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北京大学16春 大学英语3 第4组作业资料

发表于 2016-3-10 19:46:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com):  57402


Please give Jim the schedule for tomorrow’s conference when he      back. He is to chair the conference.
A. A. will come
B. B. come
C. C. comes
D. D. came

      five minutes earlier, you would not have missed the last train for Shanghai, but you were late.
A. A. Had you come
B. B. Do you come
C. C. Did you come
D. D. Should you come

After he worked out the solution,        appeared a smile on his face.
A. A. it
B. B. here
C. C. what
D. D. there

      the former president’s supporters went out in streets to express their anger and dissatisfaction.
A. A. A small amount of
B. B. A large number of
C. C. A little bit of
D. D. A great deal of

To be honest, today’s dinner was just so-so. It wasn’t such a good one _____ promised by the boss.
A. A. that
B. B. which
C. C. as
D. D. what
6.In Britain, the best season of the year is probably ______ spring.
A. A. later
B. B. latter
C. C. last
D. D. late

If it ______ tomorrow, the basketball match has to be canceled.
A. A. rain
B. B. rains
C. C. rained
D. D. will rain

______ Pacific Ocean is _____ very large sea to the west of North and South America, and to the east of Asia and Australia.
A. A. The; a
B. A. The; a
C. B. A; the
D. B. A; the
E. C. The; the
F. C. The; the
G. D. A; a
H. D. A; a

Neither his fellow workers nor Tod himself ______ to the solution put forward by the employer
A. A. agree
B. B. agrees
C. C. agreeing
D. D. to agree

If only I ______ hard in the past few months! But I didn’t work hard enough and failed the maths examination.
A. A. work
B. B. worked
C. C. have worked
D. D. had worked

None of us knew how the change had come ______.
A. A. across
B. B. about
C. C. over
D. D. down

He decided to go for a sailing holiday       the fact that he was usually seasick (晕船).
A. A. because of
B. B. in spite of
C. C. in case of
D. D. as a result of

What you do in your spare time is your own    __ . However it should not be harmful to others.
A. A. business
B. B. purchase
C. C. bargain
D. D. sale

As a gardener, Jim has to water the flowers and      the grass in the garden every morning.
A. A. trim
B. B. improve
C. C. refine
D. D. repair

The firemen are still      the small fires started by the plane crash.
A. A. taking off
B. B. setting aside
C. C. getting along with
D. D. putting out



The sun gives off light and warmth, that makes it possible for plants to grow.
A. A. gives off
B. B. that
C. C. it
D. D. for

Now that the stress of examinations and interviews are over, we can all relax for a while.
A. A. Now that
B. B. are
C. C. all
D. D. relax

Humans, like many other animals, are warm-blooded with a fairly constantly body temperature.
A. A. Humans
B. B. like
C. C. with
D. D. fairly constantly

Unlike Jim, I go to work by foot instead of by car every morning.
A. A. Unlike Jim
B. B. to work
C. C. by foot
D. D. by car

If heating, ice will change into water or steam.
A. A. heating
B. B. will
C. C. change into
D. D. or


    The most famous collections of fairy tales (童话) are the ones by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm. The Grimms published their first fairy-tale collection in 1812. They didn’t think they were writing for children. They thought they were preserving disappearing German folk culture. Their first edition(版本) was a scholarly book that carefully recorded the oral tales. They were surprised when some of their early readers suggested that the stories might be interesting to children.

    But the Grimms needed money. They had made a bad deal with their publisher and received little payment for their first book. At one point Wilhelm complained there wasn’t a chair in his house one could sit on without worrying it would break. So he took the hint and set to work to make a book that would be suitable for children. He selected a few of the tales, made them much longer, and polished up the language. He didn’t add morals, but he did slip in character judgments and moralizing comments wherever he could.

    The Grimms’ fairy tales also have one characteristic that would seem to make them unsuitable for children. Many of them include violent incidents. In “Hansel and Gretel” an old woman is burned to death in an oven, and in “Little Red Riding Hood” a child is eaten by a wolf. When he revised the tales for children, Wilhelm Grimm retained the violence. In fact, he sometimes even ramped it up. For example, in the first edition of the tales, Cinderella forgives her sisters at the end. It’s only in the second edition, the one intended for children, that her birds peck(啄) out their eyes.

    Why, then, have the Grimms’ fairy tales become classics of children’s literature, so much so that it is hard to imagine a child who doesn’t know Cinderella’s story or Snow White’s?

    One answer is that only a few of the tales survived into modern times. The first edition of the Grimms’ fairy tales had 210 tales. By 1825 it was down to 50. And today only a dozen or so of the tales are often reprinted in children’s collections.

    But the deeper answer is that the tales that have lasted are magical adventures that help children deal with the struggles and fears of their everyday lives.

Why did Wilhelm Grimm set out to adapt his book for children?
A. A. To deal with readers' complaints.
B. B. To improve his financial situation.
C. C. At the request of his publisher.
D. D. To preserve the ancient stories in print.

When revising the fairy tales, Wilhelm did all of the following EXCEPT      .
A. A. adding character judgments
B. B. making the tales much longer
C. C. deleting the violent scenes
D. D. polishing up the language

What does the expression “ramped it up” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A. A. Started.
B. B. Allowed.
C. C. Classified.
D. D. Increased.

Which of the following statements about the Grimms’ fairy tales is TRUE according to the passage?
A. A. They were originally intended to be children’s stories.
B. B. Generally speaking, the tales that have endured can help children deal with the challenges life brings to them.
C. C. A large number of the tales made it to the modem age.
D. D. They are less violent than the children’s stories being written today.

What is the passage mainly concerned with?
A. A. History of fairy tales.
B. B. Ways to preserve the oral tradition.
C. C. The Grimms' fairy tales.
D. D. Violence in fairy tales.



For 20 months the wrecked Costa Concordia has been lying on its side near the coast of Giglio,a small Italian island. But on Tuesday, as part of the largest salvage(打捞)operation ever conducted,the large ship was finally moved to the upright position. The next step is for the vessel to be removed from the area entirely.

The Costa Concordia is twice the weight of the Titanic. The ship itself didn’t budge(稍微移动)for the first three hours of the operation, Sergio Girotto told reporters. He and other engineers worked for 19 hours before Concordia was declared completely upright.

The Costa Concordia capsized on January 13, 2012,after its captain, Francesco Schettino,brought the ship too close to the shore. The ship hit coastal rocks, which caused serious damage and allowed water to pour in. Most of the 4,200 people on board made it to land safely, but more than 30 people were killed in the disaster. Two people remain missing. The Concordia’s captain is currently on trial for causing a shipwreck and abandoning his ship.

The operation to right the ship is called parbuckling. While parbuckling is a standard operation to right capsized ships,it has never before been used on such a large ship. Workers had been waiting for favorable weather conditions to undertake the operation. On Monday,authorities gave the final go-ahead.

The process was expected to take no more than 12 hours. But problems with the large system of steel chains caused delays. Engineers worked through the night using cables and metal water tanks to roll the ship onto special platforms.

The Concordia is expected to be pulled away from Giglio in the spring of 2014 and turned into scrap metal (废金属). The ship’s owner, Costa Cruises, will pay for the recovery, which has already cost more than $800 million.

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. A. Ship Safety Management
B. B. Shipwrecks: an Environmental Threat
C. C. The Costa Concordia Disaster
D. D. The Costa Concordia Salvage

The word “capsized” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to ______
A. A. turned over
B. B. delayed
C. C. departed
D. D. set sail

According to the passage, the Concordia’s captain has been charged with causing the crash and ______.
A. A. drug use
B. B. alcohol abuse
C. C. abandoning his post
D. D. setting fire

According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. A. The Costa Concordia is three times the weight of the Titanic.
B. B. Engineers in Italy have successfully righted the wrecked Concordia after an operation that lasted around 12 hours.
C. C. The salvage operation went ahead despite bad weather conditions.
D. D. As a common means of righting wrecked ships, parbuckling had never been carried out on a vessel of the Concordia’s size.

What will happen to the Concordia eventually?
A. A. It will be pulled away to be broken up for scrap metal.
B. B. It will be repaired and put into use again.
C. C. It will be turned into a museum for tourists.
D. D. It will be sunk to the ocean floor.



   The mysterious tiger has been a symbol of power and strength for centuries. Its power is a challenge to hunters,  (1)  have tried to kill it to prove their own skill and  (2) . In India  (3)  the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, large parties of  (4)  from around the world  (5)  go out on huge tiger hunts. Hundreds’ of tigers could be killed in a few weeks. As a  (6)  of this over-hunting,  (7)  with loss of habitat (栖息地), the population of tigers in India dropped from about 40,000  (8)  the turn of the twentieth century to about 2,000 by 1972.

    With the help of India and other concerned countries, the World Wildlife Fund  (9)  Operation Tiger in 1972 to save the tiger from dying out. Since then, seventeen tiger preserves (保护区) have been set up , and the tiger population in India has risen to  (10)  4,000 and 5,000.

A. A. that
B. B. which
C. C. who
D. D. those

A. A. bravery
B. B. intention
C. C. ambition
D. D. harmony

A. A. on
B. B. throughout
C. C. with
D. D. for

A. A. statesmen
B. B. salesmen
C. C. sportsmen
D. D. chairmen

A. A. had better
B. B. would rather
C. C. ought to
D. D. used to

A. A. result
B. B. condition
C. C. lack
D. D. cause

A. A. provided
B. B. guided
C. C. perceived
D. D. combined

A. A. with
B. B. for
C. C. at
D. D. in

A. A. fastened
B. B. founded
C. C. surveyed
D. D. interfered

A. A. among
B. B. through
C. C. between
D. D. from





Most of the 4,200 people on board made it to land safely, but more than 30 people were killed in the disaster.

Polar bears have thick fur,big paws and other features that make them well prepared for life in their tough environment.



Studies of skilled language learners have identified specific listening strategies that lead to superior comprehension.

Some 35,000 youngsters participated last year; half found paid work soon after finishing the scheme.


The study was meant to examine how the brain reacts to electromagnetic fields caused by wireless phone signals.








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