一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)
1. The revision of Inoterms in ws the esire to pt terms to the inresing use of the eletroni t interhnge.
. 1976
. 1980
. 1990
. 2000
2. So fr s___interest is onerne, /P t sight is more fvorle thn /P fter sight, n /P is more fvorle thn /.
. the exporter's
. the importer's
. the onsumer's
. the government's
3. n exhnge of frozen lm from New Zeln for Irn rue oil is .
. rter
. ounter purhse
. uyk
. ompenstion
4. The iret exhnge of goos n servies in short perio of time is referre to s .
. uyk
. ounter purhse
. rter
. ompenstion tre
5. The prty whose performne is ffete y the fore mjeure event shll notify the other prty within ys of its ourrene.
. 5
. 10
. 15
. 20
6. If Volkswgen sol 5000 rs to ountry n gree to purhse goos from list set up y the importer over perio of time up to the vlue of the rs, it is .
. rter
. ounter purhse
. uyk
. ompenstion
7. The exporter in whose fvor the letter of reit is opene is lle .
. pplint
. opener
. enefiiry
. prinipl
8. The opertion of the letter of reit strts with the ___.
. exporter
. importer
. onsumer
. poliymker
9. If reit is onfirme y nk other thn the issuing nk, it eomes ___ reit.
. onfirme
. oumentry
. len
. usne
10. Tre terms in the 2000 revision of Inoterms hve een groupe in silly ifferent tegories.
. 3
. 4
. 5
. 6
11. When the ontrt is me y the seller, it is lle ____.
. sles ontrt
. purhse ontrt
. the premle of the ontrt
. the ontrt proper
12. If n exporter sens goos ro n only gets pyment until the goos re sol, ut retins title or ownership to the goos, it is .
. sh in vne
. prtil sh in vne
. open ount tre
. onsignment trnstion
13. If the offeree fins prt of the offer uneptle, he my ome up with his own proposl for further isussion whih onstitutes (n) .
. enquiry
. quottion
. firm offer
. ounter-offer
14. If the importer fins ny prolem with the goos, he hs to ontt or tke legl tion ginst .
. the issuing nk
. the onfirmtion nk
. the vising nk
. the exporter
15. In the se of , ouments re hne over to the importer upon his eptne of the ill of exhnge rwn y the exporter.
. /
. /P t sight
. /P fter sight
. sight rft
二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. revole reit, lso referre to s term reit or time reit, is one y whih pyment nnot e me until speifi te or speifi time fter te or fter sight.
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. 正确
2. In the se of ouments ginst pyment (/P), ouments will e relese to the importer until pyment is effete.
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3. ounter tre represents n extreme form of unling, n money s unit of ount is totlly ypsse.
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4. ounter tre my help those ntions with serious et prolem to ontinue to import goos while oneling export ernings from reitors.
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5. In mny ounter tre els, only frtion of the initil purhse is pi for in goos n servies.
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6. There hve een gret hnges in Inoterms 2000 to tke ount of hnges in trnsporttion tehniques.
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7. ounter tre is peulir form of trnstion llegely populr in less evelope ountries n in entrlly plnne eonomies.
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8. sight rft lls for immeite pyment on presenttion to the rwee.
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9. rft is lso referre to s ill of exhnge.
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10. The lssifition of len reit n oumentry reit is se on the ertinty of the ommitment to py on the prt of the pplint n the issuing nk.
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. 正确