一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 15 道试题,共 75 分。)
1. W hv snt you( )sprt ovr two opis of our rohur.
. y
. unrWith
. in
2. s you r wll( ), I will rriving in ijing long with my prtnr, Mr.Smith, on ugust 1.
. known
. wr
. ogniznt
. pprnt
3. It is usul to( )you t sight s soon s shipmnt is m.
. rw on
. inform
. py
. ngotit pymnt with
4. W n supply th goos you rquir( ).
. just th stok
. in stok
. outof stok
. from stok
5. lthough th prviling pri is somwht highr, w will pt your orr( )s for.
. on usul trms
. on th sm trms
. on prvious trms
. on offr trms
6. I tri to kp thm, ut I oul ( )offr 2000 yun pr month.
. on ny ount
. in no tim
. in ny wy
. in no wy
7. W hv up to now tr with thm( )
. on qurtrly sttlmnt trms
. on opn ount trms
. on qurtr sttlmnt trms
. on sh trms
8. W wish to( )insurn WP on n mrin lin from Moms to Mnil plus 15% imginry profit.
. hv
. fft
. mk
. ovr
9. W r sning our ltst tlogus n pri lists y ir for th sujt goos( )w n stlish mutully nfiil usinss rltions with som prosptiv ustomrs t your n.
. in th hop tht
. in hop tht
. in th hop of
. in hop tht
10. ( )will to invoi mount togthr with fright hrgs.
. ovrg
. Insurn
. Prmium
. Rt
11. W r gl to lrn tht you r mking plns to visit hin( ).
. in nxt month
. in th nxt month
. in th following month
. nxt month
12. W fin your quottion( )n, thrfor, pl n orr with you now.
. ttrtiv
. to ttrtiv
. ttrt our ttntion
. ttrting
13. Pls kp us inform of th possiility of th xport of our prouts( )your mrkt.
. on
. into
. of
. to
14. W r quint( )our ustomrs' ns n n pl lrg orrs with you if your pri is quit in lin.
. of
. y
. with
. for
15. W n not gr with you( )th tim of shipmnt.
. s to
. s of
. s
. for
二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 5 道试题,共 25 分。)
1. s you know, this is populr rn, whih n sll sily( )our mrkt.
. t
. in
. on
2. W r( ) th puntul shipmnt of th orr goos.
. rrng
. rrnging
. rrnging for
3. ( )you otin th import lin w will onfirm your orr, if th goos r still vill.
. Whn
. ftr
. s soon s
4. ( )your rqust, w r sning you y sprt irmil two opis of our tlogu.
. In omplin with
. oring to
. s pr
5. ( )you fin our offr ptl, pls fx us for our onfirmtion.
. In s
. If
. Provi
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