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北京大学16春 大学英语3 第6组作业资料

发表于 2016-3-10 19:58:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com):  25937


We don’t need air conditioning, ______.
A. A. nor can we afford it
B. B. neither can afford it
C. C. nor we can afford it
D. D. neither we can afford it

Could you find someone ______?
A. A. for me to play tennis with
B. B. play tennis with
C. C. for me to play tennis
D. D. play tennis

“You are too self-centered. It’s high time you ______ that you are not the most important person in the world,” Edgar said to his boss angrily.
A. A. realized
B. B. have realized
C. C. realize
D. D. should realize

The government cannot operate effectively ______ it is free from such interference.
A. A. so long as
B. B. so that
C. C. unless
D. D. because

If I had remembered ______ the window, the thief would not have got in.
A. A. to close
B. B. closing
C. C. to have closed
D. D. having closed

So many people ______ the meeting had to be put off.
A. A. being absent
B. B. to be absent
C. C. were absent
D. D. had been absent
7.We often advise him not to drink more      is good for his health.
A. A. as
B. B. that
C. C. than
D. D. but

—Did Charles vote in the last election?

   —No, he wasn’t       .
A. A. enough old then
B. B. then enough old
C. C. old then enough
D. D. old enough then

By no means      look down on those who are less lucky in life than we are.
A. A. we should
B. B. should we
C. C. we should not
D. D. should we not
10.He didn’t feel like      that day so he stayed indoors reading.
A. A. working
B. B. works
C. C. to work
D. D. worked

No sooner had we started on the road      it began to rain.
A. A. when
B. B. than
C. C. then
D. D. whenever
12. The price of fish is ______ during the Spring Festival
A. A. expensive
B. B. high
C. C. valuable
D. D. dear

He offered to ______ her a hand as the bag was too heavy for her to carry.
A. A. lend
B. B. help
C. C. show
D. D. borrow

Do you mind if I ______ the mistakes in your report?
A. A. pick up
B. B. put up
C. C. call out
D. D. point out

They told me it would be cheap but _____ it cost me nearly $ 500.
A. A. in general
B. B. in a word
C. C. in detail
D. D. in fact



Putting the bottles, boxes and books back where they belong, please. Don’t leave them on the desk.
A. A. Putting
B. B. where
C. C. belong
D. D. leave

Though Jack is only 7 years old but he is clever enough to work out that puzzle difficult even for a grown-up.
A. A. 7 years old
B. B. but
C. C. enough to
D. D. difficult even for

I opened the letter and it contained an important information that told us to stay where we were.
A. A. it
B. B. an important information
C. C. that
D. D. where we were

Now that the stress of examinations and interviews are over, we can all relax for a while.
A. A. Now that
B. B. are
C. C. all
D. D. relax

The tallest of the twins went to search for the missing jewels, the picture of which you saw in today’s newspaper.
A. A. tallest
B. B. search for
C. C. the picture of
D. D. which



Would you risk your life for a country that considered you a second-class citizen? Would you join a military that asked you to risk sacrificing your life but separated you from other soldiers because of the color of your skin? That is precisely what the Tuskegee Airmen did. They were brave, intelligent, African-American men and women who fought for the United States in World War II.

In 1940, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt agreed to allow African Americans to fly airplanes in the military. Before that, African Americans could only serve in the Armed Forces as part of the ground troops. The first African American airmen reported for duty in 1941. They began their training outside of Tuskegee, Alabama. The soldiers were completely separated bv race and the two races could not communicate. About 450 African American pilots finished the training. These men were the original Tuskegee Airmen.

The Tuskegee Airmen had an amazing record. They did not lose any of the bombers they were escorting (护航) When the war was over in 1945,the Tuskegee Airmen were heroes. But when they returned to America, they were appalled to find out that they were still treated like second-class citizens. They faced the same segregation (种族隔离)and discrimination (歧视)as they had before they began their training.

Frederick Henry, one of the original Tuskegee Airmen, lives in Detroit, Michigan. Because he was from the North,he would often forget the segregation rules of the South. Once, Henry was on a bus alone with a white bus driver. Soon, after the two had talked for a while,a wave of other passengers came on the bus. A problem arose when some white passengers were still standing, which was against the rules. Henry was put off the bus, even though he was the first person to board the bus and had paid his fare.

One thing did change, however. In 1948,President Harry S. Truman signed an executive order prohibiting segregation in the military. Eventually, the Tuskegee Airmen were officially thanked for their amazing efforts in the war.

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. A. American Soldiers in World War II
B. B. American Civil Rights Movement
C. C. The Tuskegee Airmen
D. D. Racial Discrimination in the U. S.

What does the word “appalled” in the third paragraph probably mean?
A. A. Reluctant.
B. B. Pleased.
C. C. Shocked.
D. D. Relieved.

It can be inferred from the passage that Henry ___________.
A. A. refused to give up his seat to a white passenger
B. B. refused to pay his bus fare
C. C. had a fight with the bus driver
D. D. was the last person to board the bus

In __________, President Harry S. Truman ordered to end military segregation.
A. A. 1940
B. B. 1941
C. C. 1945
D. D. 1948

According to the passage, which of the following statements about the Tuskegee Airmen is TRUE?
A. A. In World War II,they never lost a bomber to enemy fire.
B. B. They were the first group of black soldiers ever trained by the ground troops.
C. C. They were not subjected to racial discrimination in the army.
D. D. They were already soldiers in the ground troops before their training at Tuskegee began.



When we’re learning a foreign language, making sense of what we hear is the first step toward fluency. It sounds obvious, but until recently, we didn’t know much about how listening works. New research demonstrates that effective listening involves more than simply hearing the words that float past our ears. Rather, it’s an active process of receiving information and making meaning. This kind of engaged listening is a skill that’s as critical for learning a range of subjects at school and work as it is for learning to understand a foreign tongue.

Studies of skilled language learners have identified specific listening strategies that lead to superior comprehension. Last year, for example, University of Ottawa researcher Larry Vandergrift published his study of 106 undergraduates who were learning French as a second language. Half of the students were taught in a conventional fashion, listening to and practicing texts spoken aloud. The other half, possessing the same initial (最初的) skill level and taught by the same teacher, were given detailed instruction on how to listen. It mined out that the second group “significantly outperformed” (胜过) the first one on a test of comprehension.

So what are these listening strategies? Skilled learners go into a listening class with a sense of what they want to get out of it. They set a goal for their listening and they generate predictions about what the speaker will say. Before the talking begins, they mentally review what they already know about the subject, and form an intention to “listen out for” what’s important or relevant. Once they begin listening, these learners maintain their focus; if their attention wanders, they bring it back to the words being spoken. They don’t allow themselves to be thrown off by confusing or unfamiliar details. Instead, they take note of what they don’t understand and make inferences about what those things might mean, based on other clues available to them: their previous knowledge of the subject, the context (语境) of the talk,, the identity of the speaker, and so on.

What is the main idea of this passage?
A. A. Effective listening means hearing the words that float past our ears.
B. B. Developing your listening skills is the first step toward developing fluency.
C. C. Skilled listeners use specific strategies to get the most out of what they hear.
D. D. Listening is one of the most powerful tools we have to gain information.

What does Vandergrift’s research show?
A. A. Learners who adopt specific listening strategies become better listeners.
B. B. Learners taught in the traditional way are better at reinforcing what they learn.
C. C. Learners are more confident if they make fewer mistakes.
D. D. Learners who listen on a regular basis improve faster.

Which of the following statements about Vandergrift’s research is TRUE?
A. A. The participants were postgraduates learning French as a second language.
B. B. All the participants were taught using the conventional method, with the focus on listening strategies.
C. C. The two groups were taught by different teachers.
D. D. The participants were at the same initial skill level.

The expression “thrown off” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to“     ”.
A. A. infected
B. B. confused
C. C. ruined
D. D. informed

According to the passage, which of the following strategies is NOT used by skilled learners?
A. A. Review their prior knowledge of the subject.
B. B. Concentrate on the speaker’s words.
C. C. Translate into their native language.
D. D. Predict what the speaker will say.



We have quite a bit of information about ancient Egyptian medicine. Doctors’ instructions have been found to tell us (1) they did for the sick and the injured. (2)  many of the treatments included magic, ancient Egyptians used plant leaves and other methods to treat many (3).

    Religion, magic and medicine were (4)  related in ancient Egypt. Some priests (牧师) were specially (5)  as doctors to (6)  the sick and the injured. Doctors were held to a high moral standard. Patients were treated with  (7)  and their  (8)  information was highly secret. The highest-ranking doctors were priests of the goddess Sekhmet (9)  controlled illnesses. Doctors spent a part of each year (10)  the goddess. Doctors were thought to be close to the gods and able to ask them for healing.

Which of the following is an appropriate title for this passage?
A. A. what
B. B. why
C. C. that
D. D. which

A. A. When
B. B. Since
C. C. Although
D. D. After

A. A. damages
B. B. diseases
C. C. disasters
D. D. destructions

A. A. hardly
B. B. closely
C. C. mainly
D. D. shortly

A. A. trained
B. B. designed
C. C. planned
D. D. studied

A. A. look to
B. B. come to
C. C. care for
D. D. search for

A. A. reputation
B. B. inspection
C. C. fame
D. D. respect

A. A. ill
B. B. own
C. C. hidden
D. D. personal

A. A. that
B. B. which
C. C. who
D. D. what

A. A. serving
B. B. reading
C. C. learning
D. D. following





Much unfriendly feeling towards computers has been based on the fear of widespread unemployment resulting from their introduction.

Although multitasking kids may be better prepared in some ways for today’s fast-paced workplace, many scientists are positively alarmed by the trend.

His hands and fingernails suggested that he hadn’t done heavy manual work in his life—he could have been a rich man.

After spending a few minutes on a crowded city street, the brain is less able to hold things in memory, and suffers from reduced self-control.

Extensive new studies suggest that the world has made extraordinary progress in reducing poverty in recent decades.








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