,the- S+ [. E: [0 D+ |
C. the, an
& q/ M6 ?5 ~* ~2 e6 PD. a,an# m! ?8 Q0 A' Y; e" @" {
+ b) M3 C6 U$ `$ P" d  e: `11.  His first ______ at his father’s footsteps is to hide the novel he is reading.
9 d' f1 ]! L; f7 h$ ~A. reflection/ L- J, _% n, Q* r- X
B. relation9 u/ A" Z  E: ?: p7 w
C. action4 E2 c( x" k( r& W. \. u8 T- j
D. reaction
4 E& C( r4 q8 g  s* p) E  T4 u资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
: l! J7 E5 n& d12.  As the rain was getting heavier, the tourists were forced to ____ for the hotel where they were staying.
& [5 x: p+ a- d& Y) J/ U4 MA. find out. r6 b! ]# l/ v% Q2 u: e
B. come through
, q7 V; Q( m, c# QC. set off
& U: S& J" ?8 r; sD. go over
$ x! e! s; T3 t资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:$ T) `# s' i! J8 G3 k5 b1 L) A% H
13.  Computer users needn’t understand the _________ process taking place behind
- C2 q& i% \+ ~/ h) n0 o9 JA. confused$ s' [( {7 f+ O: h9 q6 u
B. complicated, t) H6 h& i" ]" P
C. chemical
' q* L- m4 h1 K) G+ F3 w/ TD. physical  @6 C  w8 |$ P. k' D+ i6 ~- G
! c, Z' R+ |. J% F& B14.  I selected the most difficult job for myself because I find that the more a job challenges me, ____., H3 r% C8 R& e6 P  x
A. the more better I like it
  ^+ F5 Z" @9 n- N3 }+ v8 [6 L# vB. I like it the more better6 t" q: d2 q" b. S# ~* n
C. the best I like4 z* @! G$ M* Q4 ]8 d  M
D. the better I like it1 k5 G" E( t6 a
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:) r( d  d1 h+ j1 E! d
15.  Please ________ your food slowly before swallowing it.$ @- M% Z) Z" Z( [! M( {
A. sob+ T; i- g6 y; X4 r  k3 j
B. extend7 s- `, b$ N9 b2 b
C. stoop1 h6 z- i/ l+ m8 d$ D
D. chew
9 ]9 U; O' S. ?资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
/ U1 |) j- ?2 R( f  L: @8 p16.  Miss Gao, please show our American visitors ___ our campus.3 |5 `7 x0 _2 v5 W5 x
A. by
- ?, G; h) ~# I: |( \6 v* U: J7 |B. to
% U* `+ E% i0 e" \C. of
' J$ o5 u4 I  m4 x# ^D. around8 T+ Q7 A" Q# V
$ N* Q  C/ T+ d2 U' ?17.  Anyone who breaks the speed ________ and is caught by the policemen will receive a ticket.
% {# i" j" |  }4 K, u, q; m& ]7 fA. unlimited
( N. ^! A. O6 v: i$ S! p% sB. imitation4 [' O. P. v0 }: I4 ?
C. limit
0 p7 C9 [9 K! t2 LD. limited
- Q- L6 U3 p3 I5 z资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:) X; ^6 i! ~1 O
18.  Is this ____apple tree? No, ____tree is____orange tree.3 q; P1 k7 g7 `3 J
A. an,a, the
/ M: u3 q* G" D+ T" Y: w7 }B. a, the, an
+ a8 {2 P& |0 l$ gC. an, the, an% t: n0 V" N/ {9 N2 R" q. [
D. the, the, an6 r4 X# K, F. j- g1 T5 A/ `
+ @# \1 m% H/ c4 l/ C; I. C0 p19.  Constant _________ exercises lead to a long life.& n( F; i& o5 G4 R' Y+ n. I
A. physically
' @3 K0 Z# q6 h" b7 J" U. `& IB. physical0 C/ Y1 O- i9 B3 K9 g. }
C. exactly
( G3 h( t: `$ e; cD. recently
5 v  B9 W: y/ E! S/ I资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:" U5 \; K/ E9 i; V& E
20.  He has been so busy recently that he can visit me only __________.
8 n) J" r% h) T, pA. usually
% J8 B7 N% N0 E3 V) S$ WB. sometimes+ D4 t; X) g4 N" [6 {% E7 l
C. occasionally
0 @, }  L; E4 ~$ O$ I) K1 bD. frequently
3 l1 j& F* T: X/ F4 r; F资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:; S- c1 m5 w; {. Y1 J) Y& |; y
21.  The government introduced new regulations ____inflation(通货膨胀)might be brought under control.: r" x5 w4 m% \$ C8 F, ~" c
A. for
, X9 B  z# K3 Q/ N1 ]- w, eB. because7 E2 n5 O  _3 V. S
C. so that$ P" ?1 [3 D2 A, b
D. as for
! X; Y/ v- U/ Y资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
% h+ t8 ?4 Y2 |; X8 Y1 f22.  A new technique ______ , the yields as a whole increased by 20 per cent.
  k" r- N( X) Q( z. w# \/ j5 U0 YA. working out# _+ |$ c' }7 [
B. having worked out
8 U& N+ M3 ^7 c1 SC. having been worked out
' k( Q( ?5 H0 K' f+ u" pD. to have been worked out& t+ K+ L" U9 A3 W- k0 f! c
/ ^3 P0 G3 i( d23.  There ___ one girl in the classroom.& F  c+ K* u6 J4 l3 Z& y6 _
A. are0 b4 f5 c- E' d0 f3 H
B. am
# ?( e. p6 A- C/ U/ fC. were" \9 c: h' S  I- j* c
D. is# f% S) K$ y, H- l+ T
; S; `# L# \/ ]# H  I2 j9 O24.  The farmers ____ a mysterious object flying over when they made their way home.
2 a$ v; e& I) k% z5 L; }) f* SA. kept up with
+ c8 j) ~# Y; cB. caught sight of6 }1 G3 Q0 |, [0 P: p
C. made use of% d% z8 e  E; Q+ i3 ~
D. held themselves in
; |) }, m- f6 D+ s0 q4 x- G资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:* R! P) @  K) @' P
25.  With easy articles and interesting information, this newspaper is designed for ____ readers.
; A) y# B( P0 CA. normal& b6 D5 _0 M, }5 X0 B- R
B. efficient
- m) ~( v% c$ \# @1 s5 p4 VC. average$ `; C& m9 {" n! B% a
D. illiterate
. g% Q* w) L0 w' z! h! c* x资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
3 {; ^$ v( S" g0 f+ V9 w26.  ____ Tuesday evening at eight, Major Joyee will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on “My Experience in China”.
5 f, z+ m& O, |3 HA. In8 W% m, {' g3 o, X9 [
B. At
# t5 T6 R5 k* u: A/ AC. Of0 u( P; N  C  P; i/ i7 _+ H
D. On
) q# K: m; C& r4 b/ |资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
% R- n  I% O$ r8 V- W! H8 j27.  To our great disappointment, many things did not ____ quite as satisfactory as we had expected., m. T  u0 z  Y
A. set out- b/ v% f& @6 {- e4 d; D: M
B. turn out7 U7 G5 E; Y  Q- X8 i
C. come down0 W& Z. y" H3 A
D. result in9 u5 ], s& Z; I& k
& v/ ]7 w# x4 O28.  We usually have a football match ___ Sunday.8 ^/ X* _  G8 |! C$ `: X! s! O" W
A. in
" C" n$ Q$ m+ p6 o* N0 n7 i& ~B. by5 ^; f/ C. q$ i- g6 ~
C. of
! m! c' G) v2 o8 }D. on
9 J/ `. O; ]! _6 F1 y0 J资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
8 i1 Y/ `7 [$ e& T# {: V29.  The house is in good condition; it needs just a few ______ repairs.
4 G+ d! x) @; A& Y7 oA. minor/ N3 u; J, `* J1 v! i, h
B. serious4 `6 |! D, Z( s, P+ B) N2 s' [
C. major; p8 R8 f) i; U9 r& \! j
D. senior. u" X+ h3 ^2 C/ F7 @9 ~! N  w7 K; k
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:+ R" L+ I3 I, y2 ]3 K* b- f
30.  Before he spoke to the crowd, Jackson took a deep breath to ____ his excessive nervousness.* s$ e3 S1 h) _
A. Endure1 p" Y. i. u2 z7 d5 |. O, n
B. fortify: ?2 ^: n" ?; Q* h9 W' d* z( N
C. relieve
  W4 W/ j" J* h$ LD. prohibit' D: P8 k8 P2 l. U
  D% t) A$ W+ N31.  -Whose are the green clothe on the table? -They are ___# B6 a) i/ K5 @% _% P! J9 _/ O
A. me
9 Z* q6 T- n9 O* F" aB. mine, X6 N) J0 v8 E  R; M# e
C. I
# s1 T$ ^1 [5 S1 ^, w9 BD. myself
- I& a" ?3 w2 y资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:: N0 B5 ~/ {  s  n. `: j6 `
32.  It’s not surprising that as a successful businessman, my friend Martin is not ____ he was when he graduated five years ago.7 f' N& j8 E- q; X1 }
A. that
% |/ ?( R7 W: j) J3 ~% fB. what0 R1 I  U3 s) w# `5 ~
C. how$ Q7 x% Q* m. O2 B* S' u
D. why( M' M1 ~; h! b& c  ^6 T, R
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:' Y# `0 h6 ^. z9 a' f3 V- D: v4 p
33.  We regret there isn’t ____ that can be done., f, J) c7 ?# ]
A. anyone
/ w+ l$ g. s6 s/ b9 {7 N  [8 [B. anything
4 ]5 Z. F& A. T  v. m. n) ?  ?C. something3 P+ H% c. ?7 E/ j" t" Y! {
D. nothing
6 u& ?9 ]( m9 I4 D资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
# W% s4 [8 {% ~& u* [# `5 `34.  It is already twenty years ____ we ____ to know Mr. White in Paris.- o+ X  r7 F8 C2 ^: I
A. after … got7 Q; d) h9 n7 L- {- |
B. after …have got3 z, n: H: n8 ?, K; r2 f% E
C. since … got
% M0 V4 q5 P0 F3 i3 N7 ]0 e. TD. since …have got) k; a6 S& d* c2 n/ W# j4 z
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:; R3 R" W! O4 s4 I7 P' P+ a# f
35.  Which do you like ___, oranges, apples or bananas?
8 Z/ x% t$ N% T+ RA. well! P) t; `8 K% {$ |8 ]" l
B. best3 q: ~( Y! _+ ?; V4 y% k$ ?
C. better
$ ?: P0 {9 J) z$ U% aD. good4 _/ Y* t# m! l9 H
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:6 ]7 h( ^0 h+ o' q& {/ E0 E
36.  ____ that we use only 1% of our brain’s full potential.3 l3 B9 }& `! r" F; i, r9 R
A. It generally believed
; c5 Y4 E, b+ D* B! |) L% jB. It is generally believed
% o9 H" N$ m+ f" k- x7 {C. Generally believed9 g; q. |; j# q  f( ^! s, Q
D. It has generally believed
- _; f: S. d" s* G( o# H9 c# W资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:0 k6 W' v- B3 {$ U6 D- ]
37.  Man is the only animal that has the ________ to think.9 S9 a' s, E# b$ t8 G: V
A. adventure
) n4 T7 k4 o3 q- ^3 Z& \B. level
) P$ V; W7 a6 }+ t; ]$ k  dC. ability. R* s) J) ]. p* d2 n0 f
D. distraction- {/ g: [6 d0 N  j1 ^' P% d
! W: o3 c! y9 |& ?  W% ^: ^38.  I am a student. ___ name is Tom.. X  U9 C3 p6 N% E1 ]( a
A. Me
* d" D( M) s. K7 n, {7 eB. My
0 s/ p/ d8 G1 \+ [, A* i4 jC. I
4 |+ y6 M5 |( `, Z% l& YD. Myself
/ {. f' v) W7 i( a资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
- z/ }8 N! t" v39.  Johnnie’s hard work and popularity led to his rise in salary and ____ in position.
0 `0 A5 i6 H( }- L( `% n% qA. Privilege
. n7 O) X5 {. RB. promotion
: Z  n1 K# k1 B) ^" M1 [C. compliments4 N0 ^9 b; `& \7 M$ Y6 |$ r  H
D. advantage
6 i: `" D: F7 {: }' Q. d资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
! k8 R  C# Y% k( Q$ \1 S40.  The father finally _________ his son from giving up the job in the factory.& h1 \7 I. V2 v" o4 y' D# @
A. persuaded. V" {( |! \; X# c  H' e
B. attempted5 k* z7 d0 h0 Z, k/ h
C. dissuaded
7 s5 y3 x( U2 j0 l7 L% ^1 cD. frightened
( m$ ?: }5 G  {7 P* n资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
3 R8 k& ?# r$ V! P41.  I was so careless that I threw the __________ letter into the mailbox.) b# a: U0 Z6 X9 `# {
A. unprepared
! j' j# {5 O  a6 r( B4 e& ]B. unsealed0 c3 V) e  b( [; ?
C. unarmed7 @2 d) y+ H' Y) y1 w7 E
D. unpacked$ H6 g# [% ~$ F$ M* U& b( B7 j
7 L  y0 f' A) l) V* G( B42.  More and more listeners are expected to ____ the phone-in programme on the radio as various activities are being invented.
. N4 C* ~/ {3 s3 fA. take over
; G5 w- v* r  `8 D1 U# a& ]( AB. be involved in  `* o- W$ c' g; g6 u( A
C. come up with
, v1 }* F6 f: x+ _! QD. catch sight of
5 l, x! N; i" n- p1 z/ X资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:8 U: R0 ^; s9 i: A+ Y, H
43.  The foreigner _________ the moon cake and found it very delicious.' s. ~3 s( ~- e+ |5 q
A. afforded4 k# R; W4 u; O# J; m, n
B. laid" U* b: \8 r2 C: R. s- a& i' r3 ?
C. sampled
3 u! ~: h6 f9 Z) m$ z" x5 K# zD. offered, A+ U# _) ^' i) q! @
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44.  While the chairman was giving a talk at the meeting, some workers at the back paid no attention and kept ____./ }& O% m) {. r$ z: V
A. chattering
& a' z9 x7 f1 w$ i9 N( WB. enduring; W9 t5 V7 L3 ?, f$ Z4 e/ v
C. relieving# N3 {. q, M* N( X# k, Y
D. mentioning
9 b+ F0 T  d7 p! R资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:3 E( [. ]) |& ]8 P; u/ K
45.  The old lady was standing by the window ____ suddenly she caught sight of a postman riding along.6 N3 [4 L! c9 u/ L$ d$ E
A. when6 U0 e3 R9 T8 Z2 [  g7 i2 S3 y
B. while4 E' q1 H  P/ g' [
C. because
7 L. I- @2 k3 v. N5 d% y' i9 M; G" gD. so
, n2 c' S4 e4 D$ l% ]! y: m( P资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:# C. O# h+ i  F+ v% |) U
46.  She would like to have someone to
5 b& X  m& u5 N6 }A. stand
+ K+ x* ]# F' X0 zB. talk with
: C* b8 S9 P. W8 jC. talk# v% X0 ?5 T9 C! z
D. disturb' d' J- v- V. y  [% h/ n" F* N- g
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:% z" e2 g5 b/ c* Y3 _
47.  Home found himself ____ an awkward situation when he brought Mrs. Rosa Sandoval a bad telegram.  f- H7 e( S8 z1 X% f5 d
A. coming up with% W* F) L" q5 J: l/ P: y8 K
B. filled in
2 R* W0 @+ n7 z. `C. involved in
% ^7 P. q) F2 tD. bursting into
. H. ?+ F: N& O/ A' g6 s8 \资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:
: ]+ V0 R8 t; z) S& j/ _8 I1 S48.  ____ wants the book may have it./ v0 v, I3 ]" N- ?: [
A. Anybody7 H( }( P- Z0 L4 P; ~( k" I8 O
B. Who/ j9 h( W/ B! X5 H4 @2 i9 {
C. Whoever2 j* \" E# y. Z/ x, a7 p; J; I
D. Everybody0 o" m+ ?+ x9 C
- S  ^* L- G  O% @2 ~# w% @/ E49.  I like English food now. But I____it a year ago.
" B' u: u+ `. T1 f+ m( j: P+ fA. didn't liked
0 z" e5 m/ x0 v3 ]B. didn't like
1 f9 W' p7 l/ ~& k5 A2 k* I! fC. don't like
9 e9 g3 u; y+ Z2 ~( @D. doesn't like& x, i& M- V2 V
资料下载,谋学网:www.mouxue.com:+ X5 Q! a( Z. C& {+ |, ]; {
50.  Although they plant trees in this area every year, the tops of some hills are still _______.
- H' U8 ~3 @1 L6 \6 I6 f2 rA. blank
; I# w5 K% Z, I! j  W7 p  |  VB. hollow
/ T2 T: @/ j' j1 wC. vacant! a4 ~- M: c! i3 K# g' F
D. bare- b. h" c$ F; a! k0 e
, L! b7 \1 ]3 L( t, N0 c' O2 U$ j6 u* J' y/ m
0 x$ t7 d% g" g  V0 I; D: G5 q


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