一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。)
1. My intrst in stmp ollting ts ( ) my shoolys.
. on
. from
. in
. k
2. Lis h prpr rfully for hr nglish xmintion so tht sh oul sur of pssing it on hr first ( ) .
. intntion
. ttmpt
. purpos
. sir
3. W trvll ovrnight to Pris n rriv ( ) 5 o’lok ( ) th morning.
. on, in
. t, in
. t, on
. t, t
4. My grnp i ( ) .
. t th g of my 2
. for 2 yrs
. whn I ws 2
. my g ws 6
5. Not until h h finish his ( ) i h rliz tht h ws sriously ill.
. mssiv
. motiv
. mission
. motion
6. Now tht th light wnt out, h ( ) hv slpt.
. ought to
. must
. woul
. shoul
7. prson with no ( ) in lif n nvr liv hppily.
. ojtiv
. sujt
. ojt
. sujtiv
8. I ws ( ) in smll ountrysi in hin.
. rought up
. ring up
. ris up
. ris up
9. Hurry up, or th tikts ( ) out y th tim w gt thr.
. will hv sol
. will sll
. hv sol
. will hv n sol
10. Th girl ( ) ig ys is Jim’s sistr.
. with
. in
. on
. for
11. Tiyun, ( ) in th ntr of Shnxi provin is utiful ity.
. lot
. to lot
. lot
. loting
12. W nnot ( ) for long without foo n rink.
. support
. mintin
. rmin
. surviv
13. Thr is ( ) smll of smok in my room.
. vivi
. lr
. istint
. liious
14. Tony is going mping with ( ) oys.
. littl two othr
. two littl othr
. two othr littl
. littl othr two
15. Th nw lw nls mn ( ) mony from th stt if h hs no work.
. lim
. to lim
. liming
. lim
16. Th ook ws iffrnt ( ) ll th othr ooks I’v vr r.
. from
. on
. to
. mong
17. Whnvr w hv troul ( ) our stuis, our thrs hlp us ptintly.
. in
. t
. with
. for
18. Th qustion is worth ( ) gin.
. isussing
. isuss
. to isuss
. isuss
19. imon ( ) in rzil in 1971.
. is foun
. hs n foun
. ws foun
. h n foun
20. I on’t usully lik stying t ( ) hotls, ut lst summr I spnt fw ys t ( ) vry ni hotl y ( ) s.
. th,th,/
. /,,th
. th,th,th
. th,,th
21. Now mor n mor popl hv populr lif ( ) th worl is l to run out of oil.
. tht
. whih
. wht
. why
22. H ( ) vry usy this wk; h ( ) fr nxt wk.
. will ; is
. is; is
. will ; will
. is; will
23. W ( ) to pint th whol hous ut finish only th front prt tht y.
. st out
. st up
. st out
. st own
24. Th ( ) ntury is from 1901 to 2000.
. twnty’s
. twntis
. twntith
. twnty
25. Th firmn ( ) th fir in only 20 minuts.
. put out
. put off
. put up
. put own
26. Only in this wy ( ) hiv your gol without muh vinnss.
. you n
. o you
. you will
. n you
27. ftr sh ( ) hr shopping list, sh foun sh h forgottn to uy som sugr.
. hk
. xmin
. tst
. sw
28. Thy ( ) n nglish vning nxt Suny.
. r hving
. r going to hv
. will hving
. is going to hv
29. Mr. Wng is on of thos hppy popl who ( ) plsur from hlping othrs.
. riv
. u
. i
. pn
30. ( ) your pnfrin ( ) in ijing?
. o; liv
. o; livs
. os; liv
. os; livs
二、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 40 分。)
Thr r som things out myslf tht I rlly lik. First of ll, I lwys mk n ffort to o my st. I nvr giv up hlfwy without trying my st. For xmpl, I hv prti th pino for mor thn twlv yrs. n now I m lrning nglish vry y.
Sonly, I’m goo t mking popl lugh. I fl hppy whn popl smil t th thing I o. I mk frins with nyon sily n now I hv lot of frins.
Of ours, I lso hv my wk points. I somtims fl tht I’m it slfish or rlss. I wnt to ovrom ths fults n I liv this will mk mn of m n popl will lov m ttr.
1). Wht is NOT th uthor’s hrtr? _____________________ .
. lwys trying his st
. Giving up hlfwy
. ing goo t mking popl lugh
. Mking frins sily
2). H hs prti th pino for ____________ .
. lss thn twlv yrs
. twlv yrs
. lmost twlv yrs
. ovr twlv yrs
3). H is now trying to _________ vry y.
. ply th pino
. lrn nglish
. mk frins
. ovrom his fults
4). H is now trying to ovrom th fult of ______________ .
. mking popl lugh
. mking too mny frins ing
. ing slfish or rlss
. ing too prou or prtiulr
5). H fl ___________ whn popl smil t th things h os.
. hppy
. ngry
. slfish
. rlss
Womn r trril shopprs. Thy spn lot of tim shopping n thy only uy fw things. My wif is on of thm. Somtims sh shops ll y n sh osn't uy nything. Sh tris on loths ll y n thn osn't ring nything hom. This sms m.
Sh’s too fussy. Sh only liks fw olors, Hr fvorit olors r lu, grn n yllow. Sh osn't lik r n pink. Thy r too right n thy on't suit hr. n rown n gry rn't right nough. Oh, sh's fussy.
This wk, my wif ought hrslf fur ot, n ry-m suit rss, tht is to sy, ot n skirt. Sh wnts to fin silk lous to mth thm. Sh' lik to uy ht, too. In this wy, sh sys, sh will in th vry ltst fshion. It sms tht th suit sh ought thr wks go is lry out of t.
1). Womn r trril shopprs us thy ____________ .
. uy too mny things t on tim
. go shopping vry y
. o lot of shopping ut uy littl
. r littl out pris
2). Th uthor's wif is ____________ .
. m out olors
. lin to olors
. fuzzy out olors
. fon of right olors
3). Th uthor's wif ought __________ this wk.
. silk lous
. ht
. suit
. fur ot n skirt
4). Th uthor's wif lwys uys mor us ___________.
. sh is kn on th ltst fshion
. sh is fuzzy out hnging olors of hr rss
. sh lwys fins hr rss unomfortl
. sh tris to look youngr thn hr g
5). Th uthor thinks his wif is nything ut _________ shoppr.
. rzy
. fussy
. trril
. rsonl
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