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北外16春 综合英语(2) 作业01(第1-4单元)

发表于 2016-4-22 18:40:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
综合英语(2) >> 综合英语(2) 作业01(第1-4单元)

综合英语(2) 作业01(第1-4单元)

The total marks for this assignment are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this assignment is 1 hour (60 minutes). PLEASE WRITE ALL YOUR ANSWERS ON THE BLANK SPACE PROVIDED.


Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences in English, using your own words for the underlined parts. Make sure your sentences are complete.

The Stunt Committee has the final say as to whether one is accepted as a stuntperson or not.

Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences in English, using your own words for the underlined parts. Make sure your sentences are complete.

It pays to refresh your memory.

Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences in English, using your own words for the underlined parts. Make sure your sentences are complete.

When you are through with the book, you throw it away.

Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences in English, using your own words for the underlined parts. Make sure your sentences are complete.

The theory was quickly rejected, because the dolphins’ skins were not marked by fishing nets in any way.

Instructions: Write a brief summary (in around 100 words) of the following passage the use of computers in education .

Many have referred to computers in education as new tools for teachers. It is obvious that this is true, but is there more? Do computers and technology provide a method of learning that has never existed before? Does technology bring information together in a new way and does technology create experiences that until now have only existed in our imagination? Some researchers in education have made it clear that one type of media is not automatically better than another type. Richard E. Clark has consistently remarked in various articles that the teaching strategies that teachers use are much more important than the type of media used. This approach considers new technologies to be like any other types of technology. The chalkboard at one time in history must have seemed like an amazing new technology. White marker boards are replacing the green and black boards. Computer projectors are becoming more common in classrooms and may some day replace marker boards. The plasma(等离子) display screen is on the horizon. On the surface these tools could be considered comparable, but as we add a computer to a display device, things begin to change. Computers and technology can bring multiple forms of media into the classroom at the same time. This is new. In science, teachers can talk about genetics, show a three-dimensional moving image of DNA, play a short video clip from Barbara McClintock (a famous geneticist), show complex biological processes that relate to genetics, and take a virtual tour of museum exhibits that contain information about genetics. Students are using technology to create their own professional displays and to conduct research and assemble information in new and exciting ways. Students are collaborating with people from cultures that they are studying and interacting with scientists, researchers, and authors over the Internet. This situation has not been possible until now. New tools and ways of teaching our profession are being created constantly now. As educators we need to stay on top of the technology and utilize it in such a way as to give our students the best education we can give them as we begin the new millennium in this global community.

Instructions: Translate the following sentences into English by using the phrases or words given in the parentheses.


Instructions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

You can only start a business if you get a license.

Instructions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

Try to infer the meaning of the new word from the way it is used.

Instructions: Translate the following sentences into English by using the phrases or words given in the parentheses.

先把钥匙插进锁孔,然后按顺时针旋转。(insert, clockwise)
Marking Criteria
answer sheet
说明:在作业提交时间截止日期前,作业可以多次提交,但只保留最后一次提交的作业为正式作业,请下载answer sheet将作业答在答题纸上再上传。

友情链接 北外网院 成功英语 剑桥证书 青少英语 留学预科 北外网课

北京外国语大学网络教育学院 北外在线(北京)教育科技有限公司


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发表于 2016-4-22 18:50:30 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-4-22 18:50:30 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-4-23 20:42:31 | 显示全部楼层
德赛克菲儿 发表于 2016-4-22 18:50


使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-5-8 17:25:01 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-5-8 17:25:58 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-5-13 21:36:01 | 显示全部楼层

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