一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 40 道试题,共 80 分。)
1. Wht lovly prty! It’s worth ( ) ll my lif.
. rmmring
. to rmmr
. to rmmr
. ing rmmr
2. It will vry ( ) for us to mk n ppointmnt with our frins y phon.
. onvnint
. omfortl
. sily
. iffrnt
3. Thr ( ) two owls of ri on th tl.
. is
. hv
. hs
. r
4. W sw lot of ( ) in th fils ting grss.
. ow n shp
. ows n shp
. ow n shps
. ows n shps
5. This mountin snry is ( ) of Sihun provin.
. nturl
. typil
. unusul
. tropil
6. Sh hs i to ( ) show usinss.
. quit
. rw
. giv
. tn
7. I spnt hlf n hour( ) this iffiult mth prolm.
. hving work on
. to work on
. on work
. working on
8. n you ( ) n inst hving ight ys n still hving poor ysight?
. imgin
. suppos
. think
. xpt
9. It is on of th poorst ountris in Wstrn urop ( ) nturl rsours.
. in th form of
. y mns of
. in trms of
. on th sis of
10. Th ( ) to nsur(确保) right futur for myslf push m to stuy hrr.
. risis
. i
. prssur
. thought
11. W n ( ) mtho ll p rthing to l with strss.
. mploy
. hir
. ring
. hv
12. Our ompny’s srvi is ( ) in nrly 50 ountris roun th worl.
. vill
. rful
. nturl
. rltiv
13. ( ) most popl in th offi, I on't om to work y r.
. Unlik
. Unlikly
. islik
. lik
14. It will only tk m minut to gt your shos rpir; it will ry( ).
. right wy
. y th wy
. t lst
. in tht s
15. His onstnt ( ) with his prs(同龄人) hs lft its mrk on his growth.
. onsnt
. ontrt
. ontxt
. ontt
16. If th tr flls tht wy, it will ( ) th hous.
. stroy
. hurt
. spoil
. rk
17. Sh ws for to ( ) rly from thing us of illnss.
. rlx
. rliv
. rtrt
. rtir
18. Profssors shoul ( ) rpting in lturs mtril tht is in th txtook.
. voi
. prvnt
. rfus
. rfut
19. Thy( )tht th Sin Musum kpt opn uring th vtion.
. urg
. si
. spok
. tlk
20. It is thr's jo to ( ) tht ll his stunts shoul fl onfint in prpring himslf for th futur.
. sur
. sur thing
. mk sur
. for sur
21. Th workrs’ slris ( ) nxt month.
. will ris
. will rising
. will ris
. will ris
22. Th jo is too ( )for m to o.
. mning
. orring
. gging
. rqusting
23. vn th top stunts in our lss n't work out this prolm, so it ( ) vry iffiult.
. my
. must
. n
. n
24. Th strts in th ity r lwys full of( ).
. trffi
. trnsporttion
. movmnt
. jm
25. John n Mry rriv, th ( ) wring r wool rss.
. lttr
. othr
. ltr
. on
26. My fmily wr vry ( ) throughout th ivor(离婚).
. support
. supportr
. supporting
. supportiv
27. H in’t wnt to om ( ) of his fmily.
. wight
. lo
. strss
. urn
28. Th ft womn, who wnts to gt slim, hs to ( ) hrslf to two mls y.
. mk
. prvnt
. kp
. rstrit
29. H is trying to ( ) th fmily's xpnss.
. ru
. rls
. rlx
. rliv
30. o you liv tht on-thir of ll rsums(简历) ( ) fls informtion?
. mk
. ontin
. gt
. sn
31. I o not know muh out ( ) history of ( ) Jpn.
. th,/
. th,th
. /,th
. th,
32. On forml ( ), popl py mor ttntion to mnnrs.
. situtions
. ss
. onitions
. osions
33. Th mothr ws fill with ( ) out hr son’s hlth.
. isppointmnt
. nxity
. fright
. grnss
34. W shoul follow n ( ) lif styl now tht w r oth out of work.
. onomi
. onomil
. onomis
. onomy
35. It ws unfortunt(不幸的) tht my r ( ) on my wy to th ompny.
. rok own
. rok in
. rok out
. rok up
36. Sh thought sh h foun th ( ) pl to liv.
. ttr
. prft
. wll
. nir
37. on’t ( ) suh littl girl o wht sh n’t o.
. for
. olig
. orr
. mk
38. Th hilrn wr xit ( ) opning thir prsnts.
. for
. out
. in
. to
39. Sh ws ( ) with hr slry.
. isstisfy
. isstisfying
. isstisfi
. stisfying
40. Look! It is th vry ook ( ) you r looking for vrywhr.
. whih
. tht
. wht
. this
二、阅读理解(共 1 道试题,共 20 分。)
irtions:Thr r fiv qustions in this pssg. You r rquir to omplt h qustion y hoosing th pproprit nswr from th 4 hois mrk ), ), ) n ).此篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从、、、四个选项中,选出最佳资料选项。
John ws tn yrs ol n ws vry lzy oy. H h to go to shool of ours, ut h ws or thr n tri to o s littl work s possil. His fthr n mothr wr oth otors. Thy hop tht thir son woul om otor, too, whn h grw up. ut on y John si to his mothr, “Whn I finish shool, I wnt to om ustmn.”
“ ustmn?” his mothr sk. Sh ws vry surpris. “Tht’s not plsnt jo. Why o you wnt to ustmn?”
“us thn I’ only hv to work on y wk,” John nswr.
“Only on y wk?” his mothr si. “Wht o you mn?”
“Wll,” John nswr, “I know tht th ons who m to our hous just work on Wnsy, us I s thm only on tht y.”
1). John ________ t shool.
. in’t o ny work
i muh work
. i vry littl work
tri to finish his work
2). John’s prnts wnt him to om ________.
. otor
. ustmn
. thr
. workr
3). John hop to om ustmn us ________.
h knw it ws n importnt n nssry jo
h thought h woul work only on y wk
his prnts wnt him to o th jo
h oftn sw som ustmn oming to his hous
4). ______ it ws plsnt to ustmn.
. John’s mothr in’t think
John thought
. John’s prnts oth thought
John in’t think
5). John thought tht th ustmn only work on y wk us _________.
it ws rul
his prnts tol him so
th ustmn wr fr most ys of th wk
h sw thm work in his hous only on Wnsy
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