一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. It hs numr of pplitions, ____________ my mntion its us in flsh lmps.
. mong whih
. whih
. n whih
. h of whih
2. us of th strik, ritish Ril hs n for to ________ ll trins to Lonon.
. nl
. non
. postpon
. rll
3. oring to th writr, popl oftn ssum iffrnt sttuss _____.
. in orr to intify thmslvs with othrs
. in orr to ttr intify othrs
. s thir mntl prosss hng
. s th sitution hngs
4. Th mmrship of th soity gn to _____________.
. rop off
. om off
. pull off
. lt off
5. I rlly pprit __________ to hlp m, ut I m sur tht I will l to mng y myslf.
. you to offr
. your offring
. tht you offr
. tht you r offring
6. .—How mny ooks o you hv? —I hv _______ ook.Tht's _______ nglish ook
. n
on n
on on
7. . Tom rri only mony to mk hng for _________ ill.
. nins-ollrs
. nins-ollr
. nin-ollrs
. nin-ollr
8. _____ for w prt th y ftr tomorrow, w shoul hv wonrful innr prty.
. H thy rriv
. Woul thy rriv
. Wr thy rriving
. Wr thy to rriv
9. Th ppr prl __________ ln shirt, soks n hnkrhif
. ompos
. ompris
. ontin
. onstitut
10. Th first, son n th thir priz wnt to Kt, o n Gorg _____________.
. iffrntly
. prtilly
. rsptivly
. qully
11. This villg ______ to th pl in whih rnst Hmingwy, on of th grtst mrin writrs, wrot this story.
. isliving
. isliv
. livs
. liv
12. —I n nvr forgt th y ___ w spnt togthr in th summr mp. —Wll, spilly th y _______it sunly gn to rin in th mil of th night.
. whn,whn
. whih,whn
. wht,tht
. onwhih,whn
13. Thy hv prou_________ grin this yr s thy i in 1997.
. twismuh
. stwimuh
. twismny
. stwimny
14. This iss is son only _______ hrt ttk s us of th ll ovr th worl.
. to
. of
. with
. from
15. —I n nvr forgt th y ___ w spnt togthr in th summr mp. —Wll, spilly th y _______it sunly gn to rin in th mil of th night.
. whn,whn
. whih,whn
. wht,tht
. onwhih,whn
16. —I n nvr forgt th y ___ w spnt togthr in th summr mp. —Wll, spilly th y _______it sunly gn to rin in th mil of th night.
. whn,whn
. whih,whn
. wht,tht
. onwhih,whn
17. .You to th mting this ftrnoon if you hv somthing importnt to o.
. nn'ttoom
. on'tnom
. on'tnoming
. nn'tom
18. Th influn of usinss in th U.S. is vin y th ft tht ___________.
. most nwspprs r run y ig usinsss
. vn rts n ntrtinmnt r rgr s usinss
. mrins of ll profssions know how to o usinss
. vn puli orgniztions onntrt on working for profits
19. It is importnt tht nough mony ______ to fun th projt.
. ollt
. must ollt
. ws ollt
. n ollt
20. You mntion ____________ him in th hospitl lst wk.
. hving sn
. hv sn
. to s
. sw