一、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 15 道试题,共 60 分。)
1. The most powerful institution of the EU is___.
. the ounil of Ministers
. the presient
. the House of Lors
. the House of ommons
2. In , the prent ompny elegtes suffiient power to eh susiiry to mnge the proution n mrketing in the host ountry.
. multi-omesti orportion
. the glol orportion
. the trnsntionl orportion
. worl ompnies
3. PE hs ___-lyer orgnistionl struture.
. five
. four
. three
. six
4. In interntionl investment, the foreign ountry where the investor opertes is lle .
. the home ountry
. the host ountry
. the investing ountry
. the pitl ountry
5. The views the worl mrket s n integrte whole n onentrtes power n responsiilities t the hequrters.
. multi-omesti orportion
. the glol orportion
. the trnsntionl orportion
. worl ompnies
6. In ssessing the potentil of ountry s mrket, people often look t ___
. per pit inome
. FI
. GP
7. The trnsntionl orportion is____in n interepenent network of ffilites.
. entrlize
. eentrlize
. integrte
. instrumentl
8. Whih of the following is NOT true out the Europen Union?
. It eliminte the ost of ross-orer trnstions.
. It relize etter eonomies of sle.
. It me the Europen ompnies more effiient.
. It relize politil union in Europe.
9. ___is tx levie on ommoity when it rosses the ounry of ustoms re whih usully oinies with the re of ountry.
. triff
. fine
. hrge
. surhrge
10. In the ifferent forms of regionl eonomi integrtion, opts the sme tre poliy for ll the memers towrs ountries outsie the orgniztion.
. Free Tre re
. ustoms Union
. ommon Mrket
. the enomi union
11. Whih of the following is NOT true out n interntionl turnkey projet?
. The firm unertkes ll the esigning, ontrting n fility equipping.
. Suh projets re often lrge n omplex.
. Suh projets often tke long perio to omplete.
. The firm mkes profit from operting the projet for perio.
12. ppers issue y government or firm with promise to py k the money together with the interest re .
. stoks
. ertifites of eposit
. fun
. ons
13. The highest form of eonomi integrtion is lle____.
. Tri
. PE
. the eonomi union
14. Triffs levie on goos entering n re re .
. ustoms
. import uties
. export uties
. quots
15. The term ___ refers to uties pi on importe goos tht re refune if the goos re re-exporte.
. most-fvore-ntion (MFN) tretment
. vlorem
. rwk
. foreign exhnge ernings
二、资料来源(谋学网www.mouxue.com)(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。)
1. hinese government n n o wiel power over MNs lote within its territories.
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2. When it is enomilly vntgeous, omplete speiliztion my our.
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3. If the MN is the originl investing orportion,it is known s the prent MN.
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4. Resoure trnsfer etween prent n ffilite or etween ffilites of the sme enterprise shoul not e tegorize into interntionl trnsfer.
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5. The loosest form of regionl eonomi integrtion is the free tre re.
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6. y ssigning proution quots mong memers, OPE limits the overll rue oil supply for the purpose of mintining higher oil prie.
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7. The usiness etween Hong Kong n Tiwn n e regre s import n export.
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8. The use of liensing is prtiulry enourge in ountries with wek intelletul property protetion.
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9. In omprison with the reltion etween the lienser n the liensee, the frnhiser hs less ontrol over the frnhisee.
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10. The host governments n impose rules, regultions, n lws on the MNs, ut nnot ntionlize ll their ssets.
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