一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)
1. The letter of reit is until eemer 16th.
. fvourle
. invli
. vli
. unfvourle
2. The retton Woos onferene estlishe ___se gol stnr.
. ritish poun
. Euro
. RM
. US ollr
3. In the se of iret quote, the first figure fter the fixe mount of foreign urreny is .
. the uying rte
. the selling rte
. the meil rte
. the trnstion rte
4. is usully use to move goos of low-vlue, n in lrge quntity.
. Ril trnsporttion
. Pipeline trnsporttion
. Wter trnsporttion
. ir trnsporttion
5. ___hols tht person nnot e llowe to insure twie for the sme risk, n lim ompenstion from oth insurers.
. Surogtion
. Inemnity
. Utmost goo fith
. ontriution
6. When infltion intensifies, the vlue of the urreny will reltive to foreign urrenies.
. rop
. go up
. sty the sme
. either or
7. If person insures twie for the sme risk n lims ompenstion from oth insurers, it woul e ginst the priniple of .
. Insurle interest
. Utmost goo fith
. ontriution
. Surogtion
8. ___hols tht ontrt of insurne is one whih restores person who suffere loss into the sme position s he ws in efore the loss ourre.
. Inemnity
. Insurle interest
. Utmost goo fith
. ontriution
9. If you sy tht rte ontins opper when in ft it ontins pltinum, it woul e ginst the priniple of .
. Insurle interest
. Utmost goo fith
. Inemnnity
. ontriution n surogtion
10. Generlly speking, is the most importnt ftor in eiing the tren of exhnge rte.
. interest rte
. infltion
. interntionl lne of pyment
. enomi influene
11. Uner the new fixe exhnge rte system, eh prtiipnt ountry promise to mintin the pr vlue of its urreny, llowing flutution of only perent.
. 4
. 3
. 2
. 1
12. ___is efine s the eonomi movement of ommoities n prouts n the effet of suh movement on the evelopment n vnement of usiness.
. Freight trnsporttion
. Moern trnsporttion
. nient trnsporttion
. Wter trnsporttion
13. The ifferene etween the uying rte n the selling rte vries from one per mil to per mil.
. 4
. 5
. 6
. 7
14. The proximte use is the___ use of the loss.
. iniret
. iret
. ifferent
. inifferent
15. y pying premium into n insurne pool, the___erns the right to lim ompenstion from the pool shoul he suffer loss.
. ssurer
. ssure
. loser
. winner
二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. Trnsporttion insurne oesn't onform to ertin si priniples.
. 错误
. 正确
2. The ommeril invoie is the generl esription of the qulity n quntity of the goos n the unit n totl prie.
. 错误
. 正确
3. n iniret exhnge rte is the prie of foreign urreny in terms of the home urreny.
. 错误
. 正确
4. onfirme reit is le to provie the gretest egree of seurity, ut lso involves itionl ost.
. 错误
. 正确
5. n on or ill of ling inites tht the shipment hs een tully loe on the rrying vessel oun for the port of estintion.
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6. Insurne is personl evie in whih group of iniviuls trnsfer risk n provies for pyment of losses from funs ontriute y ll memers who trnsferre risk.
. 错误
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7. Tre woul ese if there ws no metho of insurne ville.
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8. reit n e trnsferre more thn one.
. 错误
. 正确
9. The letter of reit is le to provie solute seurity for the ontrting prties.
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. 正确
10. ontrt rriers re privtely or pulily owne ompnies ommitte to performing movement servie of the sme qulity for ll shippers on n equl sis n without isrimintion.
. 错误
. 正确