一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. The terms of I reits re tritionlly me only to .
. evelope ountries
. eveloping ountries
. government
. non-governmentl orgniztions
2. oth IR n IMF re institutions uner___ n oth re hequrtere t Wshington .
. the Unite Ntions
. the Unite Sttes
. the Gret ritin
. the Worl nk
3. hin eme forml memer of the Worl Tre Orgniztion on .
. Nov. 11, 2001
. e. 11, 2001
. Ot. 11, 2001
. Nov. 12, 2001
4. ___memer sttes of the Unite Ntions n of its speilize genies re memers of the onferene.
. Some
. Two-thirs
. One-thir
. ll
5. Memership in the is prerequisite for memership in the Interntionl Finne orportion.
. Interntionl nk for Reonstrution n evelopment
. Interntionl evelopment ssoition
. Multilterl Investment Gurntee geny
. Interntionl Monetry Fun
6. Initilly, GTT onsiste of only ___ si prts.
. one
. two
. three
. four
7. ___ws estlishe in 1960 to provie ssistne for the sme purposes s the IR, ut primrily in the poorer eveloping ountries n on terms tht it woul er less hevily on their lne of pyments thn woul IR lons.
. The Interntionl evelopment ssoition
. The Interntionl Finne orportion (IF)
. The Multilterl Investment Gurntee geny (MIG)
. The Worl nk
8. The hequrters of the Interntionl Monetry Fun is in .
. New York
. Genev
. Wshiongton
. Lusnne
9. The Interntionl nk for Reonstrution n evelopment lons generlly hve gre perio of five yers n re repyle over fifteen to yers.
. 20
. 25
. 30
. 35
10. The new interntionl eonomi orer woul give more onsiertion to the interests of .
. the evelope ountries
. the less-evelope ountries
. the WTO
. the Unite Ntions
二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)
1. The funs use y I omes mostly in the form of susriptions, generl replenishment from more inustrilize memers.
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2. The Worl nk n the Interntionl Monetry Fun re institutions uner the Unite Ntions.
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3. WTO n GTT re totlly the sme exept for their nmes.
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4. ll memer sttes of the Unite Ntions re memers of the UNT.
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5. fter fifteen long yers of hr negotitions, hin eme forml memer of the Worl Tre Orgniztion on e. 11, 2002.
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6. Foreign iret investment is the mjor form of interntionl investment, wherey resients of one ountry quire ssets in foreign ountry for the purpose of ontrolling n mnging them.
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7. The Generlize System of Preferenes (GSP) is ment to ssist eveloping ountries in their eonomi evelopment efforts.
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8. The Interntionl evelopment ssoition provie ssisstne primrily in the evelope ountries.
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9. Purhsing existing filities is often lle “the green fiel strtegy”.
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10. Operting iretly ro enhnes the invisiility of firm's prouts, mking lol ustomers feel more ssure out the things they uy.
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11. Uner the Generlize System of Preferenes, eveloping ountries hve to reiprote fvorle tretment to the evelope ountries.
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12. The oposit pi y eh memer ountry to the Interntionl Monetry Fun reflets the importne of its politis.
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13. The Interntionl Monetry Fun ws rete in eemer 1945 to oversee the funtioning of the interntionl monetry system.
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14. The Unite Ntions onferene on Tre n evelopment serves s permnent orgn of the Generl ssemly.
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15. MIG enourges equity investment n other iret investment flows to eveloping ountries through the mitigtion of nonommeril investment rriers.
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