一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. She never lost her _________ for tehing.
. enthusism
. enthusisti
. engine
. theme
2. --- Thnk you ever so muh for the ook you gve me. ---_________.
. No thnks
. I’m gl you like it
. Yes, it is goo
. No, it’s not so goo
3. The onvit ws _______ from prison fter serving his sentene.
. refuse
. riven
. relese
. relieve
4. The _____ of yourself tht you see in the mirror is proue y the refletion of light.
. look
. figure
. imge
. pperne
5. Not only ________intereste in footll ut________ eginning to show n interest in it.
. the teher himself is…ll his stuents re
. the teher himself is…re ll his stuents
. is the teher himself…re ll his stuents
. is the teher himself…ll his stuents re
6. There is little sense in eing ______ the hil. fter ll, he is too young to know tht he ws oing wrong.
. fe with
. hr on
. thought of s
. ext in
7. rsti mesures were opte to ______ government spening.
. lighten
. reue
. overome
. ontrt
8. on't ______ the poor hil. It isn't ll his fult. nywy, he is only seven.
. enoune
. rek
. sol
. sru
9. It ws ten yers ____ he returne to his hometown n set out to revenge his e fther.
. sine
. tht
. efore
. when
10. I wish tht the trin __ soon.
. stoppe
. will stop
. woul stop
. h stoppe
11. We must show respet for the lol ____________________ of the vrious ntionlities.
. ustoms
. hits
. hoies
. moels
12. s the lous rifte wy the sun ______
. turne on
. survive
. me forth
. emerge
13. This new lue _______ the poliemen n they were more onfuse y the murer.
. puzzle
. surprise
. trppe
. isourge
14. s result of mking notorious rie, he hs_______ the right to e the presient of the union.
. exhuste
. forfeite
. reinfore
. punture
15. Mrs.Green is out. I hve to _____her y.
. look roun
. look up
. look fter
. look for
16. If I ____you, I woul go y plne. Flying is muh fster.
. e
. ws
. were
. m
17. There must e some gret ntionl elertion in town, ______ the firework isply everywhere.
. looking t
. fining out
. thinking of
. juging y
18. The ol mn looke s if he ___ ill for long time.
. ws
. were
. hs een
. h een.
19. ____ for my illness,I woul hve lent him helping hn.
. Not eing
. Without eing
. H it not een
. Not hving een
20. The ol wether ______ the plnting y two weeks.
. set k
. set forth
. stuk up
. stuk to
21. The polie thretene tht they woul tke tion if the meeting i not _____ immeitely.
. rek own
. rek out
. rek up
. rek in
22. This new lue _______ the poliemen n they were more onfuse y the murer.
. puzzle
. surprise
. trppe
. isourge
23. She tlke to him for long time n ________ him from oing tht ngerous jo.
. persue
. issue
. overme
. onquere
24. If you h not gone out lst night, _______.
. you woul meet Mr Yng lrey
. you won’t hve met Mr. Yng
. you will hve met Mr. Yng
. you woul hve met Mr. Yng
25. --- Oh er! I’ve just roken winow. --- __________! It n’t e helpe.
. Gret
. Never min
. Tht’s fine
. Not t ll
一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。)
1. The money in itself______ us; wht relly ounts is your frienship.
. oesn't mtter
. mens nothing to
. oesn't ount
. oesn't supply
2. I woul hve tol him the nswer h it een possile,ut I_____ so usy then.
. h een
. were
. ws
. woul e
3. He seems ______ ny persusion for he never hnges his min one he hs me eision.
. responsive to
. inepenent from
. immune to
. lert to
4. fter stopping for few minutes, the us move _________ to its next stop.
. forwr
. off
. with
. on
5. lthough mny young people re_________ on going ro, he prefers to sty n work in his own ountry.
. rzy
. keen
. m
. eger
6. Who is it ________ is witing outsie the room?
. who
. whom
. whih
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